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Iran sends 185 tons of weapons to Yemen

Check previous pages. I've provided a link which I hope you don't declare Western propaganda upon reading. Unfortunately, given the level of delusion among Iranian members in this forum, I'd guess that I will be dismissed as a CIA propagandist who is promoting distorted Western lies.
Also, does it matter what type of support? Saudi Arabia doesn't provide military support or arms or troops, yet here we are calling them out for their financial support for rebels in the Middle East.

It's just that you shills say the same things over and over again that you probably have the same opinions too. Your compatriots also have this delusion that Saudi Arabians are responsible for every single conflict in the Middle East, I just assumed that you'd also think the same thing. Not a crime or anything. Try providing different views if you don't like being generalized. Shift away from the crowd of whining mullahs, got it?

You are too confused. Go splash some water on your face, freshen up and come back... maybe you will make sense then.
Perfect way to just disregard two paragraphs, right? Didn't expect much from a shill.
Shill,saudi,gadaffi,iran.... lol... i have no idea what you are talking about. Just write some very clear sentences so i know what you are talking about. Let me guess, you are unhappy with Iranian ''involvement'' in the region ? Is that what you are talking about.
Shill,saudi,gadaffi,iran.... lol... i have no idea what you are talking about.

So you're telling me you don't understand names like Gaddafi? Words like Iran and Saudi don't make sense to you?
Let me guess, you are unhappy with Iranian ''involvement'' in the region ? Is that what you are talking about.

Nah, I just want both mullah countries in the Middle East to go to war and destroy eachother.
Whatever happened to the much touted so called 'Muslim Ummah'? The OIC? Anybody in-charge? Muslims bombing each other is becoming a spectacle of galactic proportions if not downright amusing.

And then we naturally have the West fishing in troubled waters. Why does the Muslim world allow this? And because of which the situation in the Middle East is really getting fuked up!
So you're telling me you don't understand names like Gaddafi? Words like Iran and Saudi don't make sense to you?

I know those words but you are doing a very bad job in putting those words in a appropriate manner in order to make some sense.
Nah, I just want both mullah countries in the Middle East to go to war and destroy eachother.
So why dont you condemn the Saudis too ?
I know those words but you are doing a very bad job in putting those words in a appropriate manner in order to make some sense.
Not really.

So why dont you condemn the Saudis too ?

I'm not being confronted by Saudi propagandists for expressing my opinion. I've made several posts regarding Saudis before in previous threads and the Saudis haven't responded as viciously as several Iranians. I've condemned Saudi foreign policy when speaking to your compatriots and am still accused of being a Wahhabi and Taliban. Improve your own image and how you talk to others.
Not really.

I'm not being confronted by Saudi propagandists for expressing my opinion. I've made several posts regarding Saudis before in previous threads and the Saudis haven't responded as viciously as several Iranians. I've condemned Saudi foreign policy when speaking to your compatriots and am still accused of being a Wahhabi and Taliban. Improve your own image and how you talk to others.
When you criticize people wrongly then be prepared for some retaliation.
You know, I'd take your words honestly if it weren't for the fact that Iran and the regimes it support have brutally cracked down on their own opposition groups and pretended they were something they really aren't. Just look at what you have to say about the Arab Spring. Nothing to do with thousands of people discontent over their rulers, but simply a Saudi-created revolt to remove any opposition rulers. Don't sugarcoat the own rebels your country supports when you actively despise others, OK? You come out as complete hypocrite.
A question have we ever shied away of saying we supported this group and we gave weapon to that group ?
Why suddenly for this group we change how we do thing.
From the start we said we understand them and morally support them nothing more. It's well known what sort of weapon we build do you see any of those weapons at Yemen ?

Quite cowardly though, no? I guess that's what Iranians are like. They even sent kids to be suicide bombers during the Iran/Iraq war.

Then they have the cheek to tell people how peaceful they are and that they have never invaded anyone for 200 years. :lol:

Of course you instigated the war with Iraq, just like you instigate wars all over the middle east.

Now it's Yemen's turn.
Not as cowardly as sending terrorists to destroy other people countries .

An Iranian journalist who campaigned for Iran's President Hassan Rohani and who had traveled to Lausanne with the Iranian nuclear negotiators to cover the last round of nuclear talks is seeking political asylum in Switzerland.


Too bad all these weapons went down the drain now :lol:

Try to send another shipment? We'll see how that will work out for you. :)
So how is Saudi's terrorist operation in Yemen, I bet Turkey is jealous that Saudi is trying to steal the title of being the number one sponsor of terrorism.
Refugee statues is very easy for an Iranian to get due to the west and america trying to create a brain drain situation for the country as well as trying to make the government of Iran look bad, or worse.
What is anti Pakistan ? Define please... slaughtering and bombing shia people in Pakistan is also anti Pakistan to you or not ?

The difference is, it is the Takfiris who are killing innocent people. Pakistan military is not conducting operations against Shias. Pakistan army is engaged with Sunni Takfiri extremists. Says alot. Doesn't it?

Every where you look the same Takfiris are the root cause of the problems. Whether in Tunisia, in Pakistan or in Iraq. Get a clue.
These Posts hurts .....
Apparently it appears Shia's are under threat in Pakistan, and TAKFIRI Terrorists are being successful in penciling that sketch....and most unfortunate part is that you people believe such Non-sense
In Pakistan (in reality) we've more Sunni-Shia marriages as compared to all Middle East.....try to understand... you're part of that Fight thats why in the heat of Emotions ...you're kicking your ally in smoke
State of Pakistan is on War with Takfiri Ideology and we undergone with Operation known as ZARB-E-AZB.......In responce those terrorists reply back SOFT-TARGETS "Shia , Ahmedi & Churches"...so that it appears they can do whatever they want
If you're Counting specific Blasts on Shia Community....then why you wont count other recent attacks on School , Bazaars, Market, Army Posts, .......that are in General against Pakistan ??
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