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Iran presidential election 1400-2021

I think there was a little of friction regarding their position vis a vis the Veleyat Faghih but I don't know how impactful that is today as opposed to the 1990s because IRI has resuced many a shia group from annihilation since then and so Khamenei today might have some more sway over Iraqi shia today than early 2000s. Also, I don't know if other marja outside of Iran are as opposed to the Velayat position as some were before and if that makes a difference.
There is friction between the two men for sure. It has been widely documented. Many in Iraq follow Sistani and not Khamenai. The ones that do follow Khamenai are actively supported by IRGC in some fashion. The average Muslim in Iraq with little to no business ties or family ties to Iran likely follows Sistani.

The people of Iraq love Sistani, so Khamenai moves are quite limited if he doesn’t wish to turn Iraqis against him and Iran which already a part of Iraqis are resenting Iran for turning Iraq into a proxy battle between US and Iran along with the massive influence Iran has on Iraqi politics and seen as interfering in Iraqis domestic politics.
It's not as simple as that. There's also Muqtada al-Sadr and his al-Sadr movement. Sadr has ambitions of becoming an Ayatollah and when he is an Ayatollah, he will find less use in looking up to Sistani, but he will continue to find use for Khamenei's funding and support. Al-Sadr has political ambitions too. Khamenei has billions of dollars. Al-Sadr and Al-Sistani don't.
How is Iran funding rallies in Kashmir? If you said Lebanon, Iraq, or even Nigeria, I would accept it. But Kashmir in India? Not a chance.

Shiite Islam has always had a political dimension to it. Khamenei is currently the most important anti-American figure among world leaders. Sistani is just an old guy living in a country currently invaded by anti-Muslim Americans. Don't you see the difference? Grand Ayatollah or not, Khamenei is more popular than Sistani. Even if Sistani is more knowledgeable about Shiite Islam.
How about this : both belong to the toilet
Yes, because when Quds officers arrive into countries they promptly announce themselves as Quds officers:omghaha: How did that Indian intelligence officer get into Iran?

Quds gets in the same way Mossad/CIA/MI6 get into countries and in the Middle East.

As for Sistani he likes neither the Iranian or US presence in his country. He may use his influence to suggest a better path for his country. But the man is not playing the great game like Khamenai. He is a cleric who believes the religious establishment shouldn’t interfere with the government too much or seen as questioning the legitimacy of elected officials.

Given how his simple decree during ISIS invasion gave rise to tens of thousands of Iraqi volunteers. The man is so respected in Iraq he could have seized power much like Khomeini did if he wanted. But he hasn’t.

If you want to say Khamenai is the face of Axis of Resistance than that is believable. But the face of Shiite Islam from a theology standpoint? No. Because many Shiites and Shiite derivative religions (Alawites, Houthis) do not accept the notion of “Velayat-e faqih” much less that Khamenai is the leader.
Arian is right. Shia forces around the globe recognize Khamenei as the leader of all shias wether it is political or militarily. Sistani is just a crumbled old spiritual leader hidden in the alleys of Najaf, not many know about him outside of Iraq.
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It's not as simple as that. There's also Muqtada al-Sadr and his al-Sadr movement. Sadr has ambitions of becoming an Ayatollah and when he is an Ayatollah, he will find less use in looking up to Sistani, but he will continue to find use for Khamenei's funding and support. Al-Sadr has political ambitions too. Khamenei has billions of dollars. Al-Sadr and Al-Sistani don't.
I don't think sadr has any gravitas outside Iraq and even then limited compared to before as I think Iran has cemented itself urther in iraq since mid 2000s.
Some of these other akhoonds have vast fortunes too, khoie's foundation was building something in India back in the 1990s that looks like the Taj Mahal. I don't if it was ever finished but the scale models looked vast. His kid even had ambitions of having a hand in irq's politics until he got hacked to pieces by a mob in Najaf right around March/April of 2003.
I follow Iran closely and have great respect for the country and its people. On politics the west is dreaming of a Liberal secular president so that they can control Iran, they must be dreaming to send Iran back to where it was in the 60s, other than that a civil war would benefit them. I hope the Iranian government and people are aware of this plot when they vote.

The good thing is Iran has many qualified people to be president, this is what happens when you select people on merit and not on corrupt practises.

The sanctions on Iran are unfortunate and illegal but I also do believe Iran could have dealt with it in a better way, the west is always wishing for Iran to make threats so that it can use it against it and in the past this happened plenty of times. So Iran needs a clever intelligent president who can play the west game on them. The new president must concentrate to improve Iran economy and military, the defence of Iran must be a top priority and this means buying 4.5th generation fighter jets, submarines.

Mahmoud Ahmedineja is my candidate . He needs to come back and lead Iran
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its kind of funny u hate Zarif.....When Zarif is one of the brightest Iranian govt minds. Just saying..lol
The only way that Zarif could be one of the brightest minds in the Iranian government is if we assume that all other people in the Iranian government are dumb as f*ck, which isn't very far from the truth anyway.
If people vote ....

This is main issue , the people don't see any difference and don't have hope for things getting better ...
If people vote ....
Then we have to ask what their vote means:

This is main issue , the people don't see any difference and don't have hope for things getting better ...
Because a unanimous majority of Iranians seem to prefer to live with dignity(from opposing perceived western/ US hegemony) and the suffering it comes with than give into a system that makes them cringe on the inside. Also, Iranian needs to be ready for what REAL CHANGE will bring - new ideas, people, situations, challenges, culture clashes, etc...u have to be ready to manage that...but Iranian is also deeply religious on avg, so they also have spiritual/religious objectives, and unless Iranian calculates and accepts(via govt action) that some things are too stressful for the nation and not worth it, it will continue.

I will also say this- change is so close for many nations. 10 years isnt that long and ALOT is going to change in a few years...
Then we have to ask what their vote means:

Because a unanimous majority of Iranians seem to prefer to live with dignity(from opposing perceived western/ US hegemony) and the suffering it comes with than give into a system that makes them cringe on the inside. Also, Iranian needs to be ready for what REAL CHANGE will bring - new ideas, people, situations, challenges, culture clashes, etc...u have to be ready to manage that...but Iranian is also deeply religious on avg, so they also have spiritual/religious objectives, and unless Iranian calculates and accepts(via govt action) that some things are too stressful for the nation and not worth it, it will continue.

I will also say this- change is so close for many nations. 10 years isnt that long and ALOT is going to change in a few years...

well , even religious people and even among IRGC main body there is great dissatisfaction about the situation ... so , if there is no way people participate in engineered election which they don't hope that changes things for better ...

همین قضیه ی « فیلمیو » و « نماوا » رو نگاه کن ، اول انحصار درست کردن بعد توی یک ماه هزینه ی اشتراک رو از 25 هزار تومان به 100 هزارتومان ( 4 برابر ) کردند ... مردم شاید زورشون نرسه ولی این دهن کجی ها رو فراموش نمی کنند

مثلا عمدا واکسیناسیون کورنا رو انجام نمی دهند تا تجمعات اعتراضی شکل نگیره ، کسی به خاطر دیکتاتوری رسانه ای این رو توی رسانه های ایرانی نمی گه ولی توی بدنه ی مردم عادی این صحبت ها رد و بدل می شه ، به خصوص که خود مسئولین هم واکسن زدند و تقریبا 6 ماه هست که هیچ کدوم از مسئولین کرونا نگرفته ...

چو بد کردی ، در انتظار بدی باش

we have to be careful. rouhani & co. are will send their candidates from the IRGC: deghan is one of them.
from outside he looks like an IRGC general but his heart is with the pro western goverment.
a pro western IRGC member is worse then 1000 rouhanis and zarifs.

we shouldn't be fooled and think that all members of the IRGC are with rahbar.

we have to be careful. rouhani & co. are will send their candidates from the IRGC: deghan is one of them.
from outside he looks like an IRGC general but his heart is with the pro western goverment.
a pro western IRGC member is worse then 1000 rouhanis and zarifs.

we shouldn't be fooled and think that all members of the IRGC are with rahbar.

He was yelling at some journalists over gold coins and his voice is so very different from when he was defense minister. He had variations in tone, inflections, pitch variations, etc. As DM, he had a certain aloof almost cold detachment from the subject at hand but acts very differently now.
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