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Iran Said to Send Troops to Bolster Syria

assad should have held the elections long time ago and step down and participate along with all oppositions then what excuse could the oppisiton have?
I didn't say you would be right.
Are you denying the fact that rebels are targeting civilians for to gain sympathy and condemn the government for it?
I think it was just 2 weeks ago since that video of beheading a civilian by terrorists spread all over the net.
UNSC has held 4 meetings and the irony is that,right before the meeting,a horrible massacre happens in Syria.I would like you to answer me what would the government gain by killing civilians like this?Who except terrorists gain the most from it?

I'm not going to defend FSA here. I'm just saying that Assad, the man your country supporting is even worse. And you are just a hypocrite.
I'm not going to defend FSA here. I'm just saying that Assad, the man your country supporting is even worse. And you are just a hypocrite.

Very nice,Thanks,Your own country is sending arms and terrorists to Syria,at least Iran is supporting Syria,not by arms or soldiers,just politically.Please tell us more about being hypocrites.
assad should have held the elections long time ago and step down and participate along with all oppositions then what excuse could the oppisiton have?

US demanded that terrorists wouldnt negotiate the peace with Syria, and denounce new Syria's democratic constitution and free Parliament elections. These already happened, and it made no difference for West/Arabs and their supported terrorists.

Assad offered free president elections with UN supervision and even said he wouldnt participate. That made no difference for the West/Arabs either. They are pushing for the terrorists government, hand picked by US. I cant make stuff like that - US officials said they are pre-selecting who should rule the Syria!
Very nice,Thanks,Your own country is sending arms and terrorists to Syria,at least Iran is supporting Syria,not by arms or soldiers,just politically.Please tell us more about being hypocrites.

Don't be so sure about that.

And as far as i know FSA haven't shot down any Iranian jet in international airspace or supported a terrorist organization against Iran.
Don't be so sure about that.

And as far as i know FSA haven't shot down any Iranian jet in international airspace or supported a terrorist organization against Iran.
I'm sure about that,sending soldiers is not something easy to hide.
Yeah,FSA ha kidnapped 40 Iranian citizens and call them soldiers to show its acts as legitimate.It is targeting Iran's civilians in Syria has also threatened to kill every Iranian they see.Thoough,except kidnapping 40 unarmed civilians,they haven't reached anything.

Answer me please,is Turkey sending rebels to Syria because of its doened jet or the so called support of Kurds by Syria?Because from every angle I look,Turkey is shooting in its own feet and also causing more death in Syria and also,targeting Iran's interests.Please tell me,except following the policies of Arab regimes or the west,what has Turkey achieved so far?nothing.It shows you are taking orders from other countries and parties.
I'm sure about that,sending soldiers is not something easy to hide.
Yeah,FSA ha kidnapped 40 Iranian citizens and call them soldiers to show its acts as legitimate.It is targeting Iran's civilians in Syria has also threatened to kill every Iranian they see.Thoough,except kidnapping 40 unarmed civilians,they haven't reached anything.

Answer me please,is Turkey sending rebels to Syria because of its doened jet or the so called support of Kurds by Syria?Because from every angle I look,Turkey is shooting in its own feet and also causing more death in Syria and also,targeting Iran's interests.Please tell me,except following the policies of Arab regimes or the west,what has Turkey achieved so far?nothing.It shows you are taking orders from other countries and parties.

We have discussed these many times before. So i won't bother again...

Whatever the reason is, Syria is helping PKK to make them kill more civillians in Turkey. Assad's thugs killed two Turkish pilots. Therefore Assad must go. Simple as that.

As for AKP's wrong policy of involving Turkey into this mess will hopefuly dealt with in the next elections.
I really want Iranian Soldiers to step in so that Nato and United states can join the party.If Iranians are poking there nose in Syria then I would love to see Saudis along with GCC to join Israel & USA to destroy Iran.If Assad has some much faith on syrians then why don't he go for fair elections or democracy ? what's the point of fighting with his own people ? Iran is trying to come for rescue of Assad knowing that they dont have a chance.Instead of fighting for Syria they should know that they are next.Don't rely on China or Russia they are not going to help you and sorry to say you stands no where.
I really want Iranian Soldiers to step in so that Nato and United states can join the party.If Iranians are poking there nose in Syria then I would love to see Saudis along with GCC to join Israel & USA to destroy Iran.If Assad has some much faith on syrians then why don't he go for fair elections or democracy ? what's the point of fighting with his own people ? Iran is trying to come for rescue of Assad knowing that they dont have a chance.Instead of fighting for Syria they should know that they are next.Don't rely on China or Russia they are not going to help you and sorry to say you stands no where.
You are actually nothing to wish for destruction of another country Indian.
Iran is not meddling in Syria,it's just supporting its ally politically.
It's Saudis,US and Turkey who are sending terror squads to Syria,not Iran.Saudis and other Arab regimes are the ones who are paying mercenaries to fight in Syria,not Iran.Assad can not hold elections while the whole country is in civil war,but it seems you lack some basic gray cells to understand it.
Iran and Syria are crushing all rebels and rebel sympathisers. We take no prisoners, even hostile countries want to act brave and send their planes into Syrian airspace. Syria showed they are not to be fvcked with.

We have defence pact with Syria and are fully allowed to send troops to help our ally. Sooner we do it the better.

You are actually nothing to wish for destruction of another country Indian.

We have invaded and looted India many times in the past. It is just jealous that they can't respond, don't worry.
You are actually nothing to wish for destruction of another country Indian.
Iran is not meddling in Syria,it's just supporting its ally politically.
It's Saudis,US and Turkey who are sending terror squads to Syria,not Iran.Saudis and other Arab regimes are the ones who are paying mercenaries to fight in Syria,not Iran.Assad can not hold elections while the whole country is in civil war,but it seems you lack some basic gray cells to understand it.

You Iranians are the most smart one and rest are fool.You are enriching uranium for peaceful purpose whereas Your retard president keep on blabbering that we will wipe Israel off the map.Whatever you are doing in Syria is just to support them politically whereas other countries like Turkey is instigating violence there..don't sound like a dumb here..It is on record that Iranians soldiers are caught there,Iran is planning to send it's troop there..If you are so concerned abt Assad then the world is concerned for the people of Syria.Face the heat boi.You ain't that big that you ll decide the fate of a country and it's people.
so funny , interfering in another internal affairs by sending weapons and funding terrorists causing death of thousands of Syrian people and now getting an angel gesture . it's far more than hypocrisy .
We have invaded and looted India many times in the past. It is just jealous that they can't respond, don't worry.[/QUOTE]

Yo know that you have committed the same crime what United States and it's Ally are doing (according to you) then what's the point crying foul now.You have done something seriously wrong in the past.It is pay back back time kid.Hope you ll meet the same fate as other countries has met.
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