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Iran Executes Two for ‘Perversion

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You are a fool. You just said that they have executed one of them since he was a darvish, and made fake excuses to execute him. So, is it allowed to kill someone because of his religious believes? You are really a retard.
Well, I am now searching for this darvish but I haven't found anything on him and I don't support hanging of a darvish i just told what i thought to be truth because I don't lie.

I am still waiting for you to show me how many innocent people Iran executed last year.

Edit:and what is with you and calling people names? so far idiot, retard, fool
It was sarcasm mate. You are disappointing me :)

My point was, nobody needs to spread hatred about Iran since your zealots and their fanboys doing a great job on that.

I recognize sarcasm from a km away. your post wasn't one, admit it. :) :P
Regardless of what actually happening here, there are always those sick ones who won't hesitate to manipulate the true story, and this is one of them. And it's not just happening for Iran, it's a dirty tool used against many countries in the world by their opponents, nothing extraordinary.

You want me to show you some Armenian, Greek or Kurdish examples of manipulation? :lol:
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Human rights is immoral and BS?!!! while mass execution and rape and torturing are moral?!!!
mass execution ? rape ? are you talking about iran ? you better stop kissing turks a$$ s . you are even betraying your own country and you defend human rights ? of course this human right is BS . where was human right when sadam used chemical weapons? where was human rights when 300 iranians were killed in saudi ? where was human right when a flight full of passengers was blown up by US . where was human rights when israeel verified that they killed iranian scientists? where is human right? what is human right but a puppet to control your mind and tell you which country is good and which country is bad based on their criterias. you better try to wake up instead of spreading lies around.
Although you and I have hardly looked in the eye, but I still hold a profound respect for you.

This isn't correlated to the topic. But, without a doubt the Shah of Iran was a monster, but those who succeeded him weren't merciful either. They sent Iran to the Stone Age without fire a single bullet. Just look at the huge number of the Iranian brain drain in academia as an example.

Thanks, I have a great respect for you as well.
The fact is that we had one demon dictator in shah era, and now we have thousands of them. That's the difference. Back then, people at least had economically welfare, and you are also right about the brain drain. more than 5-6 million Iranians have fled the country after mullahs came to power, in which most of them were highly educated and rich part of the society. As an example, more than half of alumni of Sharif University, which is the best university of Iran, are living in USA alone!

Well, I am now searching for this darvish but I haven't found anything on him and I don't support hanging of a darvish i just told what i thought to be truth because I don't lie.

I am still waiting for you to show me how many innocent people Iran executed last year.

Edit:and what is with you and calling people names? so far idiot, retard, fool
1988 executions of Iranian political prisoners - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thanks, I have a great respect for you as well.
The fact is that we had one demon dictator in shah era, and now we have thousands of them. That's the difference. Back then, people at least had economically welfare, and you are also right about the brain drain. more than 5-6 million Iranians have fled the country after mullahs came to power, in which most of them were highly educated and rich part of the society. As an example, more than half of alumni of Sharif University, which is the best university of Iran, are living in USA alone!

1988 executions of Iranian political prisoners - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You were talking about those 500 hanged last year not the political hanging of MEK in 1988

So you also have a lot of respect for Iran's hating Yzd Khalifa, that and your avatar explain everything that I need to know about you.
I recognize sarcasm from a km away. your post wasn't one, admit it. :) :P
Regardless of what is actually happening here, there are always those sick ones who won't hesitate to manipulate the true story, and this is one of them. And it's not just happening for Iran, it's a dirty tool used against many countries in the world by their opponents, nothing extraordinary.

You want me to show you some Armenian, Greek or Kurdish examples of manipulation? :lol:

As i said, this particular story might be a lie or not. The fact is, innocent people have been murdered before for being homosexual in Iran. And as long as this bunch continues to rule Iran, innocents will continue to suffer. I think we both can agree on that.
mass execution ? rape ? are you talking about iran ? you better stop kissing turks a$$ s . you are even betraying your own country and you defend human rights ? of course this human right is BS . where was human right when sadam used chemical weapons? where was human rights when 300 iranians were killed in saudi ? where was human right when a flight full of passengers was blown up by US . where was human rights when israeel verified that they killed iranian scientists? where is human right? what is human right but a puppet to control your mind and tell you which country is good and which country is bad based on their criterias. you better try to wake up instead of spreading lies around.
mullahs are the responsible ones to make anyone in the world against Iran by their stupid ideas and goals. So, it is obvious that who is responsible.
BTW, I have no respect for those Sepahi terrorists(or so called scientist as you called them) who got blown up.
You were talking about those 500 hanged last year not the political hanging of MEK in 1988

So you also have a lot of respect for Iran's hating Yzd Khalifa, that and your avatar explain everything that I need to know about you.

You are a pathetic brain washed pathological liar. spare your BS for someone else.
You are a pathetic brain washed pathological liar. spare your BS for someone else.
Supporting the assassination of our scientistس(who were not sepahis by the way)!! you are a traitor and we have nothing to talk about.

Why did you removed your message?!
Iran is a stain on Islam.
Here is quran take on Lut people
وَ لُوطاً إِذْ قالَ لِقَوْمِهِ أَ تَأْتُونَ الْفاحِشَةَ ما سَبَقَكُمْ بِها مِنْ أَحَدٍ مِنَ الْعالَمِينَ (80) إِنَّكُمْ لَتَأْتُونَ الرِّجالَ شَهْوَةً مِنْ دُونِ النِّساءِ بَلْ أَنْتُمْ قَوْمٌ مُسْرِفُونَ (81) وَ ما كانَ جَوابَ قَوْمِهِ إِلاَّ أَنْ قالُوا أَخْرِجُوهُمْ مِنْ قَرْيَتِكُمْ إِنَّهُمْ أُناسٌ يَتَطَهَّرُونَ (82) فَأَنْجَيْناهُ وَ أَهْلَهُ إِلاَّ امْرَأَتَهُ كانَتْ مِنَ الْغابِرِينَ (83) وَ أَمْطَرْنا عَلَيْهِمْ مَطَراً فَانْظُرْ كَيْفَ كانَ عاقِبَةُ الْمُجْرِمِينَ (84)
As i said, this particular story might be a lie or not. The fact is, innocent people have been murdered before for being homosexual in Iran. And as long as this bunch continues to rule Iran, innocents will continue to suffer. I think we both can agree on that.

I already said earlier that I have serious problems with things here, but that doesn't mean I will tolerate speeches about human rights in my country from someone who hasn't seen even 1 election in his country. It's too ridiculous to tolerate.

I just don't like to shout my problems about the situation in my country,especially for non Iranians, in a public forum where I'm sure it will have absolutely no results,
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BTW, I have no respect for those Sepahi terrorists(or so called scientist as you called them) who got blown up.
as i see you have no respect for anything related to iran even iran itself. i wish you'll change your flag soon. that's probably the best thing you can do in this situation.
Supporting the assassination of our scientist(who were not sepahis by the way)!! you are a traitor and we have nothing to talk about.
What has been their contribution to the science that you call them scientists?!!!
BTW, they were bunch of mercenary killers who got removed.

as i see you have no respect for anything related to iran even iran itself. i wish you'll change your flag soon. that's probably the best thing you can do in this situation.
but I think mercenaries are the ones who need to change their flag.
What has been their contribution to the science that you call them scientists?!!!
BTW, they were bunch of mercenary killers who got removed.

but I think mercenaries are the ones who need to change their flag.
They were working on advancement of their country in nuclear science and whom they killed to be called mercenary killers?

You are just proving that you are a western sell out and a complete traitor to Iran.
You are a pathetic brain washed pathological liar. spare your BS for someone else.

You're a member of MKO org,

You're a traitor , your language and childish retarded anti-iranian posts are making every single iranian here puke

You are a traitor in the eyes of : @haman10 @MTN1917 @SOHEIL @Serpentine @mohsen @SinaG @Surenas @kollang @Ostad @iranigirl2 @spiderkiller @...................


As serpentine said , this thread is based on lies , according to laws it should be removed

@Aeronaut @Oscar @WebMaster
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