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Govt scrambles as IMF rejects Pakistan’s loan request

Its about time this country defaults and learns to survive in its own puddle.
Thats actually good news. I request the overseas members here to write to IMF and other officials and request them not to give money to these corrupt morons. Mass emails and letters will make them realize what a shithole this govt is.

That might actually work …

While western gov may not help , western institutions might.

Essentially I see two ways of dislodging this rogue army ..

1) internal ie an group of army generals lead a coup .. unlikely as Bajwa loyalist are all around. Then this is Pakistan and we have a history of loyalists backstabbing

2) the economy… this is our underbelly many great empires have collapsed. Two main sources that keep Pakistan alive one overseas Pakistanis that 90% hate this military junta , second IMF and friendly Rich Arab countries.

Rich Arab countries won’t bail us out bcos they know what is going on, plus they most Pakistanis in Middle East hate this imported set up. They won’t help period as they have nothing to gain.

Overseas Pakistanis this one is tough unless they some how circumvent the official channels not much can be done. The only help here is no new investments can come particularly of buying over priced DHA houses

IMF - they are already sensitive to what is going on and further pressure from overseas Pakistani would help.

Australian Pakistanis already made thier impact in their senate hearing of foriegn affairs
What's the point of IMF loaning Pakistan money if it knows it's not going to be able to pay it back? PDM have proven to be incompetent. In a year, exports & remittances dropped many billions and the country is bankrupt. Even if IMF loans the money, Pakistan will go bankrupt again because it's making even less money to pay back the loans and escape the circular debt.
Too much beating around the bush going on. IMF won't send any funds as they fear it will go to repay Chinese debts. They don't want IMF loans to become secondary to China loans. They are waiting for default when all the loans details will become public, and they can make loans that are senior to other debts. This is the same deadlock companies face before filing bankruptcy. Nobody wants to give a loan for fear of losing. Once bankruptcy is filed, they can loan per new rules.

Combat who exactly, the Pakistani public? Because that's what Pakistani army is currently doing.
And only won against its own people. Kashmir occupied. East pakistan lost. Saichen glacier lost. Sleep where it matters and active where they shouldn't be involved
no one will let pakistan default in the end

pakistan has nuclear weapons and world cannot afford losing control of nuclear stockpiles anywhere
This is like a prostitute threatening to jump into a well if not paid.
Pakistanis have no sense of dignity, that is why I said the country should default.

That might actually work …

While western gov may not help , western institutions might.

Essentially I see two ways of dislodging this rogue army ..

1) internal ie an group of army generals lead a coup .. unlikely as Bajwa loyalist are all around. Then this is Pakistan and we have a history of loyalists backstabbing

2) the economy… this is our underbelly many great empires have collapsed. Two main sources that keep Pakistan alive one overseas Pakistanis that 90% hate this military junta , second IMF and friendly Rich Arab countries.

Rich Arab countries won’t bail us out bcos they know what is going on, plus they most Pakistanis in Middle East hate this imported set up. They won’t help period as they have nothing to gain.

Overseas Pakistanis this one is tough unless they some how circumvent the official channels not much can be done. The only help here is no new investments can come particularly of buying over priced DHA houses

IMF - they are already sensitive to what is going on and further pressure from overseas Pakistani would help.

Australian Pakistanis already made thier impact in their senate hearing of foriegn affairs

Internal uprising within the army seems very difficult, unkess its from major/col level.. the top brass are all the same.
The best option is economy, huge powerful empires have collapsed because of economy. In this regard, the best hope is yet ahain overseas Pakistanis.
I think all overseas need to be organized and then pressurize institutes in their countries. If IMF doeant help, arabs and china wont either and then this empire wont last long because they need dollars for their luxury life.
This is like a prostitute threatening to jump into a well if not paid.
Pakistanis have no sense of dignity, that is why I said the country should default.

Obviously the country should just get a second job, deliver pizzas on the weekend , needs to have a garage sale , and just use the snowball method to payoff their debts build the psychology of being fiscally responsible</sarcasm>
The Chinese at best will just roll over the previous loans.

There are a few more loans that are reaching maturity. If one of those loans are not rolled over then get ready for more inflation and devaluation.

Looks like an extended period of 0 imports and 0 exports and 0 growth.
That is the most logical path forward. No amount of haggling over a billion or two will save the day. Pakistan is a large country, and its funding needs are enormous. It needs at least $20 billion to prime the pump and bring even a flicker of normalcy into the economy. Realistically, at least $100 billion to put anything towards development - infrastructure, health, education, food security, flood protection etc., There isn't that kind of liquidity floating around after Covid and Ukraine war. So, the best one can hope for is a combination of inflation and economic stagnation.
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