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Iran: Kurds Tortured, Hanged

Be grateful you ungrateful dog. We were the first nation to come in aid of you when ISIS started to kill and rape your women.

Iran Was First to Supply Iraq's Kurds With Weapons to Battle the Islamic State

Iran Was First to Supply Iraq's Kurds With Weapons to Battle the Islamic State | VICE News
Barzani: Iran gave weapons to Iraq's Kurds


"your women"? I thought we were brothers and sisters and we Kurds belong to the Iranian plateau. We're talking about Kurds of Iran, fact is Kurds of Eastern Kurdistan(iran) were the FIRST one to support their brothers and sisters in Southern Kurdistan. Kurdish children were destroying their piggy banks to send money to them, in Kurdish cities from Ilam to Maku they were collecting money and aid, Kurdish fighters from PAK, Komala and PDKI aswell as some PJAK were the first ones there. Then fucking iran came and pressured KRG to not allow them to fight and told them to go back, afraid that they would get publicity from the west. PUK are the ones who recieved your weapons, PUK has awlays been Iran's allied. KDP didn't want to start a war with IS nor did IS with Kurds. But then as Iran saw IS getting closer and closer to Baghdad, they told PUK to fight with them in Jalawla and to join the conflict and they didn't stop, which they did. And thus an entire new frontline opened unexepected and pressure from Bahgdad was released, Peshmerga had for years been neglected, having a mag or two for each soldier won't stop IS with unlimited firepower, forcing Peshmerga in Shingal and other places to retreat.
Your master. LOL


he had sense, something many don't in this world

Btw many say there is a link between Kurds and Baloch. Can anyone elucidate on such links?
"your women"? I thought we were brothers and sisters and we Kurds belong to the Iranian plateau. We're talking about Kurds of Iran, fact is Kurds of Eastern Kurdistan(iran) were the FIRST one to support their brothers and sisters in Southern Kurdistan. Kurdish children were destroying their piggy banks to send money to them, in Kurdish cities from Ilam to Maku they were collecting money and aid, Kurdish fighters from PAK, Komala and PDKI aswell as some PJAK were the first ones there. Then fucking iran came and pressured KRG to not allow them to fight and told them to go back, afraid that they would get publicity from the west. PUK are the ones who recieved your weapons, PUK has awlays been Iran's allied. KDP didn't want to start a war with IS nor did IS with Kurds. But then as Iran saw IS getting closer and closer to Baghdad, they told PUK to fight with them in Jalawla and to join the conflict and they didn't stop, which they did. And thus an entire new frontline opened unexepected and pressure from Bahgdad was released, Peshmerga had for years been neglected, having a mag or two for each soldier won't stop IS with unlimited firepower, forcing Peshmerga in Shingal and other places to retreat.
Hi korde jash if you belong to the iranian plateau then why you claim iraqi and syrian land???

Why you don't go back to iran,Afghanistan and Azerbaijan your original homeland
Non-sense. Iran had huge loses, and finally kurds retreated when conflict in Syria started and PKK asked PJAK to come back and help them in Syria. Otherwise, they would be still hanging out in Kurdistan province :lol:

Since when did you become the mouthpiece of PJAK terrorists? :)

I know your sole purpose is trolling here and you know yourself that what you wrote is pure bs, but let me educate you:

2011 Iran–Iraq cross-border raids - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The conflict ended in September 29th 2011, while the claim that they withdrew from Iran to go to Syria (which was at very very early stages of the conflict and no Kurds where involved in any fights yet) is a ridiculous lie that only those brainwashed grey wolves and their PKK counterparts may believe.:lol: Even now, there are barely any Iranian Kurds fighting in Syria, let alone back in 2011.

After Pjak got their arses handed to them:

  • All areas inside Iran cleared of PJAK fighters
  • PJAK operational commander Majid Kavian killed.
  • Kurdistan Regional Government and Iraqi Central Government agree to take measures against PJAK to keep border regions peaceful.
  • PJAK agrees to end armed operations.

As always, you won't be able to come up with a source for that trolling, at least come up with some more rational trolling.

:lol: Iran did nothing significant for Iraqi kurdistan. IS did not capture Erbil because of US air strikes not Iran :lol:

Iran first state to arm Iraqi Kurds: Barzani | Al Akhbar English

Iran general helped Iraq's Kurds battle ISIS group | News , Middle East | THE DAILY STAR

Sure, the same way U.S strikes broke the siege of Amerli, liberated jurf Al Sakhar, Baiji refinery and most of the city, Al Uthaim dam in Dyala and stopped them near Baghdad, Samarra and other areas. U.S doesn't even have the guts to put ground troops in Iraq, while armed groups and Iraqi army, with help of Iran's advisers are doing most of the job.

U.S couldn't defeat Taliban after more than decade in Afghanistan with thousands of ground troops, now saying that they are the ones doing the job in Iraq is plain stupid, as expected.
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Yeah... all Kurdish seperatist terrorists happens to be "political prisoner"

Same in these terrorists gets jailed and some of them being journalist......So, everybody saying "Turkey jailing journalists"...

Good to see Iran is not soft against terrorists like our own government.

Muharrem Erbey
Btw many say there is a link between Kurds and Baloch. Can anyone elucidate on such links?

Balochi is an North Western Iranian langauge just like Kurdish, old Azeri, Talysh and so on. Persian is South West Iranian.

Kurd (Baloch tribe) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I read that there was also another tribe called Surani
Sorani Kurdish - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The closest language to Balochi is Kurdish | Balochi Linguist

The Kurds

The Baloch have always been referred by the ancient chroniclers with Koch who appear to be the original inhabitants of Balochistan before the Baloch arrival and also with Kurds. Many ethnologists believe that the Kurds belong to the Median branch of Aryan tribes who were mixed up with many people of indigenous origin and later invaders including Semites, Armenians and Turkomans.

The Kurds have been living in Kurdish region and Zagros area since the Semitic conquest of Assyria. They are said to have posed a permanent nuisance for the weak rulers of Assyria by organizing raids on Tigris mainland. In a Sumerian inscription dated 2000 B.C. a country known as Kardala is mentioned; and afterwards the Assyrian King, Tiglath Pileser, (circa 745-724 B.C.) appears to have fought a tribe referred as Kur-ti-e. Xenophon (circa 434-355 B.C.) also speaks of Kardukai, a mountain-folk who harassed his march towards the sea. Some archaeological evidences tend to show a Kurdish kingdom which flourished in the second millennium B.C. on the borders of the Semitic empire in Babylonia. In a later period, the Kurds cavalry seved as the vanguard of Cyrus army in capturing Babylonia in 539 B.C.

The Kurds are from the same origin as that of Baloch. The period of their migration from the Caspian region may be a few centuries earlier than the Baloch who followed at a later period; but instead of going to their people in Zagros mountainous region, outskirts of Mesopotamia, they headed towards east. Linguistically and culturally they must have been from the same stock." [ Janmahmad; The Baloch Cultural Heritage, 1982]

Well come to Balouch History page
he had sense, something many don't in this world
this is more of his word on the desire of the kurds... ( Al Gaddafi speaks - English / The Kurds Come Out Empty-Handed ).

US already accepted Isis as a reality.

and why not?? isis is new name for cia-created qaeda... older names were fsa, ntc, al-nusra, fis etc... all deriving from british-created ikhwaan, itself derived from british-created deobandi/tableeghi-jamaat ( india ).

Your master. LOL


in his younger years, muammar gaddafi was the most dashing of all world leaders... yes, he was a world leader quite unlike your ayatollahs... and only for you, i start with a photo of saif al-gaddafi with someone you know... :D

saddam and saif.jpg

gaddafi - 0.png

gaddafi - 1.jpg

gaddafi - 2.jpg

gaddafi - 3 - with body guards.jpg

i wonder if there are any pretty female guards of your khamenei and ahmedinejad and your mullah councils...
he had sense, something many don't in this world

this is more of his word on the desire of the kurds... ( Al Gaddafi speaks - English / The Kurds Come Out Empty-Handed ).

and why not?? isis is new name for cia-created qaeda... older names were fsa, ntc, al-nusra, fis etc... all deriving from british-created ikhwaan, itself derived from british-created deobandi/tableeghi-jamaat ( india ).

in his younger years, muammar gaddafi was the most dashing of all world leaders... yes, he was a world leader quite unlike your ayatollahs... and only for you, i start with a photo of saif al-gaddafi with someone you know... :D

View attachment 154182
View attachment 154176

View attachment 154178

View attachment 154188

View attachment 154179

i wonder if there are any pretty female guards of your khamenei and ahmedinejad and your mullah councils...

Still looks ugly as hell with his shit curly hairs :lol:

All i see is 2 dead leaders, both of them burried in the deserts and both of them their countries ruined and their women raped by foreigners :lol:

you like to let your women whore around, we dont.

Now go to the desert and pray for your leader who got killed like a honourless dog :rofl:
Still looks ugly as hell with his shit curly hairs :lol:

as against your "handsome" mullahs?? :lol:

All i see is 2 dead leaders, both of them burried in the deserts and both of them their countries ruined and their women raped by foreigners :lol:

funny that in both cases the irani mullahs were so very present with their patrons and protectors... usa military.

funny that in both cases, two great socialist nations were ruined and in their place installed were mullah friends of the irani mullahs.

you like to let your women whore around, we dont.

what "you" do is remove nature-given freedoms from the ladies, impose burqa on them to forcibly hide their nature-given physicality, tell them to be ashamed to themselves because they are female...

what does that say about "you"??
as against your "handsome" mullahs?? :lol:

funny that in both cases the irani mullahs were so very present with their patrons and protectors... usa military.

funny that in both cases, two great socialist nations were ruined and in their place installed were mullah friends of the irani mullahs.

what "you" do is remove nature-given freedoms from the ladies, impose burqa on them to forcibly hide their nature-given physicality, tell them to be ashamed to themselves because they are female...

what does that say about "you"??
Suicide kamikaze Iranian got a ban :lol:
Level of nonsense in this post is too high.

If we were collobarating with anyone against Kurds, we wouldn't be the first country to send arms for them and save their arse. But no surprises here, you have fallen for words of a PKK supporter, which makes you no different from him. If it wasn't for Iran, perhaps Erbil would be the new capital of IS.

But no matter what, there are always people who bite the hand that is feeding them.
dude , as a half-kurd iranian who lives in a western province of iran with 80% kurd population , i've gotta clear sth for everyone :

1- @Al-Kurdi does NOT in any sort rep. the kurds neither do i do . actually no one does . there are millions of kurds with different mentalities , just like other races and societies .

i've yet to see Al-kurdi to respond to my kurdish questions :D if he knows kurdish then he must be able to confirm it .

Xerreg va damet @Al-Kurdi

no matter which type of kudish language u speak , u should know the meaning of this sentence ;)

2- if it wasn't for iran and the IRGC , erbil along with all the kurds in it and around it , would have been grind-ed by ISIS .

3- the same goes for the logistical support that we offer today in kobane

4- kurds are tortured and hanged ? then i'm dead and typing straight from hell . such a BS and fvcked up thread
i wonder if there are any pretty female guards of your khamenei and ahmedinejad and your mullah councils...
maybe if you got some education you would know Gadafi was raping many of the "guards"
it was just an excuse for him to abuse women

and this is your model.... well your choice should i say

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