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Iran has the highest nominal GDP in the Middle East: post JCPOA potential

Iran is World, 17th largest economy and the biggest economy of the Middle east region with nominal GDP (2021) of $1.08 trillion dollars.
85,484,011 (2021)[4]
  • Increase
    $1.081 trillion (nominal, 2021)[5]
  • Increase
    $1.189 trillion (PPP, 2021)[5]
GDP rank
Irans GDP 200 bil usd

GDP at open market currency is irrelevant to a sanctioned country. Nominal GDP given by IMF and UN is a true marker of countries' actual wealth, which is 1.1 trillion USD for Iran, highest in the Middle East and 2nd highest in Islamic countries.



It is Not meaningful to look at the GDP on its own. At least debts of a country, especially its external debt also has to be considered:

Yes, if sanctions are gone then its a win for us that our open market currency GDP will rise further. Even if sanctions stay it would not hurt our nominal GDP.

There is a reason we can afford and still thrive with our space program, missile program, navy, UCAV's ... and proxy wars.
GDP at open market currency is irrelevant to a sanctioned country. Nominal GDP given by IMF and UN is a true marker of countries' actual wealth, which is 1.1 trillion USD for Iran, highest in the Middle East and 2nd highest in Islamic countries.



Yes, if sanctions are gone then its a win for us that our open market currency GDP will rise further. Even if sanctions stay it would not hurt our nominal GDP.

There is a reason we can afford and still thrive with our space program, missile program, navy, UCAV's ... and proxy wars.

I don't want to raid your parade here bro but these numbers are volatile hence Nominal is off the marker by default and nothing to write home about..

Besides what does Iran sell? outside of Oil and Gas? As Iran has no other exports that is note worthy? The question is who is buying that much of oil and gas?
Nice to see sane Pakistanis here, usually the hateful sectarians show up. We must learn self reliance from Iran, the non stop begging from IMF, Saudis and the Chinese is extremely disgraceful. People can't cook food here because we were too afraid to buy gas from Iran and couldn't fulfill our commitments. Now poor people have to buy expensive LPG and the government is too afraid to get them cheap gas. There was practically no gas the whole winter, only if you get an illegal compressor then can you get gas, poor people can go to hell.

You can buy natural gas from Iran and subsidize the poor people of Pakistan. That will be at the expense of military spending unless the government can raise more tax revenues
these numbers are volatile

Provide the evidence that nominal GDP by IMF and UN is volatile and varies?

World believes in IMF and UN given figures, not words from people on on internet.

Besides what does Iran sell?

Nominal GDP has less to do with exports esp for a sanctioned country.

As Iran has no other exports that is note worthy?

The same can be said about anyone in top places of OPEC. Nations export what they are good at or blessed with.

The question is who is buying that much of oil and gas?

You could have googled.


You can buy natural gas from Iran and subsidize the poor people of Pakistan. That will be at the expense of military spending unless the government can raise more tax revenues

KSA, UAE will murder Pakistan for doing anything with Iran even if it will provide massive relief to people of pakistan.
Does the release of two British prisoners indicate the JCPOA maybe soon restored?
Lol, good question i'm curious too.

Now about the spy being released by Iran, she must've been a BIG UK SPY,cuz UK is releasing 400m GBP..HMM!!!! Iran caught a big fish.
Lol, good question i'm curious too.

Now about the spy being released by Iran, she must've been a BIG UK SPY,cuz UK is releasing 400m GBP..HMM!!!! Iran caught a big fish.
UK simply values their citizens/personnel

Similar to how Israel diplomatically intervenes when foreign Jews are in danger
Once we trade with world we use the IMF dollar that is 4200 T

The other prices of dollar that person to person trade in street markets are irrelevant because they are just for street markets and we don't use them for imports and exports
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It is more like Pakistan does not have the financial muscle
I know you are a hindutava Indian named Narain Bambu daas with a tropical IQ so the word Pakistan makes your backside get lit on fire
but GDP rn is $370 B with 2015 base year and $500B worth of e-banking alone in a country where cash transactions are more common, one of the youngest population in the region, with motorways, highways, port infrastructure upgradation happening throughout this and previous decade, GDP grew 5.5% last year and expected to pick up further this year with record-breaking car, retail sales
I don't think its small compared to the world- SA and UAE are good for loans of oil & gas, this makes them strategically important for us- that is true I agree
but that's why we went to Russia in the first place - although with sanctions I doubt we can do trade with them now, that chapter is pretty much closed

Now be a good boy, get back to topic and stop being obsessed
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Pakistan can be an energy corridor for Iran and China and india if it wishes. Imagine oil and gas pipelines from Iran gong through Pakistan to China. Pakistan can get steady supply of oil and gas through these pipelines while charging transit fees and China can get constant supply of oil and gas from Iran despite paying transit fees. If india wants it can pay us transit fees and get oil and gas through the pipelines too. The transit fees we earn will be enough to buy the oil and gas from Iran for us so it would be very beneficial for Pakistan.
Already there’s Turkey-Iran-Pakistan railway but that must be made to carry passengers as well since it’s only freight right now. We should also build a railway through Iran to Iraq so we can send our products there and since Iraq has a small port and small coastline, a freight train will be very beneficial for it carrying goods from Pakistan and that railway can connect to one coming from China so Iraqis can get Chinese goods through it as well.
We should also build a railway to Azerbaijan through Iran and possibly even Russia.

Our main focus should be to emerge as a regional power and regional connectivity. Also Iran and Pakistan both can be regional powers they don’t have to compete and both countries are increasingly becoming more anti west and pro China. We just need to solve terrorism issue and blf using Iranian soil other then that we can work with Iran for regional connectivity and significantly improve both of our economies.
Countries subject to sanctions also have advantages and can develop their own national industries. Such as Iran, North Korea, China and so on. Which is more successful, North Korea with complete industry or Vietnam without heavy chemical industry?The lifting of sanctions against Iran and North Korea is bound to grow at a record pace.
If Ukraine had not turned to the West and relied on its industrial base left over from the Soviet Union, it would have been ten times stronger than it is now.
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