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Iran launches advanced Jamaran destroyer

-Back in September 2006, there was a bit of a kerfuffle in some quarters over an Iranian news agency (IRNA) announcement that quoted the commander of the Iranian army General Attollah Salehi as saying their new indigeous Saegheh/ Saeqeh [DID: “thunder” or “lightning”, reports vary] aircraft is “similar to the F-18 fighter jet, but it is more capable and has been manufactured domestically… designed, remodeled, optimized and made more capable by our engineers… no country has aided us in its production.” Reports are also repeating Iran’s claim that it is developing a 5th generation “Shafagh” stealth fighter, without appropriate laughter or ridicule.

The commander said that this aircraft is a test bed for our fighter project. He then went on to explain how America used the F-5 as a test bed to create the F-18. He also said this is more capable than the F-5. People on forums can claim that the Saeqeh is a stealth 100th gen F-18000 but that doesn't make it true does it? The Shafaq project has always been an advanced jet trainer project. No one has claimed that it is a 5th gen stealth fighter, although it does have some RCS reducing characteristics.

Readers may recall past Iranian claims re: “stealth” flying boats that obviously used stealth-killing propellers, and other such nonsense. At the time, DID offered a more sober and reasoned light on this new development. Now that IRNA news reports are resurfacing, including pictures, the issues seem worth revisiting…

What do you mean "Iranian" claims? Who claimed it? IIRC it was western Media that was making such claims. In Iranian media, it was described as a hovercraft-like vessel with reduced RCS.

-Yeah, I do use my brain, and 1400 Ton Displacement ship, isn't even remotely close to a destroyer like I said more like a steam boat.

Maybe you should stop using your brain then because you obviously have a low IQ like the majority of your fellow countrymen. "Steam boat" is not a ship class.
K^se...don't pop-in if you can't positively contribute to a thread!
I'm reporting you k^se..

Now i have a request to Mods if they can put some americans under scrutiny on this forum for their non nonsensical blathering running mouths.

Lastly good Job Iran..
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Ohh Yes, my fellow country men don't use their brains that's why we have a 14 Trillion GDP, we are the richest nation in the world, We have the best Universities too accompany anyone majors whether it's Business,Medicine,Engineering you name it we have it. We have most technological advances in Science/Medicine,Defense,Engineering, etc... Everyday the brains we supposedly don't have makes the world a little better, and that of our citizens because of our strides each day..Ohh your clearly right, any country who's citizens have really low IQ's can achieve being the most advanced country in the world..

-Thank You
Ohh Yes, my fellow country men don't use their brains that's why we have a 14 Trillion GDP, we are the richest nation in the world, We have the best Universities too accompany anyone majors whether it's Business,Medicine,Engineering you name it we have it. We have most technological advances in Science/Medicine,Defense,Engineering, etc... Everyday the brains we supposedly don't have makes the world a little better, and that of our citizens because of our strides each day..Ohh your clearly right, any country who's citizens have really low IQ's can achieve being the most advanced country in the world..

-Thank You

Why do you have to be so negative ? Abi posted a achievement his country made and you have to go out of your way to bring it down.

This is very disrespectful. If your not going to be positive then don't post. If you are going to criticize don't make a idiot of yourself doing it plz. Reported..
K^se...I'm sorry K^es i have to call you an idiot officially look up the thread name/subject no body invited you to present a speech on us of a...
Ohh Yes, my fellow country men don't use their brains that's why we have a 14 Trillion GDP, we are the richest nation in the world, We have the best Universities too accompany anyone majors whether it's Business,Medicine,Engineering you name it we have it. We have most technological advances in Science/Medicine,Defense,Engineering, etc... Everyday the brains we supposedly don't have makes the world a little better, and that of our citizens because of our strides each day..Ohh your clearly right, any country who's citizens have really low IQ's can achieve being the most advanced country in the world..

-Thank You

I said the majority and i am right, the average American is not bright, of course that does not mean that all American's are stupid because that would be false for all of the reasons you mentioned above. The majority of your scientists are not American, so don't forget that.
I think it might have Cruise missiles, maybe that is what they mean when they say it is a "guided missile" destroyer. Have a look at these pictures:



Credit goes to planeman
and the credit goes to Germans after II world war lol...you americans duh!!

This again proves that Iran is a great nation.

also damn happy to see the Chinese YJ-83 missiles on these very nice ships. the blue print of YJ-83 should be provided to Iran so they can independently upgrade/modify it to suit the requirement in the region.
I think it might have Cruise missiles, maybe that is what they mean when they say it is a "guided missile" destroyer. Have a look at these pictures:



Credit goes to planeman

It is most likely Cruise Missiles as those boxes are very long and i don't think they could be for anything else.

This again proves that Iran is a great nation.

also damn happy to see the Chinese YJ-83 missiles on these very nice ships. the blue print of YJ-83 should be provided to Iran so they can independently upgrade/modify it to suit the requirement in the region.

Thanks. I believe China has already provided us with the blueprint. We have two versions of it, the Noor 1 and the Noor 2. The Noor 1 is a direct copy built in Iran and the Noor 2 is an upgraded version:

Noor ASM

The Noor is the bigger brother to the Kowsar. It is the most common missile in the IRGCN’s arsenal and is found on land based launchers, the Thondar and Kaman class missile boats as well as most larger IRIN vessels such as the Alvand and Mowj.
It comes in sets of 4 on each of the respective ships, while two can be fired from the Mi-17 and the F-4, while 4 can be allegedly carried on the Su-24, although no pictures of the latter have been unearthed. Like, the Kowsar, it also comes in two main variants, with a third in development. It is in the same class as the more famous Excocet missile.

The Noor-1, is copy of the C-801, the precursor to the C-802. The larger 165 kg warhead as compared to the Kowsar, means that it is most useful against frigates, cruisers and destroyers such as the ‘Oliver Hazard Perry’ and ‘Ticonderoga’ class of ships found in the USN 5th fleet that patrols the Persian Gulf. The largest ship sunk ever successfully sunk, albeit a test, has 10,000 tons of displacement, which is 2000 pounds greater then the Ticonderoga cruiser, the most formidable of the US destroyers. In the early ‘90’s, Iran received 200 C-801’s along with 8 launchers, at that point Iran began to reverse engineer them under the name “Tondar”, eventually it morphed into the Noor-1 project. In the late ‘90’s, Iran adapted them to fire from an F-4. The guidance and flight profile is presumably the same as the C-802. After cruising speed of mach .9 is achieved through a boost motor, it flies at 20-30 meters cruising altitude. Inertial guidance, as with the Kowsar, guides the missile to the target. When entering terminal phase, the two seeker systems activate, the first is the monopulse active radar much like the radar in the Kowsar, the second is an IR seeker that was originally squeezed into the large housing of the original missile as an after market addition, however its usefulness soon led it to become standard equipment. A sharp drop then happens, from 20-30 metres to 5-7 meters above the sea level, maintained by the radio or laser altimeter. This has the advantage of making it near invisible to the target ship because it is below the detection range, especially combined with the integrated jamming capabilities and low radar signature. The missile is driven with kinetic energy through the hull where a delayed fuze allowing the missile to explode within the target vessel. (5)(6)

Noor 1
• Range: 40 km
• Length: 6.5 m
• Missile Weight: 715+ kg
• Warhead: 165 kg
• Speed: .9 mach
• Guidance: Inertial in cruise with monopulse active radar and IR Seeker in terminal

The Noor-2 replaced the original solid fuel rocket of the Noor-1 with a much more powerful turbojet. However the actual range gained is somewhat contentious, some use set figure of 120 km found on the C-802(on which the Noor-2 is a loose copy of). However some cite the domestic modifications to the Microturbo TRI 60-2 powerplant as evidence that the range was extended, and in 2006, during the ‘Blow of Zolfaqar’ wargames, commanders were quoted as saying it was 200 km. However the latter number is cast into doubt when the rest of the article mentions that the missile was only ever fired from warships, whereas in 1997, the Noor-1 was tested from an F-4. (7) The most likely range is somewhere around 170 km as it fits in line with the upgrades and domestic production of the turbojet, under the name of Tolloue 4 and 5.(8) Although the missile is overall lighter then the Noor-1 due to reduction in the solid fuel, the warhead remains the same packing the same punch, as do the targeting mechanisms remain unchanged. There are several key changes however. First, in the terminal phase, an upgraded altimeter allows the missile to hug the water closer, staying 3-5 meters above the surface. Second, the option of having a ‘pop-up’ attack pattern was also introduced by Chinese partners in 2006. A ‘pop-up’ pattern involves an immediate jump by the missile in the last few seconds allowing the missile to dive deep into the deck of the target. Third is the introduction of manoeuvring algorithms to make it harder for active ship defences to stop the missile. (9)

Noor 2
• Range: 170 km (140-200 km possible)
• Length: 6.5 m
• Missile Weight: 715+ kg
• Warhead: 165 kg
• Speed: .9 mach
• Guidance
o Cruise: Inertial
o Terminal: DM-3BMonopulse active radar and IR Seeker
• Alterations
o Turbojet engine
o Lower altitude in terminal phase
o Introduction of manoeuvring and ‘pop-up’ attack options

The Arkenstone: Naval Weapons - Anti-Ship Missiles - The Kowsar, Noor and Raad
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It is most likely Cruise Missiles as those boxes are very long and i don't think they could be for anything else.

We will have to wait and see. I believe they inaugurated this ship prematurely for political reasons. I don't think it is finished yet, it is supposed to have the Chinese FM-80 SAM, which is based on the French Crotale system.

nice work. it is a shame that the original Chinese missile provided to Iran has a shitty range of 40km. but damn nice to see Iran is capable of upgrading the missile on its own.

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