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Iran Successfully Tests Simorgh SLV

This one was the most interesting between the commentators:
الدول الاسلاميه
اها يالاسلاميه

ترى المجوس الروافض الاثني عشرية اتباع ولاية الفقيه كفار مشركين ومن شك في كفرهم وهو يعرف دينهم فقد كفر

هذا مايثبته القران والسنه بفهم السلف الصالح

ببساطه انت كمسلم ان كنت تشك فقط شك انهم غير مشركين الافضل لك لاتتعب نفسك وتصلي وتصوم

ليس هناك عدو اخطر على المسلمين مثل العدو الرافضي المجوسي

من قتل ملايين المسلمين في عراقنا وشامنا والبحرين واليمن
اليس هذا العدو المجوسي ضراب المتعه

لاتقول ان اللي قتلهم اليهود

خطر اليهود علينا مقارنة بخطر المجوس لايكاد يرى بالعين المجرده

ولن اطمئن على مستقبل الاسلام والعرب ومستقبل بلادنا السعودية ومستقبل ابنائي واحفادي حتى ارى في يوم من الايام ان شاء الله دولة المجوس المسماه ايران ممزقه ان شاء الله

والامل في الله ثم في نسل الفهود ولي عهدنا الامير محمد بن سلمان ال سعود حفظه الله

تكفى يا ابو سلمان قود المرزماتي
عيني حربها النوم عيت لاتباتي

He is saying that Shia Rafidis are worse than Zionists. That's exactly what Americans are trying to make Muslims believe. In the end of his words, he praises the butcher of Syrians, Iraqis and Yemenis.
How delusional !!!?
@Malik Alashter Bro, a must read, written by a Saudi.

However they had good/logical comments too. The one i provided, is their current strategy under Bin Salman.
These animals are hilarious I was against using violence but after I read what they think I think they deserve death and destruction

Used Google translate !

Level of stupidity is unbelievable ...

The more I hear of Qaem, the less it makes sense... 3.5 metre diameter (@SOHEIL ) and 20 metre height just for a first stage. 4 stages total. All solid fuel. Solid fuel is hard and for SLVs, you really want the control of liquid fuel. And it won't be man rated. I can tell he is not telling the truth when he talks about satellites to 1000 km orbit. Not with a 4 stage launcher. You should get much more than that.

It just doesn't seem like an SLV. It's an ICBM through and through. What Iran wants that for... I cannot know.


Looks like it gone bad at the end. Or, am I missing anything?

Vernier steering !


2016 :


@2800 @yavar @AmirPatriot
Shahid Tehrani's colleague describes their final Qaem SLV project which was a 4 stage missile that completely uses solid fuel in all stages. It will be a monster, it's first stage part had 20 meters length. A real solid fueled beast :)
OK,that is my video you posted so nothing new

Iran last project martyr Tehrani Moghaddam آخرین پروژه شهید تهرانی مقدم

Looks like it gone bad at the end. Or, am I missing anything?
his answer if some one translate


اظهارات غربی‌ها در خصوص ناموفق بودن پرتاب ماهواره‌بر سیمرغ اظهار داشت: ما توقع نداریم که آنها و به خصوص آمریکایی‌ها این پرتاب را موفق اعلام کنند اما آنچه مسلم است این پروژه و این عملیات موفقیت‌آمیز بود و ما به اهداف مورد نظر خود رسییدیم.
Yes it dated back to ancient Iranian mythology and literature and also there is another Simurgh described in Iranian literature/mysticism ... ancient one is one wise bird which also mentioned in Shahnameh ..

View attachment 414404 View attachment 414405

Iran Simurgh SLV is named after this bird.

The second Simurgh that comes from our mysticism and postdated the first one is from Speech of the Birds of Attar of Nishapuri and is symbol of "right" like the first one .. here Simurgh ain't one bird .. Simurgh as a word has a prefix and suffix : Si+Murgh .. Si means 30 in Farsi and Murgh is equal with bird which means 30 birds ... on other hand in Iran mysticism "bird" is considered and associated with "Self" and "Body" with "cage" ... which this bird(human\self) must break the cage (body) to get free and fly ...
In this story all birds gathered to find a king whom all must follow and submit they asked Hodhod (hoopoe) (wise bird in Iranian literature) and he guided them that there is a king by the name of Simurgh (king of all birds) (symbol of "right") who lives in Qaf mountain (Alborz mountain) so all birds decide to start this journey to find Simurgh , Hodhod (hoopoe) takes lead ..

View attachment 414408

They should pass 7 wadi\valley in order to get Simurgh:

1. Valley of the Quest, where the Wayfarer begins by casting aside all dogma, belief, and unbelief.
2. Valley of Love, where reason is abandoned for the sake of love.
3. Valley of Knowledge, where worldly knowledge becomes utterly useless.
4. Valley of Detachment, where all desires and attachments to the world are given up. Here, what is assumed to be “reality” vanishes.
5. Valley of Unity, where the Wayfarer realizes that everything is connected and that the Beloved is beyond everything, including harmony, multiplicity, and eternity.
6. Valley of Wonderment, where, entranced by the beauty of the Beloved, the Wayfarer becomes perplexed and, steeped in awe, finds that he or she has never known or understood anything.
7. Valley of Poverty and Annihilation, where the self disappears into the universe and the Wayfarer becomes timeless, existing in both the past and the future.​

In such a long and tough journey many birds get tired and wouldn't continue and return but despite the problems 30 birds continue the journey and finally get to the Simurgh place ... but finally they realized that Simurgh is actually themselves 30 birds\Simurgh which turned to Simurgh ..

View attachment 414407
Congratulations to the Iranian brothers on the satellite launch!
The above post is a marvellous representation of how at one point, Sanskirt and Avestan had a common origin.
The future belongs to Asia!
Since a long time ago, punk!
Did your mommy take away your pacifier again? Next time just stay out of an adult conversation if you can't act like one. You paid IRI agents are so foul-mouthed imbeciles.

@2800 @yavar @AmirPatriot
Shahid Tehrani's colleague describes their final Qaem SLV project which was a 4 stage missile that completely uses solid fuel in all stages. It will be a monster, it's first stage part had 20 meters length. A real solid fueled beast :)

It's just trial and error if they wanted, they can build it in under 2 years all they really have to do is build something double the size of the Sejil-2's 1st stage booster in width & length! Then they just have to make the outer body structure hard enough so it doesn't blow up!

It seems like Iran made a mistake! Iran should have never restricted it's self to 2000km Iran should have continued it's missile program built a large solid fuel booster for an ICBM & an SLV capable of launching communication sat's to GEO orbit & then worked a deal with the west that prohibits Iran from building ICBM's for military use but allows it to keep it's civilian space program & conventional IRBM!

The west refused to accept enrichment in Iran until we built 19,000 centrifuge & clearly they will refuse to accept Iran's Civilian Space Program until we build them an ICBM!
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