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Iran seized two Greek tankers in response of seizure of iranian tanker by USA + Greece.

Russian ship. Russian.
Greece has confiscated this ship twice, both illegally.

This ship encountered technical failure in international waters and requested for help, based on maritime laws, greece had to help repair the ship on it's coasts and had no right to confiscate it, whether it's Russian or Iranian.

At first Greece confiscated the tanker, cause thought it's a Russian ship carrying Russia oil, yet Iran informed the Greece government and they released the ship, at this point, flag was changed to Iran.

Few days later, on the order from US, Greece again confiscated this ship (while this time it had Iranian flag) and delivered the oil to Americans.
Not to rain on your parade but you are underestimating how fast Iran(or any nation) would collapse from being on the receiving end of nuclear weapons.

Israeli nukes have been refined over many years and are likely as good as American nukes at this point. I would estimate they are MIRVed and with yields in the 250kt region.
I never said Iran would not Collapse , But do you really think Israel will be let go for a First Strike? Iran doesn't have Standby Missiles Either?
This Iran-Greece bromance turned conflict has a lot of similarities with the Turkish-Pakistani issue going on.
As someone who has followed both events from the very beginning, I can say that it is a completely wrong and inconsistent analogy. The property of the Iranian people was stolen. I'm sorry, but I don't think it's bona fide to compare this lawlessness with a social media psyop.

In one of the incidents, there is not the slightest intervention of a state mechanism(Turkey or Pakistan) and it is a social media manipulation that is carried out with PSYOP studies, which is formed with the contribution of action agents and some underdeveloped human examples in the society.

And this thread is about a reaction to that occur as a result of a state's direct violation of international maritime law and doing piracy.

Have you seen any discourse or action from any government official targeting Pakistan, its people or assets? On the contrary, although the opposition is pushing with all their might, they always continue to be protective and sensitive on this issue, despite the loss of votes. On other incident, the Greek state and press is currently busy accusing Iran of piracy. Open the media, read a little. Ask Greek centre/right politicians, mainstream media and their ardent voters.

I don't think any Iranian here has a problem with the Greek people. They rising against this lawlessness, and to the spineless, puppet acts of the Greek state which they are exposed to.
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with a social media psyop.
What makes you think that it's definetely media psyop and not genuine frustration of thousands of Turkish people? Apart from the fake profiles and the ones who are doing it on purpose of course.
I never said Iran would not Collapse , But do you really think Israel will be let go for a First Strike? Iran doesn't have Standby Missiles Either?

The moment the first projectile is seen coming towards us from Israel by our early warning systems, there will be a mass strike from underground silos towards sensitive targets in Israel so hardly that they will forget the names of Himmler and Eichmann.

... Regardless of what someone says here, both Israel and Iran are ancient people with lots of rationality so nothing is happening.
What makes you think that it's definetely media psyop and not genuine frustration of thousands of Turkish people? Apart from the fake profiles and the ones who are doing it on purpose of course.
It started with a social media campaign by agencies and well prepared social media accounts and incidents that directly targeted Turkish people's ethic and social order. Action agents dragged the masses, that's what I mean by manipulation.

In the other case, a state seizes the property of another country with its own law enforcement forces and so subordination to the interests of the US(hegamon) state. Here, the dynamics driving the Iranian public opinion and the segments they target are completely different. I believe you are a smart person, please stop pretending to be an fool when you talk to me.
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It started with a social media campaign by agencies and well prepared social media accounts and incidents that directly targeted Turkish people's ethic and social order. Action agents dragged the masses, that's what I mean by manipulation.

In the other case, a state seizes the property of another country with its own law enforcement forces and so subordination to the interests of the US(hegamon) state. Here, the dynamics driving the Iranian public opinion and the segments they target are completely different. I believe you are a smart person, please stop pretending to be an fool when you talk to me.
In both cases,Americans have their own agendas in our countries. And not just our countries,look at Ukraine,look at Eastern Europe. And I'm talking about the society too,not just the governments.

In other news,almost every opposition party has heavily critisized the New Democracy government for this. What was also stressed on TV,was that the ships were snatched 22 miles off the coast of Iran,at international waters,by the IRGC.
In both cases,Americans have their own agendas in our countries. And not just our countries,look at Ukraine,look at Eastern Europe. And I'm talking about the society too,not just the governments.

In other news,almost every opposition party has heavily critisized the New Democracy government for this. What was also stressed on TV,was that the ships were snatched 22 miles off the coast of Iran,at international waters,by the IRGC.
22 miles off the coast of Iran is still in the Contiguous Zone, meaning that it is within Iran's rights to stop vessels that are deemed as dangerous to our interests or are polluting the environment. In fact, the excuse used for seizing both of your vessels had something to do with environmental pollution or something and it is completely within international law.

From Wikipedia:
The contiguous zone is a band of water extending farther from the outer edge of the territorial sea to up to 24 nautical miles (44.4 km; 27.6 mi) from the baseline, within which a state can exert limited control for the purpose of preventing or punishing "infringement of its customs, fiscal, immigration or sanitary laws and regulations within its territory or territorial sea". This will typically be 12 nautical miles (22 km; 14 mi) wide, but could be more (if a state has chosen to claim a territorial sea of less than 12 nautical miles), or less, if it would otherwise overlap another state's contiguous zone. However, unlike the territorial sea, there is no standard rule for resolving such conflicts and the states in question must negotiate their own compromise. The United States invoked a contiguous zone out to 24 nmi from the baseline on 29 September 1999.[3]
In both cases,Americans have their own agendas in our countries. And not just our countries,look at Ukraine,look at Eastern Europe. And I'm talking about the society too,not just the governments.

In other news,almost every opposition party has heavily critisized the New Democracy government for this. What was also stressed on TV,was that the ships were snatched 22 miles off the coast of Iran,at international waters,by the IRGC.

It is funny how the Greeks keep bringing up international legal issues to criticise Iran, and yet forgot how they first broke the laws....
22 km from Iranian territory is nothing..... I want to see Iran capturing Greek ships from the Indian ocean and bringing them to Iran......
It is funny how the Greeks keep bringing up international legal issues to criticise Iran, and yet forgot how they first broke the laws....
22 km from Iranian territory is nothing..... I want to see Iran capturing Greek ships from the Indian ocean and bringing them to Iran......

If Leonidis does not behave we shall see that happening too.
It is funny how the Greeks keep bringing up international legal issues to criticise Iran, and yet forgot how they first broke the laws....
22 km from Iranian territory is nothing..... I want to see Iran capturing Greek ships from the Indian ocean and bringing them to Iran......
Maybe from the Pacific too?
Maybe from the Pacific too?
And what if Iran did that.... what can Greece do?????

You think because you are the bitch to the EU and Ametica, someone will come to your help?

Greece´s bankrupt economy is dependent on shipping... it was a dumb move to tangel with Iran....
And what if Iran did that.... what can Greece do?????

You think because you are the bitch to the EU and Ametica, someone will come to your help?

Greece´s bankrupt economy is dependent on shipping... it was a dumb move to tangel with Iran
Then things would involve other countries and would eventually lead to a total embargo of Iran from the sea and maybe even actions against its navy. It could be the chance UAE and the Saudis are looking for along with the Americans,British,Israelis and a dozen others. They're more interesting in destroying the IRGC than we are.
Then things would involve other countries and would eventually lead to a total embargo of Iran from the sea and maybe even actions against its navy. It could be the chance UAE and the Saudis are looking for along with the Americans,British,Israelis and a dozen others. They're more interesting in destroying the IRGC than we are.
Dude, wake up. Nobody in EU/US gives a flying f*ck about Greece to go into war for you guys. Even if we sink your vessels.

A few months ago, we hit a vessel belonging to an Israeli businessman with links to Britain, killing or injuring two of its crews, both of them were citizens of NATO countries (Romania and Britain, if my memory serves me well). Britain threatened to bring the case to the UNSC, Romania talked tough and supported it, and yet nothing happened. It was just forgotten after some time. If Britain and Romania couldn't do shit, what could Greece do?

We could literally interfere in your trade with the region and almost block it entirely and there's not much that you could do about it. And nobody would risk their own interests over Greece.

The Persian Gulf is very narrow. In most regions, it is shallower than 35 meters. The deeper part of the Persian Gulf is close to Iran. Nearly all oil tankers and heavy vessels cannot pass through the Persian Gulf without entering Iran's contiguous zone, making them vulnerable to harassment by us if we don't like them. You made a stupid mistake. Playing tough will only make it more difficult and painful for you guys.

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