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Iran expresses gratitude to Pakistan over release of border guards

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Four Iranian soldiers rescued by Pakistan security forces return home
Published: March 23, 2019

Brigadier-General Mohammad Pakpour (3rd-L), commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps ground forces, welcomes four freed Iranian border guards who had been held captive by a militant group in Pakistan's restive southwest, upon their arrival at an undisclosed location in Iran on March 22, 2019. - The four Iranian border guards were among the 12 Iranian security personnel, who were abducted in October last year by the Sunni jihadist group Jaish al-Adl, rescued by the Pakistan military from militants and returned to Tehran to a hero's welcome, state television reported. PHOTO: AFP

TEHRAN: The four Iranian border guards rescued by the Pakistan military from militants returned on Friday to Tehran to a hero’s welcome, state television reported.

Live footage showed the soldiers dressed in suits stepping off an Antonov 74 transport aircraft and welcomed by their commander, Brigadier General Mohammad Pakpour who heads the Revolutionary Guards ground forces.

The Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said in a statement on Thursday that the security forces conducted an intelligence operation (IBO) at Amori in the Chaghai district of Balochistan, about three to four kilometres from the Pakistan-Afghanistan border.
Pakistan security forces recover 4 kidnapped Iranian soldiers


Brigadier-General Mohammad Pakpour (C), commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps ground forces, poses with four freed Iranian border guards. PHOTO: AFP

“Terrorists of the proscribed organisation were reported to have entered Pakistan from Afghanistan side along with abducted Iranian soldiers,” the ISPR statement said. “After an exchange of fire four Iranian soldiers recovered from a transitioning hideout,” it added.

“I am happy that these soldiers are returning to their families at the beginning of the new (Iranian) year, but I am also saddened that the remaining soldiers are still in captivity,” Pakpour told state television.
The families of the remaining soldiers should rest assured, Pakpour added, that “we will do what is necessary to free them as well”.

At least 12 Iranian security personnel, including members of the Revolutionary Guards, were kidnapped on the border with Pakistan last year in October.

Five of them were safely recovered a month after the abduction.

Read more: Border , iran , Iranian soldiers
Iran has many positives, its a beautiful country and the people are really clean, majority of the people are not religious at all and are very tolerant of other religions and sects. Iran is an Islamic country because its forced by the Mullah rulers. If tomorrow mullahs leave Iran, then it will become an atheist country, which in my opinion would be better for Iran and Iran-Pak relationship will return back to what it used to be during the Shah's time.

Its these Mullah loving Iranians that think too highly of their powers, they keep forgetting that they were unable to win against a country (Iraq) that is almost 4 times smaller in size but almost had equal number of military strength and equipment and now they are dream of taking on Pakistan, which is has larger military strength in both manpower and modern equipment and on top of that is battle hardened.

If you do not know anything about the History of the Iran Iraq war please keep your BS to your self rather than prove to every Iranian here that you speak out your rear end!

Four Iranian soldiers rescued by Pakistan security forces return home
Published: March 23, 2019

Brigadier-General Mohammad Pakpour (3rd-L), commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps ground forces, welcomes four freed Iranian border guards who had been held captive by a militant group in Pakistan's restive southwest, upon their arrival at an undisclosed location in Iran on March 22, 2019. - The four Iranian border guards were among the 12 Iranian security personnel, who were abducted in October last year by the Sunni jihadist group Jaish al-Adl, rescued by the Pakistan military from militants and returned to Tehran to a hero's welcome, state television reported. PHOTO: AFP

TEHRAN: The four Iranian border guards rescued by the Pakistan military from militants returned on Friday to Tehran to a hero’s welcome, state television reported.

Live footage showed the soldiers dressed in suits stepping off an Antonov 74 transport aircraft and welcomed by their commander, Brigadier General Mohammad Pakpour who heads the Revolutionary Guards ground forces.

The Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said in a statement on Thursday that the security forces conducted an intelligence operation (IBO) at Amori in the Chaghai district of Balochistan, about three to four kilometres from the Pakistan-Afghanistan border.
Pakistan security forces recover 4 kidnapped Iranian soldiers


Brigadier-General Mohammad Pakpour (C), commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps ground forces, poses with four freed Iranian border guards. PHOTO: AFP

“Terrorists of the proscribed organisation were reported to have entered Pakistan from Afghanistan side along with abducted Iranian soldiers,” the ISPR statement said. “After an exchange of fire four Iranian soldiers recovered from a transitioning hideout,” it added.

“I am happy that these soldiers are returning to their families at the beginning of the new (Iranian) year, but I am also saddened that the remaining soldiers are still in captivity,” Pakpour told state television.
The families of the remaining soldiers should rest assured, Pakpour added, that “we will do what is necessary to free them as well”.

At least 12 Iranian security personnel, including members of the Revolutionary Guards, were kidnapped on the border with Pakistan last year in October.

Five of them were safely recovered a month after the abduction.

Read more: Border , iran , Iranian soldiers

Hope the rest come back home as well.

Ashamed of the comments by some Iranian members here.

Don’t damage the image of your country.

I hope Pakistan and Iran become friends again, and the extremists on both sides who want war/conflict go back into silence.

If you do not know anything about the History of the Iran Iraq war please keep your BS to your self rather than prove to every Iranian here that you speak out your rear end!

Iran fought valiantly against US supported invasion by Iraq and expelled the invaders, which also happened during their worst times.

I hope Iranians don’t forget the support Pakistan gave to Iran during that time. Some of the Arabs are still angered with us because of it.
country (Iraq) that is almost 4 times smaller in size but almost had equal number of military strength and equipment
iraq lost almost 750 fighter during war we lost 150. iraq before war had 150 fighter plane. iraq after war with iran had 88 mirage f-1. iraq had the permission to use ballistic missile and chemical weapon against us. iraq had both superpowers in her side. iraq had europe arm support. iraq had arab countries money and airspace. iraq had US AWACS (through jordan).
Says the Country who harbors the likes of Kulbhushan Yadhav and Uzair Baloch. Go sell your Oil to India we have no problem with it. Stop making a drama out of it. Apeasing your customer have a limit though.
but your country harbored:

Bin Laden
Mulllah Omar
Mullah Mansour(that directly replaced Mullah Omar)
Saif Al-Adel
Masood Azhar
Mullah Fazlullah

All i'm saying is- dont point at others when you also do the same thing you accuse them of. Iran helped INdia, MAYBE...a bit. Contextually, I dont believe Iran has done much damage to Pakistan. Pakistan should not whine when slapped when Pakistan slaps others and expects them not to whine. Just saying.

lol.......we own Syria, not the Israeli's.......in case you haven't noticed yet.
People like him and @500 are A+ students at skipping logic steps. smh.
but your country harbored:

Bin Laden
Mulllah Omar
Mullah Mansour(that directly replaced Mullah Omar)
Saif Al-Adel
Masood Azhar
Mullah Fazlullah

All i'm saying is- dont point at others when you also do the same thing you accuse them of. Iran helped INdia, MAYBE...a bit. Contextually, I dont believe Iran has done much damage to Pakistan. Pakistan should not whine when slapped when Pakistan slaps others and expects them not to whine. Just saying.

People like him and @500 are A+ students at skipping logic steps. smh.

Your comments have no place here. Please troll someplace else.
We dont need your gratitude, just keep your homegrown terrorists inside Iran and dont let them cross the border till we complete the fencing.
But the terrorists that went into Iran are Homegrown Made-In-Pakistan terrorists though. i dont understand your logic. But thanks for admitting your side is unfenced and insecure.
but your country harbored:

Bin Laden
Mulllah Omar
Mullah Mansour(that directly replaced Mullah Omar)
Saif Al-Adel
Masood Azhar
Mullah Fazlullah

All i'm saying is- dont point at others when you also do the same thing you accuse them of. Iran helped INdia, MAYBE...a bit. Contextually, I dont believe Iran has done much damage to Pakistan. Pakistan should not whine when slapped when Pakistan slaps others and expects them not to whine. Just saying.

People like him and @500 are A+ students at skipping logic steps. smh.
but your country harbored:

Bin Laden
Mulllah Omar
Mullah Mansour(that directly replaced Mullah Omar)
Saif Al-Adel
Masood Azhar
Mullah Fazlullah

All i'm saying is- dont point at others when you also do the same thing you accuse them of. Iran helped INdia, MAYBE...a bit. Contextually, I dont believe Iran has done much damage to Pakistan. Pakistan should not whine when slapped when Pakistan slaps others and expects them not to whine. Just saying.

People like him and @500 are A+ students at skipping logic steps. smh.

and what about you?

assasination of rafic hariri

direct attack on saudi cities

Provide proof for your assertions or leave.

Pakistan ignores anti-Iranian terrorists to attract Saudi aids: Expert
Alwaght – Last week, a terrorist blast hit the Iranian border guards in the eastern province of Sistan and Baluchistan killing 27 and wounding a dozen others. The attack drew a strong reaction from the Iranian political and military officials. In the middle of the reactions, what caught the media focus was the remarks made by Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) chief Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari who said Tehran was “running out of patience with treacherous Saudi Arabia and the UAE”, both behind a string of terrorist attacks on Iranian forces. He said the Islamic Republic no longer holds the previous considerations and will directly take hard measures in retaliation of the “blood of our martyrs.”

Iranian officials in related and relatively similar stances accused neighboring Pakistan of harboring the anti-Iranian terrorist factions who every now and then assault the border posts in the country’s east. Bahram Qassemi, the spokesman to the Iranian foreign ministry, said on Sunday that the ministry summoned Pakistan’s ambassador to voice Tehran’s angry protest to Islamabad. The IRGC head already warned that Pakistan will “pay a high price” for its ignorance of anti-Iranian attacks launched from its territories.

Alwaght in an effort to elaborate on the case talked to Abbas Fayaz, an Iranian expert of the Indian Peninsula affairs.

The first question was about the reason behind IRGC chief’s direct attack at Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) as the agency involved in Zahedan city bombing. Mr Fayaz responded that among the powers in Pakistan, the army has the upper hand and inside the army, the strongest institution dominating the politicians and the state’s policies is the ISI which implements the policies of the army as the top policy-making body in politics and security matters. Directly addressing the ISI, the expert went on, General Jafari sent a message to Islamabad that the Islamic Republic is fully aware who the decision maker is in Pakistan on whether to ignore or block terror actions against its neighbor Iran.

“Well reception of the message can take Pakistan to respond positively to Iran’s demands to prevent the use of Pakistani soil by the attackers. As we saw, immediately after General Jafari’s comments, the Pakistani sides stated readiness to take joint actions against these factions and they started measures in the border areas to cleanse them.”

Asked why despite its friendly relations and acceptable level of cooperation with Iran, Pakistan does not eradicate the anti-Iranian factions on its soil and if other countries’ interests influenced this Pakistan behavior, Mr Fayaz answered that the ISI as the top intelligence force in the country has broad contacts with a number of Arab countries, distinctly with Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Internationally, the ISI is closely linked to the US Central Intelligence Service (CIA). The cooperation with the CIA has so far experienced many ups and downs, however, mainly when it comes to the Afghanistan case.

“Pakistan is not seeking damage to the Iranian interests”, the expert told Alwaght, adding “the Pakistani security men and politicians have no reason for hostility towards Iran. To put it another way, this Pakistani behavior is not a principal policy. Rather, it is encouraged by the country’s need for aids from the reactionary Arab regimes like Saudi Arabia. These regimes bankroll the terrorists hiding in Pakistan. The Pakistani officials, taking advantage of the generous Arab supports, turn a blind eye to the terror groups. This makes Pakistan a suitable launching pad for attacks against Iran.”

“Tehran repeatedly protested to Islamabad for assaults on its forces launched from the Pakistani lands but did not receive a proper response,” Alwaght reporter told Mr Fayaz. “Is Pakistan unable or unwilling to address such a demand?,” he asked.

The expert answered that Pakistan has not shown a fixed reaction to such protests. It sometimes cooperated with Tehran. “For example, it extradited a number of Rigi terrorist faction terrorists taking shelter in Pakistan territories. The Pakistanis also helped with the release of 5 out of 14 Iranian border forces abducted by the terrorists. But the important issue is that Pakistan has so far declined to take firm actions against them. The ISI apparently knows their whereabouts and can easily take actions. But the laxity with them is driven by the considerations the supporters of these groups, on top of them Saudi Arabia, want Pakistan to show so that Islamabad can enjoy their aids which do not come without expectations.

Alwaght asked the expert about the options at Iran’s disposal to prevent such attacks or respond to the agitators after the IRGC chief warned Tehran was losing patience with the terrorists’ backers. Responding, Mr Fayaz said there is no doubt that the Islamic Republic has huge capabilities in military, intelligence, and diplomatic areas, with the Iranian power of influence across the region not covert to anybody. “So far,” he said, “the Iranian policy has been based on respect to the neighbors and steering clear of tension escalation with them. Pakistan is no exception. This principle has been the main reason driving the Iranian patience with Pakistan security shortcomings. The terrorists have abused this Pakistani behavior and grew arrogant.”

According to Mr Fayaz, Iran apparently will look at all of the available choices and will further ask Islamabad to strongly step in against the anti-Iranian militias. But if Pakistan continues to show leniency with them, Iran’s hands are open for diplomatic actions through the international organizations, as well as reviewing its regional policy.

“Relying on its military might and regional intelligence dominance, Iran can itself take serious actions against the terrorism which is a legal right and compliant with the international law. Of course, the best choice is the Islamabad cooperation with Tehran to push back the terrorism risks from the region. We hope that the Pakistani side seriously pursues collaboration with Iran.”

First of all, you asked me not to quote your posts, so why are you quoting mine?
2nd of all, there is no direct evidence, but there is indirect evidence.The pattern is that Saudi Arabia+ UAE(at least)pay Pakistani govt formally, for e.g, to setup an oil refinery. But in that loan/gift/business, Pakistan(as the article says)will turn a blind eye to attacks on Iran by Balochi based militants. These militants are funded by KSA, but they are also recruited, trained,funded, organized IN PAKISTAN.
Take responsibility. I hate to say this, but Iran and Pakistan both deal with terrorists, thats a fact, but Pakistanis here try to act like saints and holy men when Pakistan has a good record of supporting terrorirists. Bin Laden was found in Pakistan, that says enough tbh. At least Iran's terrorists follow master's orders and stay out of sight.

Pakistan ignores anti-Iranian terrorists to attract Saudi aids: Expert
Alwaght – Last week, a terrorist blast hit the Iranian border guards in the eastern province of Sistan and Baluchistan killing 27 and wounding a dozen others. The attack drew a strong reaction from the Iranian political and military officials. In the middle of the reactions, what caught the media focus was the remarks made by Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) chief Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari who said Tehran was “running out of patience with treacherous Saudi Arabia and the UAE”, both behind a string of terrorist attacks on Iranian forces. He said the Islamic Republic no longer holds the previous considerations and will directly take hard measures in retaliation of the “blood of our martyrs.”

Iranian officials in related and relatively similar stances accused neighboring Pakistan of harboring the anti-Iranian terrorist factions who every now and then assault the border posts in the country’s east. Bahram Qassemi, the spokesman to the Iranian foreign ministry, said on Sunday that the ministry summoned Pakistan’s ambassador to voice Tehran’s angry protest to Islamabad. The IRGC head already warned that Pakistan will “pay a high price” for its ignorance of anti-Iranian attacks launched from its territories.

Alwaght in an effort to elaborate on the case talked to Abbas Fayaz, an Iranian expert of the Indian Peninsula affairs.

The first question was about the reason behind IRGC chief’s direct attack at Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) as the agency involved in Zahedan city bombing. Mr Fayaz responded that among the powers in Pakistan, the army has the upper hand and inside the army, the strongest institution dominating the politicians and the state’s policies is the ISI which implements the policies of the army as the top policy-making body in politics and security matters. Directly addressing the ISI, the expert went on, General Jafari sent a message to Islamabad that the Islamic Republic is fully aware who the decision maker is in Pakistan on whether to ignore or block terror actions against its neighbor Iran.

“Well reception of the message can take Pakistan to respond positively to Iran’s demands to prevent the use of Pakistani soil by the attackers. As we saw, immediately after General Jafari’s comments, the Pakistani sides stated readiness to take joint actions against these factions and they started measures in the border areas to cleanse them.”

Asked why despite its friendly relations and acceptable level of cooperation with Iran, Pakistan does not eradicate the anti-Iranian factions on its soil and if other countries’ interests influenced this Pakistan behavior, Mr Fayaz answered that the ISI as the top intelligence force in the country has broad contacts with a number of Arab countries, distinctly with Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Internationally, the ISI is closely linked to the US Central Intelligence Service (CIA). The cooperation with the CIA has so far experienced many ups and downs, however, mainly when it comes to the Afghanistan case.

“Pakistan is not seeking damage to the Iranian interests”, the expert told Alwaght, adding “the Pakistani security men and politicians have no reason for hostility towards Iran. To put it another way, this Pakistani behavior is not a principal policy. Rather, it is encouraged by the country’s need for aids from the reactionary Arab regimes like Saudi Arabia. These regimes bankroll the terrorists hiding in Pakistan. The Pakistani officials, taking advantage of the generous Arab supports, turn a blind eye to the terror groups. This makes Pakistan a suitable launching pad for attacks against Iran.”

“Tehran repeatedly protested to Islamabad for assaults on its forces launched from the Pakistani lands but did not receive a proper response,” Alwaght reporter told Mr Fayaz. “Is Pakistan unable or unwilling to address such a demand?,” he asked.

The expert answered that Pakistan has not shown a fixed reaction to such protests. It sometimes cooperated with Tehran. “For example, it extradited a number of Rigi terrorist faction terrorists taking shelter in Pakistan territories. The Pakistanis also helped with the release of 5 out of 14 Iranian border forces abducted by the terrorists. But the important issue is that Pakistan has so far declined to take firm actions against them. The ISI apparently knows their whereabouts and can easily take actions. But the laxity with them is driven by the considerations the supporters of these groups, on top of them Saudi Arabia, want Pakistan to show so that Islamabad can enjoy their aids which do not come without expectations.

Alwaght asked the expert about the options at Iran’s disposal to prevent such attacks or respond to the agitators after the IRGC chief warned Tehran was losing patience with the terrorists’ backers. Responding, Mr Fayaz said there is no doubt that the Islamic Republic has huge capabilities in military, intelligence, and diplomatic areas, with the Iranian power of influence across the region not covert to anybody. “So far,” he said, “the Iranian policy has been based on respect to the neighbors and steering clear of tension escalation with them. Pakistan is no exception. This principle has been the main reason driving the Iranian patience with Pakistan security shortcomings. The terrorists have abused this Pakistani behavior and grew arrogant.”

According to Mr Fayaz, Iran apparently will look at all of the available choices and will further ask Islamabad to strongly step in against the anti-Iranian militias. But if Pakistan continues to show leniency with them, Iran’s hands are open for diplomatic actions through the international organizations, as well as reviewing its regional policy.

“Relying on its military might and regional intelligence dominance, Iran can itself take serious actions against the terrorism which is a legal right and compliant with the international law. Of course, the best choice is the Islamabad cooperation with Tehran to push back the terrorism risks from the region. We hope that the Pakistani side seriously pursues collaboration with Iran.”

First of all, you asked me not to quote your posts, so why are you quoting mine?
2nd of all, there is no direct evidence, but there is indirect evidence.The pattern is that Saudi Arabia+ UAE(at least)pay Pakistani govt formally, for e.g, to setup an oil refinery. But in that loan/gift/business, Pakistan(as the article says)will turn a blind eye to attacks on Iran by Balochi based militants. These militants are funded by KSA, but they are also recruited, trained,funded, organized IN PAKISTAN.
Take responsibility. I hate to say this, but Iran and Pakistan both deal with terrorists, thats a fact, but Pakistanis here try to act like saints and holy men when Pakistan has a good record of supporting terrorirists. Bin Laden was found in Pakistan, that says enough tbh. At least Iran's terrorists follow master's orders and stay out of sight.

So if this shyt is not anti Pakistan rhetoric, then what is?

Delusional Iranis and their media from the very bottom to the top most post. With each passing day with this sort of chest thumping that due to accusing ISI, Pakistan "responded positively to Irani demands" makes my blood boil.

Who the heck these Mullahs think they are to threaten and demand from Pakistan anything? On one hand harboring terrorists who attack our schools, buses, funerals, hospitals and the other hand "demanding Pakistan to take action"?

Really, I would want to think neutrally about Iran, but with this kind of shyt they are making me dislike this country more and more. And I am not the only one.
If you do not know anything about the History of the Iran Iraq war please keep your BS to your self rather than prove to every Iranian here that you speak out your rear end!

Ok please answer these simple questions

1. Is Iraq 4 times smaller than Iran or not?
2. Was Iran able to defeat Iraq?

iraq lost almost 750 fighter during war we lost 150. iraq before war had 150 fighter plane. iraq after war with iran had 88 mirage f-1. iraq had the permission to use ballistic missile and chemical weapon against us. iraq had both superpowers in her side. iraq had europe arm support. iraq had arab countries money and airspace. iraq had US AWACS (through jordan).

I agree Iraq had all those, so that's why Iran couldn't win. Now tell me how can Iran even think of winning against Pakistan which is much larger in land, population, military strength and is already battle hardened?

Pakistan ignores anti-Iranian terrorists to attract Saudi aids: Expert
Alwaght – Last week, a terrorist blast hit the Iranian border guards in the eastern province of Sistan and Baluchistan killing 27 and wounding a dozen others. The attack drew a strong reaction from the Iranian political and military officials. In the middle of the reactions, what caught the media focus was the remarks made by Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) chief Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari who said Tehran was “running out of patience with treacherous Saudi Arabia and the UAE”, both behind a string of terrorist attacks on Iranian forces. He said the Islamic Republic no longer holds the previous considerations and will directly take hard measures in retaliation of the “blood of our martyrs.”

Iranian officials in related and relatively similar stances accused neighboring Pakistan of harboring the anti-Iranian terrorist factions who every now and then assault the border posts in the country’s east. Bahram Qassemi, the spokesman to the Iranian foreign ministry, said on Sunday that the ministry summoned Pakistan’s ambassador to voice Tehran’s angry protest to Islamabad. The IRGC head already warned that Pakistan will “pay a high price” for its ignorance of anti-Iranian attacks launched from its territories.

Alwaght in an effort to elaborate on the case talked to Abbas Fayaz, an Iranian expert of the Indian Peninsula affairs.

The first question was about the reason behind IRGC chief’s direct attack at Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) as the agency involved in Zahedan city bombing. Mr Fayaz responded that among the powers in Pakistan, the army has the upper hand and inside the army, the strongest institution dominating the politicians and the state’s policies is the ISI which implements the policies of the army as the top policy-making body in politics and security matters. Directly addressing the ISI, the expert went on, General Jafari sent a message to Islamabad that the Islamic Republic is fully aware who the decision maker is in Pakistan on whether to ignore or block terror actions against its neighbor Iran.

“Well reception of the message can take Pakistan to respond positively to Iran’s demands to prevent the use of Pakistani soil by the attackers. As we saw, immediately after General Jafari’s comments, the Pakistani sides stated readiness to take joint actions against these factions and they started measures in the border areas to cleanse them.”

Asked why despite its friendly relations and acceptable level of cooperation with Iran, Pakistan does not eradicate the anti-Iranian factions on its soil and if other countries’ interests influenced this Pakistan behavior, Mr Fayaz answered that the ISI as the top intelligence force in the country has broad contacts with a number of Arab countries, distinctly with Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Internationally, the ISI is closely linked to the US Central Intelligence Service (CIA). The cooperation with the CIA has so far experienced many ups and downs, however, mainly when it comes to the Afghanistan case.

“Pakistan is not seeking damage to the Iranian interests”, the expert told Alwaght, adding “the Pakistani security men and politicians have no reason for hostility towards Iran. To put it another way, this Pakistani behavior is not a principal policy. Rather, it is encouraged by the country’s need for aids from the reactionary Arab regimes like Saudi Arabia. These regimes bankroll the terrorists hiding in Pakistan. The Pakistani officials, taking advantage of the generous Arab supports, turn a blind eye to the terror groups. This makes Pakistan a suitable launching pad for attacks against Iran.”

“Tehran repeatedly protested to Islamabad for assaults on its forces launched from the Pakistani lands but did not receive a proper response,” Alwaght reporter told Mr Fayaz. “Is Pakistan unable or unwilling to address such a demand?,” he asked.

The expert answered that Pakistan has not shown a fixed reaction to such protests. It sometimes cooperated with Tehran. “For example, it extradited a number of Rigi terrorist faction terrorists taking shelter in Pakistan territories. The Pakistanis also helped with the release of 5 out of 14 Iranian border forces abducted by the terrorists. But the important issue is that Pakistan has so far declined to take firm actions against them. The ISI apparently knows their whereabouts and can easily take actions. But the laxity with them is driven by the considerations the supporters of these groups, on top of them Saudi Arabia, want Pakistan to show so that Islamabad can enjoy their aids which do not come without expectations.

Alwaght asked the expert about the options at Iran’s disposal to prevent such attacks or respond to the agitators after the IRGC chief warned Tehran was losing patience with the terrorists’ backers. Responding, Mr Fayaz said there is no doubt that the Islamic Republic has huge capabilities in military, intelligence, and diplomatic areas, with the Iranian power of influence across the region not covert to anybody. “So far,” he said, “the Iranian policy has been based on respect to the neighbors and steering clear of tension escalation with them. Pakistan is no exception. This principle has been the main reason driving the Iranian patience with Pakistan security shortcomings. The terrorists have abused this Pakistani behavior and grew arrogant.”

According to Mr Fayaz, Iran apparently will look at all of the available choices and will further ask Islamabad to strongly step in against the anti-Iranian militias. But if Pakistan continues to show leniency with them, Iran’s hands are open for diplomatic actions through the international organizations, as well as reviewing its regional policy.

“Relying on its military might and regional intelligence dominance, Iran can itself take serious actions against the terrorism which is a legal right and compliant with the international law. Of course, the best choice is the Islamabad cooperation with Tehran to push back the terrorism risks from the region. We hope that the Pakistani side seriously pursues collaboration with Iran.”

First of all, you asked me not to quote your posts, so why are you quoting mine?
2nd of all, there is no direct evidence, but there is indirect evidence.The pattern is that Saudi Arabia+ UAE(at least)pay Pakistani govt formally, for e.g, to setup an oil refinery. But in that loan/gift/business, Pakistan(as the article says)will turn a blind eye to attacks on Iran by Balochi based militants. These militants are funded by KSA, but they are also recruited, trained,funded, organized IN PAKISTAN.
Take responsibility. I hate to say this, but Iran and Pakistan both deal with terrorists, thats a fact, but Pakistanis here try to act like saints and holy men when Pakistan has a good record of supporting terrorirists. Bin Laden was found in Pakistan, that says enough tbh. At least Iran's terrorists follow master's orders and stay out of sight.

I don't see any proof, just accusations.

Go off and run to Modi land where Muslims and Pakistan are the roots of all evil.
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