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Iran footballers could face lash for goal celebration

Well, i think the punishment is too much. One should not have to be so much strict.
Did you really knew montazari? he seemed like a nice guy., and he looked alot like khomeini.
he didn't look like Khomeiny
as you know when he criticized the assassinations ordered by Khomeiny of opposants , Montazeri was "jailed" at home.
Montazeri was important in the idea of the leader but when i knew him he already critized this idea
he said he regrets what happened to the islamic republic which is not doing the way he hoped it would
as well he was the strong support of reform and as well the green
of course he was a religious but very open minded and pleasant to speak with. he was a good person.
sadly many of the good religious personalities of Iran are dead .

you know you say ... ayatollah and mullah. but i would say the opposite.
a mullah can be very very stupid! yeah hell you never watched some stupid programs on tv? there are some stupid theories ...
sometimes i wonder they make a competition who is the most stupid mullah
being ayatollah means having much more education but still a few of them are fossils: they are too much studying . you know what we call fossils i guess.

anyway let's hope a better future without a leader at least. a real republic.
The west are obsessed with anything Iranian! Was funny tho - i think the guy wanted to get down and slap the guy whose hand drifted upwards!!!

honestly not funny, the guys have to pay a huge amount of money, public humiliation and their future destroyed.
So you are saying that your country is really bad?? I swear in every other thread you are saying how great Iran is???
Being good or bad is a relative issue. The majority of Iranians do not agree with local policies of the Iranian regime, but that doesn't mean Iran is really bad. Iran has kept its status of a regional power after the 1979 revolution under all types of heavy and discriminatory sanctions. Don't you agree?

I believe both guys should be banned for playing for this season and then we should just simply forgive -or call it 'ignore' if you want to- what they did.
So you are saying that your country is really bad?? I swear in every other thread you are saying how great Iran is???

It depends in the situation , if i am debating with some turk then i will back Iran even though i dont like the current regime, but normally i dislike the mulla regime...yeah its complicated.
If they did this in saudi arabia they would had got stoning in the stadium.

I have bad news for you: Players who do this don't even get attention in the first place its sports. Iran reminds me of Saudi Arabia in the 80s such sad sad time full of ignorance but we came a long way since then. I guess Iran is just passing there.

Persian superiority complex must be taken care of fast.
Imagine what Iran would do to them if they did this

Your older posts were very anti-Iran.. now they're pro Iran?
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