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Iran fires missile into Pakistan killing terrorists!!!

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Dec 29, 2013
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
It seems this news is true.

Iran targeted Wahhabi terrorists hideout 80km deep inside Pakistan with the missiles, eliminating all terrorists.
According to the member of the Parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Committee, Mohammad Kosari, It was a retaliation for an ambush by Wahhabi terrorists in which 14 border guards were martyred at the border with Pakistan.

حمله موشکی به محل اختفاءگروهک جیش‌العدل
عضو کمیسیون امنیت ملی مجلس از حمله به گروهک تروریستی جیش‌العدل خبر داد و گفت: طی این حمله جمعی از اعضای گروهک جیش العدل نابود شدند.
عضو کمیسیون امنیت ملی مجلس از حمله به گروهک تروریستی جیش‌العدل خبر داد و گفت: طی این حمله جمعی از اعضای گروهک جیش العدل نابود شدند.

به گزارش همشهری ، آبان‌ماه92 گروهک تروریستی جیش‌العدل دست به یک اقدام وحشیانه و تروریستی زد و با گشودن آتش به سوی نیروهای مرزبانی در نقطه صفر مرزی سراوان 14سرباز مرزبان کشورمان را به شهادت رساند.

محمد کوثری عضو کمیسیون امنیت ملی مجلس درخصوص نحوه انتقام‌گیری از این گروهک تروریستی گفت: نیروهای امنیتی کشورمان بعد از شناسایی و برخورد با عاملان ترور 14مرزبان وارد عمل شدند و بعد از کشف مکان این گروهک در عمق 80کیلومتری خاک پاکستان، با شلیک موشک به محل اختفای آنها همه را به هلاکت رساندند.

او در ادامه با تأکید بر اینکه جمهوری اسلامی ایران با کسی رودربایستی ندارد افزود: تروریست‌هایی که 5مرزبان را گروگان گرفتند هم کاملا در تیررس ما بودند اما چون سربازان ایرانی در بین آنها حضور داشتند نمی‌توانستیم عملیات کنیم.

پیش از این علی شمخانی دبیر شورای‌عالی امنیت ملی کشورمان نیز با بیان اینکه نیروهای امنیتی ما در حال برنامه‌ریزی برای سامان دادن مرزهای شرقی و جلوگیری از تکرار حوادث تروریستی هستند گفته بود به‌زودی گروهک‌های تروریستی همچون جیش‌العدل را به خاک سیاه خواهیم نشاند که وزیر کشور هم بیاید.

کنترل مرزهای شرقی

بعد از عملیات‌هایی که گروهک‌های تروریستی در مرزهای شرقی کشورمان انجام دادند توافقنامه امنیتی بین ایران و پاکستان در پارلمان 2کشور به تصویب رسید. در بخشی از این تفاهمنامه آمده است: 2کشور می‌توانند با تبادل اطلاعات نسبت به شناسایی، تعقیب و سرکوب گروه‌های تروریستی اقدام کنند. برخی نمایندگان چون سیدحسین نقوی حسینی سخنگوی کمیسیون امنیت ملی مجلس معتقدند اگر این لایحه در شورای نگهبان هم به تأیید برسد دست جمهوری اسلامی ایران برای پایان بخشیدن به بی‌نظمی‌های امنیتی در مرزهای شرقی کشور باز می‌شود.

داستان مرزهای شرقی ایران داستانی فراتر از شهادت 14مرزبان و گروگانگیری 5مرزبانی است که اخیرا از سوی گروهک جیش العدل ربوده شده بودند. بعد از این حوادث اخیری که رخ داد، کنترل یک خط 300کیلومتری از مرزهای شرقی به سپاه پاسداران انقلاب اسلامی سپرده شد.کوثری در این خصوص می‌گوید: «براساس امکانات و موقعیت می‌توان گفت که سپاه پاسداران یک نیروی مجهزتر و دارای قابلیت بیشتر است که حضورش در این منطقه می‌تواند مؤثرتر از حضور مرزبانان نیروی انتظامی باشد».

تجربه سپاه در مقابله با گروهک ها

او با اشاره به تجربه سپاه در برخورد با گروهک‌های تروریستی گفت: سپاه تجربه رویارویی‌های مشابه با گروهک‌هایی مثل پژاک و کومله را دارد که در آن مقاطع هم موفق عمل کرده و این تجربه می‌تواند در راستای حفظ امنیت مرزهای شرقی کشور هم به‌کار برده شود.

پیش از این سرلشکر محمدعلی جعفری فرمانده کل سپاه هم حین بازدید از یگان‌های تأمین‌کننده امنیت مرزی سپاه با اشاره به اهمیت اشراف اطلاعاتی به ایجاد چتر مراقبت و کنترل در نوار مرزی و هماهنگی‌ها و هم‌افزایی‌های موجود بین سپاه و سایر نیروهای اطلاعاتی، امنیتی و انتظامی تأکید کرده و گفته بود برای مقابله قاطعانه و کوبنده با هرگونه تلاشی که بخواهد امنیت و آرامش موجود در این منطقه را به مخاطره بیندازد آماده‌ایم.

حمله موشکی به محل اختفاءگروهک جیش‌العدل
I hope things are now dealt the same way one wants them to be dealt with !!!!!! :angry:
80km into Pakistan ?? That is quite far in. How did Iraq know that terrorists were living there ? Any civilian casualties? Now that the USA, Afghanistan and Iran have violated Pakistan's sovereignty am I missing something here ?
I hope things are now dealt the same way one wants them to be dealt with !!!!!! :angry:

As I said, it's up to pakistan to help secure the region by killing these terrorists, if you don't, then don't cry when Iran takes matters into their own hand. You people should be happy, Iran is doing you a favour by killing them no?

If true then this is the failure of Pakistan Government to secure our borders. Our relations with neighbours are getting worse all because Nawaz wants to lick arab shoes.

Well it is a shame that Pakistan can't secure their border, at least Iran is doing something.

80km into Pakistan ?? That is quite far in. How did Iraq know that terrorists were living there ? Any civilian casualties? Now that the USA, Afghanistan and Iran have violated Pakistan's sovereignty am I missing something here ?

First of all, it's Iran not Iraq.
Second, Iran would have used UAV's to spot their positions. Iran has 2 different types of male UAV's.
Actually it's quite simple, if Pakistan does not deal the terrorists on their side of the border, Iran will do it for them.

See, the thing is between terrorists and Iran, terrorists are the bigger enemy in the Pakistani scheme of things. Between freedom fighters/social workers/defenders of Islam and India, India is the bigger enemy. So when you kill terrorists it is good. When we talk about it, its kafir and bhegairat and blah blah blah.

Hope you send lots more of them to hell.
Well it is a shame that Pakistan can't secure their border, at least Iran is doing something.

Some retards are actually trying to start a Shia-Sunni all out war. Look at Iraq and Syria. I am sure you know which certain countries are known for supporting sectarian terrorists in Middle East and now they are doing it in Pakistan.

Since USA has been improving its relations with Iran that has caused serious butt hurt to your Arab neighbours. No wonder they are paying Nawaz Sharif billions to fight their dirty war and possibly open eastern front against Iran.
As I said, it's up to pakistan to help secure the region by killing these terrorists, if you don't, then don't cry when Iran takes matters into their own hand. You people should be happy, Iran is doing you a favour by killing them no?
Not if the ones killed are their "strategic assets". The "veritable arm" of their intelligence agency. They have this concept of "good terrorists" and "bad terrorists". It's difficult for non Pakistanis to understand.
Iran has more backbone that India, sadly. Hopefully modi will bring changes.

There is a huge difference, and it is not the difference between India and Iran. It is the difference between how Pakistanis see Indians and Iranians. The in-charge Pakistanis are more submissive to Iran and the public opinion towards Iranians is mostly positive. On the other hand Indians are seen as enemy by both in-charge people and the public so any action by India will create a lot of cry and fuss.
If this was done by USA you would see a mixed reaction because the in-charge Pakistani are submissive to USA and public has a overall negative opinion.
As I said, it's up to pakistan to help secure the region by killing these terrorists, if you don't, then don't cry when Iran takes matters into their own hand. You people should be happy, Iran is doing you a favour by killing them no?

Well it is a shame that Pakistan can't secure their border, at least Iran is doing something.

First of all, it's Iran not Iraq.
Second, Iran would have used UAV's to spot their positions. Iran has 2 different types of male UAV's.
you mean
iranian UAV went inside pak airspace?
as to spot 80km inside border .. you to be inside there airspace right?
Terrorist deserves to get killed.it will be good for the region if pakistan clean them up themselves.

it has created some precedent .
Some retards are actually trying to start a Shia-Sunni all out war. Look at Iraq and Syria. I am sure you know which certain countries are known for supporting sectarian terrorists in Middle East and now they are doing it in Pakistan.

Since USA has been improving its relations with Iran that has caused serious butt hurt to your Arab neighbours. No wonder they are paying Nawaz Sharif billions to fight their dirty war and possibly open eastern front against Iran.

Mate, I think Iran asked Pakistan for a joint operation but Pakistan did not say anything. The more of these terrorist we kill, the better for both of us. Pakistanis should view this as something very positive.
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