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May 9, 2007
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A high Iranian politician believes the Syrian revolution could be the catalyst for sparking a worldwide conflagration that will usher in an era of Muslim domination of the world.

“One can smell from the crisis in Syria the coming … of the end of times and the coming of the last Islamic messiah,” said Ruhollah Hosseinian, a member of the Islamic regime’s parliament. Previously he was deputy of the Intelligence Ministry and a member of board of trustees of Islamic Revolution Document Center.

Shiites, whose clerics rule Iran with an iron fist, believe that at the end of times, the 12th Imam, Mahdi, a 9th century prophet, will reappear with Jesus Christ at his side, kill all the infidels and raise the flag of Islam in all four corners of the world. Many analysts believe Iran is seeking nuclear capability to bring on that Armageddon.

Based on hadiths by Muhammad and his descendants, the Syrian revolution is a start to the coming of Mahdi, Hosseinian said in a speech quoted Thursday by Fars News Agency, a media outlet run by the Revolutionary Guards.

“Imam Sadegh (the Shiites’ 4th Imam) has stated, when the masters of the yellow flag (Lebanese Hezbollah) engage in a conflict with anti-Shiite elements in Damascus and Iranian forces join them, this is a sign and a prelude to the coming of his highness (Mahdi),” Hosseinian said. “We see that (now) the masters of the yellow flag are engaged with anti-Shiite groups in Damascus. Perhaps this is the event that promises the coming and that we must prepare ourselves.”

Hadiths from Ali, the Shiites’ 1st imam, also state that a sign of the coming will be the fall of the walls of Damascus. A tight-knit coalition of Syrian loyalists, Hezbollah fighters and Iranian forces is fighting against a loose coalition of Syrian rebels and al-Qaida fighters. The anti-Assad forces have brought their fight to inside Damascus.

Hosseinian told the audience that they should prepare themselves for war.

“The coming of his highness is assured … the prophet has promised that people from the east, which according to the hadith means Iran, take power and prepare for the government of Imam Mahdi.”

Become a part of the investigative reporting team uncovering the truths about Iran, and get author Reza Kahlili’s “A Time to Betray” about his life as a double agent inside Iran’s Revolutionary Guards.

Hosseinian said that because of the belief in Mahdi, many Christians have converted to Shiism, “including a French philosopher who converted to Shiism and wrote … that because of the Shiites’ belief in Mahdi and that a human being will appear to establish justice in the world … this was the reason ‘for me’ to become a Shiite.”

WND reported on June 23 that the Islamic regime’s newly elected president, Hassan Rohani, attributed his victory in the June 15 voting to the 12th Imam, showing the deep belief of regime officials of the coming of Mahdi.

“This victory and the epic saga are without a doubt due to the special kindness of the Imam Zaman (Mahdi) and the measures taken by the supreme leader (Ayatollah Ali Khamenei), especially his guidance and words. … Without his management, then it was not clear if the people of Iran would witness such a day filled with joy,” Rohani said.

Ayatollah Movahedi Kermani, in his Friday prayer speech last week congratulating Rohani for his election, said that, “Before the reappearance of Imam Zaman (Mahdi), the struggle will reach its peak … in that fight there won’t even be mercy on the womb in the mother’s belly.”

He urged Muslims to prepare the grounds for the coming of Mahdi.

Recently Gen. Hassan Firouzabadi, the Iranian military chief of staff, criticized President Obama’s decision to provide weapons to rebel factions in Syria and warned, “Obama has made his most dangerous blunder today as president of the U.S. when, with the deceit of the Israelis, he issued an order of sending weapons for terrorists in Syria. Today the shipment of arms to the Syrian terrorists won’t solve anything as the Syrian nation with its national army will force the Israeli mercenaries to retreat and escape.”

As WND reported exclusively last year, a joint war room was created among Iran, Hezbollah and Syria to defeat the opposition in Syria and respond to any possible attack by U.S. or NATO forces with a directive for an immediate response to fire a barrage of missiles from the three allies not only toward Israel but also at American assets in the region.

The British paper The Independent reported on June 16 that Iran has decided to send 4,000 troops from its Revolutionary Guards forces to Syria to assure President Bashar Assad’s survival.

Reza Kahlili translated this Iranian video about Islamic prophecies of a coming messiah and the destruction of Israel and America:

Iran: Syrian crisis prelude to coming of Mahdi
Reza Kahlili ?? really? you couldn't find a better source?

He is always writing crazy conspiracy stories , about 99% of stuff his written turned out to be false.

He makes millions of dollars writing this nonsense, books, articles, and makes regular appearances on Christian shows and Fox news!
Cool story bro :omghaha:

Ram Singh worshippers shouldn't really take part in religious discussions.

Why do I think when Dajjal comes, we might find the House of Saud AND the Iranian Government on its side?
Reza Kahlili ?? really? you couldn't find a better source?

Makes no difference, all of them are loons.

Ram Singh worshippers shouldn't really take part in religious discussions.

Why do I think when Dajjal comes, we might find the House of Saud AND the Iranian Government on its side?

Well, I remember that the sign of the coming of Al-Mahadi in Shia Islam is the same as the Sunnis's anti-Christ, I swear that I'm to lying = /.
"Reza Kahlili," self-proclaimed ex-CIA spy, makes new Iran claims

Reza Kahlili, a self-proclaimed former CIA "double agent" inside Iran's Revolutionary Guards, appeared in disguise at a Washington think tank Friday claiming that Iran has developed weapons-grade uranium and missiles ready to carry nuclear warheads.

The pseudonymous Kahlili, whose previous accounts have been greeted with widespread skepticism, also said Iran was planning nuclear suicide bombings with "a thousand suitcase bombs spread around Europe and the U.S.":omghaha:

"This is a messianic regime. There should be no doubt they're going to commit the most horrendous suicide bombing in human history," Kahlili said. "They will attack Israel, European capitals and the Persian Gulf region at the same time, then they will hide in a bunker [until a religious prophecy is fulfilled]... and kill the rest of the nonbelievers."

Kahlili was showcased Friday by the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, a Washington think tank founded by a former senior official of the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee.:omghaha:

He appeared wearing dark glasses, a surgical mask and a San Francisco Giants baseball cap, and spoke through a voice altering apparatus. Bodyguards stood nearby.

"Yes my appearance was as such for security purposes," Kahlili told SpyTalk over the weekend, "to protect my family both here and back in Iran and more so to protect the one individual whom I recruited, who may be still working inside."

The Washington Institute posted an audio recording of his appearance.

"From my sources," Kahlili told his audience Friday, "I have heard Iran has successfully enriched uranium over the 90-percent threshold, and that was even before they announced the 20-percent experiment. And that they have missiles that they have not publicly shown, because that would verify their intention of carrying out [sic] nuclear warheads."

Kahlili said he passed along that and other information to the CIA, which he suggested was suppressing his report on uranium enrichment.

"The last information I passed on from my sources within the Guards in Iran was several months ago about another possible nuclear site. I passed that information to the CIA for verification," he said.

But he also criticized the CIA for allegedly rejecting his proposal that it "should help Iranians free themselves of this evil regime."

"I wish my CIA handler were here today so I could ask him, 'How is that working out for you?'" he said.

Several current and former U.S. intelligence officials in the audience "rolled their eyes" at Kahlili's claims, said one observer who was present.

Some in attendance compared Kahlili with Ahmed Chalabi, the former Iraqi exile who helped convince the George W. Bush administration that Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. After the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, the claims were proved false.

CIA spokesman Paul Gimigliano, who was not present, challenged the some of Kahlili's implications.

"As our government as a whole has made clear, Iran's nuclear program is a high-priority security issue. It would be wrong for anyone to suggest that the United States doesn't recognize that."

A U.S. counter-proliferation official, who would discuss the highly sensitive issue only on condition of anonymity, dismissed Kahlili's uranium claims.

"We've had real successes in acquiring some of the Iranian government's most tightly held secrets, including discovery of its concealed enrichment facility near Qom," the official said. "But things like 90-percent enrichment just don't tally out."

Kahlili was also questioned skeptically about his claim that he was welcomed into the Revolutionary Guards' intelligence section despite his involvement in "the freedom movement."

Kahlili said that came later. He grew up in a prosperous Tehran family. In the early 1970s, his father sent him to the University of Southern California and bought him a red Ford Mustang.

When he returned home after the overthrow of the shah in 1979, he was initially enthusiastic about the revolution, he said. But he soon became disenchanted. Instead of endangering his family by quitting, he reached out to the CIA and worked as a "double agent" inside the organization.

"Three former CIA officers who ran Iranian operations in the '80s and should have been knowledgeable said they had never heard of such a significant penetration of the Guard during this period," The Washington Post's veteran spy-watcher, David Ignatius, said in a review of Kahlili's memoir, A TIME TO BETRAY: The Astonishing Double Life of a CIA Agent Inside the Revolutionary Guards of Iran.

"A current U.S. government official, however, did vouch for Kahlili's role as a spy," Ignatius added.

"I can't confirm every jot and title in the book," the official told Ignatius, "but he did have a relationship with U.S. intelligence."

"I can say without any doubt that Mr. Kahlili's relationship to the U.S. intelligence community is legitimate," his lawyer Mark Zaid said. "His book was cleared."

SpyTalk - "Reza Kahlili," self-proclaimed ex-CIA spy, makes new Iran claims
Reza Kahlili ?? really? you couldn't find a better source?

He is always writing crazy conspiracy stories , about 99% of stuff his written turned out to be false.

He makes millions of dollars writing this nonsense, books, articles, and makes regular appearance on Christian shows and Fox news!

I can get you many videos that prove that Shia clerics believe that they must win in Syria, so Al-Mahdi shows up, this is one:

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Well, I remember that the sign of the coming of Al-Mahadi in Shia Islam is the same as the Sunnis's anti-Christ, I swear that I'm to lying = /.

Well, it's probably Google-able

From Shia Chat:-

1.The dark of night will not be deemed necessary for the commitment of sins.
2.Extravagant mansions will be constructed.
3.Singers will be considered respectable.
4.War shall be prevalent .
5.Gambling will be prevalent.

6.People will fear living in their own houses.
7.Dajjal shall come and shall have one eye
8.Land shall be turned into deserts
9.Earthquakes and Volcano's and other natural disasters shall be common.
10.Good deeds will be few and far between.

11.False guides will mislead the multitudes.
12.Posts will be many, but practical teachers a few.
13.Mosques will be decorated profusely but urge towards adoration will be absent.
14.The rate of accidental deaths will be on the rise.
15.The rich will become godless and the devout will become sinful.

16.Leaders of opinion will be corrupt and overbearing.
17.False witnesses will be accepted and true ones rejected
18.The Quran will be considered as an old ancient book
19.A person spending money on sinful purposes will not be criticised.
20.People will thrust their personal opinions in the religion.

21.Usury (Interest) will be considered lawful.
22.The virtuous will be despised for their faith in God.
23.Human beings will be followers of selfish desires.
24.Pride will be taken for oppressive tendencies.
25.Good people will observe silence due to fear of wicked persons foul speech.

26.Tale bearing and backbiting will be considered as good and will be prevalent.
27.A wealthy person will command more respect then a pious person.
28.Children will curse their parents and will pray for their early death.
29.Payments will be taken for rendering religious services in Mosques.
30.There will be two eclipses in the Month of Ramadhan.

31.Recitaton of the Holy Quran will be considered as a burden
32.Homosexuality will be prevalent
33.The land will crumble and sink thrice in the East, the west and Arabian peninsula

Lols at 31 :lol: :lol:

I think the Arabs will get why I'm lol'ing at 31, considering what they say about the Quran

I can get you many videos that prove SUNNI clerics believe that they must win in Syria, so they can establish the Caliphate.
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This thread.:omghaha:

Expected when looking at the source of that lunacy.
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