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Iran seized two Greek tankers in response of seizure of iranian tanker by USA + Greece.

Russian ship. Russian.

Under international law, if you say "Russian ship" 100 times, then Iran will just have to give your ships back...
Also..... "America told me to do it".... is a great legal argument to justify theft.

Also, licking Jew balls means that you won´t get screwed over by the EU or Turkey, but you may get Monkey pox. LOL... Im only kidding.... the EU will still coninue to screw you in the Arsse....
Under international law, if you say "Russian ship" 100 times, then Iran will just have to give your ships back...
Also..... "America told me to do it".... is a great legal argument to justify theft.

Also, licking Jew balls means that you won´t get screwed over by the EU or Turkey, but you may get Monkey pox. LOL... Im only kidding.... the EU will still coninue to screw you in the Arsse....

Screenshot-2018-6-30 No Salaam Alaikum in Hebron wmv - YouTube.png
To be honest,I'm extremely disappointed by how quickly Iranians turned against us on this subject,even people I've supported numerous in various threads. And with vicious posts against my country. For what? For a Russian ship that changed name and flag to avoid sanctions.

This Iran-Greece bromance turned conflict has a lot of similarities with the Turkish-Pakistani issue going on.
Have to give it to the Iranians more brass Balls than Pak Top Brass.

Pak top is ball less aka khasi bakray. There is not a single Pakistani general out there who will not sell his country on promise of money and settlement abroad for his family. There is not a single Army chief in recent history who didnt flee his country after the end of his term. That should give you a gist of their bravery.
Well Greece is a NATO member, not only Americans' warships in Persian gulf didn't help them no other NATO member raised a finger to come to their aid apparently everyone knows who is the boss in Persian gulf except Greece ... Korea and England learned it in the same way ...
Funny is even Greece being a NATO member didn't change Iran's red line which is its security and interests ... even Iran creates a new equation 2 in return of 1.
Even isreal backed down after tasting Iranian responses after several attempts to attack Iranian tankers ...
Still what I wonder is why americans push these countries to do these sort of things despite being well aware that Iran would respond???? why is that???? lack of brain???


How about USA being absolute dastardly craven cowards with no guts and no cojones.

Going around the world formenting and instigating others to be their stupid doggies and proxies and missile fodder
to fight the wars USA dare not fight.

We seen that in Ukraine where Ukrainians paying the price.

And I bet USA threatening Greece with sanctions and human rights rubbish and NED working working hard for them to take back those 2 tankers.


It all started with this ....

(US marines captured by IRGC)


"Some of them cried" ... because killing Afghan Iraqi children was much easier than facing real men in combat who are out there to die for VATAN.

Not to rain on your parade but you are underestimating how fast Iran(or any nation) would collapse from being on the receiving end of nuclear weapons.

Israeli nukes have been refined over many years and are likely as good as American nukes at this point. I would estimate they are MIRVed and with yields in the 250kt region.

The other factor is that the Israelis nukes would be targeted to the most sensitive areas of Iran. Israeli HUMINT on Iran is a thousand times more advanced than the reverse. That's why Israel strikes (assassinates) in the heart of Iran in the middle of Tehran in broad daylight, while Iran can only fire back long range missiles at Israeli sites outside Israel proper.

It's unfortunate that the only country which dares to fight back Israel is already no match for Israel in any realistic military conflict.
The other factor is the Israelis nukes would be targeted to the most sensitive areas of Iran. Israeli HUMINT on Iran is a thousand times more advanced than the reverse. That's why Israel strikes (assassinates) in the heart of Iran in the middle of Tehran in broad daylight, while Iran can only fire back long range missiles are Israeli sites outside Israel proper.

It's unfortunate that the only country which dares to fight back Israel is already no match for Israel in any realistic military conflict.
hahah , :lol: you underestimate the iranian HUMINT in isreal.

the rich boys of Tehran has lotz of powerz on instagram.
The other factor is that the Israelis nukes would be targeted to the most sensitive areas of Iran. Israeli HUMINT on Iran is a thousand times more advanced than the reverse. That's why Israel strikes (assassinates) in the heart of Iran in the middle of Tehran in broad daylight, while Iran can only fire back long range missiles at Israeli sites outside Israel proper.

It's unfortunate that the only country which dares to fight back Israel is already no match for Israel in any realistic military conflict.
Israel isn't a country, but a big military site, and they prefer not to admit to their failure against Iran.

After killing Fakhrizad in Iran:

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