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Iran: Kurds Tortured, Hanged

Kurdish terrorists claim land from Iran. But these mountain monkeys forgot that their real roots were within Iranian plateau which Iran is the main part of it. Historically speaking Kords were always closely related to the Iranian sphere, after the British and Russian interference many of Iranian kurdish regions were seperated, and that is why you see that Turkish and Iraqi kurds have no historical or emotional relations with Iran because in a way they have become foreigners to us and have been long away from the homeland.

Also the Kurdo terror monkeys really do not have a popular ''independence'' base in Iran as they do in Turkey or Iraq or Syria. Any attempt by the monkeys to create some trouble will be swiftly put down by the noose.
The Kurds are today in Anatolia because the Safavid leader of Iran wanted to exterminate the troublemaker Kurds in Iran and because they are Sunni we requested them to be deported to Anatolia instead. Now the PKK Kurds in Turkey say "get off our land, we are here for 3000 years":lol:
have you even listened to his uno speech of 2009??

well, one of muammar's speeches in 2011 questions the betrayal of sarkozy... muammar was naive to believe sarkozy, a fellow who has the ugly carla bruni as wife.

and british jets were also involved in bombardment, so were american drones, so were indian navy ships, so was your hamas/hezbollah/taliban.

france was one of the 35+ militaries alliance.

and yes, we do remember ahmedinejad laughing in october 2011...

usa military saved you from saddam... ever wonder why afghanistan, iraq and syria have seen cia regime-change while "iran stands tall"??

i said the same thing about your khomenei months back, and got a mod-warning... don't know why irani-mullah lovers are so pampered here.

Get the hell out Gadaffi freak. Your leader had no courage, instead of following his adopted policy of the 70's and 80's he bent over and recieved it from the West, this was his mistake.

USA military delivered chemical weapons, funds and arms and sattelite imagery to Saddam.

Meeting of Saddam and Rumsfeld during Iran Iraq war :


^^ Your leader didnt learn from the treacherous attitude of the US government


So he ended up like this :lol:


So any more brilliant political advise that you can give us ? :lol:

Btw, one of the few countries that did not intervene in the Libyan civil war was Iran... we neither wanted to help Gadaffi beause of his decision to improve relations with the West during his last years and neither we wanted to help the so called coalition who are nothing but bunch of hooligan criminals. But the latter thinking of us didnt help our decision to stay out of the conflict.

Be sure if you had kept the same policy that you adopted in the 80's Khamenei himself would throw Iran with full weight behind the Jamahiriya regime just as we are now doing everything to keep Syria from falling.

You know Syria unlike the phony Jamahiriya regime always had one policy regarding the West and Israel. Unlike your proud politically masterminded leader :lol:
The Kurds are today in Anatolia because the Safavid leader of Iran wanted to exterminate the troublemaker Kurds in Iran and because they are Sunni we requested them to be deported to Anatolia instead. Now the PKK Kurds in Turkey say "get off our land, we are here for 3000 years":lol:

Turkey should adopt the death penalty again for figures like Ocalan. Whats the point of him eating and drinking and wasting oxygen everyday ?
Your leader had no courage

surely, you are joking...

Your leader didnt learn from the treacherous attitude of the US government

yes, he was naive... north korea said that in 2011... as did others.

and he was also naive not to think about the treacherous attitude of the irani mullah government when libya had sided with iran during the iran-iraq war... but he made up for it by making ayesha gaddafi an unofficial ambassador to saddam's iraq during the early 2000's.

Meeting of Saddam and Rumsfeld during Iran Iraq war :

i am sure there are photographs of khomenei government receiving israeli rockets ( iran-contra ), and of iran helping israel in bombarding the iraqi nuclear reactor.

i am sure there are photographs of iran government obeying to the dictates of western nuclear negotiators. :lol:

Khamenei himself would throw Iran with full weight behind the Jamahiriya regime

1. NTC Agreements for UK, France, Israel and Iran to Have Military Bases in Libya - Za-Kaddafi.RU
2. :: Islamic Awakening - Home page :: ( iran government's name for the nato "arab spring" ).

show me statements from khamenei or ahmedinejad expressing sorrow at the loss of jamahiriya.

You know Syria unlike the phony Jamahiriya regime always had one policy regarding the West and Israel.

will khamenei stop being a mullah and adopt the socialist system of syria??
urkey should adopt the death penalty again for figures like Ocalan. Whats the point of him eating and drinking and wasting oxygen everyday ?

Turkey has to respect European Laws.... because of this EU membership thingy... What we really need to do is, we should design our laws into our needs....We are not European in the first place why should we have to abide by their rules....
I think it has more to do with the Kurds being Sunnis, rather than Kurds being Kurds.
No in Iran even the conservatives/ultras don't care about it

Fact is al kurdi has always shown his extremist nature in this forum. he is anti everyone except kurds
un fanatique ethnique ;)
çà existe :heureusement que c'est une minorité
anyway in Iran there are rules for hanging ... and the people he is speaking about are people hanged for drug trafic, big drug trafic

if you ask me personally i am totally against death penalty
and this year was a record of death penalty sadly
anyway still we need to find a solution against this huge drug trafic in Iran ...
and yet, iran government claims to be a friend of the kurds...

@Al-Kurdi surely, iran government must be collaborating with turkey government against kurds... after all, the mullah government in turkey is great friend of hamas and other criminal groups supported by iran.

Level of nonsense in this post is too high.

If we were collobarating with anyone against Kurds, we wouldn't be the first country to send arms for them and save their arse. But no surprises here, you have fallen for words of a PKK supporter, which makes you no different from him. If it wasn't for Iran, perhaps Erbil would be the new capital of IS.

But no matter what, there are always people who bite the hand that is feeding them.
These terrorists tried to cause trouble in 2011 for our Western regions but we whooped their asses back in northern iraqi caves again. :lol:

Non-sense. Iran had huge loses, and finally kurds retreated when conflict in Syria started and PKK asked PJAK to come back and help them in Syria. Otherwise, they would be still hanging out in Kurdistan province :lol:
Level of nonsense in this post is too high.

If we were collobarating with anyone against Kurds, we wouldn't be the first country to send arms for them and save their arse. But no surprises here, you have fallen for words of a PKK supporter, which makes you no different from him. If it wasn't for Iran, perhaps Erbil would be the new capital of IS.

But no matter what, there are always people who bite the hand that is feeding them.
:lol: Iran did nothing significant for Iraqi kurdistan. IS did not capture Erbil because of US air strikes not Iran :lol:
Also the Kurdo terror monkeys really do not have a popular ''independence'' base in Iran as they do in Turkey or Iraq or Syria. Any attempt by the monkeys to create some trouble will be swiftly put down by the noose.
I dont know well the situation of support for pjak in Iran, but in Turkey it is quite measurable thanks to pro-pkk parties, which gets like 50% of the votes in the south east, which then can be divided into 2 groups of Kurds; potentially good intentioned ones seeking for more rights (perhaps autonomy eventually) or bad ones searching for outright separation. I believe the former is the majority because there never really was a big uprising, even when we were weaker some decades ago. The thing is, you can supress them, but their real face will be known if Iran becomes destabilized. In Turkey they dare to riot because they know the boundaries of law (aka weakness of Turkey against such scum) and how far the police is allowed to go, but thanks to this we also can see easier that it's almost always a relative small group of Kurds that are hardcore pro-pkk. Plus, not sure if its the case, but if the Iranian govt is ruling Kurdish areas with an iron hand this will lead to more separatist sentiments i guess, so i hope the situation will remain stable in Kurdish areas of Iran because we both depend on each other on this case.
:lol: Iran did nothing significant for Iraqi kurdistan. IS did not capture Erbil because of US air strikes not Iran :lol:
US does airstrike to save Erbil >>> Iran claims victory

US does airstrike to save Kobane >>> Kurds claim victory
US does airstrike to save Erbil >>> Iran claims victory

US does airstrike to save Kobane >>> Kurds claim victory
Iran didn't claim victory but the kurd leaders said thank you to Iran
for the important help
it is the own words of kurd leaders not even Iranian ones

let's calm down. our worst countries ennemies are the ones like al kurdi who would do everything so we insult each other
only respect can save our region. people who speak about hatred towards an ethnic or a country... that shows much of their agenda of hatred manipulation
Non-sense. Iran had huge loses, and finally kurds retreated when conflict in Syria started and PKK asked PJAK to come back and help them in Syria. Otherwise, they would be still hanging out in Kurdistan province :lol:
Dont talk rubbish if you dont know anything about the issue. In 2011 Iran had a huge operation (IRGC and army) to clear the Western areas of most of the terrorists, the operation(s) resulted in a important terrorist kurdo commander getting killed named Kavian. After the operation the security improved alot in the Western regions, with PJAK themselves begging for a cease fire.

Btw, huge losses according to who ? Kurdo terrorists are known to fake numbers into their favour, especially after we sent them back into their Qandil caves.

2011 Iran–Iraq cross-border raids - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dont talk rubbish if you dont know anything about the issue. In 2011 Iran had a huge operation (IRGC and army) to clear the Western areas of most of the terrorists, the operation(s) resulted in a important terrorist kurdo commander getting killed named Kavian. After the operation the security improved alot in the Western regions, with PJAK themselves begging for a cease fire.

Btw, huge losses according to who ? Kurdo terrorists are known to fake numbers into their favour, especially after we sent them back into their Qandil caves.

2011 Iran–Iraq cross-border raids - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


You are a foul mouth moron. I exactly know what has happened, and you are another dumb like your fellow persians who knows nothing. You have not even read the wiki link that you have provided. Don't waste my time, dumbo.
I think it has more to do with the Kurds being Sunnis, rather than Kurds being Kurds.

It is more racist than you would think. Not only towards Kurds but also Arabs and Baloch.
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