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Iran fires nine mortar shells across Pakistan’s border

Now here is the latest development in Pak Iran relations and yet trolls at work to derail the relations.

ISLAMABAD, March 12 (APP): Pakistan Navy Ships TIPPU SULTAN
(DDG-185) with an embarked helicopter (Alouette) and JURRAT arrived
Iranian Port Bandar Abbas in Persian Gulf on March 12, for a three
days port visit.
The ships were given a very warm welcome on arrival at Port
Bandar Abbas. Cdre Mirza Foad Amin Baig SI(M), Commander 18th Destroyer
Squadron is commanding the PN Task Group as Mission Commander.
The purpose of this visit is aimed to promote peace and
security in the region, enhance maritime collaboration and open new
avenues of bilateral cooperation between the two friendly regional
navies, says a press release received from Tehran here Sunday.
Pakistan and Iran enjoy close and warm brotherly relations.
These relations are based on very strong foundations of mutual
interests. As brother in arms, Pakistan and Iranian Navy ships
frequently visit each other’s ports to conduct exercises in order
to exchange naval experience and improve regional security.
In this backdrop, present visit of PN Ships TIPPU SULTAN and
JURRAT to Iran is a manifestation of this strong bond and cordial
interactions between the two navies.

Now this development happened today and yet Gov continues with making good relations with Iran. Pakistan and Irani relations are hurting India as India is not being successful in it's objectives.
QUETTA – Iranian forces fired nine mortar shells into Pakistani territory across the border during the early hours of Sunday, it has been learnt.

The firing of mortar shells stirred panic among the locals however, no loss of life was reported. According to reports, the mortar shells were fired into the Pakistani territory from a very short distance by the Iranian forces.

Soon after the firing, Assistant Commissioner Mehrullah Badini launched a protest with the Iranian authorities on the directives of Deputy Commissioner Chagai.

The Iranian authorities, however, said that they had no knowledge about the mortar rounds being fired into Pakistan. They also hinted that a third party may have fired the rounds to create misunderstanding between the two brotherly countries.


And our navy sailors have Iranian flags in there hands .love you iran ,for thanksgiving of our navy ships visit .
I am astonished to see the efforts of Indian proxies to destroy Pak Iran relations and miss inform the Pakistanis. Wow we are having joint drills and Indians are crying to ruin relations. LOL Cry India Cry.
Actually here I have noticed people saying, thank you Iran for the fk.
If Pakistan was truly their homeland, they would have been as much hurt from Iranian shelling, as the victims are.
Right. Internal enemy is more dangerous than external one. They are present everywhere: in media, politics, forces, bureaucracy, judicial system etc --cutting our roots silently.
Secondly, everyone wants to be pro-US, pro-UK, pro-Iran, Pro-India, pro-KSA, pro-Afghan (etc) but nobody really wants to becone a true Pakistani. Thats the real matter of concern.
I don't think it fired without notifying Pakistan Govt, in some recent dialogue both countries might be agreed on some mutual points to crush smugglers and terrorists causing harm both sides.
I don't think it fired without notifying Pakistan Govt, in some recent dialogue both countries might be agreed on some mutual points to crush smugglers and terrorists causing harm both sides.
The mutual border management deal has been reached between the two countries and there are very strict measures taken on the border due to recent operation Radd-ul-fassad. There are proxies on the border that hurting both countries and insurgents that move into Iran and Pakistan but these attacks are mostly carried out by some one who wants to mess the relations and that is our friend India at it's best.
The mutual border management deal has been reached between the two countries and there are very strict measures taken on the border due to recent operation Radd-ul-fassad. There are proxies on the border that hurting both countries and insurgents that move into Iran and Pakistan but these attacks are mostly carried out by some one who wants to mess the relations and that is our friend India at it's best.

Burn such border management deal, which allows Iran revolution guard fire shells in to Pakistan.
Deal should be mutual, PA should also be allowed to fire into Iran.
Burn such border management deal, which allows Iran revolution guard fire shells in to Pakistan.
Deal should be mutual, PA should also be allowed to fire into Iran.
Sure please provide info on any terrorist hide out to Pak Army and we will fire back. But Iran arrested 35 people and gave it to FIA which were requested yesterday.
As a foreigner, this incident seems interesting to me. As a Pakistan ally country (Turkey) citizen, i wonder Pakistan's answer about those shellings, because it made me angry.

Well, i was shocked when i read about some of our pakistani brothers' comments. Is there any group in Pakistan that wants to be ceded to Iran in order to make Iran happy? o_O
As a foreigner, this incident seems interesting to me. As a Pakistan ally country (Turkey) citizen, i wonder Pakistan's answer about those shellings.

Well, i was shocked when i read about some of our pakistani brothers' comments. Is there any group in Pakistan that wants to be ceded to Iran in order to make Iran happy? o_O

There is a very old saying. There will be no war for Palestine with out Egypt and there will no Peace in Palestine with out Syria now both of those countries are gone.
The new saying is there will be no war in Palestine without Iran and there will be peace in Palestine without Turkey.
The Big question where is Pakistan in the equation? Pakistan army has an open road through Iran and Pakistani Air force has Bases in Turkey to fight for Palestine. We don't give a hell about GCC. For Pakistan there are only 2 international issues 1. Kashmir and 2.Palestine the 3rd and a bit contained issue is Azerbaijan.

The train link between Iran and Azerbaijan is complete and it will be now extended to Pakistan and China from Iran. On the other hand it will be extended to Turkey and EU from Azerbaijan and Iran. Now this is becoming the New threat for India and GCC so there is a start for re-push Baloch insurgency.

@BHarwana Sir, i don't understand the relation between GCC or Palestine with this incident. I just wondered Pakistan's answer about Iran's shellings. Personally Palestine is not even issue for me, it is a crisis between Israel and Palestine.

I just want to see strong, independent, regional power Pakistan which doesn't bullied by it's neighbor's armies.
I just want to see strong, independent, regional power Pakistan which doesn't bullied by it's neighbor's armies.
Pakistan has a major project going on called CPEC in the area, Now there are proxies working in that area to sabotage that project. Those proxies are operated by India and those insurgents sometime cross into Iran and sometime into Pakistan. The elements that hurt Iran are funded by GCC and the elements that hurt Pakistan are funded by India but on ground those elements are same. Now Pakistan and Iran recently reached a deal to finish those proxies and in that case there have been operations in the area. The recent shelling is not claimed by Iran but those elements are enemies to both if you want further info on those proxies I can provide you a link to read.
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