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Iran says it has offered Pakistan and China participation in India's Chabahar project

Sure, but only once these "purposed" Rail and Road networks are build and fully operational, until then they have to rely upon traditional routes and as and alternative the "purposed" INSTC, which is gonna be fully operational in less than 6 months for sure. :)

Moreover, we have already reached an Agreement upon that, Ashgabat agreement. :p:

Apart from mere rhetoric and wishful thinking, can you please enlighten, exactly who Gawadar is supposed to replace Mumbai ???? LOL :p:

China trade volume. Mumbai is solely indian port for Indian needs. Gwader will be a free international port in years to come.

Gwader is a talk in international gazettes, forums while chahbhar only at pdf(by indians) and TOI ...this is actual LOL. Even Iranis doesn't market this port of theirs like the way Indians do :D
Let me burst the claim of some indian here those were talking about afghanistan-Pakistan trade. And about gawadar and chabahar..

1. Pak-Afghan border was closed in 2014 when the Pakistan Army launched a military operation against Taliban militants in the area. Which effected the trade between both countries and afghanistan had to choose long distance route via iran. Pakistan reopened North Waziristan border with Afghanistan on 7th march 2018 but not all the gates. Now you will see the increase in trade in upcoming years.
2. Lets not talk about chabahar you will see the result after 2 years. There will be a good news for all including india. I dont wanna compare indian 500 million project vs 60 billion china's CPEC. Chinese and pakistan's officials know the real worth. Enough said.

Hint: Chabahar and Gawadar ports have to be linked in future not now due to internal and extarnal pressure. and same for IP Gas pipe line and further expension to india just like TAPI. But not now due to external and internal pressure.

@Iqbal Ali @Basel
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Kindly speak about topic when you know what is happening on ground, CAR delegates are frequently visiting Pakistan and very much interested in CPEC and they have their issues with Iran and Afghanistan, later for security purposes, that is why China proposed use of it's territory which they were also interested as it's much safer and will provide rail, road and even pipeline connectivity.
Lol, if visiting could have turned into operationalization, Iran Pakistan gas pipeline would have been a success story too.
Everything until now is hanging in the air, how many additional berths are operations in GAWADAR build by China ? Nil isn't it ?

What CAR exports - Energy plus mineral resources, which could be/are the biggest consumers of CAR exports. China and India. CAR doesn't need CPEC to reach China.:lol:
CAR will have to export it from Chabahar if it wants to sell to India.
What and from where CAR states imports - Finished goods - Basically from China, Turkey and Russia - again they do not need the CPEC access. India is still searching its market in CAR region which is actually negligible but might grow in future.

until now all trade to CAR have been through AFG - Karachi why not through the Karakoram pass via China if the trade route was beneficial?
China trade volume. Mumbai is solely indian port for Indian needs. Gwader will be a free international port in years to come.

Gwader is a talk in international gazettes, forums while chahbhar only at pdf(by indians) and TOI ...this is actual LOL. Even Iranis doesn't market this port of theirs like the way Indians do :D

Now let me try to answer realistically. :)

While I agree with you that Gawadar will indeed service some of the Chinese trade, since the chunk of China's population and big cities are geographically on it's eastern part, do you still expect the entire volume of Chinese sea trade passing through Gawadar ?????

They have full-fledged and established eastern ports already.

Regarding Chabahar, we will have to simply wait and see which one among both will attract more business or even the business are shared among both. In both way's it will be an added bonus for Iran, and a strategic port for India to manage and maintain. As far as I know from International as well as Pakistani media, Chabahar had already started eating into the business share of your already established Karachi port.



Minus Afghanistan, Karachi port's status is more or less equal or worst than Mumbai. (Mumbai port along with Kolkata service shipments to Nepal and Bhutan even though low volume) :p:

Let me burst the claim of some indian here those were talking about afghanistan-Pakistan trade. And about gawadar and chabahar..

1. Pak-Afghan border was closed in 2014 when the Pakistan Army launched a military operation against Taliban militants in the area. Which effected the trade between both countries and afghanistan had to choose long distance route via iran. Pakistan reopened North Waziristan border with Afghanistan on 7th march 2018 but not all the gates. Now you will see the increase in trade in upcoming years.
2. Lets not talk about chabahar you will see the result after 2 years. There will be a good news for all including india. I dont wanna compare indian 500 million project vs 60 billion china's CPEC. Chinese and pakistan's officials know the real worth. Enough said.

Hint: Chabahar and Gawadar ports have to be linked in future not now due to internal and extarnal pressure. and same for IP Gas pipe line and further expension to india just like TAPI. But not now due to external and internal pressure.

@Iqbal Ali @Basel

A small correction in between. Pakistan unilaterally reopened North Waziristan border with Afghanistan on 7th march 2018.

All these years, the Afghans had been requesting. But this time around Pakistan did loose your leverage and monopoly over Afghanistan trade. :p:
A small correction in between. Pakistan unilaterally reopened North Waziristan border with Afghanistan on 7th march 2018.

All these years, the Afghans had been requesting. But this time around Pakistan did loose your leverage and monopoly over Afghanistan trade. :p:
Small or big correction does not matter, unilaterally or deliberately does not matter too.

Whats matter is that the both sides now trading via
North Waziristan Gate.

Now take it as the universal correction. Below
"The choice of traders matter".
Now let me try to answer realistically. :)

While I agree with you that Gawadar will indeed service some of the Chinese trade, since the chunk of China's population and big cities are geographically on it's eastern part, do you still expect the entire volume of Chinese sea trade passing through Gawadar ?????

They have full-fledged and established eastern ports already.

Regarding Chabahar, we will have to simply wait and see which one among both will attract more business or even the business are shared among both. In both way's it will be an added bonus for Iran, and a strategic port for India to manage and maintain. As far as I know from International as well as Pakistani media, Chabahar had already started eating into the business share of your already established Karachi port.



Minus Afghanistan, Karachi port's status is more or less equal or worst than Mumbai. (Mumbai port along with Kolkata service shipments to Nepal and Bhutan even though low volume) :p:

A small correction in between. Pakistan unilaterally reopened North Waziristan border with Afghanistan on 7th march 2018.

All these years, the Afghans had been requesting. But this time around Pakistan did loose your leverage and monopoly over Afghanistan trade. :p:

Oh dear lord, Afghanistan moving trade to Irani port was a known/expected thing to Pakistan and we hardly care that is precisely why we didn't made any effort to give Afghanistan and India easy pass from our land/ports. With this, that is all Chahbhar can only do.No more customers or potential users.Also more than the Indians, it has indeed provided Afghanistan an alternative but still, the transit will cost them more as compared to Karachi. P.S again for the 10000th time, Afghanistan shifting their business to Iran is hardly a concern to us strategically as well as financially. Chahbhar is just for Afghanistan, Iranis won't mind a bit of revenue while India ain't getting much since Afghanistan is not a considerable market, let alone big. Funny thing is, India only realize about chahbhar when Pakistan-China announced Gwader project since before that, they didn't had much clue nor interested. Now just to fill up their egos and brain wash young insecure Indians like you, your Govt is marketing Chahbhar as equal potential to Gwader. Anyways it is your right to remain delusional.
Oh dear lord, Afghanistan moving trade to Irani port was a known/expected thing to Pakistan and we hardly care that is precisely why we didn't made any effort to give Afghanistan and India easy pass from our land/ports. With this, that is all Chahbhar can only do.No more customers or potential users.Also more than the Indians, it has indeed provided Afghanistan an alternative but still, the transit will cost them more as compared to Karachi. P.S again for the 10000th time, Afghanistan shifting their business to Iran is hardly a concern to us strategically as well as financially. Chahbhar is just for Afghanistan, Iranis won't mind a bit of revenue while India ain't getting much since Afghanistan is not a considerable market, let alone big. Funny thing is, India only realize about chahbhar when Pakistan-China announced Gwader project since before that, they didn't had much clue nor interested. Now just to fill up their egos and brain wash young insecure Indians like you, your Govt is marketing Chahbhar as equal potential to Gwader. Anyways it is your right to remain delusional.
why are we even discussing with ignorant indians? Those cant even simply understand the ground realities ?

Well the fact is india gained because of our absences. Remember india is going to compete the chinese product and cost in future. and we know who will be the winner. None of other then the china not only in afghanistan, iran but in the whole region once we will be present. Now a days india is gaining because of our absence.
How is Chabahar better than Gwadar?

It is Gwadar which is better than Chabahar, Gwadar has a straight link to China and through China, access to Eastern Central Asian Republics.
Because security is guaranteed by Iran .
Not some non state actors.
Noone going to play against Iran in their soil.
Sure, but only once these "purposed" Rail and Road networks are build and fully operational, until then they have to rely upon traditional routes and as and alternative the "purposed" INSTC, which is gonna be fully operational in less than 6 months for sure. :)

Moreover, we have already reached an Agreement upon that, Ashgabat agreement. :p:

Apart from mere rhetoric and wishful thinking, can you please enlighten, exactly who Gawadar is supposed to replace Mumbai ???? LOL :p:

Please talk about agreements which India signed and stop talking about stuff related to Pakistan, because Indians are delusional about it and have no real info what Pakistan and China is doing for CPEC, even Russia is supporting CAR to use One Belt One Road and CPEC as they don't want CAR to go through Afghanistan.

Lol, if visiting could have turned into operationalization, Iran Pakistan gas pipeline would have been a success story too.
Everything until now is hanging in the air, how many additional berths are operations in GAWADAR build by China ? Nil isn't it ?

What CAR exports - Energy plus mineral resources, which could be/are the biggest consumers of CAR exports. China and India. CAR doesn't need CPEC to reach China.:lol:
CAR will have to export it from Chabahar if it wants to sell to India.
What and from where CAR states imports - Finished goods - Basically from China, Turkey and Russia - again they do not need the CPEC access. India is still searching its market in CAR region which is actually negligible but might grow in future.

until now all trade to CAR have been through AFG - Karachi why not through the Karakoram pass via China if the trade route was beneficial?

First paragraph of your post shows you have no clue about stuff happening in Pakistan and CPEC, Iran Pakistan gas pipe line is political issue and KSA supported political side don't want to pursue it.
First paragraph of your post shows you have no clue about stuff happening in Pakistan and CPEC, Iran Pakistan gas pipe line is political issue and KSA supported political side don't want to pursue it.

Lol, Everyone in the region is aware of what is happening except an ostrich in middle.
These are your economist not ours.

Iran Pakistan gas pipeline is a political issue, so is AFG_PAK and Iran_Pak relations which are dominated by IND/US and KSA again.
Lol, Everyone in the region is aware of what is happening except an ostrich in middle.
These are your economist not ours.

Iran Pakistan gas pipeline is a political issue, so is AFG_PAK and Iran_Pak relations which are dominated by IND/US and KSA again.

Relationship with Iran is not liked by ME countries and both sides support their elements in Pakistan to gain more influence, it has nothing to do with India until some evidence is there to confirm that Iran is helping India to destabilize Pakistan (although ME countries are taking that line to some extent).

The people related to media are paid goons even India is indirectly paying media in Pakistan. There are always pros and cons to everything, CPEC also has those, it's up to Pakistani leadership how they manage it.
Relationship with Iran is not liked by ME countries and both sides support their elements in Pakistan to gain more influence, it has nothing to do with India until some evidence is there to confirm that Iran is helping India to destabilize Pakistan (although ME countries are taking that line to some extent).

The people related to media are paid goons even India is indirectly paying media in Pakistan. There are always pros and cons to everything, CPEC also has those, it's up to Pakistani leadership how they manage it.
So, as per you, Pakistan is a battleground for Iran and KSA...? And Pakistan has no problems with KSA and Iran regarding the same .. That is interesting...:whistle:
India does not need to destabilize Pakistan at all. All it needs to do is to help Pakistani leadership in whatever they are doing in Pakistan.:-):-) No one is a bigger friend of Pakistan than it's leaders these days.;)
Please talk about agreements which India signed and stop talking about stuff related to Pakistan, because Indians are delusional about it and have no real info what Pakistan and China is doing for CPEC, even Russia is supporting CAR to use One Belt One Road and CPEC as they don't want CAR to go through Afghanistan.

Sure, I can't agree more we you. India doesn't know the real info about CPEC agreement between Pakistan-China, why India ??? Even entire Pakistan (with the exception of very few) don't know about the full details relate to CPEC agreement, let alone others. LOL :p:
He is a good diplomat.
He was actually clearing the side of the Iran.
In both ways Gwadar will be screwed.Being a good business men and relatively stable situation in Iran.They can actually make the Chabhar a success.Good for India,Pakistan and China.But practically it will cause the demise of the Gwadar.
Even if Pakistan still not cooperate the result would be same

Hahahaha.this is funny gwadar demise hahahaha.it will host more containers than chabahar and it's a deep sea port.trade will be much more than chabahar.
Hahahaha.this is funny gwadar demise hahahaha.it will host more containers than chabahar and it's a deep sea port.trade will be much more than chabahar.

And you thing a medium sea port can't never be dredged to make it a deep sea port ???? And if you think so, I would say you being very ignorant here. I mean it's expensive but never impossible. :-)

During the first phase of the Shahid Beheshti Port project (inaugurated recently), India had dredged around 15 million cubic meters of material from the area, creating 203 hectares of new land. Further, 1,650 of wavelength breakers and pond measuring a depth of 16m² and 1.5m² were developed.

That is the reason it was possible for our initial shipment of a 100,000 Ton ship to operate dock in the port. And continuous dredging is in progress which will eventually result in constructing a deep sea port capable of operating ships of any given capacity. :p:
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