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Iran: Kurds Tortured, Hanged

kurds and persians ... are iranian people ...
i never heard in my life ONE iranian blaming someone to be kurd
non sense bullshit

i am arab . and there is no such anti arab racism in Iran but anti salafism or people like this
for exemple no Iranian is giving a bad opinion towards Iraqis or Syrians , just to give one exemple

baloch. there is a problem for baloch with some salafist groups .
so the guy you are caring about are the same who kill your bros in Syria or Iraq
just use your brain one second
instead of 100% using it for lies and hatred
Gatestone Institute= Anti Muslim Neo-Con bastards, like Bush Clan and some rich Jews in USA.
Kurdish terrorists claim land from Iran. But these mountain monkeys forgot that their real roots were within Iranian plateau which Iran is the main part of it. Historically speaking Kords were always closely related to the Iranian sphere, after the British and Russian interference many of Iranian kurdish regions were seperated, and that is why you see that Turkish and Iraqi kurds have no historical or emotional relations with Iran because in a way they have become foreigners to us and have been long away from the homeland.

Also the Kurdo terror monkeys really do not have a popular ''independence'' base in Iran as they do in Turkey or Iraq or Syria. Any attempt by the monkeys to create some trouble will be swiftly put down by the noose.

monkey you say?

Our roots are the Zagros mountains. Our ancestors are Iranic groups such as the Medes, Schytians and Alans togheter with Caucasian groups such as Lullubis, Gutians, Uraratu and other Hurrian groups who already lived there and mixed with the Iranic groups. So your claim has no basis. Zagros includes parts of Mesopotamia(IQ), Iran and Anatolia(TR).You need to check your information buddy. Kurds in general have no emotional or historical relationship with iranians. that includes all Kurds.

This is what the local Kurdish grandmother has to say about your precious iran.

This is what your greatest singer says about your eran

There are videos of Kurds from Eastern Kurdistan joining his brothers when destroying the artificial border between Kurds in TR and SYRin the name of KURDISTAN not ur eran.

Don't forget that Kurds fought a bloody war ag Iran not long ago n b4 bringing your zionist sponsor bullcrap, Israel helped Iran ag saddam at the time


Do you think assasinating Simko Shikak would stop our independance movement?
Do you think executing Serok Qazi Muhammad would stop our independance movement?
Do you think assasinating Dr Abdul Rahman Ghassemlou(a man respected by the intellectual elite in the world even by top elite iranians) a man centuries ahead of the region would stop our rightful independance movement?
Do you think assasinating Dr Sharafkandi would stop our independance movement?
The Kurdish Newroz fire is burning and it's burning strong. And we will never stop.

Kurds could have assasinated your leaders many times but never did. They had too much honor and proud sadly.
You are a foul mouth moron. I exactly know what has happened, and you are another dumb like your fellow persians who knows nothing. You have not even read the wiki link that you have provided. Don't waste my time, dumbo.

So which part of my post was ''foul mouthed'' against you ?
kurds and persians ... are iranian people ...
i never heard in my life ONE iranian blaming someone to be kurd
non sense bullshit

i am arab . and there is no such anti arab racism in Iran but anti salafism or people like this
for exemple no Iranian is giving a bad opinion towards Iraqis or Syrians , just to give one exemple

baloch. there is a problem for baloch with some salafist groups .
so the guy you are caring about are the same who kill your bros in Syria or Iraq
just use your brain one second
instead of 100% using it for lies and hatred

you should know very well how hateful Iranians are ag Arabs. Aswell Ag Baloch and Kurds.
monkey you say?

Our roots are the Zagros mountains. Our ancestors are Iranic groups such as the Medes, Schytians and Alans togheter with Caucasian groups such as Lullubis, Gutians, Uraratu and other Hurrian groups who already lived there and mixed with the Iranic groups. So your claim has no basis. Zagros includes parts of Mesopotamia(IQ), Iran and Anatolia(TR).You need to check your information buddy. Kurds in general have no emotional or historical relationship with iranians. that includes all Kurds.

This is what the local Kurdish grandmother has to say about your precious iran.

This is what your greatest singer says about your eran

There are videos of Kurds from Eastern Kurdistan joining his brothers when destroying the artificial border between Kurds in TR and SYRin the name of KURDISTAN not ur eran.

Don't forget that Kurds fought a bloody war ag Iran not long ago n b4 bringing your zionist sponsor bullcrap, Israel helped Iran ag saddam at the time


Do you think assasinating Simko Shikak would stop our independance movement?
Do you think executing Serok Qazi Muhammad would stop our independance movement?
Do you think assasinating Dr Abdul Rahman Ghassemlou(a man respected by the intellectual elite in the world even by top elite iranians) a man centuries ahead of the region would stop our rightful independance movement?
Do you think assasinating Dr Sharafkandi would stop our independance movement?
The Kurdish Newroz fire is burning and it's burning strong. And we will never stop.

Kurds could have assasinated your leaders many times but never did. They had too much honor and proud sadly.
lol keep dreaming. whatever makes you happy, kurdo. Reality on the ground is much more different than your fantasy.
and yet, iran government claims to be a friend of the kurds...

@Al-Kurdi surely, iran government must be collaborating with turkey government against kurds... after all, the mullah government in turkey is great friend of hamas and other criminal groups supported by iran.

Only when it suits them. it suits them to show sympathy with Kurds ag IS. otherwise we're just a bunch of zionist marionets trying to create a 2nd Israel to them. Which of course isn't the case for Freedom seeking Palestinians.
I believe the people of the Muslim world should open their arms to democracy and human rights. I believe the government in Iran should go. Khomeni is a fanatic no matter what anyone says. Why should women not be allowed to watch football matches and drive.

Some of the laws we have are stupid. Be it Saudia Pakistan or Iran, we need to start ijtehad and start all forms of reforms. Ijtehad was a concept suggested by Allama Iqbal. He believed it could bring tolerance and equality to the Muslim world.

By the way Iran was the first country to accept Pakistan as a nation state along with Turkey. So there is much respect. I hope Iranians can get rid of their regime. I have never met an Iranian in Canada happy with the mullahs.
´The reality is while minorities like Kurds, Arabs and Baloch are fighting for their freedom, for their Universal rights ag the regime, meanwhile our fellow Persians are protesting against the freedom to use nail polish and freedom from the veil.
Be grateful you ungrateful dog. We were the first nation to come in aid of you when ISIS started to kill and rape your women.

Iran Was First to Supply Iraq's Kurds With Weapons to Battle the Islamic State

Iran Was First to Supply Iraq's Kurds With Weapons to Battle the Islamic State | VICE News
Barzani: Iran gave weapons to Iraq's Kurds

The Kurds trust on US too much. They think US will invade Turkey, Iran , Iraq to create a country for them. US doesn't do this because they like Kurds. They couldn't care less about you. They just want to start another set of wars That would benefit them. The Kurds should remember. The US can come and go but you can't change your neighbors. Kurds committed crimes against Arabs and Turkmens under YPG rule and now those people are joining Isis for revenge and killing Kurds. US already accepted Isis as a reality. Those air strikes are just a PR campaign. With neighbors like Isis Kurds need friends. Not more enemies. Also the situation is complicated. There are a lot of Muslim Kurds joining the fight against PKK and YPG.
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