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Iran Protests - Irani Girls Burning Their Veils !!!

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Liberal, pro-western sectarianists and shiaphobes have to be the oddest of them all. On the one hand, singing praise of so-called democracy, human rights, equality, feminism and universalism, on the other hand expressing intensely violent hatred for anything Shia.

Then again, we're living in a post-modern era of fluidity, uprootedness, inauthenticity and generalized loss of bearings. Hence why the zionist- / NATO- / PGCC-orchestrated terrorist onslaught against the Syrian and Libyan nations was marketed as a bizarre, discomforting combination of liberalism cum pseudo-jihadism (where savage mass beheadings, takfir went hand in hand with bleeding heart mantras of democracy and human rights, all bundled together from decision making rooms in Tel Aviv, Washington, Brussels). Hence why real world cooperation between certain Arab regimes and the zionist entity will easily spill over into this forum, featuring zionist and (supposedly) Arab users jumping in to assist each other.
Yep the same side supporting Nusra, HTS and the communists atheistic YPG is a trademark satanic joke.
The riots have fizzled out and order has been restored, much to the dismay of Iran's existential imperialist enemies.

No they have not and no it was not.

And even if they do subside. You know they will just erupt again.

Or is it you think , people will just forget , you are forcing them to do something that they don't want to do ?

Woman sure wont forget , they wear a constant reminder on their heads , every day.

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Every few years this drama repeats in Iran, but the real entertainment is the monkeys that start dancing around the world. Their screeches all time high, hoping that this is the one. But alas, the satanic rave doesn't last long and the Islamic revolution emerges stronger every time.

Even when the protests have a valid point,, all the liberal white saviours,, Jew and Hindu islamaphobes, bleeding heart westerners jumping on the bandwagon with never been to Iran monarchists and the ex-muslim clowns makes you hate these protestors

The problem is Iran the threat from a collapsed Iran is far far far greater then the regime

There is no opposition, no opposition leader, no unified protest

Some are ethnic groups jumping on, some are the typical monarchists types

As soon as you see white liberals, Jews and Hindus and islamaphobes for MILLIONS of people who otherwise might be sympathetic to these protests turn virulently against them

I started off a few weeks ago thinking Iran should bring in gradual reform to stop these head to head confrontations

And that's turned to,, Go on Iran beat these bitches

Otherwise they will bring homo parades to down town Iran😂
Even when the protests have a valid point,, all the liberal white saviours,, Jew and Hindu islamaphobes, bleeding heart westerners jumping on the bandwagon with never been to Iran monarchists and the ex-muslim clowns makes you hate these protestors

The problem is Iran the threat from a collapsed Iran is far far far greater then the regime

There is no opposition, no opposition leader, no unified protest

Some are ethnic groups jumping on, some are the typical monarchists types

As soon as you see white liberals, Jews and Hindus and islamaphobes for MILLIONS of people who otherwise might be sympathetic to these protests turn virulently against them

I started off a few weeks ago thinking Iran should bring in gradual reform to stop these head to head confrontations

And that's turned to,, Go on Iran beat these bitches

Otherwise they will bring homo parades to down town Iran😂
I'm reading a book tilted Libido Dominandi by E Michael Jones, he's a catholic author and is postulating that sexual passions of a nation leads to revolutions and the same passion is also then used to control them. Sexual liberation is thus a tool for control. I haven't completed it yet and am still on part one, where French Revolution is focused more so I'm looking forward to see what the author thinks about situation in the contemporary world. But to see that out of 100 other issues, Iranians are deciding to make a ruckus over hijab, is surreal.

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Yep the same side supporting Nusra, HTS and the communists atheistic YPG is a trademark satanic joke.
This just proves the hate is so visceral. I even heard one say that they would ally with Satan himself to defeat the Shia.
This just proves the hate is so visceral. I even heard one say that they would ally with Satan himself to defeat the Shia.
Bughze Ali(AS) is the root of many evils.
Lolz, look at the Zio Scumbag cheerleader talking about protests, Humain rights, ...

View attachment 885870

The man literally supports a apartheid state in Israel and wants to talk about Iran or Ukraine
I'm reading a book tilted Libido Dominandi by E Michael Jones, he's a catholic author and is postulating that sexual passions of a nation leads to revolutions and the same passion is also then used to control them. Sexual liberation is thus a tool for control. I haven't completed it yet and am still on part one, where French Revolution is focused more so I'm looking forward to see what the author thinks about situation in the contemporary world. But to see that out of 100 other issues, Iranians are deciding to make a ruckus over hijab, is surreal.


Seems like a thesis worth exploring, this said I'd be wary of slipping into "Freudian" readings of social processes. In particular, I believe it'd be definitely incorrect to consider a religious revolution like the Iranian one in 1979 to be driven by its participants' sexuality. What's certain though, is that western regimes especially after World War II have been instrumentalizing appeal to sexual instincts, not to mention downright perversion of the latter, in order to exert a sophisticated yet stringent, suffocating type of control over their own populations. They also resorted to this weapon as a means to destabilize traditionalist societies including in the global south, no doubt. Simultaneously, this cannot be dissociated from the historic trajectory and successive stages of capitalism.

On these topics, two fields I'd recommend studying are the work of the groundbreaking French Marxian thinker Michel Clouscard, who identified how an ideology of desire is being promoted by the capital in the contemporary system of dominance, which he described as liberal-libertarian (liberal in the economic area i.e. capitalism increasingly stripped of social welfare, coupled with cultural libertarianism i.e. permissivity and decadence); as well as the story behind the genesis of the so-called "sexual revolution" in the USA of the 1950's, which was nothing short of a methodical enterprise of social engineering at the core of which lurked a fraudulent biologist, a certain Alfred Kinsey (we could cite Judith Reisman as one author among others who exposed this).

By searching for posts of mine which include the names 'Clouscard' and 'Kinsey' on this forum, you may access some information in this regard.

Lolz, look at the Zio Scumbag cheerleader talking about protests, Humain rights, ...

View attachment 885870

Khouya, te serais-tu éventuellement trompé de bouton sur le dernier commentaire du propagandiste local? :)
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95 % of the country disagrees with you libs.
Open Tiktok and see how regular Pakistanis act. Your ridiculous statement couldn't be further from the truth. Why do you think the religious parties lose so horribly in elections?
Lolz, look at the Zio Scumbag cheerleader talking about protests, Humain rights, ...

View attachment 885870
This was proven fake many times
95 % of the country disagrees with you libs.
And that's why we're such a horrible bunch...

we divide and opress each other based on relgion, sect, gender, power, influence cause our culture has become so toxic over couple decades now
The Iran Al Dajjal is literally a freemason regime, what are you talking about ? Look what they spread in Nigeria, teaching people to pray to Imam Madi and ask for him response to prayer:

At 4:47 :


Your freemason regime has spread sick beliefs and done sick things from all the above:

1.) Changing Qibla from Mecca to Karbala
2.) Abusing honor of the Prophet
3.) Asserting that Quran is incomplete
4.) Changing declaration of faith to be about Ali rather than Prophet Mohammed
5.) Never talk about Prophet Mohammed ever. Always Ali or others.
6.) Claim Prophet Mohammed is actually Persian with Persian descent.
7.) Now claiming Mecca is not actually in Mecca and Jerusalem is not Jerusalem.
8.) Claiming Mahdi is Caliph of Allah, comparing him to Allah. Claiming he is remaining piece of Allah. No different from Christians.
9.) Claiming Allah can't sustain Universe and life himself and needs Imams to maintain their affairs.
10.) Murdering Muslims and Arabs in name of fighting Israel.
11.) Never actually had fought Israel.
12.) Bringing USA and Russia to save you in Iraq and Syria
13.) Protecting Israeli border with Syria and Lebanon for over 20 years.


How much more do you need to see to realize it's a freemason regime trying to spread disbelief against Muslims and is fully supported by Global Jewry? Arab speaking Jews are now spreading all these sick lies to spread shirk as fast as possible and cause confusion among Muslims regarding their beliefs.
@waz @Amaa'n

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@HAIDER @ahaider97 @Sardar330

Please report the deceitful sectarianist drivel and deliberate misrepresentation of Shia Islamic tenets by this character in post #348.
Don't know his agenda, but in other forums, he toes the same lines. Hate can't be cured. Laugh and ignore. Don't fall his shia sunni trap.
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Don't know his agenda, but in other forums, he toes the same lines. Hate can't be cured. Laugh and ignore.

This person's a lost cause no doubt, but the more their sectarianist incitement will get reported, the more likely it will be for moderators to prevent them from polluting this place.
Open Tiktok and see how regular Pakistanis act. Your ridiculous statement couldn't be further from the truth. Why do you think the religious parties lose so horribly in elections?

Majority of Pakistanis live in rural areas and villages. New gen of city kids don’t define regular Pakistanis whatsoever.
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