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Iran, Russia to cooperate in Space


Dec 31, 2012
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Iran, Russia to cooperate in Space

Iran and Russia have agreed to enhance cooperation in the field of space science and development of satellite technologies.

During the 10th annual meeting of the Russian-Iranian Business Council (RIBC) on Tuesday, Russian Space Agency Official Dennis Lessikov said Moscow is ready to cooperate with Iran in building satellite signal transmission stations and training Iranian experts.

The official added that the two sides have held a meeting on space cooperation, which was attended by Iranian Space Agency (ISA) official, Hassan Karimi.

Karimi, for his part, said Tehran and Moscow have set up a space working group to review possible fields of cooperation.

Also attending the Moscow meeting, Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi said Iran seeks enhanced space collaboration with Russia, expressing hope that “cooperation with Russia will help to further our achievements in this [space] area.”

In January, Iran launched a bio-capsule with a live monkey onboard into space, which reached an altitude of more than 120 km and returned to earth safely.

Iran also launched Navid-e Elm-o Sanat (Harbinger of Science and Industry), another indigenous satellite, into the orbit on February 3, 2012.

Iran is one of the 24 founding members of the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, which was set up in 1959.

PressTV - Iran, Russia to cooperate in Space
We've always been betrayed by those bastard Russians in the history , Hope that never happens .

The Russians are not famous for being trustworthy...imagine what Iran will achieve scientifically once relations with the west is normalized...
Iranian Brother please stop Presenting Iran has super power..... your economy is dying same has ours you need to get rid of this Mullah Regime or they will make you another North Korea..... plz do think seriously....
Those nations without any ambitions are doomed to fail…

Iran which is the cradle of civilizations has during its thousands of years of history proven what it is capable of scientifically, culturally and militarily…

The concept of being a world power is not new in Iranian history…during the Achaemenid, Parthian and Sassanid dynasties which in total lasted for about 1100 years, Iran was indeed a global super power…
Ambitions don't cost any thing but should not be like Disney....

stop living in past glory.... empires do rise and fall.... you have to move with time......
Soheil , my friend . The word ( WTF ) that you usually use is not appropriate , Try to find a better one for responding people .

bro ! I am talking about Russians !!!

WTF is perfect !!! :D

anyway ! I am going to use WTH !!! :D
Iranian Brother please stop Presenting Iran has super power..... your economy is dying same has ours you need to get rid of this Mullah Regime or they will make you another North Korea..... plz do think seriously....

At least they are not collaborating with foreign powers to kill their own people as the submissive pak Regime does.
Brother's, get Technology from whatever source and move forward. We Muslim nations are getting our rear ends kicked because we lag behind in Science and Technology.
On Topic:
I think its a good move by Iran it'll help them to fill up the technological gaps in their current space program provided they use their cards wisely...:)
If you the pay the Russians right they will give you anything you want and make you self reliant in some fields.

India is the biggest beneficiary of this. From Cryogenic engines, Radars, Missile seekers to nuclear submarine reactors. I have no hesitation in saying russia has helped India to stand on its feet and be self reliant in critical fields. They trained our nuclear and mechanical engineers who came back and built PHWR, Ahwr and fast breeding reactors for India helping India propell its 3 stage nuclear program.

India is 3rd world country but now builds rockets that are bigger or match first world. Iran can do the same, just make sure you pay the Russians right amount. Day is not far when Iran will be soaring high with beast like this:

I think there is no 1st , 2nd and 3rd world country right now , Mentioned words used during cold war .

Nowadays people use : underdeveloped , developing and developed

By the way , adding that , Russians are never honest .
I think there is no 1st , 2nd and 3rd world country right now , Mentioned words used during cold war .

Nowadays people use : underdeveloped , developing and developed

By the way , adding that , Russians are never honest .

Nobody is there to play fair brother it all depends who negotiates how well...:)

As far as Russians r concerned they r any day better than the US & the West whenever Tech transfer is concerned besides Russia is no longer USSR so Iran do has a chance to crack a good deal with them provided u play ur game right...:D
The Russians are not famous for being trustworthy...imagine what Iran will achieve scientifically once relations with the west is normalized...

exactly. That is the question mate.

That is where Russia can help you.

best of luck guys

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