India can certainly spend their cash on Feasibility studies , but any bio hazard - close to Pakistani zones will be destroyed
Because effect of a "Man Mad disaster " will effect life in vital sea fishing areas and its not acceptable for Pakistani People and Our country in general that such a dangerous project is done under water where BP (UK) showed how much damage such a project can do to eco systems and marine life
Pakistan does not have 100-200 billion dollars to do clean up work , no Sir ... We will simply refuse any such line to be passed thru
India can make a pipe line and flow it thru , swis canal , thru europe , thur US ports , and from Japan and from Bangladesh to its East coast no problem
The underwater currents determine the flow of "Pollution, hazard effects and danger to coastal areas of Pakistan"
Even a underwater leak , will result in Gas being mixed in SEA water and it will effect the marine life , and you would see dead fishes showing up on Pakistani coastal lines and obviosuly India will have no means to repair small Permanent leaks
From stand point of maintenance also its easier to fix land based Gas lines
Otherwise a Terrif will have to be paid , that will be Insurance for any natural or man made disaster
The OMAN coast line is prone to SEA based storms and also occasionally storms are born in that region , which would probbly destroy underwater cables or rigs