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Iran pounded US-backed terrorist bases in northern region of Iraq with 73 ballistic missiles

Name 1 kaffir country Iran has fought a war with or helped destroy. Absolutely ZERO
Ok. You are just a poor brainwashed man.
Iran from 1979 is in war with Usa, israel and western countries. They do all they can to destroy Iran. helping saddam, made a coup, helping terrorists, sanction every corner of iran economy, made propaganda against iran, made stupid wahhabies and supporter them to attack iran, help kafir dictators(saudi arabia,uae, Egypt, Azerbaijan,... ) in middle east against iran.

People like you(all wahabies) are just a western plan against iran.
Iran has massive cajones and I admire them
Turkey attacks those same Kurds in Iraq all the time. Do you admire them too? :D

Ok. You are just a poor brainwashed man.
Iran from 1979 is in war with Usa, israel and western countries. They do all they can to destroy Iran. helping saddam, made a coup, helping terrorists, sanction every corner of iran economy, made propaganda against iran, made stupid wahhabies and supporter them to attack iran, help kafir dictators(saudi arabia,uae, Egypt, Azerbaijan,... ) in middle east against iran.

People like you(all wahabies) are just a western plan against iran.
What is a 'Wahabi' ? What that mean ?
Mean people like you
So you have no definition for it. Gotcha.
They think they are real Muslim and they should kill others because they are not muslim.
So projection and dehumanization. In order to justify your crusade against so called 'Wahabis', which is your way of saying Muslims. You are a Khawarij takfiri.
Also they are in love with kafir masters😂
Lol, so another projection. Meanwhile your whole foreign policy success in Syria and Iraq is thanks to your kafir master daddy USA and Russia intervention. And Israel wanting to preserve Assad regime.
You mean Iranian govt. Iranian govt is facing local demonstrations and bombs some Kurds in Iraq out of fear Kurds in Iran seek separation. They still won't fire one missile at Israel for 44 years. Why does Iranian govt love Israel so much? Or they just scared ?
Well Iran isn't stupid.
Ok. You are just a poor brainwashed man.
Iran from 1979 is in war with Usa, israel and western countries. They do all they can to destroy Iran. helping saddam, made a coup, helping terrorists, sanction every corner of iran economy, made propaganda against iran, made stupid wahhabies and supporter them to attack iran, help kafir dictators(saudi arabia,uae, Egypt, Azerbaijan,... ) in middle east against iran.

People like you(all wahabies) are just a western plan against iran.
Iran is not at war with usa or Israel. If Iran was in war you’d see Iraq style us invasion of Iran.
Even Pakistan has been in a more direct war against usa then you in Afg via many factions and groups. Y’all haven’t done shit against kaffir countries instead your jahanami munafiq soleimani secretly (not much a secret) helped usa in afg and helped usa occupy afg and massacre Muslims there. What good have the Taghut’s of Iran done other then massacring Muslims and aiding kuffar against Muslims. Y’all would side with kaffir Armenians over your own Shia Azeri brothers making them be close to Israel and then using what you caused as a excuse.
Unlike the Taghut’s in Tehran, Saudis have supported afghan mujahideen against kaffir soviets, supported Pakistan against kaffirs Indians during war time, historically supported Palestinians and Arabs against Israel during war, supported Bosnian mujahideen against kaffir Serbs and took millions of Muslims refugees while spending billions in aid on them yearly. And I’m not even pro Saudi.
Even Egypt historically they’ve fought against Israel many times while your leaders were in bed with them.
Uae same as Saudi.
Azeris still did more damage to kuffar while being slaves of kuffar then what munafiq Iran did.
I don’t even support these states but they’ve done more then what Iranians can even think of.

And I am a Muslim, a Muslim that follows the Words of Allah which is the Quran and the Sunnah of Rasulallah (ﷺ).
Iran from 1979 is in war with Usa, israel and western countries.
While doing zero harm to them, signing deals with them, helping them against mujahideen and betraying mujahideen when they start a war against them.
Your history shows your munafiq, cancer to Muslims, country didn’t do shit for the ummah other then harm it.

What is a 'Wahabi' ? What that mean ?
It’s a name of Allah Azzawajal. Al Wahab meaning The Bestower.
Apparently to some it’s suppose to be a insult Nauzubillah.
So you have no definition for it. Gotcha.

So projection and dehumanization. In order to justify your crusade against so called 'Wahabis', which is your way of saying Muslims. You are a Khawarij takfiri.

Lol, so another projection. Meanwhile your whole foreign policy success in Syria and Iraq is thanks to your kafir master daddy USA and Russia intervention. And Israel wanting to preserve Assad regime.
LOL!! :rofl:
Israel and the us were both supporting the "moderate" terrorists ie al qaeda and those aligned with them,in fact the israelis got caught literally red handed by the un observer force on the golan transferring weapons to one such group,not to mention that nuttyahoo just couldnt resist the opportunity of having his picture taken glad handing wounded terrorists in an israeli hospital.
The us for its part openly attacked both the syrian armed forces as well as those of its auxiliaries and its allies.
Oh and lets not forget 💩nato💩,the 💩turks💩 and the🤡gulfies🤡 too,terrorist supporters all.
Unfortunetly, most Palestinians have low inteligance, possibally due to inbreeding with very close family members for generatins. They can´t tell friend and foe appart. This is why they sided with Brittain over the Ottomans, and as a result, are slaves in their own country.

Here is the man and country imbreds admire..... but are blind to all the missile technology Hamas and IJ have recived from Iran.

Well Iraq like any other country is responsible to remove any threat from its soil against its neighbors but as we know Iraq government doesn't control over its territories so what should Iran do? wait until next century and look at its border guard tower attacked by these terrorists?
Iran respects the territorial integrity of its neighbors to the extent that its national security is not threatened from there. In fact, national interests are a variable dependent on internal and external security, and wherever a hostile action is taken against Iran's national interests and its red lines are ignored, the military forces of this country have the right to confront it.
It was both a help to the central government of Iraq and a warning to the Barzani family, who have made the territory of the Kurdistan region of Iraq a safe haven for separatist armed groups against Iran.

P.s: it ain't a division or distract from protests that have already ended as Iran has done it before when there was no protests ... message is clear no threat is tolerated and would be eliminated from its origin ...
Is similar to what Pakistan is facing with its neighbours. I’d recommend Iran to attack those terror Israeli and Indian consulates disguised as trade and business all along your Iranian border!

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