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Iran, India Open New Chapter In Relations


Jun 5, 2014
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Iran, India Open New Chapter In Relations – Analysis

Iran's Chabahar Port at night. Photo Credit: Ksardar1359, Wikipedia Commons.


By Mehraveh Kharazmi

Iran and India are going through a new stage in their bilateral relations. The two countries, which have maintained cordial relations characterized by low tension in the past centuries, are now opening a new chapter, whose impact can even transcend the limits of their bilateral ties.

Iran’s relations with India, which had become restricted to import of non-essential goods from India in return for selling Iran’s crude to Indian oil companies due to anti-Iran sanctions and because Tehran did not have much of an option, have now entered a totally different phase. This is true because following the endorsement and implementation of Iran’s nuclear deal with the P5+1 group of countries, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), Iran has now more options for the establishment of political and economic relations with various countries of the world. As a result, Tehran has entered a new era in its relations with such countries as India and China on an equal standing and on the basis of the realization of its medium- and long-term economic interests.

However, the role played by a country like India in helping Iran go through conditions, which governed its economy from 2007 to 2013 as a result of international sanctions and pressures exerted by the SWIFT network of bank exchanges, cannot be considered totally ineffective in bringing about the new round of those relations. This is true because economic channels and important companies that had been established among Iran, Russia, China and India in order to help Iran evade sanctions, were greatly effective in raising Iran’s bargaining power during nuclear negotiations and helped change the imposed course of events. As a result, following the implementation of the JCPOA – as put by Ali Shamkhani, secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, during his recent trip to India – Iran has been giving priority to cooperation with countries, which stood by it at the time of sanctions and this has been a dominant trend in the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic’s eleventh administration.

At any rate, the new round of relations between the two countries started in late May 2016 when India took the first step and its Prime Minister Narendra Modi paid an official visit to Iran. It was the first visit to Iran by an Indian official at this level during the past 15 years. In the meantime, a recent visit to New Delhi by secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council and his meetings with the Indian prime minister and his national security advisor, Ajit Doval, were considered as Iran’s response to Modi’s Tehran visit and a sign of deepening relations between the two countries.

During these exchanges, both sides emphasized on the need to promote bilateral relations in political, security, defense and economic fields while the Indian government asked for further strengthening of strategic dialogues among Iran, India, China and Russia over security, political and economic issues. The results of such cooperation and dialogue have been already manifest in certain fields and have a bright prospect in other fields.

Chabahar agreement, objective manifestation of development-based relations
The agreement signed for the development of Iran’s southeastern Chabahar port is an objective manifestation of the new chapter of relations between Iran and India on the basis of development. This agreement, which was signed among Iran, New Delhi and Kabul during a concurrent visit to Iran by the Indian prime minister and President of Afghanistan Ashraf Ghani, is of special importance because it pursues such goals as activating the North-South Corridor and bringing prosperity to transportation plans among the three countries. Remarkable increase in the productivity of marine transport in the Sea of Oman, making many commercial ships needless of entering the Persian Gulf and traveling longer distances, Iran’s position along the transit route that runs from India to Central Asia and – as a medium-term objective – development of one of the most deprived regions of Iran are among major goals, which can be achieved as a result of this trilateral agreement among the three countries. These advantages have become associated with the eleventh administration’s special effort to provide political and economic requirements for the facilitation of this tripartite cooperation. Attracting investment from India in line with this development plan will boost the capacity of Iran’s Chabahar port for onloading and offloading of goods and commodities to 84 million tonnes per year. All these developments will result from the implementation of an agreement, which is hoped not to meet the same fate as the Peace Gas Pipeline project that was supposed to take Iran’s natural gas to Pakistan and India, and would not be obstructed by Western countries, which are bent on blocking development projects that may unite developing countries.

According to what the secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council said during his visit to India, the two countries have also decided to revive a document of strategic cooperation between the two sides, which was signed by the two countries’ heads of state in 1998. Before that, due to existence of various obstacles and limitations resulting from anti-Iran sanctions, implementation of that document had not been possible and now, following the implementation of the JCPOA, it can be taken as a basis for more cooperation.

In addition to the outlook of future plans to be implemented by Iran and India, what has been observed in the short term is increased volume of the two countries’ trade. According to available statistics, following the conclusion and implementation of the JCPOA, India has increased Iran’s share in its oil market by, at least, 10 percent as a result of which India’s biggest oil importing company bought a daily total of 185,000 barrels of Iran’s crude oil last month.

Cooperation against terrorism and extremism
Having more than 170 million Muslims, who account for about 12 percent of its total population and over 10 percent of all world Muslims, India is potentially capable of turning into one of the effective countries in the fight against extremism and terrorism, which arise from the Takfiri way of thinking. Therefore, reviving joint cooperation among Tehran, New Delhi and Moscow over regional security issues, especially preventing spread of terrorism and helping restoration of stability and security to Afghanistan as a major hub of extremism, have been among the most important topics raised in bilateral consultations between the two countries’ officials. Such cooperation will take the impact of relations between the two countries beyond bilateral ties and may be bolstered or undermined according to the approach that other regional countries would take toward the anti-terrorism front. Of course, in the new chapter of their relations, officials of Iran and India have emphatically noted that they would to their best to prevent these relations from being affected by foreign pressure and obstructionist efforts.
I really hope to see a massive boost in the trade ties between our two countries.

Iran has consistently adopted a friendly stance when it comes to our matters and this means something in today's world.

We need to consolidate INSTC as soon as possible with Russia and Iran.
Iran is our cousin brother from the mother side....thus we will nvr have any property dispute....we will help our cousin in whichever way possible....india-iran brotherhood zindabad!!
With Pakistan not allowing India a transit, Iran is the only choice that India has to connect with central asia and middle east and beyond. In that sense Iran is our real neighbor.

It is imperative for India to build strong relations with Iran.
At the height of sanctions against Iran, India made oil payments in gold which was later replicated by china too. this speaks of trustful relations between the two countries
As opposed to the greatest fail of the centuary

By Farrukh Saleem
September 11, 2016

Capital suggestion

Gwadar has no potable water. Gwadar lives on rainwater. Gwadar lives on the Akra Kaur Dam. In 2005, Akra was flooded because of torrential rains-and there was plenty of water. In 2012, Akra dried up and Gwadar had no drinking water. In early 2016, Akra dried up and Gwadar had no drinking water. Lo and behold, on September 1, 2016, PM Nawaz Sharif said that he was “glad to see Gwadar turning into an international city.” Can anyone name an international city that has no drinking water?

Currently, Gwadar needs 4.6 million gallons of water. Akra can only supply 2.5 million. By 2020, they say, Gwadar will need 12 million. Yes, the desalination plant in Karwat is supplying 200,000 gallons of water. And yes, the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) recently found that the “water pipelines needed to supply water to the city were missing.”

Gwadar has no electricity. After every hour there’s two hours of loadshedding. On June 30, 2016, the Ministry of Water and Power informed the Parliamentary Committee on CPEC that 100 MW of electricity will be made available to Gwadar from Iran by end-2017. The Gwadar Port Authority (GPA) told the same Committee that the Gwadar Port will not be receiving even a single unit of electricity from Iran. Lo and behold, on September 1, 2016, PM Nawaz Sharif said that “Gwadar would soon emerge as one of the country’s most prosperous cities…” Imagine: we need Iran to power Gwadar.

Gwadar does not have an educated labour force – the literacy rate is 25 percent. Gwadar has only one degree college (and no college for girls). The ‘mega-city-to-be’ has no university.

The Government Higher Secondary School Pasni, the largest in the area, has roofs that are at risk of falling over over-crowded classrooms. If and when there is electricity students routinely get electrocuted because of exposed wiring and broken switches. The school has no drinking water. To be certain, neither the provincial nor the federal government has Gwadar’s education on their agendas.

According to the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, Gwadar has a total of 33,680 housing units of which only 20 percent are pacca. Of the total, only 35 percent have electricity. Of the total, only 45 percent have piped water. Of the total, only 0.86 percent has gas for cooking.

Yes, a hospital operated by the Gwadar Development Authority, has been lying idle for the past eight years. In April 2016, the chief of army staff, while visiting the area, ordered the authorities to reopen the hospital.

As of right now, Gwadar is not even a city. As of right now, Gwadar has no drinking water, almost no electricity, little or no educational facilities and little or no health facilities. As of right now, Gwadar has none of the stuff that most cities do. As of right now, Gwadar has no right to be even called a ‘city’. As for the future, our ‘most prosperous mega city’ is being built on Chinese illusions more than anything else. Will the Chinese bring their own supply of drinking water?

Yes, ‘time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so’.

The writer is a columnist based in Islamabad.

Email: farrukh15@hotmail.com Twitter: @saleemfarrukh

LOL @ Indian desperations!

We Pakistanis wish you all the best with whomever you want to have good relations. Unlike your insecure fanatics sitting in the govt and jumping around the world like a spoiled little child ( :taz: ), if there is even a news that Pakistan is negotiating something with Russia or anyone else for that matter.

BTW, this thread is very clear example of Indian insecurities. Instead of celebrating good relations with Iran, they had to bring in "Gawadar the greatest failure in human kind" (or wahterver), :disagree:

Grow up India! Someone has rightly said, India is an elephant with a brain size of a mouse!
As opposed to the greatest fail of the centuary

By Farrukh Saleem
September 11, 2016

Capital suggestion

Gwadar has no potable water. Gwadar lives on rainwater. Gwadar lives on the Akra Kaur Dam. In 2005, Akra was flooded because of torrential rains-and there was plenty of water. In 2012, Akra dried up and Gwadar had no drinking water. In early 2016, Akra dried up and Gwadar had no drinking water. Lo and behold, on September 1, 2016, PM Nawaz Sharif said that he was “glad to see Gwadar turning into an international city.” Can anyone name an international city that has no drinking water?

Currently, Gwadar needs 4.6 million gallons of water. Akra can only supply 2.5 million. By 2020, they say, Gwadar will need 12 million. Yes, the desalination plant in Karwat is supplying 200,000 gallons of water. And yes, the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) recently found that the “water pipelines needed to supply water to the city were missing.”

Gwadar has no electricity. After every hour there’s two hours of loadshedding. On June 30, 2016, the Ministry of Water and Power informed the Parliamentary Committee on CPEC that 100 MW of electricity will be made available to Gwadar from Iran by end-2017. The Gwadar Port Authority (GPA) told the same Committee that the Gwadar Port will not be receiving even a single unit of electricity from Iran. Lo and behold, on September 1, 2016, PM Nawaz Sharif said that “Gwadar would soon emerge as one of the country’s most prosperous cities…” Imagine: we need Iran to power Gwadar.

Gwadar does not have an educated labour force – the literacy rate is 25 percent. Gwadar has only one degree college (and no college for girls). The ‘mega-city-to-be’ has no university.

The Government Higher Secondary School Pasni, the largest in the area, has roofs that are at risk of falling over over-crowded classrooms. If and when there is electricity students routinely get electrocuted because of exposed wiring and broken switches. The school has no drinking water. To be certain, neither the provincial nor the federal government has Gwadar’s education on their agendas.

According to the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, Gwadar has a total of 33,680 housing units of which only 20 percent are pacca. Of the total, only 35 percent have electricity. Of the total, only 45 percent have piped water. Of the total, only 0.86 percent has gas for cooking.

Yes, a hospital operated by the Gwadar Development Authority, has been lying idle for the past eight years. In April 2016, the chief of army staff, while visiting the area, ordered the authorities to reopen the hospital.

As of right now, Gwadar is not even a city. As of right now, Gwadar has no drinking water, almost no electricity, little or no educational facilities and little or no health facilities. As of right now, Gwadar has none of the stuff that most cities do. As of right now, Gwadar has no right to be even called a ‘city’. As for the future, our ‘most prosperous mega city’ is being built on Chinese illusions more than anything else. Will the Chinese bring their own supply of drinking water?

Yes, ‘time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so’.

The writer is a columnist based in Islamabad.

Email: farrukh15@hotmail.com Twitter: @saleemfarrukh


No need to bring gwader into this Bro.

Pakistan is a semi arid country, most of the country is dry, if it wasn't for the 80% water provided by India under indus water treaty even Punjab (their most fertile state) would turn arid.

The way Pakistan is acting nowadays, I think India should call for a re look at the indus water treaty.
No need to bring gwader into this Bro.

Pakistan is a semi arid country, most of the country is dry, if it wasn't for the 80% water provided by India under indus water treaty even Punjab (their most fertile state) would turn arid.

The way Pakistan is acting nowadays, I think India should call for a re look at the indus water treaty.

More insecure Indians!

Why don't you just violate the international treaty and stop Pakistan's water. :meeting:
That would be something like not recognizing Pakistan's border and entering in Lahore.

You know where that is going to end in both of above mentioned scenarios, :coffee:
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