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Iran’s Sunnis, Saudi’s Shias; a Fair Comparison

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Keep the discussion focused on Saudi Arabia and Iran ..

Individuals may have good or bad experiences, the point of discussion is treatment of Sunnis by the authorities in Iran, can the name their sons and daughters Abobakr, Omar , Othman, Ayesha , Umme kulthum etc who are highly respected by Suniis?

But the point of the discussions is flawed, because the article you posted is from sunnionline.com which makes it far from being impartial. How could you talk about a fair comparison when you're posting the article from one side of the issue? Would it be considered fair if I post an article from one of the rightist religious Iranian newspapers about the treatment of Shi3as in Saudi Arabia? Surely not. The same is true about your source.
Your apprehension on the source is quite correct but we have to discuss the points that are being highlighted in the article, why Sunnis cant open their Mosque in Tehran the 10 Mosques that they had at Shahs time were converted by appointing Shia prayer leaders, why their is no Sunni Minister since Khomeni's time , why cant they name their kids Abobakr, Omer ,Ayesha,etc and i have also added the press TV news about Sunni Imam killing in Baluchistan that blames to Saudis... what my point is that Islamic Unity of Iranian regime is imposed one or equal one?

@ Aryan .. Yes to the certain extent Mr. Katju is Right but we have some good mind too in the media and some of them are unbiased too. Media is tool of fourth generation warfare that we all know very well but it does not mean that people should stop, discussing & sharing the news and events.
Al-Jazeera promotes American views !!!
That's why US bombed their offices in Iraq intentionally.

Yes it does. Recently many of its journalists complained of the same.

I am somewhat surprised to see Indians giving us so much advise on sectarianism in Islam.

In the case of post 105 an Indian member who is a fraud in the sense that he tried when he first came on to pretend he was an Arab and has been exposed and admitted that he is an Indian pretending to be an Arab on the forum also wishes to talk about this subject also seems self serving.

As a Pakistani Muslim for all Muslims on the forum whether they be Shia or Sunni I am able to confirm that at partition of India when Pakistan was formed thousands of Muslims had their throats slit by Hindus and were killed. At no time did Hindus differentiate between Shias or Sunnis.

I would like all Muslims on the forum remember that when they post here
Yes it does. Recently many of its journalists complained of the same.

I am somewhat surprised to see Indians giving us so much advise on sectarianism in Islam.

In the case of post 105 an Indian member who is a fraud in the sense that he tried when he first came on to pretend he was an Arab and has been exposed and admitted that he is an Indian pretending to be an Arab on the forum also wishes to talk about this subject also seems self serving.

As a Pakistani Muslim for all Muslims on the forum whether they be Shia or Sunni I am able to confirm that at partition of India when Pakistan was formed thousands of Muslims had their throats slit by Hindus and were killed. At no time did Hindus differentiate between Shias or Sunnis.

I would like all Muslims on the forum remember that when they post here
It is quite astonishing that you are trying to deviate from the core issue and sectarianism is as truth in ******* as castism in Hindus and by the way all Indian flag bearers are Hindus for you? The point of discussion is the situation of Shia's in Islamic republic of Iran who propagates the euphuism “ Islamic Unity”, “No Sunni no Shia only Islam” and the same time the situation of Shia’s in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Now address the points
A) Why Sunnis have no mosque in Tehran ( All ten at shah’s time are converted to Shiaism by replacing prayer leaders)
B) Why Sunnis cannot name their children like Omer, Abu-Bakr, Ayesha, etc.
C) Why sheikh faiz Mosque in Mashad was destroyed on 21st January 1993 just after a Month of the babri mosque demolished in India and there is no hue and cry on that.
Sheikh Fayz Mosque - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

D) Why there is no sunni minister in Iranian government from last 33 years.
rest will be discussed later.
Thanks God in Pakistan no one cares who is shia and who is sunni or who is hindu or who is christain..(obviously apart frm 0.0001% idiots)
Thanks God in Pakistan no one cares who is shia and who is sunni or who is hindu or who is christain..(obviously apart frm 0.0001% idiots)

Also external non Muslim forces try to sow discord like the earlier Indians posting. We must not allow these external forces to sow this discord
Also external non Muslim forces try to sow discord like the earlier Indians posting. We must not allow these external forces to sow this discord
You are right that Muslims must not allow the external forces to sow the discord but that is not the answer of the questions i raised for your kind consideration & one more thing and of most importance that discussing the things as what they are does not make any community weaker yet provide the tool for thought process that who is the real well wisher and who is the imposter...
Thanks & Regards
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