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Iran shows pictures of underground (500 meters) missile base

I didnt say we have 5000 for sure. Also Hamas are enough to chase the jews into their basement, these missiles are for military targets.

Bro , I think its wrong to specifically mention a religious group here, Iran has a significant number of jews too, Being Jew is not something bad, No religious or ethnic group should be generalized !!!

Btw Impressive Pics on this thread, Mountains are the ideal hideouts for such locations, Pakistan also uses mountains to hide their labs and bases, they act as a natural camouflage
Nice , seems like F-15I ,Sofa ,f-15 sa and Typhoons won't be effective after all..Hamas transfered the technology of building tunnels to Iran lol

Well when you don't have advanced missile defense or Air Fore, you have to resort to this. Otherwise your military capabilities will be heavily degraded and your ability to respond will be almost non-existent. In Gaza, there is similar underground 'cities', no such thing as 500m deep but intended to make arsenal mobile and protect it, it makes preparedness at a high level. However still during war it isn't easy to move weapons around since underground system still is lacking. Iran on otherhand has resource abundance and probably is able to interconnect many points it needs. In Gaza, war there is different case since strip is very small and not possible to hide any movement, in Iran this will be more worth the effort. My skepticism is regarding their missiles, ability to pentrate missile defense, damage radius, and quantity. I don't know what is needed to build ballisitc missiles and how many can be produced, for purely conventional purpose they need large quanitity. Or simple resort to chemical warhead.
Well when you don't have advanced missile defense or Air Fore, you have to resort to this. Otherwise your military capabilities will be heavily degraded and your ability to respond will be almost non-existent. In Gaza, there is similar underground 'cities', no such thing as 500m deep but intended to make arsenal mobile and protect it, it makes preparedness at a high level. However still during war it isn't easy to move weapons around since underground system still is lacking. Iran on otherhand has resource abundance and probably is able to interconnect many points it needs. In Gaza, war there is different case since strip is very small and not possible to hide any movement, in Iran this will be more worth the effort. My skepticism is regarding their missiles, ability to pentrate missile defense, damage radius, and quantity. I don't know what is needed to build ballisitc missiles and how many can be produced, for purely conventional purpose they need large quanitity. Or simple resort to chemical warhead.
I also don't believe in 500m deep thing , too much ...maybe tunnels theory between many areas is true , but 500 m deep ? and from footage the tunnels aren't well developed to host balistic missiles , there are needs and procedures to be taken to host it due to moisture or the capability to deploy missiles especially all i saw a mobile missiles , that means the Host or Vehicle needs to get out to launch the missile and get back in (Not like the Chinese or Russian way which Missiles based in its own silo underground) ..

about Hamas , i seriously admire them .. from nothing to a well equipped Movement.
I also don't believe in 500m deep thing , too much ...maybe tunnels theory between many areas is true , but 500 m deep ? and from footage the tunnels aren't well developed to host balistic missiles , there are needs and procedures to be taken to host it due to moisture or the capability to deploy missiles especially all i saw a mobile missiles , that means the Host or Vehicle needs to get out to launch the missile and get back in (Not like the Chinese or Russian way which Missiles based in its own silo underground) ..

about Hamas , i seriously admire them .. from nothing to a well equipped Movement.

I don't believe its 500m deep either , simply because its not concrete reinforced nor is there infrastructure such as air conditioning to support the living inside.

These is similar tactic to what North Korea uses against South, they have most of their powerful artillery stored in bunkers, plus it's not fair to compare to Chinese or Russians , their ICBMs are nuclear tipped while Iran is using conventional methods thus making silos too expensive and unnecessary.
Those tunnels digged by machines !
هنوز فکر می کنی کار ما تمومه!؟

با این ننگین نامه ، ما بدون حتی شلیک یک گلوله از بین می ریم ... کار به استفاده از موشک ها نمی رسه .... بچه های ما باید این عکس ها رو ببیند و فحش به ما بدند که چقدر ترسو بودیم ....
I don't believe its 500m deep either , simply because its not concrete reinforced nor is there infrastructure such as air conditioning to support the living inside.

These is similar tactic to what North Korea uses against South, they have most of their powerful artillery stored in bunkers, plus it's not fair to compare to Chinese or Russians , their ICBMs are nuclear tipped while Iran is using conventional methods thus making silos too expensive and unnecessary.
We aren't talking about your bottom's hole depth ... Go and mind your bussines growler .
اره برادر نزدیک هستیم .فقط منتظر برنامه فضای هستم

قائم رو نشون بدن تمامه

Well when you don't have advanced missile defense or Air Fore, you have to resort to this. Otherwise your military capabilities will be heavily degraded and your ability to respond will be almost non-existent. In Gaza, there is similar underground 'cities', no such thing as 500m deep but intended to make arsenal mobile and protect it, it makes preparedness at a high level. However still during war it isn't easy to move weapons around since underground system still is lacking. Iran on otherhand has resource abundance and probably is able to interconnect many points it needs. In Gaza, war there is different case since strip is very small and not possible to hide any movement, in Iran this will be more worth the effort. My skepticism is regarding their missiles, ability to pentrate missile defense, damage radius, and quantity. I don't know what is needed to build ballisitc missiles and how many can be produced, for purely conventional purpose they need large quanitity. Or simple resort to chemical warhead.

As you mentioned you have no idea about Iranian ballistic missiles...
there are hundreds of such underground missile bases all around Iran... the commander said, there is at least one missile base in each and every Iranian city...but this specific underground missile city is located there...just there,...

So the commander claims that all Iranian cities are valid military targets, in case of a conflict???
I also don't believe in 500m deep thing , too much ...maybe tunnels theory between many areas is true , but 500 m deep ? and from footage the tunnels aren't well developed to host balistic missiles , there are needs and procedures to be taken to host it due to moisture or the capability to deploy missiles especially all i saw a mobile missiles , that means the Host or Vehicle needs to get out to launch the missile and get back in (Not like the Chinese or Russian way which Missiles based in its own silo underground) ..

about Hamas , i seriously admire them .. from nothing to a well equipped Movement.

Load of BS

So the commander claims that all Iranian cities are valid military targets, in case of a conflict???

They are not under the cities...
"Iran will never start a war" .this sentence was said by the IRGC commander today.but if Israel dares to attack us we can ensure there will be no Israel at the next day.

And yet ISIS existed Yesterday, it exists today, and I bet it will exist tomorrow
even though Iran is fighting it.
You must not be trying that hard, or??!

They are not under the cities...

The commander said "in the cities", maybe he is stupid, or maybe the plan to put them in the cities were stupid.
Honestly 500m is some heavy work ,it seems somebody was busy digging these last few years. The depth and the size of the facility remind me of umbrella corporation facilities in resident evil.
I think these under ground missiles bases are larger than 500 m

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