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Iran science output 4th worldwide in 2018

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As the sentiment is on trade between Pakistan and Iran I hope you will indulge me and allow me to go a little off topic to report a recent article I read:

Friday, May 11, 2012

Pakistan, Iran to introduce banking channel for currency swap

Staff Report

KARACHI: Pakistan and Iran are expected to introduce banking channel and make arrangements for currency swap to enhance Pak-Iran bilateral trade.

Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) President Mian Abrar Ahmad while talking to Mashhad Mayor Syed Muhammad Pejman, asserted upon the need to take measures such as economic integration and reduction in transaction costs, port-to-port activities and customs mechanism to expand the volume of bilateral trade.

He urged to activate and develop regional trading block of ECO countries, particularly between Pakistan, Iran and Turkey.

He proposed the trade between Pakistan and Iran should be permitted in local currencies instead of dollars and the trade through railways and road be regularised.

Pakistan has been severely discriminated by West and as energy-hungry country we should not accept any dictation on Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline project, which was burning need for our country to overcome the energy crisis and for industrialisation.

The status of $7.5 billion Iran-Pakistan-India (IPI) Gas Pipeline can enhance the economic relationship with Iran.

To enhance bilateral economic and commercial cooperation, he voiced to establish banking channel as the business transactions between Iran and Pakistan was routed through Asian Clearing Union which was more time-consuming than a normal letter of credit (LC), while opening a LC through Iran’s sister companies in Dubai also adds to cost.

He appreciated the Pak-Iran trade during last half decade increased from $389 million to $1.2 billion however, it was not aligned with the real existing trade potential.

He emphasised to deepen the existing Preferential Trade Agreement to be followed by Free Trade Agreement.

He said Iran could export to Central Asian Republics, China and India via Pakistan.

He said the biased policies of USA and West never allowed economic independence to Pakistan as allowed to other countries in the region.

He said Pakistan was facing Non-Tariff Barriers to export in terms of restricted market access and un-liberalise business visa regime from West. Muhammad Pejman said Pak-Iran were already belated to strengthen the trade ties and should attach importance to each other and increase bilateral trade.

He said private sectors of both brother bordering countries could play vital role to develop the relationship.

Holding exhibitions and exchanging trade delegations were crucial besides identifying potential opportunities in livestock, agriculture and mining are vital. Iran requires import livestock from Pakistan, which is presently imported from Brazil. He voiced Pakistan may import adequate electricity alone from Iran to overcome its energy crises.
First of all the Scopus guys are not fools. They are professionals and do it for a living and have done for a long time now. The problem with your analysis is that of a point data fallacy. You point out just three data points while the table takes an era for extrapolation. Though I agree with you that India theoretically should rank above either after China or before it but the data does not support that. That might be because of the way things are in India. Demography does play a role but so are other things as well. UK has a much smaller population than India but they are doing well and have done so for centuries. Indian demographical superiority did not even stop them ruling over India for 300 years. Science needs alot of devotion and a cultural love for science. In eastern cultures these parameters have been missing for long and that is why a culture that starts to love science will inevitably do more than a demographically larger culture. Not that I am saying Indians do not love science as much as Iranians but the data shows currently Iran having much faster rate of improvement than India despite the larger Indian population. Things can change of course but currently it is the way it is.
Now let me debunk your statements one-by-one. Start with 2003-2010 for all data points. Plot the Y-on-Y change. Iran's output increases slightly, peaks at 2006 (ie difference over 2005) and falls continuously. India on the other hand suffers only a marginal fall of 0.01% from 2004-2005-2006 but then steadily rises. Enough of a training sample size for predicting 8 years ahead. Secondly, even China was behind UK in 2003 but they caught up in 2004. The point being it moved up the value chain in Science quickly thereby got into the publishing mould. India too is moving higher in the value chain for Science, both pure Sciences and in Technological advances too. Point being it is at a much faster and increasing rate ala China. Next, how many Nobel prize winners in Science has Iran produced ? How many Turing award winners or Godel prize winners has it produced ? Which means that the India holds the qualitative edge and will continue to hold it. I am associated with CS and i know the top conferences in CS and pretty much am abreast of the research here (speaking of it, will be in Beijing this August to attend one). The output coming from India and Indian students in US outnumbers sheerly than that seen from Iran. Though I accede that Iran's showing in IMO and IPhO are impressive and better than India. Its just that the focus of students here are on the Entrance exams of the IITs which is a dedicated battle like prepping for the IMO itself. So yes, the (statistical) prediction in this study if there is one has to be taken with a wheelbarrow of salt.
I see no reason to question an independent organisation that is not partisan and has no axe to grind

SCImago Journal Rank (SJR indicator) is a measure of scientific influence of scholarly journals that accounts for both the number of citations received by a journal and the importance or prestige of the journals where such citations come from. The SJR indicator is a variant of the eigenvector centrality measure used in network theory. Such measures establish the importance of a node in a network based on the principle that connections to high-scoring nodes contribute more to the score of the node. The SJR indicator, which is inspired by the PageRank algorithm, has been developed to be used in extremely large and heterogeneous journal citation networks. It is a size-independent indicator and its values order journals by their "average prestige per article" and can be used for journal comparisons in science evaluation processes.
The SJR indicator is an open access journal metric which uses an algorithm similar to PageRank and provides an alternative to the impact factor (IF), which is based on data from the Science Citation Index.[1][2] Average citations per document in a 2 year period, abbreviated as Cites per Doc. (2y), is another index that measures the scientific impact of an average article published in the journal. It is computed using the same formula that journal impact factor (Thomson Reuters).
Now let me debunk your statements one-by-one. Start with 2003-2010 for all data points. Plot the Y-on-Y change. Iran's output increases slightly, peaks at 2006 (ie difference over 2005) and falls continuously. India on the other hand suffers only a marginal fall of 0.01% from 2004-2005-2006 but then steadily rises. Enough of a training sample size for predicting 8 years ahead. Secondly, even China was behind UK in 2003 but they caught up in 2004. The point being it moved up the value chain in Science quickly thereby got into the publishing mould. India too is moving higher in the value chain for Science, both pure Sciences and in Technological advances too. Point being it is at a much faster and increasing rate ala China. Next, how many Nobel prize winners in Science has Iran produced ? How many Turing award winners or Godel prize winners has it produced ? Which means that the India holds the qualitative edge and will continue to hold it. I am associated with CS and i know the top conferences in CS and pretty much am abreast of the research here (speaking of it, will be in Beijing this August to attend one). The output coming from India and Indian students in US outnumbers sheerly than that seen from Iran. Though I accede that Iran's showing in IMO and IPhO are impressive and better than India. Its just that the focus of students here are on the Entrance exams of the IITs which is a dedicated battle like prepping for the IMO itself. So yes, the (statistical) prediction in this study if there is one has to be taken with a wheelbarrow of salt.

Oh, stop it. Get a life. Do not try to debunk me. Go and debunk Scopus guys, who are like a million times more intelligent than you. Email your crapp to Scopus. Those guys know what they are doing and you do not have any idea what you are saying. You are just burning with jealousy that Iran is ahead of India in 2018 despite your "large population". Go and tell of your jealousy to Scopus. Do not try to level it with me. It is the Scopus and SCImago that have produced that table not me. So my views and quite frankly your crapppy views do not matter at all.

I think he was suggesting that Indians do tend to question Iran's achievements or see Iran in a positive light since they are in a difficult position as result of their friendly relations with America and Israelis and the pressure imposed for example when Clinton was in India asking them to reduce Iran oil imports to India
Now let me debunk your statements one-by-one. Start with 2003-2010 for all data points. Plot the Y-on-Y change. Iran's output increases slightly, peaks at 2006 (ie difference over 2005) and falls continuously. India on the other hand suffers only a marginal fall of 0.01% from 2004-2005-2006 but then steadily rises. Enough of a training sample size for predicting 8 years ahead. Secondly, even China was behind UK in 2003 but they caught up in 2004. The point being it moved up the value chain in Science quickly thereby got into the publishing mould. India too is moving higher in the value chain for Science, both pure Sciences and in Technological advances too. Point being it is at a much faster and increasing rate ala China. Next, how many Nobel prize winners in Science has Iran produced ? How many Turing award winners or Godel prize winners has it produced ? Which means that the India holds the qualitative edge and will continue to hold it. I am associated with CS and i know the top conferences in CS and pretty much am abreast of the research here (speaking of it, will be in Beijing this August to attend one). The output coming from India and Indian students in US outnumbers sheerly than that seen from Iran. Though I accede that Iran's showing in IMO and IPhO are impressive and better than India. Its just that the focus of students here are on the Entrance exams of the IITs which is a dedicated battle like prepping for the IMO itself. So yes, the (statistical) prediction in this study if there is one has to be taken with a wheelbarrow of salt.

Even If we consider your numbers and analysis as fine, you just need to convince yourself about how largely different a growth rate of 24% could be from a growth rate of 15%, we're talking about exponential growth here, so a 24% growth is wildly faster than a 16% growth rate. Comparing them in your way is pretty inaccurate.
Oh, stop it. Get a life. Do not try to debunk me. Go and debunk Scopus guys, who are like a million times more intelligent than you. Email your crapp to Scopus. Those guys know what they are doing and you do not have any idea what you are saying. You are just burning with jealousy that Iran is ahead of India in 2018 despite your "large population". Go and tell of your jealousy to Scopus. Do not try to level it with me. It is the Scopus and SCImago that have produced that table not me. So my views and quite frankly your crapppy views do not matter at all.

Indians have only one thing to jealous(if possible) i.e oil in iran.Even though we too have unexplored oil wells in country which can fulfill our needs till 100 yrs.If you are thinking some thing else then you are simply wasting your brain cells :)
Oh, stop it. Get a life. Do not try to debunk me. Go and debunk Scopus guys, who are like a million times more intelligent than you. Email your crapp to Scopus. Those guys know what they are doing and you do not have any idea what you are saying. You are just burning with jealousy that Iran is ahead of India in 2018 despite your "large population". Go and tell of your jealousy to Scopus. Do not try to level it with me. It is the Scopus and SCImago that have produced that table not me. So my views and quite frankly your crapppy views do not matter at all.
Just ignore the trolls brother
Oh, stop it. Get a life. Do not try to debunk me. Go and debunk Scopus guys, who are like a million times more intelligent than you. Email your crapp to Scopus. Those guys know what they are doing and you do not have any idea what you are saying. You are just burning with jealousy that Iran is ahead of India in 2018 despite your "large population". Go and tell of your jealousy to Scopus. Do not try to level it with me. It is the Scopus and SCImago that have produced that table not me. So my views and quite frankly your crapppy views do not matter at all.

I do not think its just jealousy being critical of Iran ingratiates Indians with Americans and Israelis cos they hope for assistance against Chinese war because in 1962 Chinese beat India badly in a war
I think he was suggesting that Indians do tend to question Iran's achievements or see Iran in a positive light since they are in a difficult position as result of their friendly relations with America and Israelis and the pressure imposed for example when Clinton was in India asking them to reduce Iran oil imports to India

India will be the last country on earth who will salute U.S. and hillary have gone with big NO.
Although india is slowly decreasing imports but we already doubled it few months ago so still we are getting in surplus.
India will be the last country on earth who will salute U.S. and hillary have gone with big NO.
Although india is slowly decreasing imports but we already doubled it few months ago so still we are getting in surplus.

Did you not vote against Iran at the UN under pressure from Americans??

btw how did you say no when you are agreeing to reduce oil imports from Iran
It is fine with me. Whatever. But by "something else" did you mean this: World map of The Size ...........

i was right that you are wasting your brain cells :)..
I can answer you in better way but i dont want to insult you in front of every body :)
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