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Iran Executes Two for ‘Perversion

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Some open homosexuals were executed in 1980s, not now and the possibilities of hanging some one for homo sexuality is very low, some time ago Basij raided a gay party in Kermanshah but they didn't killed anyone and released them after bonds.

Our domestic policies is none of your business, My castle my rules. you better keep an eye on your country

According to The Boroumand Foundation, there are records of at least 107 executions with charges related to homosexuality between 1979 and 1990. According to Amnesty International, at least 5 people convicted of "homosexual tendencies", three men and two women, were executed in January 1990, as a result of the Iranian government's policy of calling for the execution of those who practice homosexuality. In April 1992, Dr. Ali Mozafarian, a Sunni Muslim leader in the Fars province (Southern Iran), was executed in Shiraz after being convicted on charges of espionage, adultery, and sodomy. His videotaped confession was broadcast on television in Shiraz and in the streets of Kazerun and Lar.

On November 12, 1995, by the verdict of the eighth judicial branch of Hamadan and the confirmation of the Supreme Court of Iran, Mehdi Barazandeh, otherwise known as Safa Ali Shah Hamadani, was condemned to death. The judicial authorities announced that Barazandeh's crimes were repeated acts of adultery and "the obscene act of sodomy." The court's decree was carried out by stoning Barazandeh. Barazandeh belonged to the Khaksarieh Sect of Dervishes. (Islamic Republic Newspaper – November 14, 1995 + reported in Homan's magazine June 10, 1996).

In a November 2007 meeting with his British counterpart, Iranian member of parliament Mohsen Yahyavi admitted that Iran believes in the death penalty for homosexuality. According to Yahyavi, gays deserve to be tortured, executed, or both.

On March 15, 2005, the daily newspaper Etemaad reported that the Tehran Criminal Court sentenced two men to death following the discovery of a video showing them engaged in homosexual acts. Another two men were allegedly hanged publicly in the northern town of Gorgan for sodomy in November 2005. In July 2006 two youths were hanged for "sex crimes" in north-eastern Iran, probably consensual homosexual acts. On November 16, 2006, the State-run news agency reported the public execution of man convicted of sodomy in the western city of Kermanshah.

LGBT rights in Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You better not speak about Iran because you are not in it and have no loyalty to it.

Nice flag of your Guney Azarbaijan by the way!!!

Your IQ and your logic is astonishing :rofl: No wonder mullah lovers are among the most retard part of the society.
Anyway, your attitude speaks for itself.
BTW, mullahs are executing more than 500 people per year which is the most per capita in the world. Probably, all of them are criminals, and drug dealer in your mind?!!!
Your IQ and your logic is astonishing :rofl: No wonder mullah lovers are among the most retard part of the society.
Anyway, your attitude speaks for itself.
BTW, mullahs are executing more than 500 people per year which is the most per capita in the world. Probably, all of them are criminals, and drug dealer in your mind?!!!

Though, one must appreciate their denial which indicates that they are uncomfortable about these executions too.
idiot, Iran is not your castle, and human rights is a global concern.
wether you like it or not today iran is being ruled by those who value something called morality . human right is some BS that US and UK invented for hiding their real face. no one knows what is going on inside iran except those who live inside this country. internet is full of these BS s about iran while 90 percent of them are pure lies. by the way your avatar is a clear sign of betrayal . in my logic a traitor has no right to judge anything specially the ones about his country.
Your IQ and your logic is astonishing :rofl: No wonder mullah lovers are among the most retard part of the society.
Anyway, your attitude speaks for itself.
BTW, mullahs are executing more than 500 people per year which is the most per capita in the world. Probably, all of them are criminals, and drug dealer in your mind?!!!
My IQ is more than sufficient.
Yes, probably all of them are criminals(although some are separatists)
Would you be so kind and provide me with a name of one of those executed guys who was not a criminal or separatist.

Iran is one of the major routs for transiting of drugs from Afghanistan and 80 percent of Iran's hangings are related to drugs
Though, one must appreciate their denial which indicates that they are uncomfortable about these executions too.
Buddy, I know these goons very well. Do not mistake them. mullahs and mullah lovers policy always has been killing and torturing inside Iran and showing a humanitarian face with Rohani smiles for outside of Iran. they are only lying ;)
Though, one must appreciate their denial which indicates that they are uncomfortable about these executions too.
No,I completely agree with what that Iranian MP has said, homos should shut their mouths or face the consequences but those two rapists were not executed because they were gays.
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wether you like it or not today iran is being ruled by those who value something called morality . human right is some BS that US and UK invented for hiding their real face. no one knows what is going on inside iran except those who live inside this country. internet is full of these BS s about iran while 90 percent of them are pure lies. by the way your avatar is a clear sign of betrayal . in my logic a traitor has no right to judge anything specially the ones about his country.
Human rights is immoral and BS?!!! while mass execution and rape and torturing are moral?!!!
For argument's sake, let's just assume that somebody had the need to produce such lies about Iran, because Iran is the shining example and beacon of human rights and tolerance in world's eyes. Hence, by such lies, they are trying to change it :)

Are you saying that killing a person for being homosexual is unthinkable in Iran? That has never happened before and never will?

What does it have to do with my post? Where did I say that Iran is a beacon of human rights?

I just said that this news is false and the OP has no goal except spreading hatred, not advocating human rights, especially coming from a Saudi Arabian.

And about gays, it's been years after last homosexuals were 'actually' hanged in Iran. It's now just 'written on paper', not happening in reality. I have encountered homosexual couples in Tehran who are in relationship, no one will chase them unless they shout in public, which doesn't make sense, and it hasn't happened in past couple of years.

I myself disagree with many things related to human rights in Iran, but this isn't one of them, at least not now, and Saudis (or others) manipulating the reality to spread hatred is beyond hilarious. Portraying rapists as innocent gays? What's next?

I will correct the wrong where I see it, it doesn't mean I'm ignoring other wrongs that do exist in my country. I don't think that's very hard to understand.
No,I completely agree with what that Iranian MP has said, homos should shut their mouths or face the consequences but those two rapists were not executed because they were gays.


Oh, i cought a big one.
No,I completely agree with what that Iranian MP has said, homos should shut their mouths or face the consequences but those two rapists were not executed because they were gays.
You are a fool. You just said that they have executed one of them since he was a darvish, and made fake excuses to execute him. So, is it allowed to kill someone because of his religious believes? You are really a retard.
Ali Mozafarian was a separatist and Safa Ali Shah Hamadani was executed because he was the leader of a darvish cult they added sodomy as well to make their crimes heavier, those two executed in 2006 were rapist who raped a 13 year old boy.

Mahmoud Asgari and Ayaz Marhoni - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What does it have to do with my post? Where did I say that Iran is a beacon of human rights?

I just said that this news is false and the OP has no goal except spreading hatred, not advocating human rights, especially coming from a Saudi Arabian.

And about gays, it's been years after last homosexuals were 'actually' hanged in Iran. It's now just 'written on paper', not happening in reality. I have encountered homosexual couples in Tehran who are in relationship, no one will chase them unless they shout in public, which doesn't make sense, and it hasn't happened in past couple of years.

I myself disagree with many things related to human rights in Iran, but this isn't one of them, at least not now, and Saudis (or others) manipulating the reality to spread hatred is beyond hilarious. Portraying rapists as innocent gays? What's next?

I will correct the wrong where I see it, it doesn't mean I'm ignoring other wrongs that do exist in my country. I don't think that's very hard to understand.

It was sarcasm mate. You are disappointing me :)

My point was, nobody needs to spread hatred about Iran since your zealots and their fanboys doing a great job on that.

Take MTN for example, he says he is completely agreeing with this:

In a November 2007 meeting with his British counterpart, Iranian member of parliament Mohsen Yahyavi admitted that Iran believes in the death penalty for homosexuality. According to Yahyavi, gays deserve to be tortured, executed, or both
Oh, i cought a big one.
Really, I must say that I prefer them to be exiled(the open ones) but those who are spreading these kind of acts must be stopped at all cost and you be sure that as long as we are in power they will not get the chance to spread their corruption amongst out people
Buddy, I know these goons very well. Do not mistake them. mullahs and mullah lovers policy always has been killing and torturing inside Iran and showing a humanitarian face with Rohani smiles for outside of Iran. they are only lying ;)

Although you and I have hardly looked in the eye, but I still hold a profound respect for you.

This isn't correlated to the topic. But, without a doubt the Shah of Iran was a monster, but those who succeeded him weren't merciful either. They sent Iran to the Stone Age without fire a single bullet. Just look at the huge number of the Iranian brain drain in academia as an example.
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