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Iran Successfully Tests Simorgh SLV


Is there any similarity between the first stages of Simorgh and Hwasong-14?


HS-14 :

Is there any similarity between the first stages of Simorgh and Hwasong-14?
No,the hwasong 14 uses a single engine of around 75-80 tonnes of thrust,the simorgh uses an engine block that combines four engines for around 120 tonnes of thrust.There is a little bit of similarity between the simorgh and the dprks unha slv in that they both use the same 4 engine approach,even using the same engines in fact,tho the execution is a little different in that the simorgh uses an extra turbopump to run the vernier engines which necessitates moving the engines further apart compared to the unha,you can see this in these 3d models of both vehicles


If you`re interested then check out this site,it has 3d interactives on the dprks missiles right up to the hwasong 12
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I wish Iran would develop such a missile and a few nukes. destroy NYC,LA,DC,Chicago,Boston,Philadelphia. god willing we'd hit you back 100x over.
maybe we should just preempt? take out Iran and North Korea today. both seem to have a death wish.
You can't because it would turn earth to wasteland ... but if we have nuke , you can't put your options to that IMAGINARY table
Those are delusions in your head created by years of U.S. propaganda! The only thing the N.Koreans have done in the past 60 years is reject U.S. hegemony over their country! Now U.S. is turning simple competition between regional nations by pouring fuel & lighting a match to turn it into a FIRE! And the country that has Nuked Japan is the U.S. not North Korea!

U.S. complains about the oppressed N.Korean people but the only people that are truly oppressing them is the U.S. with it's Sanctions!

same with Iran!

Iran hasn't started a war & invaded another country in over 250 years!!!!!
Iran is a member of the NPT, CWC & BWC & allows full access to the IAEA in all it's Nuclear Facilities!
Iran is probably the only nation in the region that not only has a democratic process but also allows minorities whether they be religious or ethnic minorities to have their own members in Iran's parliament whos vote is not different than any other parliamentarian!

Women in Iran vote, can run for office, are CEO's of multibillion dollar companies, are inventors, scientists, lawyers,... to even Taxi Drivers! While U.S. ally Saudi Arabia doesn't even allow women in it's country a simple freedom to DRIVE!

Today Saudi Arabia a US ally is attacking it's neighbor Yemen one of the poorest countries in the world & now they are creating hunger & famine in Yemen by blocking simple aid. And before that it was Israel that was attacking it's neighbor another US ally!

So the notion that the U.S. cares about Human Rights, Peace, Stability & Democracy is nothing but BS propaganda!!!!! Now if some in Japan & South Korea have bough in to that propaganda it's because the U.S. has been spreading it for years!

As we see today scientific achievements by Iran are provocative actions according to the U.S.! And anyone capable of independent thought can easily see why!
Was Saddam the butcher a delusion for Iranians? For god sake use some of the grey matter, the little you have, before you go off shooting your pie-hole next time. You do remember Saddam the butcher? He eventually invaded Iran, caused a million death and casualties, a trillion dollar damage to Iran's economy, and remained a buggy-man to scare off IRI for some time, until the US, and yes the mighty US got rid of him. You may think that North Korea is not like Saddam since you don't live in that part of the world, but for the South Koreans and Japanese he is exactly that: a mad egomaniac with delusions of uniting the 2 Koreas using fear and intimidation.
Now Takbiir this you ignominious hill-billy.
Was Saddam the butcher a delusion for Iranians? For god sake use some of the grey matter, the little you have, before you go off shooting your pie-hole next time. You do remember Saddam the butcher? He eventually invaded Iran, caused a million death and casualties, a trillion dollar damage to Iran's economy, and remained a buggy-man to scare off IRI for some time, until the US, and yes the mighty US got rid of him. You may think that North Korea is not like Saddam since you don't live in that part of the world, but for the South Koreans and Japanese he is exactly that: a mad egomaniac with delusions of uniting the 2 Koreas using fear and intimidation.
Now Takbiir this you ignominious hill-billy.

Funny how history is so easily forgotten when things don't go your way!

FYI the Butchers of the Middle East today are the Saudi's a U.S. ally in fact without Saudi Money, Russian & French weapons + U.S. intel to back them Saddam wouldn't have lasted 2 year against Iran!!!

Saddam was given $80 Billion USD from the Saudi's alone to purchase massive amounts of weapons because he kept loosing them! At the same time U.S., Russia & most of Europe were putting sanctions & weapons embargos on Iran!
U.S. was doing escort duties for Saddam's Oil tankers!

But that was then by 2003 Saddam was no threat to Iran or anyone else for that matter while Iran was mass producing 1300km Shahab-3 he was only left with a few 300km scud's & 10 scud TEL's (launcher) , His Air Force was mostly grounded with No Navy to speak of (Destroyed by Iran in the early 80's) just a bunch of Tanks & APC that were nothing more than chunks of metal & barely operable!
By 2003 he couldn't even buy ATGM's while Iran was mass producing it's own! And Iran in the 80's took out more Iraqi Aircraft than the U.S. ever did from 1991-2003

So it would seem that Saddam only became a threat to the U.S. at a time when he really wasn't a threat to anyone!
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