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Iran : Israel is the most dangerous threat to the world

PGK and SS, you are just being racist pricks, and I'll say that to your face. Remember this: either nationalism wins, or humans. Culture is inherently retrogressive and limiting, Persian or Indian sans exception.

They gave you a way to free yourselves of the slavery of follow man. If you are so enamored by boot-licking, you are free to cling to it, but if you just curse off your liberators I'll hold myself free to call you what you are.

Thank you and live your dream life. Death will make make things clear.
According to the Iranian satistics,there are no atheist in Iran LOL. all my familly in Iran are atheist or Zoroastrians.
shame on those Iranian who follow an arab ideology....disgrace to our great cyrus they are.

you following a religion which was forced on us by bunch of arabs, and you're proud of it?
who forced us ?
there was a war and there was a great idea which was not soppose to force others to.but someone made a mistake and forced some few and there was another great man who sent his sons to war to stop mascare but the man was bright and we believed him and he show us the path you talking about zoroastrain like it was a pure iranian idea! no it was not it came from azerbaijan sry to disappoint you.
however cyrus was a great man and he was NOT a nationalist like you and he united iran. unfortunately you dont know about what you calling iran history as much as you say.
I agree with Persian God King.

People should follow their native culture wherever they are and not some foreign idealogy imposed upon them especially when it comes from people who were culturally less civilized than those on whom it was being imposed.

---------- Post added at 10:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:44 PM ----------

It was the truth. The people are just not mature enough to accept the truth.

our native culture is base on resisting pressure and outside force and the thing is when islam came to iran with someones force we resist but then we found out the truth that islam is real peace and its was the second part of native culture that came in accepting the truth
and as you can see know there is 10s of thousand of Islamic books written by iranian. not that someone forced them to no we wanted it because we find out the truth.and it wasn't that iran is the only thing i believe, it's allah that i believe.
When I was in Iran they used to feed us islamic studies like hell, And I was very religious in Iran, but when I moved to the U.K i quickly stopped being religious all together, since here you're free to believe what you want, And I realised how much culture Iran actually has(something which they did not teach is in Iran)

These mullas are afraid to give Persian's freedom, because then they know we will denounce their religion. All they can do is engulf Iranian in Iran with they trash.
no one forced us tho study islam actually its i little part of education in iran unfortunatly ,
those mullas are iranian as much as you are,and they are not forcing us to islam and i found out myself atheist after 15 years education why is that? because no one forced me and it was me that studied and looked for that to find out that allah is the greatest.

and you can try a fare and without Prejudice study about that.
LOL of course we do!
the worlds oldest religiong which is based on one god is Iranian called Zoroastrian, up to now archeology facts date it back to 4000 year ago, but its probably much older. go research pre islamic Iran and be prepared to be shocked with the glory of ancient Iran. go to youtube.
about zoroastrain :D really either you are one of those or atheist you cant be both.
dont even let me start about their history and mobeds after all the zoroastrains were the ones that reported iranian atheist to muslis after war!! and iranian were mobeds hostage for years
when did I say they should do as I say?

---------- Post added at 09:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:19 PM ----------

LOL yeah because muslims are a RACE of people....
Its called a religion

---------- Post added at 09:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:20 PM ----------

I been insulting my country? the worst insult I can give my great land is to follow some arab ideology.
So what if there black,white,yellow muslims, where was the idea of Islam created? was it everywhere or in a arab country by arabs?
Islam is a universal religion, i was not intended for a certain group, race, ect.. Hence, it is not an Arabic religion. People are equal in Islam, no matter if they are white, black, blue, Asian, ect...
about zoroastrain :D really either you are one of those or atheist you cant be both.
dont even let me start about their history and mobeds after all the zoroastrains were the ones that reported iranian atheist to muslis after war!! and iranian were mobeds hostage for years
I don't see any reason why you can't be a proud Iranian(Persian), and being a Muslim. You can be proud of your histroy, and still be a Muslim in my mind. Islam is not a cluture, it is a religion. Just because things are done in a certain way in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, ect.. doesn't mean its part of Islam, it part of their culture, take it or leave it, up to you... All Egyptians are very proud of their histroy, and our culuture is somewhat diffrenet from other cultures in the region, but we are proud Muslims. Islam was not forced on us, thats why we have the biggest Christian group in the Middle East, and i am sure Islam was not forced on you guys in Persia As well.
Oh, arent you fatuous, Assad killing his own people is Israels fault i guess, Gaddafi was Zionist...
We accepted those leaders for the past 60 years because we thought they would secure us from your crimes. Hence, their military back ground. Egypt was a democratic country before 1952, and because you guys appeared, we accepted the likes of Nasser, Ghadafi, so we can get protection from you. Your country existance is a huge reason that the region went into dictatorship rather than democracy.
MehrNews.com - Iran, world, political, sport, economic news and headlines

Israel is the most dangerous threat to the world: Iran envoy
TEHRAN, Jan. 25 (MNA) – The deputy head of the Iranian mission to the United Nations has said that the Zionist regime is the greatest and most dangerous threat to the world.

Es’haq Ale-Habib made the remarks during a speech at a meeting of the UN Security Council in New York on Tuesday in response to the Israeli ambassador to the UN, Ron Prosor, who said on the same day that Iran’s nuclear program is the single greatest threat to the world’s security.

Prosor, during a speech at a meeting of the council, claimed, “Never has it been so clear that Iran is seeking to build a nuclear weapon. This is the single greatest threat to the security of the entire world. Now is the time to act. Tomorrow is too late. The stakes are too high. The price of inaction is too great.”

In his speech, Ale-Habib called on the council to condemn and immediately launch an investigation into the issue of Israel’s possession of nuclear weapons, noting that the Zionist regime is the single source of instability in the Middle East region.

The Zionist regime is the greatest and most dangerous threat to the world and its history is replete with acts of aggression, war crimes, and crimes against humanity, he said.

Ale-Habib added that the council must call on the Zionist regime to join the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and allow International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) experts to inspect its nuclear facilities.

Elsewhere in his remarks, the Iranian diplomat said that the Israeli ambassador leveled accusations against Iran during his speech with the aim of diverting attention from the long list of crimes committed by the Zionist regime, including occupation, aggression, state terrorism, militarism, and crimes against humanity.

He also said that Israel had plotted the assassinations of Iranian nuclear scientists.

Ale-Habib went on to say that the Islamic Republic of Iran, as a committed signatory to the NPT, has repeatedly stated at various UN-affiliated bodies that it is opposed to weapons of mass destruction and that access to nuclear weapons has no place in Iran’s defense doctrine.

IAEA inspectors have carried out regular inspections of Iran’s nuclear installations and a delegation of the agency’s officials is scheduled to visit the country next week, he stated.

According to a number of reports, the delegation, headed by Herman Nackaerts, the IAEA deputy director and the head of the IAEA Department of Safeguards, will arrive in Iran on January 28.

Ale-Habib also said that Iran has made efforts to make the Middle East a nuclear-weapons-free zone.

On the atrocities committed by Israel, the Iranian envoy said that the siege of the Gaza Strip is a crime against humanity and called it an aggressive and brutal move which is in contravention of all international regulations.

The Zionist regime imposed an economic siege on Gaza in June 2007 that has caused great hardship for the people of the territory.

Ale-Habib added that the Palestinian issue can only be resolved through the recognition of the rights of the Palestinians and a referendum held with the participation of the entire Palestinian nation.

He also expressed concern about the appalling conditions that imprisoned Palestinians are experiencing in Israeli prisons and called on the council to condemn the arrests of the Palestinian Legislative Council members and take the measures necessary to obtain the release of those members who have been arrested without trial.

In his speech, Ale-Habib also commented on Iran’s relations with regional countries, saying that mischievous efforts are underway to create discord between Middle Eastern countries.

He added that building up trust with neighbors and other regional countries in all areas has been a foreign policy priority of the Islamic Republic.


I agree with the sentiment in this article. Unfortunately Zionists control large parts of western media and so their lies are made out to be the truth. In fact Nazism, Hindutva and Zionism have much in common

---------- Post added at 08:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:01 PM ----------

Just because they are JEWS, BS.

Not because the are Jews. The religion of Jews has very little to do with territory and Zionism

---------- Post added at 08:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:03 PM ----------

Just because they are JEWS, BS.

Not because the are Jews. The religion of Jews has very little to do with territory and Zionism

---------- Post added at 08:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:03 PM ----------

A threat to the Ayatollah regime, yes.

Maybe so. But also a threat to innocent people all around the world that will not bend to their wishes
Yes in reality our greatest threat is the saudi wahabis.

when the revolution happened in the 70s the mullas and ayotollas wanted to even stop our 3000 year old nowruz, but those pricks did not succeed...they want us to follow some arab religion.

Everything in the universe undergoes evolution or change, The great Persian is no exception, one day this arab ideology on persia will be gone and we will value the persian culture more than some desert peoples culture.

But Zionist and the evil Saudi regime are complicit. They along with the AIPAC supported regime of America are best of allies and this has been exposed over and over again on a number of threads. If Arabs refused to accept the worthless US dollar for their oil, America would go bankrupt and as a result that artificial entity aka Israel that relies on American charity would not exist.

---------- Post added at 08:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:08 PM ----------

You are not that Liberal either, if you haven't noticed. You keep insulting your country men and women by the crap you been saying here. You don't even accept pluralism in your country. Just because some(Vast Majority) people in your country follow certain religion, doesn't make them less or more Iranians than you..... Btw, Islam is not an Arabic religion. It is for everybody. That is why their is Black, white, Asian, ect.. Muslims.

You my friend are right Islam is for all who accept it

---------- Post added at 08:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:11 PM ----------

LOL Muslim are considered a race of people HAHAHAHAHA
go back to smoking crack.

Mate its not about religion. this thread is about Zionist Israel being a threat to peace and harmony in the world. Which in my opinion they are. Tell me do you agree that Zionism and Israel are dangerous??

---------- Post added at 08:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:14 PM ----------

Trust me, we got this problem big time too. But people here start dividing into stupid political parties and protect this nonsense.

Off topic. But I would understand if you were a follower of Hindutva as that has a lot of similarities to Zionism and Nazism
Its nice to see someone here agree with me and not call me racist.

Can you get back to topic mate. We all realise that you dont like the what is being done ion the name of Islam in your country by some of your own Iranian people. Do you think Israel and or Zionism is a threat???
It is not about someone agrees or not...But this is PDF and particularly pakistani friends are always sensitive to the religion..

Or it could be that both you and Persian God king are off topic. If you want to talk about Iran and the bad effect or good effect of the interpretation of Islam by some Iranians open up a new thread. By now you should be familiar with forum rules and that is to discuss the thread or open a different one. In case it has passed you by the thread is suggesting that Israel is a threat to the world. I believe that it is.

---------- Post added at 08:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:23 PM ----------

I made it clear I am only against The islamic religion in persia.
I dont care about other countries using it, that not my problem.

earlier your posts were not saying this. They were very wide and insulting about Islam. Now can we talk about Israel and if it is a danger to world??

---------- Post added at 08:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:25 PM ----------

But is it not Islam is the ancient religion of Iran? Apart from being Shia majority country, how do Iran differs from Islam in the ancient days? If i am not wrong, does Iran has a history other than Islam civilization?

Mate go and read some books. Is this a deliberate attempt by you to to try to derail the thread?

---------- Post added at 08:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:27 PM ----------


---------- Post added at 12:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:31 AM ----------

Nobody on this planet understands this except Indians coz we too faced the same fate.

Right we have Hindutva Zionist adherents showing their allegiance in flags. refusing to say anything on topic. which is that Israel is a threat to the world
look PKG, I'm also an Iranian atheist, but what you're saying is no different than those mullahs who want to force Iranian women to wear headscarves. I'm against the imposing of Islam on Iranians, what muslims believes in and what they do is completely unimportant for me.
How old are you? It's a serious question.
Islam has had positive contributions to Iran after Islam as well. Even after Islam there have been several and dozens of post-Islamic Persian empires. The problem is a few group of people only want to focus on the Persian civilization before Islam, and ignore what has happened in Islamicized Persia. They are ignoring almost half of our history, some religious people do the opposite, they want to ignore the glorious past of ancient Persia before Islam. They are wrong as well. Even in post-Islam Persia we had several powerful empires, maybe they weren't as powerful as the Persian Achaemenid empire, but they were powerful indeed.
our native culture is base on resisting pressure and outside force and the thing is when islam came to iran with someones force we resist but then we found out the truth that islam is real peace and its was the second part of native culture that came in accepting the truth
and as you can see know there is 10s of thousand of Islamic books written by iranian. not that someone forced them to no we wanted it because we find out the truth.and it wasn't that iran is the only thing i believe, it's allah that i believe.

Thank you an excellent and informative post. What do you reckon about Israel being a threat to all
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