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Iran Said to Send Troops to Bolster Syria

Again, they are deliberately targetting towns and cities. I don't know how it is in your country, but in Turkey, usually civillians are living in towns and cities. You think they are attacking only the fortified positions of the terrorists. Then how come this much of people died?

Which part of the explanation you dont understand?

1. Terrorists take over some districts in the cities. Fortifies their positions.

2. Syria asks civilians to leave those districts, if they arent already gone.

3. Syria sends army to clear out the terrorists, by all means possible - planes and artillery, then tanks with soldiers on foot to clear out the remaining cells. Thats exactly the same tactic as US is using in the urban war. It minimizes the army loses, and maximizes the loses of the enemy.

About death count, we dont know the real number. Regardless, here is the food for thought:

1. More than 30% of dead are Syria's military and police.

2. We can assume 40-50% are the terrorists. Since they arent that well armed and trained as the regular army. Nor they have air support. Nor they have the support of the locals.

3. That leaves 20-30% of actual civilians. There are plenty of evidence of terrorists targeting civilians, there is zero proof of army doing the same. Granted, some civilians died from the cross-fire from both sides, thats unfortunate and unavoidable in the urban warfare, but again - fault for such urban fights is on the terrorists and their supporters, NOT the army who tries to defend the country.

You don't need to show me anything. I've already watched them and unlike you i'm not trying to justify their disgusting acts.

I know I dont have to show you the evidence of terrorists massacres - we all have seen it. However, none of us seen the evidence I'm asking for 100'th time - since it doesnt exist.
Which part of the explanation you dont understand?

1. Terrorists take over some districts in the cities. Fortifies their positions.

2. Syria asks civilians to leave those districts, if they arent already gone.

3. Syria sends army to clear out the terrorists, by all means possible - planes and artillery, then tanks with soldiers on foot to clear out the remaining cells. Thats exactly the same tactic as US is using in the urban war. It minimizes the army loses, and maximizes the loses of the enemy.

About death count, we dont know the real number. Regardless, here is the food for thought:

1. More than 30% of dead are Syria's military and police.

2. We can assume 40-50% are the terrorists. Since they arent that well armed and trained as the regular army. Nor they have air support. Nor they have the support of the locals.

3. That leaves 20-30% of actual civilians. There are plenty of evidence of terrorists targeting civilians, there is zero proof of army doing the same. Granted, some civilians died from the cross-fire from both sides, thats unfortunate and unavoidable in the urban warfare, but again - fault for such urban fights is on the terrorists and their supporters, NOT the army who tries to defend the country.

I know I dont have to show you the evidence of terrorists massacres - we all have seen it. However, none of us seen the evidence I'm asking for 100'th time - since it doesnt exist.

Assad bombing cities - YouTube

Please watch them all and tell me again about that zero evidence...
Assad bombing cities - YouTube

Please watch them all and tell me again about that zero evidence...

Terrorists takes over some cities districts, army is clearing them out. Whats not to understand?

Just because terrorists and their supporters West/Arabs are screaming bloody murder that army is cleansing occupied cities, doesnt mean army shouldnt do that. As I explained before, there is no better way, and you havent provided any better alternative either.
Terrorists takes over some cities districts, army is clearing them out. Whats not to understand?

Just because terrorists and their supporters West/Arabs are screaming bloody murder that army is cleansing occupied cities, doesnt mean army shouldnt do that. As I explained before, there is no better way, and you havent provided any better alternative either.

Army is not just clearing cities from terrorists but killing thousands of innocent people in the process.

You asked for proofs and i provided you hundereds of videos. So before talking about no evidence of Assad killing civillians, watch all of them.
Army is not just clearing cities from terrorists but killing thousands of innocent people in the process.
You asked for proofs and i provided you hundereds of videos. So before talking about no evidence of Assad killing civillians, watch all of them.

If terrorists are using civilians as a human shield, then definitely some are dying when terrorists are getting killed. Otherwise civilians should have left such districts as requested by the government and together with Red cross they evacuate civilians, and then proceed cleansing those districts from the terrorists. Common sense.

Its ironic how you blame the government for atrocities committed by the terrorists. IGNORE the part of them occupying the cities, and then blame the Syria for cleansing those very cities. :disagree:
If terrorists are using civilians as a human shield, then definitely some are dying when terrorists are getting killed. Otherwise civilians should have left such districts as requested by the government and together with Red cross they evacuate civilians, and then proceed cleansing those districts from the terrorists. Common sense.

Its ironic how you blame the government for atrocities committed by the terrorists. IGNORE the part of them occupying the cities, and then blame the Syria for cleansing those very cities. :disagree:

I don't know if you aware of this but first you were first saying it was just a propaganda... After my 30 second research for finding proofs, you now saying "government asked them to leave" and "terrorists using them as shields"...

Just imagine if i had a strong stomach and made a broad research to change your mind...

Anyways, its all civillians and FSA's fault. Assad is an angel... Yeah
I don't know if you aware of this but first you were first saying it was just a propaganda... After my 30 second research for finding proofs, you now saying "government asked them to leave" and "terrorists using them as shields"...

Just imagine if i had a strong stomach and made a broad research to change your mind...

Anyways, its all civillians and FSA's fault. Assad is an angel... Yeah

You dont make any sense. Where did I say clearing the cities from the terrorists by all means possible is propaganda? I repeated it like 10x its happening, and now you try to imply things I repeated many times never have been said earlier :disagree:

Assad is no angel, but every country in the World will defend itself from the invasion, terrorists or otherwise.

Oh, and again: provide ONE proof Assad is specifically targeting civilians, you STILL havent show ANY. Clearing cities of terrorists means just that - targeting the terrorists, some civilians could die in the cross-fire, but NOT because army is targeting the civilians. Common sense might be hard for you, but try :meeting:
You dont make any sense. Where did I say clearing the cities from the terrorists by all means possible is propaganda? I repeated it like 10x its happening, and now you try to imply things I repeated many times never have been said earlier :disagree:

Assad is no angel, but every country in the World will defend itself from the invasion, terrorists or otherwise.

Oh, and again: provide ONE proof Assad is specifically targeting civilians, you STILL havent show ANY. Clearing cities of terrorists means just that - targeting the terrorists, some civilians could die in the cross-fire, but NOT because army is targeting the civilians. Common sense might be hard for you, but try :meeting:

I've provided you totally more than 24 hours long videos. Watch them all, then we'll talk :tup:
I've provided you totally more than 24 hours long videos. Watch them all, then we'll talk :tup:

I saw them before, army is clearing out the terrorists, occupying the cities. You try to make it as something bad.

"Terrorists in the cities who kill civilians? No problem. Army bombing those terrorists? How DARE they! EVIL!!!" :azn:
I saw them before, army is clearing out the terrorists, occupying the cities. You try to make it as something bad.

"Terrorists in the cities who kill civilians? No problem. Army bombing those terrorists? How DARE they! EVIL!!!" :azn:

Yeah you sure did. 1 year old terrorists... And yes it is something bad.
Yeah you sure did. 1 year old terrorists... And yes it is something bad.

We already established terrorists are deliberately killing civilians, including little kids. Like a baby Shia, hanged, after his family was massacred by the terrorists.

We already established terrorists are occupying some city districts, and also established army is trying to evacuate civilians with the help of Red cross. If there are still civilians left - they could die from the cross-fire.

What we are yet to establish, is if army deliberately targeting civilians, 1 year old or of any other age. You keep repeating West/Arabs propaganda how Assad is doing it, but not managing to provide non-existent evidence of that.
We already established terrorists are deliberately killing civilians, including little kids. Like a baby Shia, hanged, after his family was massacred by the terrorists.

We already established terrorists are occupying some city districts, and also established army is trying to evacuate civilians with the help of Red cross. If there are still civilians left - they could die from the cross-fire.

What we are yet to establish, is if army deliberately targeting civilians, 1 year old or of any other age. You keep repeating West/Arabs propaganda how Assad is doing it, but not managing to provide non-existent evidence of that.

Yeah, i keep repating my self with the hope of maybe you might understand. Deliberately or not, they are dropping bombs on cities, which means they are either targetting or do not care civillian deaths. Which makes them terrorists. Simple as that. Stop with that evidence BS, you are not even watching them...
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