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Iran Pushed 4000 - 5000 Pakistanis into Balochistan Despite Request to Wait

AgNoStiC MuSliM

Jul 11, 2007
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United States
FM Qureshi says Iran 'pushed 4,000-5,000 Pakistanis' despite request to wait

Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi speaks on parliament floor. — DawnNewsTV

Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi has said that Iran "pushed 4,000-5,000 Pakistanis" in Balochistan despite Islamabad's request to wait until a quarantine facility was developed.

"They are Pakistanis, we cannot disown them, we had to own them," he said. "I laud the Balochistan government who did their best [to provide facilities] despite scarce resources."


I would take this as confirmation that Iran completely botched the whole process with respect to Pakistani Zaireen.

As a result, not only did Iran put millions of Pakistanis at risk, but also stoked flames of sectarianism in Pakistan as some people blamed the Zaireen, and in some cases all Pakistan Shia, for spreading the virus.

I doubt an apology for this will be forthcoming from Iran, but it is significant that this statement, essentially blaming Iran for the extremely poor handling of Pakistani Zaireen during a pandemic, and what appears to be an outright refusal of the Pakistan Government's requests to wait till quarantine facilities were set up, came from the Foreign Minister of Pakistan on the floor of the National Assembly (parliament).
FM Qureshi says Iran 'pushed 4,000-5,000 Pakistanis' despite request to wait

Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi speaks on parliament floor. — DawnNewsTV

Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi has said that Iran "pushed 4,000-5,000 Pakistanis" in Balochistan despite Islamabad's request to wait until a quarantine facility was developed.

"They are Pakistanis, we cannot disown them, we had to own them," he said. "I laud the Balochistan government who did their best [to provide facilities] despite scarce resources."


I would take this as confirmation that Iran completely botched the whole process with respect to Pakistani Zaireen.

As a result, not only did Iran put millions of Pakistanis at risk, but also stoked flames of sectarianism in Pakistan as some people blamed the Zaireen, and in some cases all Pakistan Shia, for spreading the virus.

I doubt an apology for this will be forthcoming from Iran, but it is significant that this statement, essentially blaming Iran for the extremely poor handling of Pakistani Zaireen during a pandemic, and what appears to be an outright refusal of the Pakistan Government's requests to wait till quarantine facilities were set up, came from the Foreign Minister of Pakistan on the floor of the National Assembly (parliament).
First of all why Zaireen visit Iran? What is there to do ziyarat?
Probably the grave of Abu Lulu Feroz.....
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First of all why Zaireen visit Iran? What is there to do ziyarat?
Probably the grave of Abu Lulu Feroz.....
That's not a concern. Why shouldn't they visit?

Any Pakistani should be able to travel and visit whatever place they want for whatever reason, religious or otherwise, as long as the GoP allows it.

And these people were in Iran before the COVID-19 outbreak in Iran became public.
Disgusting behaviour from Iran. Regardless, we as a nation shouldn't blame them, but should blame ourselves for not having the correct infrastructure in place to process in-coming citizens. It's our weakness that we haven't fenced the border yet....it's our weakness that we didn't have a detention/quarantine centre to keep the returning citizens. We Pakistani's must get our own house in order as times are becoming increasingly critical.
First of all why Zaireen visit Iran? What is there to do ziyarat?
Probably the grave of Abu Lulu Feroz.....

They visit the Shrines of Ahly Bayt Ra and do dua. And since you claim ummaya ancestry you should also visit your ancestors grave in syria, if there's any sign left of - - - - - -
Good to find GOP revealing what Iran is doing to visitors there. Its time Iran should pay with its popularity and image in Pakistan.
They visit the Shrines of Ahly Bayt Ra and do dua. And since you claim ummaya ancestry you should also visit your ancestors grave in syria, if there's any sign left of - - - - - -
Iranian Mullah regime is the worst dictatorship in the world and their inept handling of the coronavirus crisis has put many lives (inside the country and beyond) in danger, but playing blame games and making excuses are the signs of one's own incompetence.

First of all why Zaireen visit Iran? What is there to do ziyarat?
Probably the grave of Abu Lulu Feroz.....

Get well soon, bro
Iranian Mullah regime is the worst dictatorship in the world and their inept handling of the coronavirus crisis has put many lives (inside the country and beyond) in danger, but playing blame games and making excuses are the signs of one's own incompetence.

Get well soon, bro

And then there were some nut jobs in Pakistan wanted to ape the Talibani emirate to make it even with the iranis.
I have been saying this all along, Pakistani citizens were herded like cattle across the border into Pakistan. God knows how much money Pakistani citizens spend on these "ziyarats" and bring in the foreign exchange into Iran! What was the most annoying thing about this whole episode that it was allowed to become a internal sectarian BS issue by both sides, Shia and Sunnis , and not pointing to the root cause of the problem, Mullah republic of Iran.

Would this episode change the way Pakistani shias look at Iran, would we see someone stand up and throw shoe at local Qom graduated Mullah going overboard in his praise to Iran? Only time will tell.
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