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Iran: No oil through strait if sanctions applied

What are you talking about? if Russia/china fights against US - its WW3, if NATO fights against Iran and its alies - its regional war. If you mean something else, provide more details.

They control the shipments, plus there is a pipe. Of course, NATO can hunt the ships too, and explode the pipe. In any case, it wont be pretty for anyone.

Ah I see your points. Very insightful they are indeed.
Why no one? However if China and Russia instead of promises to protect Iran (=WW3) would go along with US, then instead of WW there would be a full scale regional war, which chokes World economies anyway.

Why would China be on Iran's side if they just cut off some of China's oil? What indication is there that Russia is even on Iran's side?

---------- Post added at 06:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:19 AM ----------

Iran will make sure our Chinese friend get their oil.

Seeing as its impossible to pick and choose by mining the straits...

you expect Iran's speedboat navy to take out the US navy in order to enforce a strait blockade? I laugh!
Why would China be on Iran's side if they just cut off some of China's oil? What indication is there that Russia is even on Iran's side?

---------- Post added at 06:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:19 AM ----------

Seeing as its impossible to pick and choose by mining the straits...

you expect Iran's speedboat navy to take out the US navy in order to enforce a strait blockade? I laugh!
arm chair general, they didn't give you the memo at Westpoint where you were being trained? Odd!
Iran no longer relies on mines for closing the straight.

and your last sentence is beyond idiotic. There are things called anti ship missiles. Look em up. Also, the 3000 speed boats will be all over tankers for a few weeks before the US navy can even take out 10 percent of them.
Why would China be on Iran's side if they just cut off some of China's oil? What indication is there that Russia is even on Iran's side?
All indications show China wont let oil sanctions happen in the 1st place. Even if US and co imposes lockdown, Iran with China would find a way. Lets say they not and war happens, China would prefer to help Iran instead of losing important supplier or even ally to US.

Russia denied additional sanctions on Iran, and delivering advanced equipment as we speak (radars, Avtobaza, etc). Syria is even smaller ally and yet Russia send warships and might even help Syria in case war happens.

you expect Iran's speedboat navy to take out the US navy in order to enforce a strait blockade? I laugh!
What US Navy can do against ballistic missiles from coast + speedboats with advanced missiles + ultra-quiet subs? Remember 2002 Millennium Challenge? US improved its defense since then, but its also true Iranian offense is BY FAR more advanced and numerous than Van Riper had.
Of course, a world recession will not do anyone any good, and perhaps unite the world against Iran even more resolutely.
In guerrilla warfare there's a strategic saying "the bigger you are, the more vulnerable you become"

US will never attack Iran, it has a hell lot more to lose than gain from attacking Iran.

Despite of how small Iranian military is the US knows all too well that they own a hammer that can knock its ball out in the gulf in economic terms

Sinking US economy will would go further in the hole with sky rocketing oil prices
Small comfort to China, Japan, and India.

Also small comfort to Iran, who will have to deal with the consequences of its actions.
Do you really think the Iranians would give an fcuk about the world economy or any of the countries u listed above if they were to be attacked or sanctioned?

Iranian Mullahs are crazy enough to abandon the US $ and give fatwas on the zionists everyday...they could go to any length to protect their ideology n interests
In guerrilla warfare there's a strategic saying "the bigger you are, the more vulnerable you become"

US will never attack Iran, it has a hell lot more to lose than gain from attacking Iran.

Despite of how small Iranian military is the US knows all too well that they own a hammer that can knock its ball out in the gulf in economic terms

Sinking US economy will would go further in the hole with sky rocketing oil prices


I wouldn't be so sure of those conclusions just yet my wise friend.
I am surprised how fast they turn their back against there supposed friend..no shortage of members here singing Indo-Persian brotherhood when India is clearly siding with the anglos. Ghaddai , Saddam Hussien and the entire Africa may have been amused by indian dancing but rest assured they would never thought close relationship with India would be of some strategic use against the popular perception created by new delhi.

Please get your facts straight.
India was one of the very few countries which opposed NATO action in Libya at the UN, and had to bear the wrath of the western countries, even when most of the Arab countries supported the western countries against one of their own. Many arab countries like Qatar and UAE sent their fighter jets to bomb Libya.
Also, it was the Arab countries who joined with the Western countries in attacking Iraq in 1991 and then in 2003. India opposed it both the times. Even Pakistan was part of the western coalition which attacked Iraq in 1991 first gulf war.
Even though India has opposed Irans nuclear program, it has always opposed sanctions against Iran at the UN. It is one of very few countries which has good relationship with Iran, at the expense of enduring the western wrath.
If Iran close the strait, US won't die, bcz they have lots of oil in their own land, and in Mexico-Canada too , but another nations will die.

How much petroleum does the United States import?

The U.S. imported approximately 11.8 million barrels per day of petroleum in 2010 which accounted for 49% of petroleum consumed in the United States. "Petroleum" includes crude oil and petroleum products.

In 2010, the top five source countries of U.S. petroleum imports were Canada, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, and Venezuela. Their respective rankings vary depending on whether you consider total/gross petroleum imports or net petroleum imports (gross imports minus exports). Net imports from OPEC Countries accounted for 51% of U.S. net imports of which Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, and Venezuela accounted for 63% of the OPEC Countries’ total net imports.
Most of the oil going through the strait goes to China and India, of course they'd be against it. Rather i'm surprised you apparently aren't, seeing as it would have a detrimental effect on China.

Iran won't sink it's own oil tanker.

---------- Post added at 03:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:21 AM ----------

If Iran close the strait, US won't die, bcz they have lots of oil in their own land, and in Mexico-Canada too , but another nations will die.

People have been living and building civilization thousands years without oil. Yeah, they all died.
Closing the Gulf (and probably exploding Saudis/UAE pipes) will absolutely be a turning point, "cease and desist" of all nonsense sanctions against Iran altogether. Either World will come to its senses, or there would be WW3, either way it will be resolved.

You talk as if Iran only has to think it for it to happen. LoL Iranians need to come back down to earth at some point.
Most of the oil going through the strait goes to China and India, of course they'd be against it. Rather i'm surprised you apparently aren't, seeing as it would have a detrimental effect on China.
I'd be glad to go back to 1960's era Chinese living standards to see the USA totally disappear from world affairs :D

A little bit of pain at the pump is a small sacrifice to pay for the end of dollar hegemony and liberation of the whole world from American tyranny.
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