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Iran Starts Mass Production of Home-Made Fighter Jet (Saeqeh)

Steps by steps sister :)
Russians did not create something like su-35 overnight, they have decades of experience. Iran also needs to gain experiences quickly before it can create something like that.

I agree with you 100%. Yes what HESA is producing now is nowhere near the quality or quantity to match the Americans. But remember, there is no country that can match the American air force. It would be foolish to try and take the Americans on via their strengths. If you had to fight someone and you knew they are a heavy weight boxing champion, the last thing you want to do is put on a pair of boxing gloves and take them on in a boxing way, no you find other way to take them on. This is what Iran is doing. No matter how powerful the American air force is, even they cannot hope to easily penetrate an Iranian airspace with such a strong integrated air defence which can monitor their movements hundreds of kilometres outside Iran's borders.

Iran could use the su-30/35 but you need to remember, first of all we cannot buy them due sanctions and our own parliament has banned the purchase of foreign weapons as far as I know. Even if did buy the airplane from Russia they would take probably a decade to deliver (if they deliver at all), even if they do deliver we have to depend on them for parts etc...this is not good enough.

A country like Iran simply cannot rely on foreign suppliers.
so nobody can match the air force united state but perosnne can spend as much money as united state :) is their weak point he will win the war quickly if not his will weaken the long-term and his destroyed their economies ..

imagine a HESA Saeqeh against the F-15/16/22 .... we can destroy can be 1 or 2 in our sky but it will destroy our afloat easily.

whereas if we had su-35 will be the American heavy loss, maybe 30% loss that plus..ce and catastrophic for them it will not be his permetre, F-15/16 has no chance against su-35 and F-22 will be in a trap with the Iranian radar and the Su-35 .it's what I want you explained the purpose and especially averted an attack against Iran, we must simply remove any espoire attack on Iran by israel and the US.

you know that if iran buy 100 Su-35's will cost him much moin expensive than maintaining the current vieillisante fleet?

the american and israel was afraid that Iran and Syria is to have the S-300 system because it knows that its complicate their attack against iran ....

to produce an equivalent to the su-35 fighter he faudrai over 40 years iran ... and we can not wait all this time biento our air force will be on the ground and it will remedy has its very fast.

the American also uses electronic interference and the S-300 system / 400 Russian there is a resistance which prevents interference is afraid for her it is because their attack will easily repouser or it will have considerable loss ....
view my dear brother.

not my brother we will not be dependent on Russia because our goal and foremost simply remove any threat against the country as its one can develop our country we all tranquility .but the problem is that we have an end embargo :( tkt not our dirrigent are crazy if it determines that the country needs Russian fighter he will order it like the s-300 if it was not under embargo we already have them several battalions of s-300

Only if the sanctions are lifted...you know how the things going with the nuclear deal....It would take several years to get the sanctions off.

At the meanwhile NATO countries are slowly switching into 5th gen fighters....I would go for PAK FA i were in your shoes.

If you don't have the air superiorty, no matter how strong you anti-air defences are, step by step they will get blown to smithereens by Tomahawks, Harms, Harpies,
not the US not take the risk of heavy loss in a war ... their goal and won without loss of human and economic material, except that if he attacks iran we can destroy all their base in the region closed Detrois of Hormuz and send our IRGC and Basij everywhere amricain have heavy loss plus an economic crisis majeur..il lose foothold in the region, it is for her that I said if Iran could order S -300/400 and su-30/35 we can defend the country and most of its cause great loss to American.

In conclusion the American will have more to lose that won in this war,

and clear but I prefer to have su-30/35 vs f-15/16/22 ..... pluto that have HESA Saeqeh vs f-15/16/22 .... technlogique is a ditch and capacity enorme
Only if the sanctions are lifted...you know how the things going with the nuclear deal....It would take several years to get the sanctions off.

At the meanwhile NATO countries are slowly switching into 5th gen fighters....I would go for PAK FA i were in your shoes.

If you don't have the air superiorty, no matter how strong you anti-air defences are, step by step they will get blown to smithereens by Tomahawks, Harms, Harpies,
Sorry bro, I disagree with you 100%. What makes you think they can accomplish that?
From where will they launch these missile? You think Iran does not have offensive weapons?. regardless of Iran's impressive air defence, her most powerful force is still her ballistic missiles. Countless of them.
Most of our air defences are completely mobile with radars that are also very mobile. From examples the Fatah-2 radars radar has a range of 500km, altittude of 140,000 feet and can be set up anywhere within 30 minutes. Due to the nature of this radar, it's also very difficult for HARM missiles to lock onto to it. That's just one example.

The Americans simply cannot do a surprise attack on Iran, Iran can detect anything long before it gets near our water borders never mind the land borders.

American airfrce is indeed very powerful, but due to geographical position of Iran and her current abilities, it makes an American attack extremely unlikely and extremely difficult. Even they themselves admit to it. only way they could really do it is do an emp strike...

If you wish to outline a method which would render Iran's air defences inadequate then by all means go ahead.
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this is a timeless design far better than the Mig-21 family of aircrafts
so sleek and smart.

Yes , 1st Sq

General characteristics


View attachment 182432
what is the origin of the engine?

Considering its capabilities, military experts call Saeqeh similar to Fighter F-18 .

Something is similar...I just can't quite put my finger on it...
if the US can do it he would have to launch an attack on Irean since longtemp;) you should apply for being head of state major in the American army)
so nobody can match the air force united state but perosnne can spend as much money as united state :) is their weak point he will win the war quickly if not his will weaken the long-term and his destroyed their economies ..

imagine a HESA Saeqeh against the F-15/16/22 .... we can destroy can be 1 or 2 in our sky but it will destroy our afloat easily.

whereas if we had su-35 will be the American heavy loss, maybe 30% loss that plus..ce and catastrophic for them it will not be his permetre, F-15/16 has no chance against su-35 and F-22 will be in a trap with the Iranian radar and the Su-35 .it's what I want you explained the purpose and especially averted an attack against Iran, we must simply remove any espoire attack on Iran by israel and the US.

you know that if iran buy 100 Su-35's will cost him much moin expensive than maintaining the current vieillisante fleet?


Sister, Iran has already deterred an attack from the US. If the Americans could have easily attacked Iran they would have done so a long time ago. As you can see, we accomplished this deterrent regardless the fact our air force is very old. Iran deterred the attacks due to her vast missile arsenal and many other factors and the fact Iran could have at any moment if needed wipe out the oil fields in saudi arabia. Imagine the cost of that vs cost of Americans losing 30% of their attacking planes. The difference is very vast.

Iran has no need to buy a foreign jet like su-35.
Now that Iran's air defence and missile forces has reached very impressive capability, you see Iran making moves towards her conventional military. We need a modernised conventional military to increase our offensive capability because our defensive capability is enough to deter any attack.

If you disagree then tell me why Americans have yet to attack. They and the Israeli would love nothing more than to dismantle Iranian capability, even Obama himself stated this recently.

Something is similar...I just can't quite put my finger on it...
View attachment 182446

Frankly, I don't have a clue why they use the blue angel paint scheme...
Why would US attacks Iran ? For what purpose ?

No offence bro, but are you being serious?
So you don't think American have any reason to do that?
In which way, attacking Iran serves US interests in the region ?

What are the US interest in the region in the first place? It's all about influence and control.
And which two country are two main players playing chess in the region. It's Iran and the US.
The US influence goes through their puppets in places like Saudis Arabia and Iran's is via her proxy 'empire'.

Having Iran in her pocket will give the Americans unprecedented control in the region. And you do not realise this?

The Americans would love nothing more than to have another puppet in Iran. As far as the Americans are concerned Iran is the golden key to the middle east.

Iranian nuclear program is another thing they would have love to attack but been only barking about it. Even their rabid dog Israel has been barking countlessly but even their influence has failed to push American towards an attack. You think if the zionist lobby want an attack, it is usually not a major push for the US to attack?

Ships, Submarines, B-52s, F-22s

You can't hit a ship with a balistic missile. Balistic missiles are meaningless without WMD warheads...Your countless balistic missiles meant for Tel-Aviv. Not very useful in a conventional war.

1-) Have you ever test it against 5-th gen stealth planes ?
2-) What is the Western equiealent ? something like Israel's green-pine

B-52s coming from overseas, launching 2500km ranged Tomahawks on your most powerful radars. Rest is taken care of the by the planes that will take off from carriers.

You obviously you don't alot about this matter so why do you make militaristic statements here and there?
Iran does not have anti ship ballistic missiles? Do you even bother to do a simple search about the matter before replying? How can one expect to have a proper discussion when you don't know the basic info about Iran?

Go research Khalije far/Persian gulf anti ship ballistic missile.

Stealth has nothing to do with the generation of the plane. You can have a 3rd gen plane more stealth than a 5th gen. Being 'stealth' is non nonsensical term has it's a simple matter of physics that you can detect any object using radar. To detect stealth targets like f-22 and B-2 spirit etc you just need radar with long enough wavelength. A radar like Iranian ghadir 1100 km radar and HF radar like fatah can easily detect any so called 'stealth' plane. Problem with high wavelength radars is although you can detect the targets like f-22 and B-2 they are not very accurate to guide missile to hit the target, for that you need a VHF/HF fire control radar which Iran posses called Alam al Hoda.

Anyway, you assumption is that Iran cannot detect the tomohawk missile coming from such far away ranges. This is your assumption which false, if Iran can detect targets like RQ-170 then be sure Iran has 0 problem detecting missile like tomahawk. As I said to you, only way Americans can really undergo an attack is use an EMP to disable Iranian radars.

As for your question about Iranian equivalence. Green pine radar is not an OTH radar like Ghadir and seperh.
The main thing that is deterring US attack is Iran's strategic position in the Persian Gulf and its assymetrical assets in the gulf and the wider region. And the Iranian de facto nuclear latency (which is a fait a compli at this stage) is supposed to be a deterrent against the use of US nukes (as retaliation for the use of those assymetric capabilities by Iran)

Millennium Challenge 2002 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The costs are too huge and unbearable for the US to even consider it. Military option is not on the table.
You lost me here.... I wish no more to discuss. Thank you.

No I suppose, Torkey is a major player? Either properly counter points or don't waste thread space.
@The Last of us : you forget to add that if Iran becomes an independent power in the region and quen if it acquires nuclear weapons would be his cataastrophique for israel is for her that if the US would have the posibility to destroy the iran he would have done for a long time;)

on how the Iranian AD posede system iran and you are there reliable? how Iran has to have a large number of system so quickly? you are as effective as the S-300? i doubt ...

iran and trn to build a cruise missile right? (the meskat) it would be like a tomahawk of you new to it?
@The Last of us : you forget to add that if Iran becomes an independent power in the region and quen if it acquires nuclear weapons would be his cataastrophique for israel is for her that if the US would have the posibility to destroy the iran he would have done for a long time;)

on how the Iranian AD posede system iran and you are there reliable? how Iran has to have a large number of system so quickly? you are as effective as the S-300? i doubt ...

iran and trn to build a cruise missile right? (the meskat) it would be like a tomahawk of you new to it?

You are 100% correct, indeed a nuclear Iran is their nightmare but also, having nuclear weapon capability is making them run around like headless chicken in their panic attacks.

Remember, there are various s-300. And yes, Bavar-373 is more advance than the pmu-2 version. The reason is, the software capability, computing and electronics used by Iran today are much more advance than what the Russia had decades ago. The only thing comparable between bavar and s-300 is that both are long range missile systems. Other than that, Bavar is much more modern.

Iran has many air defence systems because we have IRGC developing her own systems as well as the regular air defence force of the army. The IRGC is developing newer version of Ra'ad with ranges of 100km and 200km and also their alam al hoda system which composes of a large missile called sadid. I

Meshkat missile is probably already ready but they don't want to show it. It's best not to show everything. keep the enemy guessing. Iran also has the ya ali cruise missile with range of 700km. It can be air launched and ground launched.
No I suppose, Torkey is a major player? Either properly counter points or don't waste thread space.

I don't see him making that claim mate. Get a grasp of reality would you.
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