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Iran has 'problems' selling oil: Ahmadinejad

:rofl: Where did this clown come from man?

Khorasan is under control of Afghanistan?? :lol: HAHAHA Yeah I am sure of that. We must have Afghan soldiers circling Mashhad right now!!

Talk about hallucinations. Well let me talk about reality. Pakistan has no control over any Pashtun lands. Thats why they call it tribal lands. Your police can't even go there. Same story in Baluchistan. And India a very strong country has eyes for Kashmir. Pretty much all the Pashtuns I meet, regardless of country they come from, tell me they are Afghan. You can't even stop their taliban from marching within few KM of your capital city... Have foreign bombs dropped daily on your soil, and now you want to expand?

Yeah good luck with that.:wave:
baba, let these suicide bombers circle jerk each other. Half of these clowns are worse than Blackfinch and we know how much of a nutter that one is so...

They're waiting for one of us to give em attention.

So, your regime support the Syrians slaughterers. My friend, either you play the game right or you would be so screwed. Pray that Iran stand those hits a little longer so you enjoy your lives, because the moment it falls, mercy wouldn't be in the dictionary.
Iran on the verge of severe financial crisis: intelligence report

An apparent classified Iranian intelligence report that has been leaked online warns of an imminent financial crisis in the country that would cause nation-wide upheaval.

Excerpts of the report, posted this week on several Iranian websites, revealed that the government might not be able to pay the full salaries of its employees in the coming three months, which threatens the eruption of massive popular protests across the country.

Large portions of the population might suffer from starvation, the report said, adding that riots are expected to take place in border cities where living conditions are rapidly deteriorating.

According to the report, Iran’s reserve of foreign currency might run out within the coming six month owing to extreme budget deficiency.

Other official reports have stated that Iranian factories are working on only half their capacity, and that a large number of them have declared bankruptcy.

Under international sanctions, inflation in the country has reached 33 percent and prices of meat, chicken, and milk saw an unprecedented hike that reached 80 percent last year.

The European embargo on the purchase of Iranian oil is costing the country an estimated $133 million in daily revenues, and the Iranian riyal has also witnessed an unprecedented drop.

The governor of the Iranian Central Bank, Mahmoud Bahmani, has announced a raising the official rate of the riyal against the dollar over the next 10 days in order to deal with the “international developments.”

But according to Iranian bankers, the official rate – 12,260 riyals to the dollar -- was only a reference. There was a wide gap between the official and actual rates, which reportedly increased the prevalence of corruption within the Iranian government, since purchasing dollars with the official rates has become extremely profitable.

Iran on the verge of severe financial crisis: intelligence report

Do you really think that an intelligence report can be leaked in Iran?


"There are some problems in selling oil and we are trying to manage it" said president ahmadinajad

Did he mention for whom these problems are, and on which side of the deal, the buyers or the sellers.
Since there is no shortage of buyers, the problem is in financing the deals.
Well said Abii, I am suprised how Pakistan and Pakistani's (the irrational ones) want to expand their borders when they have so many problems in their own territories. Iran would ***** slap Pakistan any day but, I would love Iran not to toe anyones line, including destroying Israel.

Nobody in Iran spends even 2 brain cells thinking about Semites, be it the Jewish kind or the arab kind. The only people who care are the arabs in power and their villager supporters. They get out of power and you won't see another Iranian mentioning Israel for the next millenia. The only countries Iranians care about are Central Asian countries and former Soviet Republics, that's it.
Well said Abii, I am suprised how Pakistan and Pakistani's (the irrational ones) want to expand their borders when they have so many problems in their own territories. Iran would ***** slap Pakistan any day but, I would love Iran not to toe anyones line, including destroying Israel.

Well said. I agree with the Israel bit as well, it is stupidity on our parts to pick a fight with them. We should just leave them alone.

Are you originally English bro?
Well said. I agree with the Israel bit as well, it is stupidity on our parts to pick a fight with them. We should just leave them alone.

Are you originally English bro?

he is british indian
Iran has problem to selling Oil to the reason that US banned Iran to sale the things due to the reason of nuclear and atomic program of Iran.
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