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Iran Successfully Tests Simorgh SLV

Takhte Jamshid isn't going to stop the world from uniting against us. NK at least has China, we have no major power allies.
The world won't unit against us more than this .... if we stay strong , the world has to accept us ... nuclear Iran will crush current World Order ....
you are paralyzed from fear ...
the west is not God ....

and what the new news about JCPOA !?

شما از ترس مردن دارید خودکشی می کنید
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Every single fucking thing even the launch of Simorgh is political for some people.

for the sake of FVCK give it a break!!! no one gives a shit about your whining and bitching all day

I voted for raeesi and i'm damn proud of it but this behavior by some people is pathetic. we lost! its over!! f-ing get over it

they launch missiles they're bad, they don't launch missiles they're bad. damned if you do, damned if you don't.

WTF guys.
Iran ‘successfully tests’ long-delayed space rocket (VIDEO)
Published time: 27 Jul, 2017 17:32
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FILE PHOTO © Kirill Kudryavtsev / Reuters
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Simorgh’s maiden flight was initially scheduled for the same year, but the project was plagued by years of delays. On Thursday, Iranian media reported that the space rocket had been successfully tested for the first time.

“The Imam Khomeini Space Centre was officially opened with the successful test of the Simorgh (Phoenix) space launch vehicle,” state television said. “The Simorgh can place a satellite weighing up to 250kg (550lbs) in an orbit of 500km (310 miles).”

State television showed footage of the launch from the site decorated with pictures of the late Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and his successor as Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
“The Imam Khomeini Space Centre ... is a large complex that includes all stages of the preparation, launch, control and guidance of satellites,” state television added.

The launch didn’t come as a surprise. Fox News on Wednesday cited US officials as saying that Iran was preparing to test-fire its new space rocket.

The launch is not believed to be the maiden flight for Simorgh. The rocket was first tested in April 2016, Russian and US officials reported at the time. The test last year apparently ended in failure, since Iran never officially announced it.

The Iranian space program is viewed with concern by some observers. While Simorgh is designated as a satellite launch vehicle, the technology is close to what is used by missiles carrying military payloads, so critics of Iran say it is merely trying to obtain longer-range ballistic missiles, potentially capable of delivering a nuclear warhead.

Iran denies it has any intention of creating a nuclear weapon, and says it is in compliance with the terms of an international deal which put restrictions on its nuclear program to ensure that it remains civilian.

Glad to see its finally been launched and certainly not before time too.Let us hope that this is just the first of a regular cycle of launches and not just a politically motivated one-off as god knows iran has plenty of satellites that are just gathering dust waiting on the ground.So a good first start and,fingers crossed,let us hope it continues this way.:yahoo:
Glad to see its finally been launched and certainly not before time too.Let us hope that this is just the first of a regular cycle of launches and not just a politically motivated one-off as god knows iran has plenty of satellites that are just gathering dust waiting on the ground.So a good first start and,fingers crossed,let us hope it continues this way.:yahoo:

Iran will be the leader in the Middle East in no time.
Not good news, if true. US sources claim the launch was a failure.

the launch was 2nd experimental lunch of 3 planed experimental lunch before Simorgh being ready for real missions ...

without experimental test lunch , no one can make real SLV...
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