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Iran Executes Two for ‘Perversion

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Unfortunately outside of a minority of people who can try to look at global issues from an objective standpoint, most people act how you are describing. Most people believe that their grievances are superior to those of the "enemy". Most common soldiers and their populations believe they are acting justly, either due to human nature, indoctrination from their government, or everything else our governments do to ensure their citizens will fight any attempt to remove them.

The vast majority of the time, I would bet it is nurture that forms these opinions, not nature.

I bet you could take any person in this thread who says they approve of executing "gays", and if you changed the location they were born in, and the influences they gravitated to during their impressionable years, they would have a completely different outlook. It would be hard to convince me it is just a coincidence that the common denominator for this type of behavior is geographical location. Religion can't be blamed.

Agreed, it's just shocking with technology at our fingertips and ever increasing social media services we still have the same results with the vast majority of people looking at global and social issues from one standpoint.
I don't need to go any further, people can see for themselves the 'logic' and mentality of Israelis. Any wrong they commit is as 'Palestinian fairy tale', any action they take is completely justified, their occupation is completely justified, nothing else....

You see for yourselves how disturbed these people are and realize who you're aiding. They will continue to occupy our lands until they completely destroy our identity.
Gaza is not occupied.
In this forum, there are mostly a bunch of basiji mercenaries members, but they don't represent the Iranian society at all. these scums are less than 5% in Iran. Anyway, decent Iranian members are more than one or two, we have some respected members like Abii, Ahriman, Ghara ghan.
I'll look out for these members you mentioned, because the others on here are some of the most extreme I've ever had the misfortune to converse with.
I'll look out for these members you mentioned, because the others on here are some of the most extreme I've ever had the misfortune to converse with.
Those mentioned guys, are really good educated members.
the others are bunch of basij mercenaries, and they do not deserve to waste your time on them. Although based on the Israeli flag in your avatar, they won't let you go and they will definitely try to troll you. but, do not take them seriously and just laugh at their stupidity. ;)
Iranians in this thread showing their ugly side.

I'm sure there's a decent one or two on this forum. It might take a lot of looking though.

I would imagine that there is not much upside to posting anything that could be considered subversive in countries with stricter censorship and political monitoring, but that would just be a guess. I'm not pretending to know what the situation on the ground in any place other than my own is, but I try to read as many different news sources as possible so that I have better idea...
Gaza and the West Bank are occupied.
"Gaza is occupied because part of West Bank is occupied" is another rubbish invention, which contradicts Geneva Conventions:

Territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army.

The occupation extends only to the territory where such authority has been established and can be exercised.
@OCguy do by chance post in the Anandtech forums?
Its just some corrupted official.

Geneva conventions are clear on this matter.

New Proof that Gaza's Still Occupied - The Daily Beast

Gaza Under Siege | American Friends Service Committee

Is Gaza occupied?
While Israel has argued that it ceased occupying Gaza in 2005 when it unilaterally redeployed its troops outside of Gaza and withdrew its settlers from Gaza, Gaza continues to be occupied in accordance with international law and in the views of the international community, including the U.S.https://afsc.org/resource/gaza-under-siege#_edn1, the EU, and the U.N.[ii]. Israel’s continued responsibility as the occupying power in Gaza results from several factors. First, Israel continues to exert effective control over Gaza including control of the borders, airspace, waterways, population registry, currency, the movement of people, trade, electrical supply, water supply, and more. Second, Israel maintains and exerts a right to conduct regular military operations in Gaza, giving it effective military control over the territory. Under international law[iii], effective control is the key measures of occupation. :D
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