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Iran Said to Send Troops to Bolster Syria

Yeah, i keep repating my self with the hope of maybe you might understand. Deliberately or not, they are dropping bombs on cities, which means they are either targetting or do not care civillian deaths. Which makes them terrorists. Simple as that. Stop with that evidence BS, you are not even watching them...

So in your opinion, Turkish government is also terrorist. As they kill civilians while they are targeting PKK. Same thing, no?

So in your opinion, Turkish government is also terrorist. As they kill civilians while they are targeting PKK. Same thing, no?

Unlike Assad, Turkish army care civillian deaths. What we're doing is surgical operations in order to minimize the risk for civillians.
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Then iran government is the biggest terrorist because theres only a few countries who can match iran terroirst bombing and civilian killing , and dirty tactics .

Compare Turkish nationals in Al Qaeda, compared to Iranian ones. Compare Turkish nationals in Taliban, compared to Iranian ones. Therein lies your answer.

@TurAr, it is hard for Assad to be as careful as Turkish government for many reasons. Such as Turkey don't have half the world attacking them like Assad does. Syrian army also has nowhere near the expertise of the Turkish army.

However I don't believe Assad is hitting civilians on purpose. At least there is no proof he is. There is though plenty of proof that FSA hits civilians on purpose.
Yeah, i keep repating my self with the hope of maybe you might understand. Deliberately or not, they are dropping bombs on cities, which means they are either targetting or do not care civillian deaths. Which makes them terrorists. Simple as that. Stop with that evidence BS, you are not even watching them...

Fact: terrorists are occupying some cities.

Fact: Syria asks civilians to leave and helps Red cross to do that.

Fact: Syria bombs those specific districts with the terrorists.

Fact: if Syria would just use soldiers on foot without heavy arms, they would suffer massive casualties from the fortified positions of the thousands of terrorist. It would be a losing tactic for Syria, and still civilians could die in the cross-fire.

Simple truth is, Syria's army does its best to limit civilian casualties while maximizing terrorists kills. If you dont like cities being bombed - demand your government to stop arming and sending terrorists to Syria. Done. No more cities bombed, no more babies killed, peace returns to the Syria.

Unlike Assad, Turkish army care civillian deaths. What we're doing is surgical operations in order to minimize the risk for civillians.

Are you comparing operation against 5 terrorists, to operation against tens of thousands terrorists? Really? :meeting:
Fact: terrorists are occupying some cities.

Fact: Syria asks civilians to leave and helps Red cross to do that.

Fact: Syria bombs those specific districts with the terrorists.

Fact: if Syria would just use soldiers on foot without heavy arms, they would suffer massive casualties from the fortified positions of the thousands of terrorist. It would be a losing tactic for Syria, and still civilians could die in the cross-fire.

Simple truth is, Syria's army does its best to limit civilian casualties while maximizing terrorists kills. If you dont like cities being bombed - demand your government to stop arming and sending terrorists to Syria. Done. No more cities bombed, no more babies killed, peace returns to the Syria.

If this is the best Syrian army can do, i don't even want to think their worst... Anyway apparently no one will be able to change other's mind.

What do you think will happen from now on to Syria?

Are you comparing operation against 5 terrorists, to operation against tens of thousands terrorists? Really? :meeting:

Yeah i do. And this 5 have taken their place among other +30.000
Actually West is behind muslim brotherhood, and US turned against and easily discarded its previous puppet Mubarak, when his usefulness was over.

"Since the 1950s, the United States has secretly struck up alliances with the Brotherhood or its offshoots on issues as diverse as fighting communism and calming tensions among European Muslims."

Washington’s Secret History with the Muslim Brotherhood by Ian Johnson | NYRblog | The New York Review of Books

Also Qatar has a huge influence over muslim brotherhood, and Qatar is another US puppet.

So what is your point? That the US actually talked to people they disagree with about issues they have in common? There would be a lot less fighting and wars in the world if the US did this more often and everyone else did the same
propaganda fake news

Iran will not send troops there and make more problem
My advice to iranian friends, pressure your governement not to send the troops, given the love of syrian for revoltionnary guards they might not comeback
My advice to iranian friends, pressure your governement not to send the troops, given the love of syrian for revoltionnary guards they might not comeback

You don't care for IRGC soldiers , you are afraid of that if iran send the troops , they will kill all of the FSA members in a single week . haha
but don't worry the news are fake , but be aware of that iranian IRGC commanders told that if US attack syria , iran will engage too ....
Killing thousands of civillians and children is just a mistake, eh? But it is not important with how many innocent bloods his hands are covered. Just because the new government might be worse, he should remain in power?

Thank you very much for bringing up this point TurAr. Armenians have always respected the Turkish nation for there strong human rights record, acceptance of minorities, and genocide-free history.

Frankly, I'm surprised at many of the posters here. Iran's conventional military force is probably only half of its power. Quds and Basij forces are VERY powerful. If Turkey can't even handle PKK, what makes you think it can handle Iranian elite forces?
Thank you very much for bringing up this point TurAr. Armenians have always respected the Turkish nation for there strong human rights record, acceptance of minorities, and genocide-free history.

Frankly, I'm surprised at many of the posters here. Iran's conventional military force is probably only half of its power. Quds and Basij forces are VERY powerful. If Turkey can't even handle PKK, what makes you think it can handle Iranian elite forces?

Armenians should keep their respect to themselves and should respect their imaginary deaths by not bringing them up in every conversation and stop playing the victim.

This "if Turkey can't even handle PKK" arguement is old, renovate yourself a little. And do not compare an army with terrorist organization which has nothing to lose, has no morality, has no values to fight for, only aim is to generate terror.
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