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Iran pounded US-backed terrorist bases in northern region of Iraq with 73 ballistic missiles

Iran is not at war with usa or Israel. If Iran was in war you’d see Iraq style us invasion of Iran.
Even Pakistan has been in a more direct war against usa then you in Afg via many factions and groups. Y’all haven’t done shit against kaffir countries instead your jahanami munafiq soleimani secretly (not much a secret) helped usa in afg and helped usa occupy afg and massacre Muslims there. What good have the Taghut’s of Iran done other then massacring Muslims and aiding kuffar against Muslims. Y’all would side with kaffir Armenians over your own Shia Azeri brothers making them be close to Israel and then using what you caused as a excuse.
Unlike the Taghut’s in Tehran, Saudis have supported afghan mujahideen against kaffir soviets, supported Pakistan against kaffirs Indians during war time, historically supported Palestinians and Arabs against Israel during war, supported Bosnian mujahideen against kaffir Serbs and took millions of Muslims refugees while spending billions in aid on them yearly. And I’m not even pro Saudi.
Even Egypt historically they’ve fought against Israel many times while your leaders were in bed with them.
Uae same as Saudi.
Azeris still did more damage to kuffar while being slaves of kuffar then what munafiq Iran did.
I don’t even support these states but they’ve done more then what Iranians can even think of.

And I am a Muslim, a Muslim that follows the Words of Allah which is the Quran and the Sunnah of Rasulallah (ﷺ).
You are a poor brainwashed man.
Usa wanted to destroy iran but they cant.
Pakistan and saudi arabia helped mujahadin because America ordered them. America wants these mujahadin attack Soviet.
Dictators in middle east are not muslim. In Azarbaijan or Iraq or Saudi arabia,... They are kafirs and they are servant of of America and israel.
Iran didn't help America in Afghanistan or iraq. Its your fantasy. But your beloved Saudi dictators helped America in their wars against Afghanistan and iraq.

In Bosnia only iran help bosnian with soldiers and guns in their war.

Also arab countries fought wars with Israel because of racism not islam also with help of Soviet Union and all of them are slave of Israel now

You are just a brainwashed person that knows nothing about world.
You are just a western plan against iran.
While doing zero harm to them, signing deals with them, helping them against mujahideen and betraying mujahideen when they start a war against them.
Your history shows your munafiq, cancer to Muslims, country didn’t do shit for the ummah other then harm it.

It’s a name of Allah Azzawajal. Al Wahab meaning The Bestower.
Apparently to some it’s suppose to be a insult Nauzubillah.
Lol you live in your fantasy world.
Iran destroyed all western plans in middle east. Western countries wanted to creat great israel project but iran help Lebanon and Palestine and stop them.
Americans want to build a terrorist country (isis) to creat wars and terrors in middle east but iran destroyed their plan,...

Even your wahhabi school in Pakistan was built because America ordered saudi arabia and pakistan built it.
American plan now is make wars between shia and sunnies.

Wahhabi mean Muhammad ibn abdol wahhab followers.
They think they are real Muslim and they should attack others because they are not muslim!!!

abdol wahhab and saud family with help of Britain became power in hijaz. In all of their history they attack every one who was against Western Countries. They were against Egypt ans Syria (because they were enemies of israel) they were against saddam (because saddam hate israel) they are enemy of iran(because iran is biggest enemy off israel now)
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Stop insulting each other. Any member can comment on any thread and views can be different. Learn to defend your position with intellect and not lack of thought.
You are a poor brainwashed man.
Usa wanted to destroy iran but they cant.
Pakistan and saudi arabia helped mujahadin because America ordered them. America wants these mujahadin attack Soviet.
Dictators in middle east are not muslim. In Azarbaijan or Iraq or Saudi arabia,... They are kafirs and they are servant of of America and israel.
Iran didn't help America in Afghanistan or iraq. Its your fantasy. But your beloved Saudi dictators helped America in their wars against Afghanistan and iraq.

In Bosnia only iran help bosnian with soldiers and guns in their war.

Also arab countries fought wars with Israel because of racism not islam also with help of Soviet Union and all of them are slave of Israel now

You are just a brainwashed person that knows nothing about world.
You are just a western plan against iran.
Why do you regard him as brainwashed? Is this not flamebaiting?

USA regarded Saddam regime as a threat and have fought two wars with it (Operation Desert Storm in 1991 and Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003); this led to destruction and disarmament of Iraq proper.

Iran benefitted from this development from security standpoint and could expand its influence and reach in the Middle East consequently.

When ISIL emerged in 2013, both Iran and USA conducted military operations against it and rolled back its advances. USA could hit ISIL from various directions due to its excellent Air Force. Operation Inherent Resolve is well-documented.

Now Iraq is a banana republic and any state can violate its soverignity under any claim.

The assertion that USA wanted to destroy Iran is lacking in evidence.
Iran is not at war with usa or Israel. If Iran was in war you’d see Iraq style us invasion of Iran.
Even Pakistan has been in a more direct war against usa then you in Afg via many factions and groups. Y’all haven’t done shit against kaffir countries instead your jahanami munafiq soleimani secretly (not much a secret) helped usa in afg and helped usa occupy afg and massacre Muslims there. What good have the Taghut’s of Iran done other then massacring Muslims and aiding kuffar against Muslims. Y’all would side with kaffir Armenians over your own Shia Azeri brothers making them be close to Israel and then using what you caused as a excuse.
Unlike the Taghut’s in Tehran, Saudis have supported afghan mujahideen against kaffir soviets, supported Pakistan against kaffirs Indians during war time, historically supported Palestinians and Arabs against Israel during war, supported Bosnian mujahideen against kaffir Serbs and took millions of Muslims refugees while spending billions in aid on them yearly. And I’m not even pro Saudi.
Even Egypt historically they’ve fought against Israel many times while your leaders were in bed with them.
Uae same as Saudi.
Azeris still did more damage to kuffar while being slaves of kuffar then what munafiq Iran did.
I don’t even support these states but they’ve done more then what Iranians can even think of.

And I am a Muslim, a Muslim that follows the Words of Allah which is the Quran and the Sunnah of Rasulallah (ﷺ).

Pakistan defenseless civilians are getting bombed by American UAVs since 2000's with no respond from Pakistan government
Free people, never been enslaved nor colonized unlike the subcontinental folks like us...

We are ghulam ibne ghulam ibne ghulam...

they aRe proud people, even in US, Iranian have kept their identity and are proud of it, indians are too… pakistanis are whimpers unfortunately
Stop acting like children bruh. This forum is an Iranian vs Turkish or a Chinese bot spamfest 99% of the time.
USA regarded Saddam regime as a threat and have fought two wars with it (Operation Desert Storm in 1991 and Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003); this led to destruction and disarmament of Iraq proper.
No, it's a sheer lie. Saddam was never a threat to US, in any time. Saddam was just a puppet and served US for 8 years against Iran, but as he gave up on that war and forgot his position and attacked another US ally, US had no choice but to stop him.

In 2003, Iraq had lost all of it's strength and was no threat to anyone. US just wanted to sieze it's oil and also surround Iran, so invaded Iraq with the false claims of chemical weapons.

When ISIL emerged in 2013, both Iran and USA conducted military operations against it and rolled back its advances. USA could hit ISIL from various directions due to its excellent Air Force. Operation Inherent Resolve is well-documented.
It's a another lie. AS Baghdad was about to fall and US founded and armed ISIS was few kilometers from US base, neither they attacked US, nor US stopped their invasion, but also US refused to deliver the weapons which Iraq had paid for. obviously US wanted a swift defeat of Iraq government which had stablished a warm relation with Iran.

After Iran intervened and formed a powerful popular force which not only stopped ISIS but started to regain the territories, US realized their plan has failed and if they don't do something, they will be kicked out of Iraq forever. so they pressured Iraq government to allow them participate in the operations. Iraq popular forces were always against US present in that war.

The assertion that USA wanted to destroy Iran is lacking in evidence.
Then that's the reason for all the military and civilian sanctions against Iran, and when they say "all options are on the table", they mean to help Iran! and they founded and armed Wahhabi terrorists with anti Shiah beliefs (Al-Qaeda, Al-Nusra,ISIS, et) just for fun, and if they officially host anti-Iran MKO terrorist group in their soil, it's also to help Iran.
No, it's a sheer lie. Saddam was never a threat to US, in any time. Saddam was just a puppet and served US for 8 years against Iran, but as he gave up on that war and forgot his position and attacked another US ally, US had no choice but to stop him.

In 2003, Iraq had lost all of it's strength and was no threat to anyone. US just wanted to sieze it's oil and also surround Iran, so invaded Iraq with the false claims of chemical weapons.

It's a another lie. AS Baghdad was about to fall and US founded and armed ISIS was few kilometers from US base, neither they attacked US, nor US stopped their invasion, but also US refused to deliver the weapons which Iraq had paid for. obviously US wanted a swift defeat of Iraq government which had stablished a warm relation with Iran.

After Iran intervened and formed a powerful popular force which not only stopped ISIS but started to regain the territories, US realized their plan has failed and if they don't do something, they will be kicked out of Iraq forever. so they pressured Iraq government to allow them participate in the operations. Iraq popular forces were always against US present in that war.

Then that's the reason for all the military and civilian sanctions against Iran, and when they say "all options are on the table", they mean to help Iran! and they founded and armed Wahhabi terrorists with anti Shiah beliefs (Al-Qaeda, Al-Nusra,ISIS, et) just for fun, and if they officially host anti-Iran MKO terrorist group in their soil, it's also to help Iran.

You are contradicting yourself. Saddam might be in good books of USA when he was focused on Iran but this changed when he ordered invasion and annexation of Kuwait in 1990. At this stage, Americans realized that Saddam is a threat to their interests in the Middle East and cannot be trusted. They felt the need to stop him, therefore. This shows that Saddam was nobody's puppet but made his own decisions. His problem was that he was too stubborn and rigid for his own good.
Bilateral relations between two states are not written in stone but shaped by interests in large part. The interests can converge or diverge over time subject to decision(s) of the leader(s) of both countries. No American President took oath to protect and patronize Saddam as a matter of state policy.

It's a another lie. AS Baghdad was about to fall and US founded and armed ISIS was few kilometers from US base, neither they attacked US, nor US stopped their invasion, but also US refused to deliver the weapons which Iraq had paid for. obviously US wanted a swift defeat of Iraq government which had stablished a warm relation with Iran.

ISIL was founded by former members of Iraqi intelligentsia who served Saddam in collusion with Al-Qaeda affiliates in the region. These people had a base of operations in Syria as well. Yes, Asad looked the other way until ISIL became too large for him to ignore.

The name Haji Bakr ring any bells?

Correct history of ISIL for reference:

After Iran intervened and formed a powerful popular force which not only stopped ISIS but started to regain the territories, US realized their plan has failed and if they don't do something, they will be kicked out of Iraq forever. so they pressured Iraq government to allow them participate in the operations. Iraq popular forces were always against US present in that war.

I am one of the few who acknowledge Iran-backed military operations against ISIL and I am aware of the fact that many Iranian troops including senior members died in these operations. I acknowledge facts in general.

The problem was that Iran could not stop ISIL on its own. ISIL core was made up of battle-hardened Iraqi individuals and Al-Qaeda elements, and this movement was also able to draw IDIOTS from all over the world by appealing to their Anti-American sentiments and religious brainwashing. ISIL forces overran much of Iraq and Syria in a span of year.

The single biggest mistake of USA was to dismantle Iraqi army after 2003. Iraqi troops lost their jobs and many could be lured by Al-Qaeda affiliates and the sort to their cause. Americans seem to acknowledge this miscalculation lately.

Obama had ordered withdrawal of US-led forces from Iraq in 2011 when the country looked stable but ISIL emerged in 2013 and he had to back track from his decision as well. US returned to Iraq in 2014 to help Iraqi establishment fight ISIL.

USAF could hit ISIL from various directions across Syria and Iraq. It could produce effects that ballistic missiles cannot. Even Russia could not do this, not even close.

My point is simple - give credit where due.

Then that's the reason for all the military and civilian sanctions against Iran, and when they say "all options are on the table", they mean to help Iran! and they founded and armed Wahhabi terrorists with anti Shiah beliefs (Al-Qaeda, Al-Nusra,ISIS, et) just for fun, and if they officially host anti-Iran MKO terrorist group in their soil, it's also to help Iran.

I completely understand that USA and Iran are NOT on good terms. I know much about when and how USA have attempted to harm Iran. I can point out events and incidents. I do my homework.

But it is still a stretch to assert that USA have attempted to destroy Iran. Just look at how USA treated Iraq in comparison.

1. Both USA and Iran were on the same page for punishing Saddam regime.

2. Both USA and Iran were on the same page for punishing ISIL.

Iran seems to have benefitted from American expedition in Iraq on many counts. This is why distant observers get the impression that these two states are engaged in a war of words but continue to fool others.

Al-Qaeda Network was an offshoot of Mujahideen movement in Afghanistan to counter USSR in Afghanistan. These people thought that they have defeated one superpower in a war so they can defeat another as well. They forgot that USA and Pakistan made their victory possible in Afghanistan.

False sense of pride = disaster
You are a poor brainwashed man.
Usa wanted to destroy iran but they cant.
Pakistan and saudi arabia helped mujahadin because America ordered them. America wants these mujahadin attack Soviet.
Dictators in middle east are not muslim. In Azarbaijan or Iraq or Saudi arabia,... They are kafirs and they are servant of of America and israel.
Iran didn't help America in Afghanistan or iraq. Its your fantasy. But your beloved Saudi dictators helped America in their wars against Afghanistan and iraq.

In Bosnia only iran help bosnian with soldiers and guns in their war.

Also arab countries fought wars with Israel because of racism not islam also with help of Soviet Union and all of them are slave of Israel now

You are just a brainwashed person that knows nothing about world.
You are just a western plan against iran.
I’m brainwashed? 🤣🤣
Go pick up a history textbook and learn something before you speak
Pakistan created mujahideen in AFG before usa was ever interested in AFG. Even if usa did it all it was still a legitimate jihad since soviets were wiping out Islam from all places they occupy just look at Central Asia to see what they did.
Dictators in Middle East are not Muslim but what about the dictators in Iran? The so called non Muslim dictators of Middle East who still spend billions on aid for Muslims yearly and have a record of supporting Muslim causes previously. I guess you have some pretty solid evidence to Takfir them. The irony is you guys cry they takfir you but you guys aren’t much different then them. They are servants of America and Israel but have historical caused more damage to them then Iran can even think of.
Iran helped usa in Afghanistan and was in favour of usa in Afghanistan. Soleimani had secret intelligence cooperation with usa against Taliban. Your IRGC is biggest helper of kaffir india which is biggest ally of Israel. Your IRGC helped india smuggle its agents into Pakistan and you Iranians betrayed Kashmir in 94 in OIC voting against a resolution to sanction india because your leaders were in bed with kaffir India while tryna make the world stupid because kaffir india is the biggest ally of Israel Zionists.
Arabs helped usa in afg or Iraq but at least they did it openly and weren’t munafiqs. I rather have a open enemy then a munafiq one. Arabs don’t go around calling usa an enemy while helping USA against mujahideen.
In Bosnia Iran barely helped anyone and didn’t send any weapons. Pakistan was the ones sending in weapons especially atgms which turned the tide of the war. In Bosnian war it was Arabs, Turkey, Pakistan and south East Asian Muslim countries like Indonesia who were helping and training mujahideen and sending weapons and money while Iranians were just watching.
I’m a western plan against Iran? Lool stay worshiping the Taghut’s of Tehran.

Lol you live in your fantasy world.
Iran destroyed all western plans in middle east. Western countries wanted to creat great israel project but iran help Lebanon and Palestine and stop them.
Americans want to build a terrorist country (isis) to creat wars and terrors in middle east but iran destroyed their plan,...

Even your wahhabi school in Pakistan was built because America ordered saudi arabia and pakistan built it.
American plan now is make wars between shia and sunnies.

Wahhabi mean Muhammad ibn abdol wahhab followers.
They think they are real Muslim and they should attack others because they are not muslim!!!

abdol wahhab and saud family with help of Britain became power in hijaz. In all of their history they attack every one who was against Western Countries. They were against Egypt ans Syria (because they were enemies of israel) they were against saddam (because saddam hate israel) they are enemy of iran(because iran is biggest enemy off israel now)
Iran destroyed Middle East. Y’all massacred more people then Americans and isis combined. Even assad alone In Syria has killed more syriand then isis. You guys helped usa topple saddam and helped the whole region get destabilized by starting proxy wars.
You guys helped israel and usa achieve their plan by making Muslims having to waste energy and time fighting you guys. Iran is a cancer to Middle East and the ummah.
Al Wahab is a name of Allah.
I am not a wahabi. I am a Muslim who follows the Quran and the Sunnah of Rasulallah (ﷺ).
Your takfiring other Muslims without evidence and you know what that means.
Your Iranians Taghut’s have created and cult and all you guys are blind worshippers of them. Your just cannon fodder for them in their thrust for power.
If Iran was such a big enemy it would have been invaded by now.
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Pakistan defenseless civilians are getting bombed by American UAVs since 2000's with no respond from Pakistan government
Cuz unlike Iran we aren’t all talk no action. Y’all for revenge called Qatar to tell Americans ti empty the base before you launched missiles at it.
Pakistan sent 313 Badri mujahideen who were mostly Pakistani Punjabi and Pakhtuns to do raids on Americans in retaliation in AFG and they did the most damage on Americans then anyone else. Unlike your regime who’s all talk, we avenged plus did 10x the damage. We made usa stupid using its own aid money to defeat it in AFG. We never cut ties with certain TB factions and ensured hell for Americans in AFG. We even avenged the martyrs of Salala and made usa pay heavily + tax. While your regime is yet to kill an American occupation soldier, we’ve already sent hundreds to their graves and thousands injured.
Unfortunetly, most Palestinians have low inteligance, possibally due to inbreeding with very close family members for generatins. They can´t tell friend and foe appart. This is why they sided with Brittain over the Ottomans, and as a result, are slaves in their own country.

Here is the man and country imbreds admire..... but are blind to all the missile technology Hamas and IJ have recived from Iran.

Ah , that post was sarcasm in response to other members post who said same thing but about Iran for lobbing few rockets at Iraqi Kurds.

Second of all, cut the flamebaiting out.


Mods need a clear policy here. Iranian members are flamebaiting in every post when they see a post that doesn't agree with their outlook. This is a troll army behavior which is intended to silence others and turn them off from participating in discussion. Either they get swift penalty and warnings for that or we should be allowed to respond in kind. I'll refrain from responding in kind of penalty is enforced for such kind of ridiculous posts.

Unfortunetly, most Palestinians have low inteligance, possibally due to inbreeding with very close family members for generatins. They can´t tell friend and foe appart. This is why they sided with Brittain over the Ottomans, and as a result, are slaves in their own country.

Here is the man and country imbreds admire..... but are blind to all the missile technology Hamas and IJ have recived from Iran.

Btw what missile technology are you talking about? Hamas produces it's rockets inside of Gaza. Do you have some kind of monopoly over grad rockets designs ? :lol:

You hardly provided Hamas with any weapons or technology. This is Houthis in Yemen who have ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and AA missiles which are literal rip offs of Iranian weapons. There is no such thing in Gaza.

I’m brainwashed? 🤣🤣
Go pick up a history textbook and learn something before you speak
Pakistan created mujahideen in AFG before usa was ever interested in AFG. Even if usa did it all it was still a legitimate jihad since soviets were wiping out Islam from all places they occupy just look at Central Asia to see what they did.
Dictators in Middle East are not Muslim but what about the dictators in Iran? The so called non Muslim dictators of Middle East who still spend billions on aid for Muslims yearly and have a record of supporting Muslim causes previously. I guess you have some pretty solid evidence to Takfir them. The irony is you guys cry they takfir you but you guys aren’t much different then them. They are servants of America and Israel but have historical caused more damage to them then Iran can even think of.
Iran helped usa in Afghanistan and was in favour of usa in Afghanistan. Soleimani had secret intelligence cooperation with usa against Taliban. Your IRGC is biggest helper of kaffir india which is biggest ally of Israel. Your IRGC helped india smuggle its agents into Pakistan and you Iranians betrayed Kashmir in 94 in OIC voting against a resolution to sanction india because your leaders were in bed with kaffir India while tryna make the world stupid because kaffir india is the biggest ally of Israel Zionists.
Arabs helped usa in afg or Iraq but at least they did it openly and weren’t munafiqs. I rather have a open enemy then a munafiq one. Arabs don’t go around calling usa an enemy while helping USA against mujahideen.
In Bosnia Iran barely helped anyone and didn’t send any weapons. Pakistan was the ones sending in weapons especially atgms which turned the tide of the war. In Bosnian war it was Arabs, Turkey, Pakistan and south East Asian Muslim countries like Indonesia who were helping and training mujahideen and sending weapons and money while Iranians were just watching.
I’m a western plan against Iran? Lool stay worshiping the Taghut’s of Tehran.

Iran destroyed Middle East. Y’all massacred more people then Americans and isis combined. Even assad alone In Syria has killed more syriand then isis. You guys helped usa topple saddam and helped the whole region get destabilized by starting proxy wars.
You guys helped israel and usa achieve their plan by making Muslims having to waste energy and time fighting you guys. Iran is a cancer to Middle East and the ummah.
Al Wahab is a name of Allah.
I am not a wahabi. I am a Muslim who follows the Quran and the Sunnah of Rasulallah (ﷺ).
Your takfiring other Muslims without evidence and you know what that means.
Your Iranians Taghut’s have created and cult and all you guys are blind worshippers of them. Your just cannon fodder for them in their thrust for power.
If Iran was such a big enemy it would have been invaded by now.
He is ironically doing takfir on all Sunni Muslims, including two members in the thread. He thinks plugging in the word 'Wahab' (which has no connotation) will provide him some kind of cover. The guy probably lacks any religious knowledge too. It would show if religious debates were allowed. He probably just heard this term somewhere from his clerics that do takfir like him.
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Sir Bajwa should be sent to iran for training so the idiot can learn how to deal with ttp bla terrorist in afghanistan. Iranians knoq how to deal with terror
Sir Bajwa should be sent to iran for training so the idiot can learn how to deal with ttp bla terrorist in afghanistan. Iranians knoq how to deal with terror
You think Iran will ever fire a BM at the Taliban? Kurds in Iraq and Afghanistan is two very different things my friend. :rofl::rofl:

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