Honestly Greek made a mistake by entering in such a game directed by Americans ... as you see neither them nor NATO didn't come to your aid in Persian gulf.
Authoritarian state like the United state that violate international law, the UNSCRs and try to impose their will on people would not succeed in their sea piracy .. Americans have invaded attacked, carried military coups in our region supported dictators that used CW against us .. for sure future would judge whom is standing on righteous side of history ...
FYI Iran has got the biggest tanker fleet:
Iran's largest oil-shipping company, NITC, has reportedly "amassed the world's largest fleet of supertankers," according to
The Wall Street Journal.
The company reportedly has 42 VLCCs — or "very large crude carriers."
"No other company in the world owns that number of VLCCs," Capt. Nasrollah Sardashti, NITC's commercial director, told The Journal.
So we would protect our people right and property against sea piracy any where any time against any pirates ...