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Iran Produces 96% of Needed Medicine at Home

I'm sorry but i must say. The problem of Iranians is they are only interested with facts when someone started to question their capabilities. But when someone say something about how great the Iranian capabilities are, it suddenly becoming facts for them.
It is probably just another propaganda. So wake up people.

I'm talking in general btw, not particularly for this thread.

can you provide a fact about your claim?
It is better to speak out your mind and not to blindly side up.

Well it all depend on parameter, overall publication Iran is ahead, in terms of quality research Iran is way behind.

Yes,i avoided word "way behind" and used "catching up".
i posted some news about iranian high tch medicines and then he say iran can not do that, so i want some facts .......
because FACTOR VIII is producing by 3 american companies .............
wow...that is really cool...I believe there are very few countries who are self reliant on medicine to 96% in medicine.
wow...that is really cool...I believe there are very few countries who are self reliant on medicine to 96% in medicine.

It wouldn't be necessary if we weren't under sanctions.It's not very beneficial if countries produce everything by themselves.Even U.S and EU countries don't do it.

provide facts that many countries create Factor VIII

Sweden - Sobi
Nehterlands - Pharming Inc
Switzerland - Octapharma

china - Three companies exist one in shanghai, Hualan and some thing Green Biotech

India - RTeliance life sciences

Russia - Bio cad
I said FACTS it means you need SOURCE ! Don't make a list , give me a source, i will read myself ................
I said FACTS it means you need SOURCE ! Don't make a list , give me a source, i will read myself ................

Could you define what you mean by source !!

All the nations and the Biotech companies i have named already produces Factor ^ or its recombinant variants...... hence Its the Direct source as you can get !!

Google the Companies , check the list of the products !!

In india we call it Hemorel by REliance life sciences .....now dont tell me to bring you a news article when i have given you a more direct method
Iran has the potential to be another Turkey.

you said : India - RTeliance life sciences

this is the page of the products , where is it?
.:: Welcome To Reliance Life Sciences ::.

Russia - Bio cad
didn't found anything in google .... there was just Bio Rad and the same story for "India - RTeliance life sciences"

Sweden - Sobi

Core Products

Pharming Group NV

Switzerland - Octapharma

can't see anything . Find it for me
Healthcare Professionals : Haematology :: Octapharma AG
And almost nobody thinks that Bangladesh has done well, actually. All I meant was that even Bangladesh performs better than Iran's 96% self sufficiency despite the numerous failures of Bangladesh, and more than 84 countries including Iran import Bangladeshi pharmaceuticals. All I meant was that I had greater expectations from Iran.

Bangladesh isnt under heavy sanctions or sabotaged from advancement in all areas, including the medicine. Therefore saying Bangladesh is doing better just by having 1% more sufficiency in medicine doesnt really account for the different situation.

And if your expectation is that Iran should produce 100% everything they need is unreasonable. I'm sure Iranians are trying to achieve that, but there is no country in the World with absolute self-sufficiency, not even US.
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