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Iran offers Pakistan 80,000 barels per day of oil.

hopefully it will work out, U.S will not let this one slip, Saudi will make an offer also. Saudi will do anything to stop Iran.

Hope Pakistan doesn't fall for Saudi trick , it will just be a trick from their master USA. Iran needs all the support at this crucial juncture !

---------- Post added at 01:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:31 PM ----------

India, China and Russia have not let go of Iran , i hope Pakistan too stands by them rather than try to impress saudi and indirectly to USA
india has EXPLICITLY has showed the world the middle finger and said we will import from IRAN screw your sanctions. if india can do it and not worry why should we worry???
Splendid...Hopefully the Pak govt's team visiting Iran will finalize some thing there...Good news for both neighbors !!!
hopefully it will work out, U.S will not let this one slip, Saudi will make an offer also. Saudi will do anything to stop Iran.

the Saudis have already pledged to boost production to offset any such losses.....

in this case however, as long as the terms benefit both countries I'd be 100% for it

it would be good to see increased cooperation with neighbours like Iran, which at the end of the day is a friendly country with whom we share certain bonds and ties -- sometimes strained -- but for the most part good.

it will be good to continue to work with them where and when it mutually benefits us.....especially at a time when BOTH countries are facing certain economic difficulties -- in Iran's case isolation and sanctions; in our case fiscal issues (due partly to rising costs of oil import bill), energy shortfalls, etc.

the US/West will certainly raise the issue with Pak Govt and hopefully the latter will have the decency and manhood not to bow down to diplomatic pressure.
80,000 barrels mean nothing. Stupid leaders are wasting Pakistani oil for making electricity. Instead of burning Thar with chinese help (because of no commissions).

Iran is selling its oil to make up for its European losses. They might take deferred payments. But dont hold your breath.
i think if USA agrees to finance even a single dam, it will be much better for us than iran gas..most will disagree but i am talking in financial terms..a single dam will produce 4-5 thousand MW of electrcity which is more than what we can produce from Iranian gas project..while iran offers us at approx 12 $ BTU (local gas costs 4BTU) the dam will gie us that energy virtually at zero running costs.

we have enough gas to meet our demands if we divert it away from power sector..power sector consumes 40% of gas..to do that we need coal and hydro projects

You ''Think'' i am shocked.

Dam will produce any where from 1000 to 6000 MW of power unfortunately we need 20000 or more produced per day in order to run our industry.I am not a math genius but 20000 or more needed - 6000 equals=well you have to forgive me i am not as smart as you are ,so please help us out and tell us all how one dam financed by the Americans(which it self is a different Topic) will cover our requirements.

Oh while we have you here please feel free to right a check to ministry of finance Pakistan to cover the cost of coal projects plus coal fired plants problem solved.Few billion dollars shouldn't be a problem for you and Batman i am sure. after that we will have to dig more for natural gas which off course you and batman can also finance.

Now we come towards Oil which is the topic here not natural gas or Dams ,which i am sure you have forgotten your house of Saud has refused to give us on deferred payments.This offer by Iran has come at a very crucial time and Hopefully accepted by Pakistan. Most understand why you and Batman have a problem with Pakistan progressing or Buying oil and gas from IRAN.
You ''Think'' i am shocked.

Dam will produce any where from 1000 to 6000 MW of power unfortunately we need 20000 or more produced per day in order to run our industry.I am not a math genius but 20000 or more needed - 6000 equals=well you have to forgive me i am not as smart as you are ,so please help us out and tell us all how one dam financed by the Americans(which it self is a different Topic) will cover our requirements.

Oh while we have you here please feel free to right a check to ministry of finance Pakistan to cover the cost of coal projects plus coal fired plants problem solved.Few billion dollars shouldn't be a problem for you and Batman i am sure. after that we will have to dig more for natural gas which off course you and batman can also finance.

Now we come towards Oil which is the topic here not natural gas or Dams ,which i am sure you have forgotten your house of Saud has refused to give us on deferred payments.This offer by Iran has come at a very crucial time and Hopefully accepted by Pakistan. Most understand why you and Batman have a problem with Pakistan progressing or Buying oil and gas from IRAN.

This is time to boost up mutual interests with Iran. We have to work together for security of regional stability. Good relationship with Iran is the key of stable Pakistan.
Thəorətic Muslim;2651134]80,000 barrels mean nothing. Stupid leaders are wasting Pakistani oil for making electricity. Instead of burning Thar with Chinese help (because of no commissions).

If 80,000 barrels of crude oil per day means nothing to you can we please have it sound like you are flushed with oil .it would be a great help but till you can supply us that we have to find ways to solve our energy problem.

Iran has offered to supply Pakistan with 80,000 barrels of crude oil per day and a $250 million loan to help build a gas pipeline from the Iranian border, a Pakistani official said Wednesday, February 29.

A Pakistani delegation will visit Iran in the middle of March to discuss the mode of payment, the official from the petroleum ministry said, according to AFP.

Although the United States objects strongly to the pipeline project, Pakistan appears determined to press ahead importing fuel from its western neighbor under a deal expected to start providing gas in 2014.

Nuclear-armed Pakistan suffers from a crippling energy shortage and insists it cannot do without the fuel from Iran, subject to increasing EU and US sanctions over its controversial nuclear programme.

Iran is selling its oil to make up for its European losses. They might take deferred payments. But don't hold your breath.

Well since you will be supplying 80,000 bps/ day for free as su said its nothing for you we font have to worry about paying for it now do we problem solved now we can all breath easy .

stupid infidel Iranians are also offering 250 million should we tell them no we have found a person who will solve our financial and energy problems.

With well wishers and geniuses like you why aren't we a economic giant in the world is beyond me.
A usual dam will produce like 100-500 MWatts of electricity. Iran does produce dams with capacity over 1,000 Megawatts completely on its own and Iran is one of the largest dam producers in the world, but here we're talking about oil, the only consumption of oil is not to produce electricity and heat, almost anything around you is derived from oil someway, so please notice the difference first.
sir i was talking about the financing dams..our leaders are too dull to finance dam from own resources..a usual dam in pakistan has capcity of 4000-5000MW and some have capacity of 8000mw..thats twice amount of energy that we can ge from iran gas pipeline..
we all know that gas is twice expensive than coal and four times than hydro project..
BUNJI dam for example can produce 7200mw and can be completed in 5 years at cost of 6-7 billion dollars..
if we do so, we can divert our gas used in energy sector and will be comfortable for next few decade, we should only think of importing gas once we exhausted our caol /hydro capcity..
we are producing zero percent form coal while any other country like india,china USA are producing 40-50% form coal
india has EXPLICITLY has showed the world the middle finger and said we will import from IRAN screw your sanctions. if india can do it and not worry why should we worry???

That is why a big economy helps..I am not saying we told you so..but a big economy with a middle finger works better.
The Pak-Iran gas line needs to go through as well.. This deal involves the energy needs of Pakistan, China, and India.
that's the first time in the history, when oil rich country is giving discount to sell their oil. Now i think Iran is really in deep trouble.
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