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Featured Iran intends to block strait of Hormoz

Regarding 3rd point: It was an intentional hit by US. Worst form of bullying.

USS Vincennes attack was a mistake. US naval commanders will not knowingly shoot down a civillian jetliner
the links you mentioned are normally the incidents which happened 30 years or more. That time tech was not that advanced as compare to now.

The SAM system which hit the Ukrainian airliner over Tehran is basically several decades old technology as well. Furthermore it has no IFF system.

USS Vincennes attack was a mistake. US naval commanders will not knowingly shoot down a civillian jetliner

A regime that uses nuclear weapons on civilians (and routinely threatens to do even "worse", as in Trump's threats against Iran) would have no issues ordering its navy to shoot down a civilian airliner, in all logic.
A regime that uses nuclear weapons on civilians (and routinely threatens to do even "worse", as in Trump's threats against Iran) would have no issues ordering its navy to shoot down a civilian airliner, in all logic.

If you had to fight the Imperial Japanese Army you won't be whining about nukes

mistakes happen in war - you shot down Ukranian Airlines jetliner. Soviets shot down KAL jetliner in 1983. Russians shot down Malaysian airliner jetliner recently.
Well ofcourse he laid blame on Iran to get war on Iran approved but IRAN itself never claimed responsibility but the tech was somehow iranian but guess what some sort of non-state actors claimed responsibility and even in that war was about to happen it was very close due to some diplomacy from the EU and US somehow blocked the war trumps.

of course Iran doesn 't take responsibility, cause after such an act european countries would positin them next to america against Iran. america did nothing to block the war they would love to see saudi uses their weapons and trump could again make some billion dollar deals with saudi arabia and the persian gulf states, who even don't have enough staff to use those weapons.
do you really think Iran gave a militia itz's newest tech weapon systems to make such an attack? would any country do that. the only residence group having high tech weapons compared to the others is hezbollah.

But closing Hormuz would be a declaration of war. Period! I know you are just an internet troll but they are not idiots. As an internet troll you can act all tough you want or trying to proof something but the reality will remain the same. Closure of Hormuz would be a regional conflict period you don't need to be a math scientist to understand this. I don't see Iran being ready to declare war anytime soon nor does it want it so you can say whatever you want in here but they don't want none of this trust me

ok real life gangster. if you are so tough why don't you join and go and fight in syria or iraq against Iran andher allies. they will for sure take you. and you will feel good there cause the same idiots like you.
why your master america never attackt Iran in the last 40 years? or why saudi arabia don't do shit to protect its intrest against Iran?
i don't know you butu seems like you are a little kid. and i won't debate with you anymore cause i don't take kids serious. maybe one day when you finish primary school we can talk.
All this needless Iran bashing will be corrected once the missiles start flying...

Pray that this does not come to pass, it's better for the region if America and Iran don't get into a no-holds barred conflict.
Launched from within Saudi Arabia

There has been no official that has made this claim and this is not surprising given it's one of the most brainless excuses I have heard in a long time that Iran smuggled cruise missiles and UAVs into Saudi Arabia and launched an attack from within.

Out of interest, what is your true origin? It is quite apparent you're false flagging.

and there is no 100% evidence Iran did.
Some say it was Iraqi militias but nothing direct came from Iran.

U.S. Tells Saudi Arabia Oil Attacks Were Launched From Iran

"U.S. intelligence indicates Iran was the staging ground for a debilitating attack on Saudi Arabia’s oil industry, people familiar with the matter said, as Washington and the kingdom weighed how to respond and oil prices soared."

But Iran knows what is on stake. They are not idiots

Even if your fantasy of these attack being launched by the Iraqi Iran allied groups were true (which it is not), the fact remains that Saudis were attacked in such a humiliating way by Iran indirectly and they did not dare to do anything in return. It seems all your kind is capable of doing is ranting.

Even the Americans had to openly admit that without their support, you would not last 2 weeks. What Iran demonstrated is that even with their presence in your lands, you are still powerless and hopeless.
And you think Iran is not going to strike back in case its nuclear infrastructure is subjected to large scale bombing? Iran's aptness to do so was proven in the Abqaiq and Ayn Al-Assad operations.
Iran can of course it back at regional targets in ME as a response to any US/Israel attack. but to think that Iran stands a chance against an intense shooting match against the much superior firepower for long will be a long shot...

I believe Iranians are smart enough to keep their posturing to these videos and test. Anything beyond that can invite serious spanking
Iran can of course it back at regional targets in ME as a response to any US/Israel attack. but to think that Iran stands a chance against an intense shooting match against the much superior firepower for long will be a long shot...

I believe Iranians are smart enough to keep their posturing to these videos and test. Anything beyond that can invite serious spanking

if a war starts (i hope not) between america and Iran it won't last for long. maybe 2-3 weeks and that will be deadly for both sites.
and closing the straight doesn't mean that Iranian warships build a wall there an don't let no one go through. in fact you won't see any warship. they will put mines there and destroy vessels which are not allows to pass the straight the mines and the vessels will block the straight. not a single Iranian warship is needed.
you can find many videos in youtube that during the Iran-iraq war how Iran destroyed oil tankers and even 1 or 2 american warships only with mines. and that was in the persian gulf. so imageine the straight is much more tighter.
if a war starts (i hope not) between america and Iran it won't last for long. maybe 2-3 weeks and that will be deadly for both sites.
and closing the straight doesn't mean that Iranian warships build a wall there an don't let no one go through. in fact you won't see any warship. they will put mines there and destroy vessels which are not allows to pass the straight the mines and the vessels will block the straight. not a single Iranian warship is needed.
you can find many videos in youtube that during the Iran-iraq war how Iran destroyed oil tankers and even 1 or 2 american warships only with mines. and that was in the persian gulf. so imageine the straight is much more tighter.
absolutely agree with what you said about the blockade, Iran has all the means to that but does it have the means to sustain it ? the answer is no.

what do you think how the US /West will react to Iranian blockade? my sending minesweepers or ships to open up the strait? in most probable scenario, the allied forces will unleash an air / missile campaign to destroy Iranian military infra. Against which Iran has little to no defense.

so yes, Iran can temporarily do a blockage but the cost of it will be too severe to bear..
absolutely agree with what you said about the blockade, Iran has all the means to that but does it have the means to sustain it ? the answer is no.

what do you think how the US /West will react to Iranian blockade? my sending minesweepers or ships to open up the strait? in most probable scenario, the allied forces will unleash an air / missile campaign to destroy Iranian military infra. Against which Iran has little to no defense.

so yes, Iran can temporarily do a blockage but the cost of it will be too severe to bear..

it all depends on the strategy.
the second the war starts Iran will attack u.s. bases and naval forces. i don't think Iran will close the straight directly. before doing that i am pretty sure they will take down saudi, uae, kuwaiti etc oil facilities. so in my opinion there is no need to close the straight cause there will be no oil to export. what i read from some analysts is that Iran would only close the straight, if america or any other country attacks it's vessel and don't leave Iran to trade.
i am pretty sure that under this u.s. goverment they won't be get help from europe, if Iran gets attackt. i am pretty sure they will politicly pressure the u.s. admin to stop the fighting. so the only potential allies the americans will have are the persian gulf arab countries and israel. and we all know they are a joke. qatar and oman have good relations with Iran they won't help. i am sure uae won't help either one missile hits uae all expacts will move out and uae economy will collapse over night. so pontential helper bahrain saudi kuwait. but if they see that the u.s. naval ships get destroy within the first hours of war they won't help. they don't have the capacity to help without u.s. backup. and as for israel they will have enough fighting in the north with hezbollah and IRGC from the syrian border and rockets will fly from palestine. and i am pretty sure that hezbollah has accurate missiles and drones. even without those weapons israel lost in 2006. the IRGC will target israel from lebanon with pinpoint accuracy and with our long range BM from Iran.
what i want to say is. that this war will be 2-3 weeks. in worst situation 1-2 month. and Iran is prepared for this scenario.
Inappropriate Language
Even the Americans had to openly admit that without their support, you would not last 2 weeks. What Iran demonstrated is that even with their presence in your lands, you are still powerless and hopeless.

writing with bold letters or not. IRAN never claimed responsbility someone else did a non-state actors. Are you taking claim for what your gov't never officially took claim for. Well ofcourse botht the US and Saudi would blame Iran.

It's honestly cringeworthy seeing these Iranians beating their chests over irrelevant stuff.. Okay strong boy why don't you join the Houthis who are sieged and land-locked and starved out to die. You are nobody in the region.

The Farsi's are historically weak in conflicts nothing will be different here
ok real life gangster. if you are so tough why don't you join and go and fight in syria or iraq against Iran andher allies. they will for sure take you. and you will feel good there cause the same idiots like you.
why your master america never attackt Iran in the last 40 years? or why saudi arabia don't do shit to protect its intrest against Iran?
i don't know you butu seems like you are a little kid. and i won't debate with you anymore cause i don't take kids serious. maybe one day when you finish primary school we can talk.

Hold up? right there? Are you claiming to be the MAN IN SYRIA now and IN IRAQ?

1. Syria is under 3 ways occupation.. TURKEY ZONE, Russian ZONE and US ZONE? I don't see Iran? Oh wait your just a mercenery. You couldn't even defeat non-state actors in Syria then Solemni went to Russia and sxxcked cock to save Syria and got Russia involved and then even Russia could't give victory as they got cock blocked. by Turkey and The US

2. IRAQ? It's US and Turkish occupied country currently.

Except if you Think you are Russian. You can gather the entire world on your side and hack even gather armies off demons you will not acheive anything and will always remain someones servant or under someones rule.

You just don't have the mental fortitude and never had it. It only comes when you are proud of who you are and don't compromise that at all cost.

You can gather billions of Demons army even they won't be able to move an inch on the Arabian Peninsula forget about the world
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If you had to fight the Imperial Japanese Army you won't be whining about nukes

Inadequate pretext for mass murdering more than a hundred thousand civilians in just two bombings I'm afraid. My point still stands: the US is very capable of targeting civilians, its forces have done so in virtually every conflict they took part in since WW2. The claim that their opponent was "bad" or "worse" doesn't really constitute a valid counter-point, after all the regime in Washington has equally been demonizing Iran for some forty years so by that logic, the US would consider itself "entitled" to hit civilian targets in Iran.

In other words, Iran has obsolete defense systems.

If you wish to consider the Tor M1/M2, which is currently in use by the Russian military as obsolete, go ahead. Every country is using SAM systems whose baseline models are one or more decades old, they receive upgrades over time. Are you implying that modern armies exclusvely field anti-aircraft systems designed less than 10 ago? That would be an incorrect assumption.

And if you really believe Iran's air defences are outdated, take a look at this thread, it would surely put an end to this idea:

Your argument about the time when these events occurred is not sufficient because:

1) The case of the civilian aircraft shot down over Peru due to a misidentification by America's CIA is not decades old, it happened as late as in 2008.

2) Even in the 1980s, high end radar technologies with the required setup were supposed to be able to reliably differentiate between a civilian airliner and a fighter jet. Yet, several such incidents took place over Warsaw Pact countries, whose air defences were considered top notch by the standards of the time. And nobody was in doubt about their preparedness to conduct a war against the entire NATO alliance.
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