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Iran has the highest nominal GDP in the Middle East: post JCPOA potential

It will be at the expense of expensive gas we buy, so we will end up saving money. But it's American economic terrorism that prevents us.

Iran energy sanction will be lifted soon, better Pakistan-Iran gas pipe line project be commenced again, particularly if the price is lower than international long term gas deal.

Start to buy Russian oil and coal and wheat with discounted price, if India can buy Russian gas, Pakistan should be able to do similar thing.
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SA and UAE are good for loans of oil & gas, this makes them strategically important for us- that is true I agree
Iran can also provide easy loans, we are the strongest nominal GDP wielding nation in the middle east, surpassing both KSA and UAE as per IMF.

Iran is already exporting to Pakistan worth 1.3 Billion USD I think (almost 3 billion USD to Afghanistan, 2.5 Billion to Turkey as well). Would not the IP gas pipeline be a massive relief to your people and boost to the industry?
Egypt is Africa I think Turkey is very different from middle east
Turkey has just Istanbul that borders a few ''cm's'' into ''Europe''. Beside that, they are fully Middle Eastern (western asia).

There is a reason why the EU never allow turkey inside their bloc, they are just not European enough.

And Egypt is North Africa indeed, not Middle East.
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Egypt is Africa I think Turkey is very different from middle east

Then so is Iran because our population density is closer to central Asia and Caucasus than to the center point of the Middle east.


Egypt is part of the Arab League and the middle east.

Not to degrade Iran status but if Iran can become 1+trillion even though few months back it showed 200-300 billion then pakistan is also a 1.5-1.7 trillion , the initial shock pakistan suffered due to debts, and devaluation has been overcome now and economy is sustanaibly growing.
Not exactly, Both Egypt and Turkey are higher than Iran.

Between Iran and Turkey, it's not clear which is more populous. Their population numbers are so close (difference of just about 1%) that there's no certainty in this regard.
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Not to degrade Iran status but if Iran can become 1+trillion even though few months back it showed 200-300 billion then pakistan is also a 1.5-1.7 trillion , the initial shock pakistan suffered due to debts, and devaluation has been overcome now and economy is sustanaibly growing.

Read again. Iran has a Nominal GDP of 1.1 trillion USD according to IMF and UN (IMF official website, which is highest in the middle east). What you are talking about is GDP in the open market currency which is irrelevant for a sanctioned country.

Between Iran and Turkey, it's not clear which is more populous. Their population numbers are so close (difference of just about 1%) that there's no certainty in this regard.

I feel if we count Afghan, Iraqi refugees we will be close to 90 million.

Iran energy sanction will be lifted soon,

Whenever that happens, we will definitely break into top 15 of this world. We are currently 17.
thats why sanctions exist, its the whole purpose of them. the west doesn't want to see "non-white" countries succeed and then challenge them in the future.
Yes they will cut you down as soon as you pose a legitimate threat. Whether China is democracy or communism the West will try to cut china down as well
GDP at open market currency is irrelevant to a sanctioned country. Nominal GDP given by IMF and UN is a true marker of countries' actual wealth, which is 1.1 trillion USD for Iran, highest in the Middle East and 2nd highest in Islamic countries.



Yes, if sanctions are gone then its a win for us that our open market currency GDP will rise further. Even if sanctions stay it would not hurt our nominal GDP.

There is a reason we can afford and still thrive with our space program, missile program, navy, UCAV's ... and proxy wars.

Iran GDP in nominal and PPP is same? See thats where the problem lies. If Iran actually had nominal GDP of $1 trillion then their PPP GDP will be $3 trillion or higher. This is why Iran should never have pissed of the west. Become enemy of Saudi Arabia is one thing but Israel? Thats stupid because then west who installed these people in midd east will come for your throat. The other scenario was getting nukes as quickly as possible and then work out to remove sanctions by saying these will be only used for defence and not against Israel. Now Iran will not get nukes and have wasted 40 years under sanctions despite having biggest reserves of oil and gas.
Iran GDP in nominal and PPP is same? See thats where the problem lies.

That is not the problem, you can visit the IMF official website that states 1.1 trillion USD for Iran.

IMF Official Website with IRAN at 1.1 Trillion USD

By the way that is called choosing your own politics over western imported agendas that most of us surrounding us practice and are still multifold below us in the economic ladder. GDP nominal of 1.1 Trillions USD for Iran is telling us what the Iranian economic power actually is like. PPP is relevant for countries that are trading with the west openly, not for countries that do the least amount of business with western countries, like us. If Russia gets under western mandated sanctions then their PPP will drop down too but that does not mean that their actual economic power will drop ( GDP nominal close to 2 trillion USD I think). The country will stay wealthy, just their trading dynamics will change, like how it happened for us. Again, means nothing in terms of actual wealth. Sanctions are a temporary political tool.

If Iran actually had nominal GDP of $1 trillion then their PPP GDP will be $3 trillion or higher.

You are totally wrong here. Trade sanctions limited to western markets will drop any country's PPP, which means nothing in terms of the true wealth of that nation.

This is why Iran should never have pissed of the west. Become enemy of Saudi Arabia is one thing but Israel? Thats stupid because then west who installed these people in midd east will come for your throat. The other scenario was getting nukes as quickly as possible and then work out to remove sanctions by saying these will be only used for defence and not against Israel. Now Iran will not get nukes and have wasted 40 years under sanctions despite having biggest reserves of oil and gas.

political discussion, irrelevant to this thread, you can post another thread to discuss why Iranian politics are the way they are, we are discussing GDPs here.


Open the link and watch the video Clip. I know that you can't understand Turkish but you can Ask for help from others.

Most of Turkish people are fed up with Erdo policies. One day trying to destroy Arabs through armed conflicts, now begging the Persian Gulf sheiks for some loans. Even an Street woman couldn't switch men as fast as erdogan.
You seem brainwashed to hate on Erdoğan due to immense mulla indoctrination and anti Turkey propaganda, i am aware of the fact that most anti Turkey and anti Erdoğan propaganda in the world is done in Iran media so i understand where your azzpain is coming from.

There are pro and anti Erdogan citizens the ones against him will say everything to influence voters it doesn’t mean its true ofcourse there real needy people but it is not as bad as in iran, people atleast have affordable healtcare, free education etc here.

everyone has an opinion but hey that’s how democrasy works atleast we have real parties and elections in Turkey unlike the puppetshow of İran which you call elections
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