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Iran Offers India Joint Commission on Afghanistan

India being a huge population had more to gain from inland route through Pakistan but india destroyed the prospects themselves. Supporting terrorism in balochistan, supporting terrorists through Afghanistan and denying dialogue on kashmir.
India supporting terrorism is just Pakistan's active imagination. Since you do it, you assume we do it too.
India never denied dialogue on Kashmir, but we have a pre-condition to dialogue that you need to stop supporting terrorism in India. And now the dialogue's only conclusion we will accept is conversion of LOC to international border.

The only possibility of a route through Pakistan is if india seriously negotiate with Pakistan on kashmir issue and solve it.
Learn something from your good friend China if you want to progress. Decouple conflict and trade like them.

Chabahar route was longer bt still workable if it went through Afghanistan and to CA. Without going through Afghanistan, there is no added advantage in the other routes. Building a port and investing so much, merely to avoid strait of hormuz is dumb. In any case if iranian ports are blockaded, chabahar would be blockaded too and its not that far from hormuz.
If Chahbahar is dumb then you should rejoice instead of getting nervous. We still need Chahbahar for access to Central Asia and Russia. It also keeps Iran a friend to India.
India supporting terrorism is just Pakistan's active imagination. Since you do it, you assume we do it too.
India never denied dialogue on Kashmir, but we have a pre-condition to dialogue that you need to stop supporting terrorism in India. And now the dialogue's only conclusion we will accept is conversion of LOC to international border.

Learn something from your good friend China if you want to progress. Decouple conflict and trade like them.

If Chahbahar is dumb then you should rejoice instead of getting nervous. We still need Chahbahar for access to Central Asia and Russia. It also keeps Iran a friend to India.
What was Yadav doing in Pakistan?
Iran wants India to cut tariffs on its chemicals, dry fruits and carpets, among other things, as part of the proposed trade pact. India, on the other hand, views Iran as a crucial partner in coordinating its strategy on Afghanistan, where New Delhi has all but ended its diplomatic presence in the wake of the Taliban takeover.
Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian has told his Indian counterpart Subrahmanyam Jaishankar that Tehran is ready to “promote economic cooperation” with New Delhi in Afghanistan through “joint consular and economic commissions”, during a meeting between the two chief diplomats on the sidelines of the 76th session of the ongoing United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York on Tuesday.

As per the Iranian Foreign Ministry, Amirabdollahian called for the early finalisation of the ‘Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA)’ between New Delhi and Tehran as well as a pact to finalise “energy cooperation” between the two nations.
The two foreign ministers also concurred on the need for having an “inclusive government” in Afghanistan, as both of them rejected foreign interference in the war-ravaged nation.

Since assuming office in August, Iran’s new president, Dr. Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi, has given a renewed push to “increasing” his country’s share in regional trade.

“By considering Iran's membership in the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) and trying to make the port of Chabahar more active, we can easily increase Iran's share in regional trade more than double,” Raisi said during a meeting of the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution on Tuesday.
Iran, which was formally inducted into the SCO last week, also signed a $400 billion strategic investment agreement with China this year.

India, which has funded the development of Chabahar Port, has described the Gulf of Oman project as one of its most “ambitious” to date. For New Delhi, Chabahar offers the opportunity to trade with Afghanistan, the Central Asian states and Russia, bypassing Pakistan.
Chabahar’s utility to the International North South Transport Corridor (INSTC), a proposed network of sea, road and rail routes to trade between India, Iran, central Asia, Russia and Europe, has also been endorsed by other governments.
The focus on increasing economic engagement between Iran and India also featured during a meeting between Raisi and Jaishankar during the latter's Tehran visit in July, when the new Iranian leader said that the “current level of bilateral relations is not favourable”.

The negotiations for a PTA between the two countries kickstarted in 2016 and, so far, five rounds of talks have been held. However, the trade pact negotiations have been adversely affected in the wake of former US president Donald Trump’s unilateral decision to pull his country out of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in 2018 and impose punitive economic sanctions on Iran.

As far as the energy trade is concerned, Iran was one of India’s top crude oil suppliers in 2017-18, meeting 10 percent of the overall energy needs at the time. However, New Delhi was forced to halt its crude imports from the west Asian nation in 2019 due to fears of economic reprisal from the US.

With President Joe Biden indicating his willingness to rejoin the Iran nuclear deal, New Delhi has sensed an opening. Since Biden's election victory, New Delhi has more than doubled its annual allocation for Chabahar Port to $13.5 million in 2021-22.
Iran also announced on 27 July that trade between Delhi and Tehran had increased by 240 percent in the March-June quarter this year, compared with the same time period last year.

So nobody has any problems with Iran making deals with India.
But when Pakistan makes any deals with Saudia, the Iranian stooges with Pakistani citizenship, go ape.
Did I say anything wrong here?
What was Yadav doing in Pakistan?
As per Indian narrative, he was a retired officer working as a private citizen in Iran. From there, he was kidnapped by ISI operatives and brought to Pak.
Ofcourse you have your own narratives.
BTW - You do not even know his real name. Speaks volumes on your knowledge of the case.
As per Indian narrative, he was a retired officer working as a private citizen in Iran. From there, he was kidnapped by ISI operatives and brought to Pak.
Ofcourse you have your own narratives.
BTW - You do not even know his real name. Speaks volumes on your knowledge of the case.
So ISI is randomly kidnapping Indians from Iran who are working on Iranian projects

and Iran is living happily ever after? shouldn't this be humiliating that a random country can come in, kidnap someone in your sovereign territory and bring him back to their country, so crossed the border 2 times and did a kidnapping of foreign citizen under your protection

Even after this Iranians are friendly to Pakistan- this is ground for war but they are not hostile, no troop build up
no nothing, so one can see issues in Indian narrative

As I say Indians should just say this to their gov
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So ISI is randomly kidnapping Indians from Iran who are working on Iranian projects
ISI would have done its study and found that given he is a former Indian naval officer, he can be a good propaganda tool.

and Iran is living happily ever after? shouldn't this be humiliating that a random country can come in, kidnap someone in your sovereign territory and bring him back to their country, so crossed the border 2 times and did a kidnapping of foreign citizen under your protection
It speaks poorly of Iran's border patrol, yes. Beyond that, they might want to remain neutral between India & Pak.
India supporting terrorism is just Pakistan's active imagination. Since you do it, you assume we do it too.
India never denied dialogue on Kashmir, but we have a pre-condition to dialogue that you need to stop supporting terrorism in India. And now the dialogue's only conclusion we will accept is conversion of LOC to international border

So wtf was kulbushan doing in balochistan? Ur NSA and army leaders openly talk abt supporting terrorists against Pakistan. Many terrorists have confessed to have gotten support from india, u think we are fools like u??
Finding excuses for negotiations is the same as not wanting to negotiate. Scrapping the kashmir article was another sign that india doeant want to negotiate. U call it internal issue, which means u dnt want to talk abt it. You guys dont even allow neutral UN inspectors to inspect LOC and occupied areas, Pakistan allows them, so what is it that u r hiding? It was india that went running to UN in 48, scared of mujahideen, now its india not accepting UN resolutions. It is very clear who is wrong. The people of kashmir still protesting after 70 years shows indian rule is not acceptable to them. You can do ur bollywood tricks but u cant hide the truth.
Also why r u now ready to accept LOC as international border? Werent u ppl chest thumping and wanting to take GB and azad Kashmir? Did 27/2 scare u? Lolz
Learn something from your good friend China if you want to progress. Decouple conflict and trade like them.
Well we have tried that too, musharaf removed all support from freedom fighters and enhanced trade, but nothing was achieved. Remember the 90s where everyday 10 to 15 indian soldiers died of attacks in kashmir? Well all that stopped and yet the hindus went back on their promises.
If Chahbahar is dumb then you should rejoice instead of getting nervous. We still need Chahbahar for access to Central Asia and Russia. It also keeps Iran a friend to India.

Who told u we r nervous? Lolz infact Pakistan wanted chabahar and gawadar to be connected to complement each other. I said chabahar is dumb if ur not goingto get access through Afghanistan to Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. In order to access Russia, any iranian port like bandar abbas is perfectly fine, no need to spend billions for another port. Even the excuse of it being not in strait of hormuz is dumb.
In any case, Pakistan wont let india have easy access to Afghanistan and central asia without major concessions and change of policy. You can continue with chabahar or from space, we dnt care. We are playing our cards well and success in Afghanistan is just the beginning.
So wtf was kulbushan doing in balochistan? Ur NSA and army leaders openly talk abt supporting terrorists against Pakistan. Many terrorists have confessed to have gotten support from india, u think we are fools like u??
Already explained in earlier post that Indian narrative is that Kulbushan was kidnapped by ISI operatives from Iran and brought to Pakistan. Since he is in your custody, you are able to frame whatever charges and concoct whatever stories you want.

Finding excuses for negotiations is the same as not wanting to negotiate.
Guns and talks cannot go hand in hand. Period.

Scrapping the kashmir article was another sign that india doeant want to negotiate.
Art. 370 was between Kashmir and India, nothing to do with Pakistan. It was meant to be temporary from the start.

U call it internal issue, which means u dnt want to talk abt it. You guys dont even allow neutral UN inspectors to inspect LOC and occupied areas, Pakistan allows them, so what is it that u r hiding?
As per Shimla agreement 1972, Kashmir issue is to be resolved bilaterally between India & Pak. We are under no obligation to allow 3rd party or UN mediation in this.

It was india that went running to UN in 48,
We went to UN to stop further bloodshed and get sensible solution. Had you removed your troops back then as per UN resolution, and allowed plebiscite, the conflict would not have stretched this long. But you were greedy for land.

scared of mujahideen,
Mujahideen - euphemism for terrorists. Since independence, you have been using terrorists as your 2nd army.
In 1948, and then again in 99. Also used against Soviets.

now its india not accepting UN resolutions. It is very clear who is wrong.
Read UN resolution of 1948, you would know who did not follow it.

The people of kashmir still protesting after 70 years shows indian rule is not acceptable to them.
Its a small minority who got radicalized and started protesting. We will pacify them. We dont need you to stick your nose or you will be noseless.

Also why r u now ready to accept LOC as international border?
We do not want unnecessary bloodshed. We are a status quo power.

Werent u ppl chest thumping and wanting to take GB and azad Kashmir?
If you impose a war on us, we may take all that. So better agree on what we are offering today.

Did 27/2 scare u? Lolz
Just like your weak cricket team won one CT final back in 2017 and went to 7th sky. Similarly, a slight win in a minor scuffle is enough to gladden your hearts. In the meantime, you are continuing to slide downwards in all economic parameters.

Well we have tried that too, musharaf removed all support from freedom fighters and enhanced trade, but nothing was achieved. Remember the 90s where everyday 10 to 15 indian soldiers died of attacks in kashmir? Well all that stopped and yet the hindus went back on their promises.
Pak never abandoned terrorism completely. Whenever intl pressure is high, it just pauses support for sometime. And it never allowed full trade between the 2 countries.

Who told u we r nervous? Lolz infact Pakistan wanted chabahar and gawadar to be connected to complement each other. I said chabahar is dumb if ur not goingto get access through Afghanistan to Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. In order to access Russia, any iranian port like bandar abbas is perfectly fine, no need to spend billions for another port. Even the excuse of it being not in strait of hormuz is dumb.
Be happy then if you think we are wasting our money. We know you are going to be a developed economy soon through CPEC :)

In any case, Pakistan wont let india have easy access to Afghanistan and central asia without major concessions and change of policy.
Pak has some temporary leverage over Afghanistan through Taliban, but that wont last forever. But you dont control rest of Central Asia. We will get access to them.
We went to UN to stop further bloodshed and get sensible solution. Had you removed your troops back then as per UN resolution, and allowed plebiscite, the conflict would not have stretched this long. But you were greedy for land.
You mean bloodshed of indian troops because had u not gone to UN and had the Pakistani british general not stopped mujahideen, they would have reached delhi in a matter of month. Indian army was on the run. The removal of troops was for both sides, why didn't india remove troops n allowed plebiscite??
Mujahideen - euphemism for terrorists. Since independence, you have been using terrorists as your 2nd army.
In 1948, and then again in 99. Also used against Soviets.
A freedom fighter becomes terrorist when he fights against u, be assured that each and every man in Pakistan wont hesitate to fight against india. Dont think that large population can save u. It requires one lion to go through a herd of sheeps.
Its a small minority who got radicalized and started protesting. We will pacify them. We dont need you to stick your nose or you will be noseless.
Lolz do u guys ever back off n listen to ur own stupid arguments? Even small kids wont buy ur stupidity. Small minority and u have to place almost a million soldiers? Throughout ur history, majority of ur military been in kashmir and yet u dream of pacifying them lolz. 70 years u could not pacify a small minority? U guys must be really incompetent morons then. And if it really is a small minority, why are u shit scared of a plebiscite??? Pakistan is always ready for a plebiscite on its side of kashmir. Scared of small minority? Lolz. Just because ur majority population is dumb n buys those stupid arguments, doeant mean others will.
If you impose a war on us, we may take all that. So better agree on what we are offering today.
Lolz u think u can use those petty techniques on us? We teach others how to negotiate, u ppl r noobs at this, so take that offer n shove it up modi's ***.
Just like your weak cricket team won one CT final back in 2017 and went to 7th sky. Similarly, a slight win in a minor scuffle is enough to gladden your hearts. In the meantime, you are continuing to slide downwards in all economic parameters
Yeah using sports to compare war, no wonder u ppl get beaten all the time. Remember the ppl of Pakistan beat u in 48 when we had nothing. If the people decided to fight again, ull forget ghori, ghaznavi and abdali. War is not fought by richs.
Pak has some temporary leverage over Afghanistan through Taliban, but that wont last forever. But you dont control rest of Central Asia. We will get access to them.
We are just getting started, wait n watch. U always had access to CA through that route u showed, why no benefit till date?
Already explained in earlier post that Indian narrative is that Kulbushan was kidnapped by ISI operatives from Iran and brought to Pakistan. Since he is in your custody, you are able to frame whatever charges and concoct whatever stories you want.
And u think its easy to kidnap someone from another country? Either ISI is too strong for u, or u guys are utterly incompetent. No one buys that argument, except ur dumb masses.
You mean bloodshed of indian troops because had u not gone to UN and had the Pakistani british general not stopped mujahideen, they would have reached delhi in a matter of month. Indian army was on the run. The removal of troops was for both sides, why didn't india remove troops n allowed plebiscite??
Before Hari Singh finally signed accension papers, your terrorists had almost reached Srinagar. After signing papers, Indian army was airlifted to Srinagar and started pushing back your terrorists. After regaining much of the territory, both sides were in a deadlock scenario. To regain the entire J&K, lot of lives needed to be taken and given. Hence, India went to UN.

Read UN resolution 1948. Step 1 was for Pak to completely remove its troops. After Step 1, step 2 was for India to remove MOST of its troops. After both steps, plebiscite. Since Step 1 was not done. Next 2 steps could not be performed.

A freedom fighter becomes terrorist when he fights against u, be assured that each and every man in Pakistan wont hesitate to fight against india. Dont think that large population can save u. It requires one lion to go through a herd of sheeps.
Even your Pak govt has banned your terrorist organizations - LeT, HM etc. Dont tell me Pak govt is banning so called freedom fighters.

Small minority and u have to place almost a million soldiers?
Geography of the area is such that it is easy for terrorists to enter, hide and create havoc. Hence more soldiers are needed to keep calm.

Remember the ppl of Pakistan beat u in 48 when we had nothing. If the people decided to fight again, ull forget ghori, ghaznavi and abdali. War is not fought by richs.
Your terrorists sneaked in and beat J&K princely state forces. As soon as Indian army stepped in, you were pushed back from Srinagar.

We are just getting started, wait n watch. U always had access to CA through that route u showed, why no benefit till date?
We did not have easy access to Central Asia till now. We will now through Chahbahar.

And u think its easy to kidnap someone from another country? Either ISI is too strong for u, or u guys are utterly incompetent. No one buys that argument, except ur dumb masses.
We do not control Iran's forces.
Months (I think years?) ago I warned that we should be careful with Iran and their intentions are not pure. Everyone replied that Iran is the best country in the world, they are fighting Israel and America , they donated a few weapons to us 50 years ago, etc.

The reality is, this is just the beginning. They will likely go as far as stoking sectarian tensions to destabilise Pakistan. Just because our border forces have done a few joint ops against smugglers and BLA doesn't mean we're best buddies. Jadhav and Uzair Baloch are some of the most memorable recent gifts Iran has given us.
Before Hari Singh finally signed accension papers, your terrorists had almost reached Srinagar. After signing papers, Indian army was airlifted to Srinagar and started pushing back your terrorists. After regaining much of the territory, both sides were in a deadlock scenario. To regain the entire J&K, lot of lives needed to be taken and given. Hence, India went to UN.
The initial tribal invasion didn't even go past Baramulla. After the Indian Air Force airlifted the Indian Army into Kashmir, British officers delayed before listening to Jinnah and allowing Pakistani troops to enter Kashmir. After this, Gilgit, Baltistan, Skardu, and Kargil fell to Pakistan, out of which India was only able to take back one city (Kargil) which is pathetic considering what a moth eaten country Pakistan was at the time.
Before Hari Singh finally signed accension papers, your terrorists had almost reached Srinagar. After signing papers, Indian army was airlifted to Srinagar and started pushing back your terrorists. After regaining much of the territory, both sides were in a deadlock scenario. To regain the entire J&K, lot of lives needed to be taken and given. Hence, India went to UN.

Read UN resolution 1948. Step 1 was for Pak to completely remove its troops. After Step 1, step 2 was for India to remove MOST of its troops. After both steps, plebiscite. Since Step 1 was not done. Next 2 steps could not be performed.
Lolz as if rats care abt killing and bloodshed. Ur arguments r stupid n dumb, u ran to UN because ur military knew they will lose Delhi too if the pace of Pakistan continues. These r stupid excuses that u present and only stupid ppl like indians would believe in it. No army ever lets go of territory when it can take it back, u ran to UN coz u could have lost way more territory. You think we r dumb to take back forces before u do? Why not do it simultaneously??? Ur only luck is that the white man is scared of Islam and sees hindu as natural ally. Thats what been saving u till date.
Geography of the area is such that it is easy for terrorists to enter, hide and create havoc. Hence more soldiers are needed to keep calm.
Another low iq n stupid excuse. U need 900,000 soldiers to control "small minority"??? That too since 70 years n u claim ull pacify them soon 😂
Your terrorists sneaked in and beat J&K princely state forces. As soon as Indian army stepped in, you were pushed back from Srinagar.
Ordinary citizens picked up weapons n beat the crap out of those princely army and then started battering ur army and shit scared india went running to UN to beg n stop the onslaught. If ur army was pushing back, ud never go to UN, instead u would make Pakistan go to UN. Do u not have enough brain cells to comprehend this simple logic??
We did not have easy access to Central Asia till now. We will now through Chahbahar.
I usually dont argue with dumb time wasters, how is it that without Afghanistan, chabahar is any different than bandar abbas?? Uve always had good relations with iran and all their ports available to u. Chabahar gives u advantage only if u have access through Afghanistan, without that, its just another port. Why is it that u ppl cant see simple things n keep repeating same arguments? But hey if u think chabahar will give u access n prosperity, then good luck n be happy, i dnt care.
Pakistan should invite Saudia in Afghanistan to check mate Iran using their beloved game of "Proxy Proxy".
Saudi not interested, Pakistan already tried. Qatari and Turkish already cornered KSA and UAE. Plus Taliban not happy with Saudi role during and after 911. Otherwise, Saudi has a good grip on the Taliban.
Saudi not interested, Pakistan already tried. Qatari and Turkish already cornered KSA and UAE. Plus Taliban not happy with Saudi role during and after 911. Otherwise, Saudi has a good grip on the Taliban.
Be a Pakistani or Kindly apply for an Iranian Passport and shift there.
The initial tribal invasion didn't even go past Baramulla.
The invasion had reached outskirts of Srinagar.

After the Indian Air Force airlifted the Indian Army into Kashmir, British officers delayed before listening to Jinnah and allowing Pakistani troops to enter Kashmir.
Thats because Indian forces had legitimate right to be in Kashmir as we had the legal papers, but Pakistan was illegally in Kashmir without any papers.

After this, Gilgit, Baltistan, Skardu, and Kargil fell to Pakistan, out of which India was only able to take back one city (Kargil) which is pathetic considering what a moth eaten country Pakistan was at the time.
All the roads from those northern areas led to Pakistan. There was not much road network to India, our forces literally had to trek through mountains to reach these areas and fight.
Moreover, the local rulers of Gilgit & Baltistan, who were under the central authority of J&K rule, rebelled and joined invasion forces. These areas had no influence of National Conference (Sheikh Abdullah).
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