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Iran minister gives Hillary the cold shoulder

Abii it doesn't matter what you and I think, as you know we live in the illusion of democracy and our votes don;t mean ****. Just sit back, wear some sunglasses and enjoy the weather. Consider Canada your permanent home the way things are going. If Iran goes nuclear, trust me the jews won;t let it go on forever with or without America. America is tired of helping the Jews but they control and influence America incredibly.

If by saying Jews you mean Israelis, well they have been saying that from the early 1990s that Iran will have nuclear weapon by XXXX. They have not acted on their threats.

I seriously doubt the Israelis control US, but do agree they have ceratin leverages in the US political system.
yeah yeah
The Iraqis attacked Iran, bombed our country, gassed our people and you want us to roll over and say we give up??
No man, we fought on and captured a **** load of Iraqi territory. The only reason we weren't able to hold it in the end was because we simply ran out of arms. We had no artillery and jets left. I'm glad that we continued the war. We turned Iraq into a shithole.

You remind me of an Iranian poster who would fire at anything that moved !!
What did Hillary Clinton expect would happen? I don't like the Iranian government but Hillary Clinton was being incredibly foolish and arrogant if she thought an ambassador of a proud nation would accept what she said and act as though nothing had happened. I would have done the same thing.
yeah yeah
The Iraqis attacked Iran, bombed our country, gassed our people and you want us to roll over and say we give up??

Iran did not roll over or say "we give up" as saddam expected and thats the reason why he wanted peace with under a year of the war starting

No man, we fought on and captured a **** load of Iraqi territory. The only reason we weren't able to hold it in the end was because we simply ran out of arms. We had no artillery and jets left. I'm glad that we continued the war. We turned Iraq into a shithole.

The reason why iran went for peace was that it realized what saddam had realized years earlier......its no win situation.
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I don't know why the Iraqi imposed war is being mentioned here, but I will have to mentioned a few things about it too now.

You people are from outside the area, and not to mention that this was quite some time ago, so you simply don't know. Iraq attack Iran, but quickly noticed that they can not do what Saddam repeated many times over on TV. In fact, many of Iraq's generals were executed by Saddam for stating that they need to retreat.

However to save face, he attempted to do both. He captured some land and immediately called for peace. With this he could have claimed to 'his own people' that it was a victory and they did what they wanted, while at the same time prevent the continued huge losses and a possible collapse (this would have saved face). In the beginning part of the war you still had Iraqi jets hitting some western towns of Iran. However Iran almost fully eradicated Iraq's air force, and Iraq's navy was done with, there was not a single Iraqi military ship left anymore. All they had were ground forces, artillery and missiles.

We being Iranians, could of course not agree to any kind of truce while we have been transgressed and a piece of our land is in the hands of the enemy. On top of that our intelligence said that he would amass strength again, replenish, and after that start another war. So we continued. There are some released docs from the US which stated that the US released a directive that they must do anything in their power to prevent Iraq from losing, because they would have lost soon after if nothing was done. This made almost every arms exporting country around the world send weapons and chemicals to fight back Iran. There was a certain moment in the war that we had captured most of Iraq, it was the damn chemical weapons (delivered mostly by the Netherlands and Germany) that forced our retreat.

Either way, Iraq was a beautiful country before the war, at the end of the war nothing was left standing anymore in Iraq. During the war Iraq had received nearly a hundred billion USD for the war against Iran, mostly from Saudi-Arabia/UAE/Kuwait, but also a third from western countries. When the war was over, Iraq asked for money to repair the country, but they refused. This is what was the reason he attacked Kuwait. He said he would grab the oil instead then.

Within four days of attacking Kuwait, Iraq received its first embargo and sanctions. (Iran already had heavy embargoes and sanctions from 1979 (before the war)), anyway, they never came out from under the dump the country was in... it only become worse for the people in general.

Anyway, death and misery is the gift for anyone who attacks Iran.

Either way, on-topic. Hillary gave the most ridiculous and undiplomatic speech during that event, where she called for harming Iran with sanctions and possible war, and then she comes and greets the minister of Iran with a smile. On-top of that she says that Iran's minister didn't reply. However, Iran's minister said that, as is customary among Muslims, he returned her greeting. I guess she wanted a smile and hug back (Like the dictators in the middle-east do) and when she didn't get that, she thought she wasn't greeted back.
First of all, Israel cannot attack Iran as geography prohibits this. Look at a map. That is why they are in a bit of a froth to have the U.S. do it, which simply isn't going to happen.

Secondly, support of Iraq by the U.S. was not hidden, it was quite open. It might have all been different if revolutionaries had not stormed the U.S. embassy, taken hostages, mocked the rescue effort, had its Hezbollah proxy kill 240 U.S. Marines, and had multiple "Death to America" rallies. But that's what went down. Should Iran have expected otherwise?

Finally, "Joos control the U.S." is one of the most-often heard mantras around the world; as if, all U.S. foreign policy must get some secret stamp of approval from the Knesset. AIPAC has influence, just like the trucker's union, environmentalists, and industrialists. They have a voice. I am not a fan of lobbyists, and I disapprove of 90% of the U.S./Israel support, but to claim we are tools of Israel is painting with a mile-wide brush. The election of Obama (wildly unpopular in Israel) is proof of that.
I thought it was the Iranians who wanted to be friendly with the Americans be and open to talks, but it was the Americans who had an attitude problem with that.

But here its the opposite.

It makes me wonder, what is the real picture here.
May be he was shy to meet her, or got nervous or something...:P

He should have tried to make the most of the opportunity and shouldn't have acted that way.
First of all, Israel cannot attack Iran as geography prohibits this. Look at a map. That is why they are in a bit of a froth to have the U.S. do it, which simply isn't going to happen.

Secondly, support of Iraq by the U.S. was not hidden, it was quite open. It might have all been different if revolutionaries had not stormed the U.S. embassy, taken hostages, mocked the rescue effort, had its Hezbollah proxy kill 240 U.S. Marines, and had multiple "Death to America" rallies. But that's what went down. Should Iran have expected otherwise?

Finally, "Joos control the U.S." is one of the most-often heard mantras around the world; as if, all U.S. foreign policy must get some secret stamp of approval from the Knesset. AIPAC has influence, just like the trucker's union, environmentalists, and industrialists. They have a voice. I am not a fan of lobbyists, and I disapprove of 90% of the U.S./Israel support, but to claim we are tools of Israel is painting with a mile-wide brush. The election of Obama (wildly unpopular in Israel) is proof of that.

Israel cant attack Iran but it certinly wishes to have an adventure similar to the one in which Israeli Planes bombed the Iraqi Nuclear Power Plant Qsraak for building Nukes.

Secondly , I can agree that the Jew Lobby particularly AIPAC , the J-Street etc doesn't enjoy the leverage that they can make America go to War with Iran,But they do have the required force to Push the US to Block any move against the state of Israel in UN no matter what atrocities and war crimes Israel commits against the innocent Palestinian women and children.

However i do agree with the notion that For America to support Israel in the Middle East Theater is a Necessary Evil.Israel got that support since its birth and its hight was seen during Arab Israel War. Today Arabs dosent have the ability neither will or desire to have a conflict with Israel. Israeli Military might is unmatched in whole of Middle East Then as the threat to Israel from Aabs diminished we didn't saw the decrease in US support for Israel on the contrary it increased with every Democrat or Republican admin coming into the White House and that effectively led Israel to comfortably commit war crimes against civillian population of Palestine.So the US should have made sure that Isreal should not have played Holocaust against the Muslims of Palestine from the support it gets from US.But none of that will ever happen and No body in the US gov will ever get to have balls to speak up against the crimes which Israel committed in GAZA.

For once i desire that those brave journalists who went to Israel and gaved there lives to uncover the horrific crimes of Israeli Military assault onto the innocent Palestinian Women and Children should also be given Nobel Peace Prize along with the Chinese Liu Xiaobo in oslo or at least should have been nominated for a Pulitzer.
Iraq had received nearly a hundred billion USD for the war against Iran, mostly from Saudi-Arabia/UAE/Kuwait, but also a third from western countries. When the war was over, Iraq asked for money to repair the country, but they refused.

Sounds familiar to us Pakistanis.

Regarding Iran, I heard Iran was the only Muslim country to send a planeload of weapons to the embattled Bosnians who were under an arms embarge while the Serbian butchers had full access to the Soviet-supplied armory.

Predictably, the Iranian plane was turned back by the Europeans, who then sat back and watched as the Serbs massacred the Bosnians in Sarajevo.
Sounds familiar to us Pakistanis.

Regarding Iran, I heard Iran was the only Muslim country to send a planeload of weapons to the embattled Bosnians who were under an arms embarge while the Serbian butchers had full access to the Soviet-supplied armory.

Predictably, the Iranian plane was turned back by the Europeans, who then sat back and watched as the Serbs massacred the Bosnians in Sarajevo.

This is the reason Iran and Iranians are popular in Bosnia. In the end we managed to only traffic small arms across the borders. Officially though, we only gave them humanitarian aid.

Not only were the planes with arms sent back, but when Iran requested to send an army to Bosnia to save these people, it was denied.

In the end thousands of Muslims were slaughtered under the eyes of the UN. It was all a plot to kill the Muslims in EU I tell you.
First of all, Israel cannot attack Iran as geography prohibits this. Look at a map. That is why they are in a bit of a froth to have the U.S. do it, which simply isn't going to happen.

Secondly, support of Iraq by the U.S. was not hidden, it was quite open. It might have all been different if revolutionaries had not stormed the U.S. embassy, taken hostages, mocked the rescue effort, had its Hezbollah proxy kill 240 U.S. Marines, and had multiple "Death to America" rallies. But that's what went down. Should Iran have expected otherwise?

Finally, "Joos control the U.S." is one of the most-often heard mantras around the world; as if, all U.S. foreign policy must get some secret stamp of approval from the Knesset. AIPAC has influence, just like the trucker's union, environmentalists, and industrialists. They have a voice. I am not a fan of lobbyists, and I disapprove of 90% of the U.S./Israel support, but to claim we are tools of Israel is painting with a mile-wide brush. The election of Obama (wildly unpopular in Israel) is proof of that.

I agree with most of this Sir, the Israelis do not control America, rather it is America which influences Israel... unfortunately for the Muslims, because of the puppet leadership that we are cursed with throughout the Muslim world, we have absolutely no voice of influence within the US establishment... So obviously America is tipped towards the Israelis in her favor... and people think that Jews control America...

It should be noted though that most problems for America are caused by the Jewish element within its establishment... This has been an ongoing thing but most apparent to everyone during the Bush Administration and the role that the "neocons" (most of whom jewish) have played for bringing down America's image and standing in the world...

Upon the re establishment of the Caliphate, my guess is that America would have a massive change and shift in its foreign policy because helping Israel would not be in the best interest of the United States any longer...
This is the reason Iran and Iranians are popular in Bosnia. In the end we managed to only traffic small arms across the borders. Officially though, we only gave them humanitarian aid.

Not only were the planes with arms sent back, but when Iran requested to send an army to Bosnia to save these people, it was denied.

In the end thousands of Muslims were slaughtered under the eyes of the UN. It was all a plot to kill the Muslims in EU I tell you.

If what you are saying is true sir, then I salute Iran for such a stance... even though I m no admirer of the puppet Ayotollahs who are in power...
an hour before this happened, Clinton was badmouthing Iran on the podium and this is Childish?

I bet you're one of those Indian *** kissers that was getting wet at the sight of American politicians leaving the United Nations.

Go fix your toilet-less nation. Don't worry about Iran.


You'd be labeled ''Pakistani'' Soon ... Get Ready :D
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