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Iran Successfully Tests Simorgh SLV

It's just trial and error if they wanted, they can build it in under 2 years all they really have to do is build something double the size of the Sejil-2's 1st stage booster in width & length! Then they just have to make the outer body structure hard enough so it doesn't blow up!

It seems like Iran made a mistake! Iran should have never restricted it's self to 2000km Iran should have continued it's missile program built a large solid fuel booster for an ICBM & an SLV capable of launching communication sat's to GEO orbit & then worked a deal with the west that prohibits Iran from building ICBM's for military use but allows it to keep it's civilian space program & conventional IRBM!

The west refused to accept enrichment in Iran until we built 19,000 centrifuge & clearly they will refuse to accept Iran's Civilian Space Program until we build them an ICBM!
We can develop ICBMs at current time but you know that it will have consequences.
I hope you know that there is nothing remaining from our nuclear program. It's almost gone and we are stopped on 3 percent purity. If they start negotiating on our missile program, we will become an other Libya!!!
West is west, they have proven their hostility, how many times of getting stabbed we need to understand their enmity?
Bud, there's nothing to negotiate with backstabbers. If we send Zarif for further negotiations, they will put a bigger hat on his head. Zarif cannot understand the difference between "Lifting sanctions" and "removing sanctions". These guys are leading us towards a complete disaster !!!
ICBM is becoming archaic technology at this point, the only real viable deterrent ones are ones like Russia's Satan missile which can take out an area the size of France or submarine based that give a country 2nd strike capability.

The future lies in hypersonic glide missiles that can bypass current defense systems.
We can develop ICBMs at current time but you know that it will have consequences.
I hope you know that there is nothing remaining from our nuclear program. It's almost gone and we are stopped on 3 percent purity. If they start negotiating on our missile program, we will become an other Libya!!!
West is west, they have proven their hostility, how many times of getting stabbed we need to understand their enmity?
Bud, there's nothing to negotiate with backstabbers. If we send Zarif for further negotiations, they will put a bigger hat on his head. Zarif cannot understand the difference between "Lifting sanctions" and "removing sanctions". These guys are leading us towards a complete disaster !!!

We don't currently need more than 3% purity for our current facilities! Also, Iran hasn't stopped R&D on Centrifuges and if the parts of new Iranian IR-8 & IR-6's are 100% Iranian then no one can control or really monitor how many centrifuges Iran builds! And for all we know Iran has readied it's self to install over 50,000 IR-6 & IR-8 in a very short timespan and test a nuke in under a year if need be!

And so far the negotiations have come out in Iran's favor! And internationally Iran holds the upper hand while during that moron "Ahmadinajead" even China & Russia were putting sanctions on Iran!

Zarif did his job perfectly! And as long as China & Russia don't start sanctioning Iran we will be just fine! EU has more to lose by sanctioning Iran especially the French, Germans & Italians so the U.S. can throw a fit all it wants the negotiations were never meant to turn U.S. into an Iranian ally! And if tensions have increased recently then that's directly because of Trump & not because of something Iran did and the whole world see that!

And as far as I'm concerned the weapons embargos have worked in Iran's favor as long as Iran increases it's defense spending on domestically produced weapons we will be better off in the long run if we don't buy their weapons!

As for our space program Iran needs to ask China or Russia to send an advanced Iranian communication sat into GEO orbit & if they refuse we will kindly inform them that we will be forced to do it ourselves as we did with our enrichment program

And Iran's current economic problems has more to do with Oil prices & Iran's lack of Tourism and the lack of Tourism has to do with Iran's own behavior! Iran's Hijab Policy and other religious policies that have destroyed Iran's Tourism industry!
Iran has clear blue water beaches, nice mountains for ski resorts & historic sites but Iran's ridicules religious enforcements prevents Iran from taking advantage of them which means instead of new jobs and cities being built around those sites everyone wants to move to the capital Tehran!
And rich Iranian now take their vacations with their dollars in Turkey where they can relax by the beach, have a drink & enjoy the night life that means more Dollars go out than come in!

And the Tourism industry & business directly & indirectly effected by it makes Tourism the biggest industry in the world and Iran will never have a stable economy until they stop banning themselves from that industry

سلام میگم میشه ماهواره رو جایگزین اواکس کرد؟

NOPE! You need both to be used for different purposes
In the JCPOA Iran gave up next to nothing. However it got almost everything it wanted......lol

Now if this weren't the case we wouldn't hear these Zionist bitch and moan day and night.

I bet Khamenei and others share belly laughs together.....lol

Well played Iran........
We can develop ICBMs at current time but you know that it will have consequences.
I hope you know that there is nothing remaining from our nuclear program. It's almost gone and we are stopped on 3 percent purity. If they start negotiating on our missile program, we will become an other Libya!!!
West is west, they have proven their hostility, how many times of getting stabbed we need to understand their enmity?
Bud, there's nothing to negotiate with backstabbers. If we send Zarif for further negotiations, they will put a bigger hat on his head. Zarif cannot understand the difference between "Lifting sanctions" and "removing sanctions". These guys are leading us towards a complete disaster !!!
We should write your words with gold.
ICBM is becoming archaic technology at this point, the only real viable deterrent ones are ones like Russia's Satan missile which can take out an area the size of France or submarine based that give a country 2nd strike capability.

The future lies in hypersonic glide missiles that can bypass current defense systems.

FYI Manned fighter jets will be archaic long before ICBM will ever be!
And usually if your capable enough to build an ICBM then you are fully capable of putting a bunch of decoys on them
From what I've seen THAAD systems have only had a really good success rate against fixed trajectory liquid fueled MRBM

And all it's tests have been in controlled environments with one or two missiles fired! And that's just not a realistic scenario in war time! Unless your at war with Yemen!
Have you even heard of U.S. conducting a THAAD missile test where over 1000 MRBM are fired at a country or test where 50 PBV equipped MRBM are fired at a single Air Base half liquid fuel & half solid with each missile equipped with at least 1 decoy?

Controlled tests with 1 or 2 missiles fired mean absolutely nothing!
so what was Tehrani Moghaddam´s lat project, youtube video is in persi, can someone please translate, thanks

Not sure about the first part but the second part of video is 5 years old according to newscaster.

5 years delay to launch this rocket thanks to Rouhani.

Rouhani gave the best ever gift to Yankees, suadis and israelis.
And all it's tests have been in controlled environments with one or two missiles fired! And that's just not a realistic scenario in war time! Unless your at war with Yemen!
Have you even heard of U.S. conducting a THAAD missile test where over 1000 MRBM are fired at a country or test where 50 PBV equipped MRBM are fired at a single Air Base half liquid fuel & half solid with each missile equipped with at least 1 decoy?

Controlled tests with 1 or 2 missiles fired mean absolutely nothing!

You been watching too many Hollywood movies.

Iran won't develop nuclear weapons because it would cause its entire missile fleet to become instantly nuclear capable thus not able to be used in traditional combat.

In the fog of war if Iran even fire a single wave of 25-50 MRBM and it was a nuclear capable country there would be no way for the adversary to know if they are conventional or nuclear warheads. Iran would face its own wave of nuclear tipped ICBM's coming right toward it.

Thus Iran with its 1970's airforce is not going to risk losing its most precious offensive capability. Iran would need to modernize its military to the point it would no longer need a large ballistic missile arsenal to provide both defensive and offensive firepower.

So again, why should Iran invest in ICBM when hypersonic glide technology is what the main miltiary powers are working on?
You been watching too many Hollywood movies.

Iran won't develop nuclear weapons because it would cause its entire missile fleet to become instantly nuclear capable thus not able to be used in traditional combat.

In the fog of war if Iran even fire a single wave of 25-50 MRBM and it was a nuclear capable country there would be no way for the adversary to know if they are conventional or nuclear warheads. Iran would face its own wave of nuclear tipped ICBM's coming right toward it.

Thus Iran with its 1970's airforce is not going to risk losing its most precious offensive capability. Iran would need to modernize its military to the point it would no longer need a large ballistic missile arsenal to provide both defensive and offensive firepower.

So again, why should Iran invest in ICBM when hypersonic glide technology is what the main miltiary powers are working on?

1st I didn't say Iran had any plans to develop a nuclear warhead not now or in the future! I was talking about Iran's Centrifuges and Iran's capability to build a nuke within a year "IF NEED BE"

2ndy The notion that Iran would only fire 25-50MRBM if attacked is delusional!
Iran currently has ~47 KNOWN "LARGE" Ballistic Missile bases equipped with MRBM! That's more Missile Bases than major Air Force Bases

And yes Iran has a 70's era Air Force but where do you think the money that would normally go towards acquiring a new fleet is going?

In their last purchase it cost Saudi Arabia a total average of over $230 Million USD to purchase a single F-15 (That money includes the Aircraft, Limited weapons, Spare Parts, Some add-on's, Pilot Gear, Training Equipment & 2 Years of U.S. Maintenance)
Now do think that Aircraft would be able to take out 230 targets in it's entire lifespan? And that doesn't include fuel costs, additional support aircraft required, Air Base costs & upkeep, years of pilot training before they can fly an F-15 or 230 weapons per aircraft or the costs to maintaining the aircraft beyond the 1st 2 years!

So for the cost of a single F-15 at a Saudi Airbase Iran can drop 230 $1 Million USD missiles or 115 $2million USD missiles (Depending on the distance) on that Air Base! And that's how Iran plans on using it's Missiles!

So 25-50 missiles is not only wishful thinking but it's delusional

And it doesn't much matter what type of Missiles Iran tests U.S. cried bloody murder when Iran tested it's Zolfaghar missile (700km), they cried bloody murder when Iran tested it's Emad Missiles (1,650km) & they cried Bloody murder when Iran tested it's Simorgh SLV (350kg payload) that could potentially in the future have a max payload of 500kg with over 20 engines & thrusters which clearly means it's not feasible for military use!

The U.S. refused to accept enrichment in Iran until Iran built 19,000 centrifuges & my point was that they will not accept Iran's Ballistic Missile program(Under 3000km for military use) & Space Program until Iran builds an ICBM and then Iran can give the U.S. the carrot of stopping it's ICBM program if the U.S. accepts Iran's Space Program & regular Ballistic Missile Program!
A former NASA astronaut has described Iran’s most recent satellite-carrying rocket launch as a significant technological achievement.

Leroy Chiao, former NASA Astronaut and International Space Station Commander, characterized Tehran’s latest move on July 27, as a proof of Iran’s possession of sophisticated technology, which may be used either for civilian or military purposes.
"Rocket and missile capability is significant for any country. The ability to launch satellites into Earth’s orbit means that a country has attained sophisticated rockets that would be capable of being used as a weapon, as well. This is why such an achievement would be an important development," Leroy Chiao told Trend.
میدونم مقصود اولیه از اینا متفاوت بوده
منظورم این بود که با پیشرفت علم بتونیم از ماهواره ها هم مقصودی که از اواکس نیاز داریم بگیریم
مثلا شاید خنده دار باشه اما بسیاری از ایده های علمی اولش خنده داربودن مثلا دوربین هایی که بسیار سریع عکس یا فیلم بگیرن ویه خط داده بسیار پرسرعت بین بخش زمینی و فضایی برقرار باشه و بخش زمینی پردازش اصلی رو انجام بده و مطلع کنه که چیزی داره نزدیک میشه
چرا میگم بخش زمینی پردازش کنه چون مقیاس سنجش خیلی بزرگ میشه و مثلا باید به صورت مقایسه و حرکت جسمی بسنجه که هزاران چشم براش نیازه و مطمئنا نیاز پردازشی گسترده ای نیاز داره

The point of having AWACS is to have an Air born systems that's not at a fixed location whether that fix location is in space at a fixed orbit or on the ground!
And yes Iran needs to add Space based sensors but they can not replace AWACS systems especially against countries capable of taking out sat's
Iran would have to station it's AWACS systems in central Iran so they would have at least 30 min time to scramble their most valuable air assets before cruise missiles come in!
doesn Iran not have bigger SLV´s?
why they dod not put a sattelite on it?
iranian satellites rust in laboratories...

It seems that no english language forum has mentioned the launch of the Tolou-1 satellite!


Tue Aug 01, 2017 11:24

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan stressed that the new home-made space rocket called Simorq (Phonix) was successfully launched, dismissing western media claims about its failure.

In its first mission, the base on Thursday successfully launched a space rocket called Simorq, carrying the imaging satellite Tolou into space.

Simorq is capable of placing a satellite weighing up to 250 kg in an orbit 500 kilometers above earth.


No confirmation of any object placed into orbit this time, but this should indicate that the next Safir-2 in an orbital launch attempt will carry the said Tolou-1 satellite.



Feb 02, 2015

Tolou and AUT Sat will be sent into space onboard the Simorq satellite carrier


October, 07, 2015

Iran plans to send its first domestically-made remote-sensing satellite “Tolou 1 (Rise 1)” into orbit in the first half of the next Iranian calendar year, which will begin on March 20, 2016, the head of Iran’s National Space Center announced.

“The satellite has an imaging capability with an accuracy range of 25 square meters at a distance of 500 kilometers from the Earth,” Manteqi added.


25 August 2015

Tolou (Sunrise) weighting about 100 kg with a life span of over one and a half year, soon to be launched to a 500 km orbit


▲ Model of Tolou-1 satellite



▲ Model of Tolou-1 satellite

Toloo Earth Observation Satellite

It is the first of a new generation of reconnaissance satellites being built by Iran Electronics Industries (IEI) with SIGINT capabilities. The satellite weighing 100kg is hexagonal in shape with a 86 cm base and a 100 cm height. Its imagery products will be used for synoptic land mapping, monitoring of water bodies and environmental disasters, agricultural areas and forests, urban distribution, and cloud coverage. Toloo is the first domestic remote sensing microsatellite planned to acquire images of the Earth with a resolution of 50m.

Type / Application      Earth Observation
Orbit                   500 Km
Weight                  100 Kg
Life Time               1.5 Years
Launch Vehicle          Simorgh

It seems that no english language forum has mentioned the launch of the Tolou-1 satellite!


Tue Aug 01, 2017 11:24

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan stressed that the new home-made space rocket called Simorq (Phonix) was successfully launched, dismissing western media claims about its failure.

In its first mission, the base on Thursday successfully launched a space rocket called Simorq, carrying the imaging satellite Tolou into space.

Simorq is capable of placing a satellite weighing up to 250 kg in an orbit 500 kilometers above earth.


No confirmation of any object placed into orbit this time, but this should indicate that the next Safir-2 in an orbital launch attempt will carry the said Tolou-1 satellite.



Feb 02, 2015

Tolou and AUT Sat will be sent into space onboard the Simorq satellite carrier


October, 07, 2015

Iran plans to send its first domestically-made remote-sensing satellite “Tolou 1 (Rise 1)” into orbit in the first half of the next Iranian calendar year, which will begin on March 20, 2016, the head of Iran’s National Space Center announced.

“The satellite has an imaging capability with an accuracy range of 25 square meters at a distance of 500 kilometers from the Earth,” Manteqi added.


25 August 2015

Tolou (Sunrise) weighting about 100 kg with a life span of over one and a half year, soon to be launched to a 500 km orbit


▲ Model of Tolou-1 satellite



▲ Model of Tolou-1 satellite

Toloo Earth Observation Satellite

It is the first of a new generation of reconnaissance satellites being built by Iran Electronics Industries (IEI) with SIGINT capabilities. The satellite weighing 100kg is hexagonal in shape with a 86 cm base and a 100 cm height. Its imagery products will be used for synoptic land mapping, monitoring of water bodies and environmental disasters, agricultural areas and forests, urban distribution, and cloud coverage. Toloo is the first domestic remote sensing microsatellite planned to acquire images of the Earth with a resolution of 50m.

Type / Application      Earth Observation
Orbit                   500 Km
Weight                  100 Kg
Life Time               1.5 Years
Launch Vehicle          Simorgh



It is confirmed, the Tolou-1 satellite failed to reach the 7,000 m/s orbital insertion velocity threshold, therefore sharing the fate of the North Korean Kwangmyongsong-1 satellite, that burned into the atmosphere due to a breakup of the Paektusan-1 carrier rocket's third stage, back in 31st August 1998.


▲ "The Tolo satellite launch failed in the presence of the president in Semnan".

According to the U.N.'s I.T.U. data base of "Bringing into use of satellite network frequency assignments", the Tolu-1 satellite was still listed back in 2015, but removed in the most recent update of 09.01.2019.


▲ Tolu-1 satellite still present in the I.T.U. data base back in 2015.


▲ Tolu-1 satellite no longer listed in the U.N.'s I.T.U. latest database update of 09.01.2019.




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