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Iran, Russia to devise long-term strategic cooperation agreement


Jan 5, 2020
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Iran, Russia to devise long-term strategic cooperation agreement: FM Zarif
Wednesday, 22 July 2020 2:43 PM [ Last Update: Wednesday, 22 July 2020 3:16 PM ]


Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says Tehran and Moscow have agreed to devise and conclude a long-term strategic cooperation agreement.

Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of a cabinet meeting on Wednesday, Zarif said the agreement was made during his Tuesday visit to Moscow, where he met with his Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, and talked with President Vladimir Putin on the phone for one hour due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Describing his talks with Russian officials as fruitful, Zarif said he held intensive negotiations with the authorities in Moscow for four and a half hours that resulted in the agreement.

He pointed to a 10-year agreement initially inked between Tehran and Moscow two decades ago, which has been extended twice for five years each time and is due to expire in eight months.

“If no one has any objection, the agreement will be extended automatically for another five years, but we decided it would be better to devise a long-term comprehensive strategic treaty and update it,” he added, noting the agreement will be sent to Iran’s Parliament for approval.

Zarif traveled to Moscow to hold talks with senior Russian officials on issues of bilateral and regional significance and to convey President Hassan Rouhani’s “important” message to Putin.

Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi also accompanied Zarif in his third visit to Russia in the past six months.

US concerned about emergence of new powers like Iran

Elsewhere in his remarks, the top Iranian diplomat commented on a recent article by US Special Representative for Iran Brian Hook, in which the American official expressed skepticism at a recent strategic partnership announced by Iran and China.

In a joint opinion article published in the Wall Street Journal on Monday, Hook and the US Undersecretary of State for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment Keith J. Krach took aim at a 25-year strategic partnership recently announced between China and Iran.

They noted in the article other parts of the partnership between Iran and China that they claimed could cause their alliance more harm than good and praised companies and countries that have sought to cut business ties with Iran and China.

In response to the article, Zarif described Hook as the “architect of the maximum pressure” campaign against Iran.

He has definitely never been benevolent towards the Iranian people or he would not have imposed economic terrorism against them under conditions that the people are grappling with the novel coronavirus pandemic, the minister said.

“The 25-year cooperation agreement between Iran and China is completely transparent. Nothing has been finalized yet, but we are very close to an agreement,” Zarif said.

He dismissed rumors about the agreement and noted that the US is making hue and cry as it is concerned about the emergence of new powers like Iran, China and India.

Due to COVID-19, face-to-face negotiations have not yet taken place, so no document is currently valid, Zarif said, but stressed that so far, all the steps taken have been transparently announced.

“There are no hidden points in the Iran-China cooperation document,” he concluded.

Zarif said earlier the agreement is at the “negotiation” stage, noting that the Foreign Ministry has obtained the required permission from the government to engage in the relevant talks.

Speaking to ICANA News Agency, the Iranian Parliament’s news outlet, last Thursday, he dismissed rumors and anti-Iran reports that the 25-year agreement with Beijing entails cession of some parts of the Iranian territory to Chinese contractors.

“These allegations are not true. There is not even a particle of truth to these allegations, which have been put forth,” he added.

Iran, Russia to devise long-term strategic cooperation agreement: FM Zarif
Wednesday, 22 July 2020 2:43 PM [ Last Update: Wednesday, 22 July 2020 3:16 PM ]


Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says Tehran and Moscow have agreed to devise and conclude a long-term strategic cooperation agreement.

Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of a cabinet meeting on Wednesday, Zarif said the agreement was made during his Tuesday visit to Moscow, where he met with his Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, and talked with President Vladimir Putin on the phone for one hour due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Describing his talks with Russian officials as fruitful, Zarif said he held intensive negotiations with the authorities in Moscow for four and a half hours that resulted in the agreement.

He pointed to a 10-year agreement initially inked between Tehran and Moscow two decades ago, which has been extended twice for five years each time and is due to expire in eight months.

“If no one has any objection, the agreement will be extended automatically for another five years, but we decided it would be better to devise a long-term comprehensive strategic treaty and update it,” he added, noting the agreement will be sent to Iran’s Parliament for approval.

Zarif traveled to Moscow to hold talks with senior Russian officials on issues of bilateral and regional significance and to convey President Hassan Rouhani’s “important” message to Putin.

Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi also accompanied Zarif in his third visit to Russia in the past six months.

US concerned about emergence of new powers like Iran

Elsewhere in his remarks, the top Iranian diplomat commented on a recent article by US Special Representative for Iran Brian Hook, in which the American official expressed skepticism at a recent strategic partnership announced by Iran and China.

In a joint opinion article published in the Wall Street Journal on Monday, Hook and the US Undersecretary of State for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment Keith J. Krach took aim at a 25-year strategic partnership recently announced between China and Iran.

They noted in the article other parts of the partnership between Iran and China that they claimed could cause their alliance more harm than good and praised companies and countries that have sought to cut business ties with Iran and China.

In response to the article, Zarif described Hook as the “architect of the maximum pressure” campaign against Iran.

He has definitely never been benevolent towards the Iranian people or he would not have imposed economic terrorism against them under conditions that the people are grappling with the novel coronavirus pandemic, the minister said.

“The 25-year cooperation agreement between Iran and China is completely transparent. Nothing has been finalized yet, but we are very close to an agreement,” Zarif said.

He dismissed rumors about the agreement and noted that the US is making hue and cry as it is concerned about the emergence of new powers like Iran, China and India.

Due to COVID-19, face-to-face negotiations have not yet taken place, so no document is currently valid, Zarif said, but stressed that so far, all the steps taken have been transparently announced.

“There are no hidden points in the Iran-China cooperation document,” he concluded.

Zarif said earlier the agreement is at the “negotiation” stage, noting that the Foreign Ministry has obtained the required permission from the government to engage in the relevant talks.

Speaking to ICANA News Agency, the Iranian Parliament’s news outlet, last Thursday, he dismissed rumors and anti-Iran reports that the 25-year agreement with Beijing entails cession of some parts of the Iranian territory to Chinese contractors.

“These allegations are not true. There is not even a particle of truth to these allegations, which have been put forth,” he added.

Just wondering, could we import Topol ICBMs from Russia under license production or maybe we don't need so no need to buy them? . Undoubtedly Americans will try to kill our citizens, we must be able to counter it. When Saddam bombed our citizens with ballistic missiles, we had nothing to respond. What if USA did the same? Saddam stopped launching ballistic missile at our cities when we returned him the favor.
Did you just really ask if you can import a nuclear capable ICBM?
Yes, the same way China imported them. We need something capable of hitting US mainland. However i have no doubt IRGC has developed the required technology for developing 9000+ KM ICBMs. The question is, can we hit NY or WashDC?
@mohammad45 , I read today on Twitter that Iran is working on buying Su-35, Su-57 and S-400 AD system. Any truth to all of that?
Dear sir, only rumors.

Wishlists of optimistic folks. S-400 despite being highly capable, is not a priority plus we have our own plans for AD systems. In case of fighter jets, we want TOT. I don't think that Russians would agree for TOT of SU57 but its possible to agree on production line of SU30SM-E and also purchasing a couple of SU57 squadrons without TOT.

All in all, due to rapidly changing of geopolitics, it's highly possible to receive fighter jets from Russia.

Short answer: No.
How do you know that bro? IRGC is not joking, they have spent nearly 90% of their financialrespurces on developing BMs. I wouldn't be surprised if they suddenly unveil an ICBM.
How do you know that bro? IRGC is not joking, they have spent nearly 90% of their financialrespurces on developing BMs. I wouldn't be surprised if they suddenly unveil an ICBM.
I do not doubt the seriousness of the IRGC when it comes to missile development (and I hope I won't be disappointed at them in future). But even if so, what do they want to load on it? What warhead? Loading a conventional warhead on an ICBM is like shooting yourself in the foot.

And if the IRGC publicly demonstrates an ICBM without nuclear warheads, we will be completely isolated like North Korea then. Except that we aren't a nuclear power like North Korea.
Yes, the same way China imported them.

Says who? Show proof that China imported ICBMs.

Buying raw materials, sub systems, and parts that can have dual use for ballistic missiles is not the same as “buying an ICBM”.
Says who? Show proof that China imported ICBMs.

Buying raw materials, sub systems, and parts that can have dual use for ballistic missiles is not the same as “buying an ICBM”.
What does "in the same way" means to you?

You don't shout here and there, hey USA i am going to buy ICBMs from Russia, showing them your Middle finger! Youd stay quite.

We are just users of a forum and actually no bodies. Who knows, maybe its already done deal.
Yes, the same way China imported them. We need something capable of hitting US mainland. However i have no doubt IRGC has developed the required technology for developing 9000+ KM ICBMs. The question is, can we hit NY or WashDC?
Iran can launch satellites so ICBM is same tech
What does "in the same way" means to you?

You don't shout here and there, hey USA i am going to buy ICBMs from Russia, showing them your Middle finger! Youd stay quite.

We are just users of a forum and actually no bodies. Who knows, maybe its already done deal.

ICBM are a powers most sensitive technology and will never be shared with iran or anyone else. They are the backbone to their nuclear deterrent. They aren’t going to share that technology with ANYONE because tomm that same country can turn around and give those tech to US/NATO so they can build better interceptors.

Russia would barely give Iran 25 year old S-300 technology, but you think they would share Sensitive ICBM technology that makes up their nuclear deterrent with Iran? Absurd sir.
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