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Iran Protests - Irani Girls Burning Their Veils !!!

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not only women , also men , no matter where they go , its east , west or Africa, Europe , south america or north america . we tends to blend very easily .

A bit too easily,, the fake blonde hair and nose rings is cringe
A bit too easily,, the fake blonde hair and nose rings is cringe
if that's the norm in those area , in areas that people are formal , you see that the most rigid and formal people in the community would be Iranian
Of course. Here you go:

* User Falcon29 issuing a death threat against another member (see last line):

View attachment 885439

* User "Falcon29" issuing a death threat against myself (in the middle of the second paragraph, literally states "I am going to kill you"):

View attachment 885440

* The way user "Falcon29" has been commenting about Shia Moslems (while actually addressing a Sunni Algerian member, whom he randomly labels as 'Shia' just because he has a different political opinion):

View attachment 885444

* Another example of user "Falcon29"'s sectarianist drivel against Shia Moslems:

View attachment 885445

* So maniacal is the user about Shia Moslems, and so quick to fallaciously attribute non-existing identities to others, that he did not even shy away from asserting this forum is "run by Shias", despite the patience moderators have shown towards his innumerable violations of rules. Along with another example of his typical bile against Iranians:

View attachment 885448

* User "Falcon29" dehumanizing Shia Moslems and advocating genocide against the Iranian male population, unless they convert to Sunni Islam:

View attachment 885450

Allow me to offer indisputable proof that I never did so, brother.

Below you may access every single instance of me mentioning Hamas on this forum:


If you find anything other than praise on my part about Hamas, or anything other than me defending them, please let me know.
This is what humiliation does to a nation. When these genocidal nutbags were finally cleansed from the face of the Earth, the remaining have become an example of psychological trauma that will now remain to be a part of their DNA.

Contrast that to us, with every martyr our dignity has only increased.
Iranian girl in Canada burning their veil ? are you serious , did they remove price tag from those veils or they just burned them after they bought it from the store .
more than 95% of the Iranian who go abroad throw it away as soon as the airplane leave Iran airspace (some even when the airplane take off) the rest throw it away in the first 1-2 month)
seriously how many veiled Iranian girls you have seen in Canada , USA and Europe . have you ever saw a minority that mix with the host country as perfectly as Iranian outside Iran

Iranian girl in Canada burning their veil ? are you serious , did they remove price tag from those veils or they just burned them after they bought it from the store .
more than 95% of the Iranian who go abroad throw it away as soon as the airplane leave Iran airspace (some even when the airplane take off) the rest throw it away in the first 1-2 month)
seriously how many veiled Iranian girls you have seen in Canada , USA and Europe . have you ever saw a minority that mix with the host country as perfectly as Iranian outside Iran

Most WHITE Murricans have German roots.
Germans and Iranians are the PERFECT immigrants to the host country... (mostly highly intelligent, work very hard, bring nations forward, as a whole they contribute much to their new society, most today immigrant or specially from certain places are completely out of place...)
When you see it from the host country perspective, it's nice to get these people in.
My (half)brother (our father was married before he met my mom) married an Iranian woman, the children are looking like 100% Europeans.
if that's the norm in those area , in areas that people are formal , you see that the most rigid and formal people in the community would be Iranian

It's the coconut disease 😂
I do remember he was making big questions against holy Islam and promoting Judaism for many years and got banned because of insulting Allah

He spread anti-Islamic contents for so many years NOT only in arabic forum but in whole forum

Certainly he is not a believer but a hateful hasbara troll JEW working for his Jewish lords for years

View attachment 885466

I have met him in real life. He is Palestinian.... :lol: :lol: :lol:


Veerey during Zia era when he was trying to pass the same kinda laws, women did burn Hijab and they were beaten up for it by the police (although police is watching them from afar in this photo but many times these protests saw baton charge)
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View attachment 885577
Many other photos from that era where Hijab burning happened as a sign of protest and also baton charges in response

It's only through protest movement of women folks of that era that Zia couldn't go "all out" as he intended in the beginning

Women felt safest under Zia tenure. Stop posting liberal minority of the time and pretending they were the majority... :lol:
They're an small foam over an ocean

Iran doesn't have a wild regime otherwise it would detain them like Erdogan detained 300K people after 2016 coup

Now campare these few jokes [maximum 2,000 people] to 40 million people that ever year say death to america, death to Israel, death to traitor al saud:

Thanks God, Zia went to Hell, If he alive few more months, he had imposed Shariah in Pakistan.

All muslim countries who saw these laws they want democracy, but Pakistani "Londay Lapparay" watch p0rn on night and in the morning they support Sharia, wants state like Madina, but want to live in US, Europe.

Pakistan is in such good state now, huh?

You liberal atheists are a joke.
I have met him in real life. He is Palestinian.... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Women felt safest under Zia tenure. Stop posting liberal minority of the time and pretending they were the majority... :lol:
Sorry brother, he was a POS who destroyed our people, f him

I don't want to post dark stuff about how he harmed the pakistani women (laws which continue to harm them to this day) as people from different countries will also see this thread and I don't want to air our dirty laundry
Sorry brother, he was a POS who destroyed our people, f him

I don't want to post dark stuff about how he harmed the pakistani women (laws which continue to harm them to this day) as people from different countries will also see this thread and I don't want to air our dirty laundry

95 % of the country disagrees with you libs.
Every few years this drama repeats in Iran, but the real entertainment is the monkeys that start dancing around the world. Their screeches all time high, hoping that this is the one. But alas, the satanic rave doesn't last long and the Islamic revolution emerges stronger every time.
Never in history tens millions of people every year gathered for celebration of victory an Islamic revolution despite years of war sanctions and psychological warfare.

Liberal, pro-western sectarianists and shiaphobes have to be the oddest of them all. On the one hand, singing praise of so-called democracy, human rights, equality, feminism and universalism, on the other hand expressing intensely violent hatred for anything Shia.

Then again, we're living in a post-modern era of fluidity, uprootedness, inauthenticity and generalized loss of bearings, where cognitive dissonance reigns supreme.

Hence why the zionist- / NATO- / PGCC-orchestrated terrorist onslaught against the Syrian and Libyan nations was wilfully marketed as a bizarre, discomforting combination of liberalism cum pseudo-jihadism (where savage mass beheadings, takfir went hand in hand with bleeding heart mantras of democracy and human rights, all bundled together from decision making rooms in Tel Aviv, Washington, Brussels). Hence why real world cooperation between certain Arab regimes and the zionist entity will easily spill over into this forum, featuring zionist and (supposedly) Arab users enthusiastically jumping in to assist each other.
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