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Iran seized two Greek tankers in response of seizure of iranian tanker by USA + Greece.

Dude, wake up. Nobody in EU/US gives a flying f*ck about Greece to go into war for you guys. Even if we sink your vessels.
But it's not about Greece at all,don't you get it? They're looking for excuses to gang up on Iran and Russia. That's the story.
But it's not about Greece at all,don't you get it? They're looking for excuses to gang up on Iran and Russia. That's the story.
While Greek companies' ships carrying Russian oil? Greek merchant fleets currently carry 65% of Russia's oil exports shipping. The EU, removed from the bill the prohibition of EU ships from Russian oil trade, with the insistent request of Greece.

In return for protecting this trade, Greece accepted to be tool in US's Iran oil policy, which probably Greek policy makers saw as easy fish.
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But it's not about Greece at all,don't you get it? They're looking for excuses to gang up on Iran and Russia. That's the story.
Do you seriously think they are "looking for" excuses to gang up on Iran but they have no excuses?
Ganging up on Iran doesn't need an excuse if they are ready to take on Iran. Did they have an excuse when they overthrew the Taliban or Saddam's regime? They don't need an excuse, they will create as many excuses as they need when it's time.

When they are ready to gang up on Iran and they've figured out the math of costs vs benefits, creating an excuse is the easiest part of it. And believe it or not, bullying Greece because you disrespected us is not going to be that. So, if I were you, I wouldn't have counted on them. Meanwhile, talking about ganging up on others, Turkey may use the opportunity to gang up on you with us. There's that too, and it is more likely to be honest.
Do you seriously think they are "looking for" excuses to gang up on Iran but they have no excuses?
Ganging up on Iran doesn't need an excuse if they are ready to take on Iran. Did they have an excuse when they overthrew the Taliban or Saddam's regime? They don't need an excuse, they will create as many excuses as they need when it's time.

When they are ready to gang up on Iran and they've figured out the math of costs vs benefits, creating an excuse is the easiest part of it. And believe it or not, bullying Greece because you disrespected us is not going to be that. So, if I were you, I wouldn't have counted on them. Meanwhile, talking about ganging up on others, Turkey may use the opportunity to gang up on you with us. There's that too, and it is more likely to be honest.
That's exactly what I mean,they will take any opportunity to use as a "legitimate" excuse to go to war with Iran because now they know the American people are tired of all their wars. They can't use the same old excuses.
Then things would involve other countries and would eventually lead to a total embargo of Iran from the sea and maybe even actions against its navy. It could be the chance UAE and the Saudis are looking for along with the Americans,British,Israelis and a dozen others. They're more interesting in destroying the IRGC than we are.

But it's not about Greece at all,don't you get it? They're looking for excuses to gang up on Iran and Russia. That's the story.

That's exactly what I mean,they will take any opportunity to use as a "legitimate" excuse to go to war with Iran because now they know the American people are tired of all their wars. They can't use the same old excuses.

You know I like Greeks in general..... but they are the mos delusional people in the world..... I used to think they are just delusional with their history.... but it seems they are even more delusional with current affairs.

Do you think Iran shooting down their $250 million Global Hawk UAV was enough of an excuse? Do you think Iran flattening their military base in Iraq with missiles in 2020 was enough of an excuse? You think attacking the US directly was not enough, but some how attacking Greece will push the US to take actions against Iran?

Maybe if the Americans won´t confront Iran is becaus they know something about Iran´s military strengths that you dont know??
You know I like Greeks in general..... but they are the mos delusional people in the world..... I used to think they are just delusional with their history.... but it seems they are even more delusional with current affairs.

Do you think Iran shooting down their $250 million Global Hawk UAV was enough of an excuse? Do you think Iran flattening their military base in Iraq with missiles in 2020 was enough of an excuse? You think attacking the US directly was not enough, but some how attacking Greece will push the US to take actions against Iran?

Maybe if the Americans won´t confront Iran is becaus they know something about Iran´s military strengths that you dont know??
Different government,different times. War in Ukraine,Democrats in power. You never know.
Different government,different times. War in Ukraine,Democrats in power. You never know.
Yeap..... this is exactly what I mean by delisional....

When the tough man Trump was in power, they couldn´t do anything, but when sleepy Joe is in office, they might do something?
When their hands were free, and their economy wasn´t in total ruines, they did nothing, but now that they are stuck fighting a proxy war with Russia and their economy in ruines....they might take action on Iran? Delisional indeed...
Yeap..... this is exactly what I mean by delisional....

When the tough man Trump was in power, they couldn´t do anything, but when sleepy Joe is in office, they might do something?
When their hands were free, and their economy wasn´t in total ruines, they did nothing, but now that they are stuck fighting a proxy war with Russia and their economy in ruines....they might take action on Iran? Delisional indeed...
Don't know if you noticed,but Trump was the only President the last 30 years who wanted to de-escalate things and get the U.S. out of the Middle-East. They didn't let him do that completely,but he tried.
Don't know if you noticed,but Trump was the only President the last 30 years who wanted to de-escalate things and get the U.S. out of the Middle-East. They didn't let him do that completely,but he tried.
He tried that by killing the top general of the IRGC? That's what you call de-escalation?
Iran proxies in the Middle East have never been attacking US troops and interests in the region like they do now.

You have a weird definition of de-escalation.
He tried that by killing the top general of the IRGC? That's what you call de-escalation?
Iran proxies in the Middle East have never been attacking US troops and interests in the region like they do now.

You have a weird definition of de-escalation.
Compare Trump to all Presidents since Bush Sr. and you'll see he was the most moderate.
Care to explain how?
Trump was pulling US troops out of alot of places in the world, and use of drone strikes and such clandestine activities was high during the Obama and Bush admin.

Trump had more of a "America first" policy and did not like "wasting" money on Middle East and African wars. I think with regards to Soleimani, he figured that the leadership in Iran would not risk war with the US over him, and he seemed to be right.

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